Пример #1
// Create GLC_Object to display
void GLWidget::CreateScene()
	// Load mesh from a file
	QFile manFile(":man.obj");
	m_World= GLC_Factory::instance()->createWorldFromFile(manFile);

Пример #2
QgsGrassModule::QgsGrassModule( QgsGrassTools *tools, QString moduleName, QgisInterface *iface,
                                bool direct, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
  : QWidget( parent, f )
  , QgsGrassModuleBase()
  , mOptions( 0 )
  , mSuccess( false )
  , mDirect( direct )
  Q_UNUSED( f );
  QgsDebugMsg( "called" );

  setupUi( this );
  // use fixed width font because module's output may be formatted
  mOutputTextBrowser->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "font-family: Monospace; font-size: 9pt;" ) );
  lblModuleName->setText( tr( "Module: %1" ).arg( moduleName ) );
  mTools = tools;
  mIface = iface;
  mCanvas = mIface->mapCanvas();
  //mParent = parent;

  /* Read module description and create options */

  // Open QGIS module description
  QString mpath = QgsGrass::modulesConfigDirPath() + "/" + moduleName + ".qgm";
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mpath = %1" ).arg( mpath ) );
  QFile qFile( mpath );
  if ( !qFile.exists() )
    mErrors.append( tr( "The module file (%1) not found." ).arg( mpath ) );
  if ( ! qFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    mErrors.append( tr( "Cannot open module file (%1)" ).arg( mpath ) );
  QDomDocument qDoc( QStringLiteral( "qgisgrassmodule" ) );
  QString err;
  int line, column;
  if ( !qDoc.setContent( &qFile,  &err, &line, &column ) )
    QString errmsg = tr( "Cannot read module file (%1)" ).arg( mpath )
                     + tr( "\n%1\nat line %2 column %3" ).arg( err ).arg( line ).arg( column );
    QgsDebugMsg( errmsg );
    mErrors.append( errmsg );
  QDomElement qDocElem = qDoc.documentElement();

  // Read GRASS module description
  QString xName = qDocElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "module" ) );
  QString xDocName = qDocElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "manual" ) );
  if ( xDocName.isEmpty() )
    xDocName = xName;

  // Binary modules on windows has .exe extension
  // but not all modules have to be binary (can be scripts)
  // => test if the module is in path and if it is not
  // add .exe and test again
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
  mXName = QgsGrass::findModule( xName );
  if ( mXName.isNull() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Module " + xName + " not found" );
    mErrors.append( tr( "Module %1 not found" ).arg( xName ) );
  mXName = xName;

  QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( mTabWidget->widget( 0 ) );
  layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  if ( xName == QLatin1String( "r.mapcalc" ) )
    mOptions = new QgsGrassMapcalc( mTools, this,
                                    mIface, mTabWidget->widget( 0 ) );
    mOptions = new QgsGrassModuleStandardOptions( mTools, this,
        mIface, mXName, qDocElem, mDirect, mTabWidget->widget( 0 ) );
  layout->addWidget( dynamic_cast<QWidget *>( mOptions ) );

  if ( !mOptions->errors().isEmpty() )
    mErrors.append( mOptions->errors() );

  // Hide display if there is no output
  if ( !mOptions->hasOutput( QgsGrassModuleOption::Vector )
       && !mOptions->hasOutput( QgsGrassModuleOption::Raster ) )
  mViewButton->setEnabled( false );

  // Create manual if available
  QString gisBase = getenv( "GISBASE" );
  QString manPath = gisBase + "/docs/html/" + xDocName + ".html";
  QFile manFile( manPath );
  if ( manFile.exists() )
    mManualTextBrowser->setOpenExternalLinks( true );
    mManualTextBrowser->setSource( QUrl::fromLocalFile( manPath ) );
    mManualTextBrowser->textCursor().insertImage( QStringLiteral( ":/grass/error.png" ) );
    mManualTextBrowser->insertPlainText( tr( "Cannot find man page %1" ).arg( manPath ) );
    mManualTextBrowser->insertPlainText( tr( "Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed." ) );

  connect( &mProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &QgsGrassModule::readStdout );
  connect( &mProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &QgsGrassModule::readStderr );
  connect( &mProcess, static_cast<void ( QProcess::* )( int, QProcess::ExitStatus )>( &QProcess::finished ), this, &QgsGrassModule::finished );

  const char *env = "GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=gui";
  char *envstr = new char[strlen( env ) + 1];
  strcpy( envstr, env );
  putenv( envstr );

  mOutputTextBrowser->setReadOnly( true );