int loaddll(const char * dlname) { char *error; struct bfinit { runfnp run; void *memptr; putfnp bf_putch; getfnp bf_getch; } *bf_init; if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr, "Loading DLL \"%s\"\n", dlname); /* Normally this would use RTLD_LAZY, but here it should be v.short. */ handle = dlopen(dlname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */ if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr, "Finding bf_init symbol in \"%s\"\n", dlname); bf_init = dlsym(handle, "bf_init"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* I'm using a singlton structure to pass values between us and the DLL * so I don't have to mess with the even more ugly pointer casts mandated * by ISO and POSIX to pass function pointers around. * * I get the pointer to the DLL function I want to call. * Provide pointers to two of my functions (and so don't have to link * with the -rdynamic flag) * and set the DLL's tape pointer to our huge ram allocation. */ bf_init->memptr = map_hugeram(); bf_init->bf_putch = putch; bf_init->bf_getch = getch; runfunc = bf_init->run; if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr, "DLL loaded successfully\n"); return 0; }
void run_tccode(void) { char * ccode; size_t ccodelen; FILE * ofd; TCCState *s; int rv; void * memp; #ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__ void * iso_workaround; #endif libtcc_specials = 1; ofd = open_memstream(&ccode, &ccodelen); if (ofd == NULL) { perror("open_memstream"); exit(7); } print_ccode(ofd); putc('\0', ofd); fclose(ofd); memp = map_hugeram(); s = tcc_new(); if (s == NULL) { perror("tcc_new()"); exit(7); } tcc_set_output_type(s, TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY); tcc_compile_string(s, ccode); tcc_add_symbol(s, "mem", memp); /* If our code was read from stdin it'll be done in standard mode, * the stdio stream is now modal (always a bad idea) so it's been switched * to standard mode, stupidly, it's now impossible to switch it back. * * So have the loaded C code use our getch and putch functions. * * The ugly casting is forced by the C99 standard as a (void*) is not a * valid cast for a function pointer. */ #ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__ *(void_func*) &iso_workaround = (void_func) &getch; tcc_add_symbol(s, "getch", iso_workaround); *(void_func*) &iso_workaround = (void_func) &putch; tcc_add_symbol(s, "putch", iso_workaround); #else tcc_add_symbol(s, "getch", &getch); tcc_add_symbol(s, "putch", &putch); #if defined(__TCCLIB_VERSION) && __TCCLIB_VERSION == 0x000925 #define TCCDONE { int (*func)(void); int imagesize; void * image = 0; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Running C Code using libtcc 9.25.\n"); imagesize = tcc_relocate(s, 0); if (imagesize <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tcc_relocate failed to return code size.\n"); exit(1); } image = malloc(imagesize); rv = tcc_relocate(s, image); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "tcc_relocate failed error=%d\n", rv); exit(1); } /* * The ugly casting is forced by the C99 standard as a (void*) is not a * valid cast for a function pointer. * *(void **) (&func) = tcc_get_symbol(s, "main"); */ func = tcc_get_symbol(s, "main"); if (!func) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find compiled code entry point\n"); exit(1); } tcc_delete(s); free(ccode); start_runclock(); func(); finish_runclock(&run_time, &io_time); free(image); } #endif #if defined(__TCCLIB_VERSION) && __TCCLIB_VERSION == 0x000926 #define TCCDONE { int (*func)(void); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Running C Code using libtcc 9.26.