Пример #1
 static void
 read(IS& is, char const* delim, mpl::false_ = mpl::false_())
     detail::string_ios_manip<Tag, IS> manip(is);
Пример #2
 AutoGzOfstream& AutoGzOfstream::operator << (std::ostream&(*manip)(std::ostream&)) {
   return *this;
Пример #3
char* GFXGLShader::_handleIncludes( const Torque::Path& path, FileStream *s )
   // TODO:  The #line pragma on GLSL takes something called a
   // "source-string-number" which it then never explains.
   // Until i resolve this mystery i disabled this.
   //String linePragma = String::ToString( "#line 1 \r\n");
   //U32 linePragmaLen = linePragma.length();

   U32 shaderLen = s->getStreamSize();
   char* buffer = (char*)dMalloc(shaderLen + 1);
   //dStrncpy( buffer, linePragma.c_str(), linePragmaLen );
   s->read(shaderLen, buffer);
   buffer[shaderLen] = 0;
   char* p = dStrstr(buffer, "#include");
      char* q = p;
      p += 8;
         U32 n = 0;
         while(dIsspace(*p)) ++p;
         AssertFatal(*p == '"', "Bad #include directive");
         static char includeFile[256];
         while(*p != '"')
            AssertFatal(*p != 0, "Bad #include directive");
            includeFile[n++] = *p++;
            AssertFatal(n < sizeof(includeFile), "#include directive too long");
         includeFile[n] = 0;

         // First try it as a local file.
         Torque::Path includePath = Torque::Path::Join(path.getPath(), '/', includeFile);
         includePath = Torque::Path::CompressPath(includePath);
         FileStream includeStream;

         if ( !includeStream.open( includePath, Torque::FS::File::Read ) )
            // Try again assuming the path is absolute 
            // and/or relative.
            includePath = String( includeFile );
            includePath = Torque::Path::CompressPath(includePath);
            if ( !includeStream.open( includePath, Torque::FS::File::Read ) )
               AssertISV(false, avar("failed to open include '%s'.", includePath.getFullPath().c_str()));

               if ( smLogErrors )
                  Con::errorf( "GFXGLShader::_handleIncludes - Failed to open include '%s'.", 
                     includePath.getFullPath().c_str() );

               // Fail... don't return the buffer.
               return NULL;

         char* includedText = _handleIncludes(includePath, &includeStream);
         // If a sub-include fails... cleanup and return.
         if ( !includedText )
            return NULL;
         // TODO: Disabled till this is fixed correctly.
         // Count the number of lines in the file 
         // before the include.
         U32 includeLine = 0;
            char* nl = dStrstr( buffer, "\n" );
            while ( nl )
               nl = dStrstr( nl, "\n" );
               if(nl) ++nl;

         String manip(buffer);
         manip.erase(q-buffer, p-q);
         String sItx(includedText);

         // TODO: Disabled till this is fixed correctly.
         // Add a new line pragma to restore the proper
         // file and line number after the include.
         //sItx += String::ToString( "\r\n#line %d \r\n", includeLine );
         manip.insert(q-buffer, sItx);
         char* manipBuf = dStrdup(manip.c_str());
         p = manipBuf + (q - buffer);
         buffer = manipBuf;
      p = dStrstr(p, "#include");
   return buffer;
Пример #4
const CSrvDiagMsg& operator<< (const CSrvDiagMsg& msg, const CSrvDiagMsg& (*manip)(const CSrvDiagMsg&))
    return manip(msg);
Пример #5
 * Decode test
 * Decode the specified encoded file in "in_encoded_file" into temporary
 * PCM output file, and compare the temporary PCM output file with
 * the PCM reference file.
 * Some reference file requires manipulation to the PCM output
 * before comparison, such manipulation can be done by supplying
 * this function with the "manip" function.
static int codec_test_decode(pjmedia_codec_mgr *mgr, 
			     char *codec_name, 
			     unsigned bitrate,
			     unsigned encoded_len,
			     const char *in_encoded_file,
			     const char *ref_pcm_file,
			     void (*manip)(short *pcm, unsigned count))
    pj_str_t codec_id = pj_str(codec_name);
    pj_pool_t *pool = NULL;
    unsigned count, samples_per_frame, pos;
    pjmedia_codec *codec = NULL;
    const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1];
    pjmedia_codec_param codec_param;
    pjmedia_frame out_frame;
    void *pkt;
    FILE *input = NULL, *output = NULL, *fref = NULL;
    pj_bool_t is_itu_format = PJ_FALSE;
    int rc = 0;
    pj_status_t status;

    pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "codec-vectors", 512, 512, NULL);
    if (!pool)  {
	rc = -20;
	goto on_return;

    /* Find and open the codec */
    count = 1;
    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(mgr, &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
	rc = -30;
	goto on_return;

    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(mgr, ci[0], &codec);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
	rc = -40;
	goto on_return;

    status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(mgr, ci[0], &codec_param);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
	rc = -50;
	goto on_return;

    codec_param.info.avg_bps = bitrate;
    codec_param.setting.vad = 0;

    status = codec->op->init(codec, pool);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
	rc = -60;
	goto on_return;

    status = codec->op->open(codec, &codec_param);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
	rc = -70;
	goto on_return;

    /* Open input file */
    input = fopen(in_encoded_file, "rb");
    if (!input) {
	rc = -80;
	goto on_return;

    /* Is the file in ITU format? */
    is_itu_format = pj_ansi_stricmp(in_encoded_file+strlen(in_encoded_file)-4,

    /* Open output file */
    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "wb");
    if (!output) {
	rc = -90;
	goto on_return;

    /* Allocate buffer for PCM and encoded frames */
    samples_per_frame = codec_param.info.clock_rate * codec_param.info.frm_ptime / 1000;
    pkt = pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame * 2);
    out_frame.buf = (pj_uint8_t*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, samples_per_frame * 2);

    /* Loop read WAV file and encode and write to output file */
    for (;;) {
	pjmedia_frame in_frame[2];
	pj_timestamp ts;
	unsigned count;
	pj_bool_t has_frame;

	if (is_itu_format) {
	    int nsamp;
	    short frame_err = 0;

	    nsamp = read_ITU_format(input, (short*)pkt, &frame_err,
				    encoded_len / 2, PJ_TRUE);
	    if (nsamp != (int)encoded_len / 2)

	    has_frame = !frame_err;
	} else {
	    if (fread(pkt, encoded_len, 1, input) != 1)

	    has_frame = PJ_TRUE;

	if (has_frame) {
	    count = 2;
	    if (codec->op->parse(codec, pkt, encoded_len, &ts, 
				 &count, in_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS) 
		rc = -100;
		goto on_return;

	    if (count != 1) {
		rc = -110;
		goto on_return;

	    if (codec->op->decode(codec, &in_frame[0], samples_per_frame*2, 
				  &out_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS) 
		rc = -120;
		goto on_return;
	} else {
	    if (codec->op->recover(codec, samples_per_frame*2, 
				   &out_frame) != PJ_SUCCESS)
		rc = -125;
		goto on_return;

	if (manip)
	    manip((short*)out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame);

	if (fwrite(out_frame.buf, out_frame.size, 1, output) != 1) {
	    rc = -130;
	    goto on_return;

    input = NULL;

    output = NULL;
    /* Compare encoded files */
    fref = fopen(ref_pcm_file, "rb");
    if (!fref) {
	rc = -140;
	goto on_return;

    output = fopen(TMP_OUT, "rb");
    if (!output) {
	rc = -110;
	goto on_return;

    pos = 0;
    for (;;) {
	int count;
	count = fread(pkt, samples_per_frame*2, 1, fref);
	if (count != 1)

	count = fread(out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame*2, 1, output);
	if (count != 1)

	if (memcmp(pkt, out_frame.buf, samples_per_frame*2)) {
	    unsigned i;
	    pj_int16_t *in = (pj_int16_t*)pkt;
	    pj_int16_t *out = (pj_int16_t*)out_frame.buf;

	    for (i=0; i<samples_per_frame; ++i) {
		if (in[i] != out[i])

	    PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE,"     failed: mismatch at samples %d", pos+i));
	    rc = -200;

	pos += samples_per_frame;

    if (output)

    if (fref)

    if (input)

    if (codec) {
	pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(mgr, codec);

    if (pool)

    return rc;