\n"); rv = tcc_relocate(s); if (rv) { perror("tcc_relocate()"); fprintf(stderr, "tcc_relocate failed return value=%d\n", rv); exit(1); } /* * The ugly casting is forced by the C99 standard as a (void*) is not a * valid cast for a function pointer. *(void **) (&func) = tcc_get_symbol(s, "main"); */ func = tcc_get_symbol(s, "main"); if (!func) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find compiled code entry point\n"); exit(1); } start_runclock(); func(); finish_runclock(&run_time, &io_time); tcc_delete(s); free(ccode); } #endif #endif #if !defined(TCCDONE) { static char arg0_tcclib[] = "tcclib"; static char * args[] = {arg0_tcclib, 0}; /* Hmm, I want to do the above without named initialisers ... so it looks like this ... but without the const problem. static char * args[] = {"tcclib", 0}; */ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Running C Code using libtcc tcc_run() to compile & run.\n"); rv = tcc_run(s, 1, args); if (verbose && rv) fprintf(stderr, "tcc_run returned %d\n", rv); tcc_delete(s); free(ccode); } #endif }
void run_gnulightning(void) { struct bfi * n = bfprog; int maxstack = 0, stackptr = 0; char *strbuf = 0; size_t maxstrlen = 0; #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_insn** loopstack = 0; jit_insn *codeBuffer; void * startptr; int argp; #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_node_t *start, *end; /* For size of code */ jit_node_t** loopstack = 0; jit_node_t *argp; #endif if (cell_size == 8) tape_step = 1; else tape_step = sizeof(int); #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 /* TODO: Use mmap for allocating memory, the x86 execute protection * bit is on the segment so Linux has to say thay everything below * a specific address is executable. If you ask mmap for executable * memory it can put it below the current value. The mprotect() * function can't do this. */ if (total_nodes < 4096) codeBuffer = malloc(65536); else codeBuffer = malloc(16 * total_nodes); save_ptr_for_free(codeBuffer); codeptr = (codeptr_t) jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).vptr; startptr = jit_get_ip().ptr; /* Function call prolog */ jit_prolog(1); /* Get the data area pointer */ argp = jit_arg_p(); jit_getarg_p(REG_P, argp); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 init_jit(NULL); // argv[0]); _jit = jit_new_state(); start = jit_note(__FILE__, __LINE__); jit_prolog(); /* Get the data area pointer */ argp = jit_arg(); jit_getarg(REG_P, argp); #endif while(n) { switch(n->type) { case T_MOV: if (acc_loaded) acc_offset -= n->count; jit_addi(REG_P, REG_P, n->count * tape_step); break; case T_ADD: load_acc_offset(n->offset); set_acc_offset(n->offset); jit_addi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, n->count); break; case T_SET: set_acc_offset(n->offset); if (acc_const && acc_const_val == n->count) { ; } else if (acc_const && acc_const_val+1 == n->count) { jit_addi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, 1); } else if (acc_const && acc_const_val-1 == n->count) { jit_addi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, -1); } else { jit_movi(REG_ACC, n->count); } acc_const = 1; acc_const_val = n->count; break; case T_CALC: if (n->offset == n->offset2 && n->count2 == 1) { load_acc_offset(n->offset); set_acc_offset(n->offset); if (n->count) jit_addi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, n->count); } else if (n->count2 != 0) { load_acc_offset(n->offset2); set_acc_offset(n->offset); if (n->count2 == -1) jit_negr(REG_ACC, REG_ACC); else if (n->count2 != 1) jit_muli(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, n->count2); if (n->count) jit_addi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, n->count); } else { clean_acc(); set_acc_offset(n->offset); jit_movi(REG_ACC, n->count); if (n->count2 != 0) { if (tape_step > 1) jit_ldxi_i(REG_A1, REG_P, n->offset2 * tape_step); else jit_ldxi_uc(REG_A1, REG_P, n->offset2); if (n->count2 == -1) jit_negr(REG_A1, REG_A1); else if (n->count2 != 1) jit_muli(REG_A1, REG_A1, n->count2); jit_addr(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, REG_A1); } } if (n->count3 != 0) { if (tape_step > 1) jit_ldxi_i(REG_A1, REG_P, n->offset3 * tape_step); else jit_ldxi_uc(REG_A1, REG_P, n->offset3); if (n->count3 == -1) jit_negr(REG_A1, REG_A1); else if (n->count3 != 1) jit_muli(REG_A1, REG_A1, n->count3); jit_addr(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, REG_A1); } break; case T_IF: case T_MULT: case T_CMULT: case T_WHL: load_acc_offset(n->offset); clean_acc(); acc_const = acc_loaded = 0; if (stackptr >= maxstack) { loopstack = realloc(loopstack, ((maxstack+=32)+2)*sizeof(*loopstack)); if (loopstack == 0) { perror("loop stack realloc failure"); exit(1); } } if (cell_mask > 0 && acc_hi_dirty) { if (cell_mask == 0xFF) jit_extr_uc(REG_ACC,REG_ACC); else jit_andi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, cell_mask); } #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 loopstack[stackptr] = jit_beqi_i(jit_forward(), REG_ACC, 0); loopstack[stackptr+1] = jit_get_label(); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 loopstack[stackptr] = jit_beqi(REG_ACC, 0); loopstack[stackptr+1] = jit_label(); #endif stackptr += 2; break; case T_END: load_acc_offset(n->offset); clean_acc(); stackptr -= 2; if (stackptr < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Code gen failure: Stack pointer negative.\n"); exit(1); } if (cell_mask > 0 && acc_hi_dirty) { if (cell_mask == 0xFF) jit_extr_uc(REG_ACC,REG_ACC); else jit_andi(REG_ACC, REG_ACC, cell_mask); } #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_bnei_i(loopstack[stackptr+1], REG_ACC, 0); jit_patch(loopstack[stackptr]); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 { jit_node_t *ref; ref = jit_bnei(REG_ACC, 0); jit_patch_at(ref, loopstack[stackptr+1]); jit_patch(loopstack[stackptr]); } #endif break; case T_ENDIF: clean_acc(); acc_const = acc_loaded = 0; stackptr -= 2; if (stackptr < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Code gen failure: Stack pointer negative.\n"); exit(1); } jit_patch(loopstack[stackptr]); break; case T_PRT: clean_acc(); load_acc_offset(n->offset); acc_loaded = 0; #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_prepare_i(1); jit_pusharg_i(REG_ACC); jit_finish(putch); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_prepare(); jit_pushargr(REG_ACC); jit_finishi(putch); #endif break; case T_CHR: clean_acc(); acc_const = acc_loaded = 0; if (n->count <= 0 || (n->count >= 127 && iostyle == 1) || !n->next || n->next->type != T_CHR) { jit_movi(REG_ACC, n->count); #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_prepare_i(1); jit_pusharg_i(REG_ACC); jit_finish(putch); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_prepare(); jit_pushargr(REG_ACC); jit_finishi(putch); #endif } else { unsigned i = 0; struct bfi * v = n; char *s; while(v->next && v->next->type == T_CHR && v->next->count > 0 && (v->next->count < 127 || iostyle != 1)) { if (i+2 > maxstrlen) { if (maxstrlen) maxstrlen *= 2; else maxstrlen = 4096; strbuf = realloc(strbuf, maxstrlen); if (!strbuf) { fprintf(stderr, "Reallocate of string buffer failed\n"); exit(42); } } strbuf[i++] = (char) /*GCC -Wconversion*/ v->count; n = v; v = v->next; } strbuf[i] = 0; s = strdup(strbuf); if (!s) { fprintf(stderr, "Save of string failed\n"); exit(43); } save_ptr_for_free(s); #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_movi_p(REG_ACC, s); jit_prepare_i(1); jit_pusharg_i(REG_ACC); jit_finish(puts_without_nl); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_prepare(); jit_pushargi((jit_word_t) s); jit_finishi(puts_without_nl); #endif } break; case T_INP: load_acc_offset(n->offset); set_acc_offset(n->offset); #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_prepare_i(1); jit_pusharg_i(REG_ACC); jit_finish(getch); jit_retval_i(REG_ACC); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_prepare(); jit_pushargr(REG_ACC); jit_finishi(getch); jit_retval(REG_ACC); #endif break; case T_STOP: #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_prepare_i(0); jit_finish(failout); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_prepare(); jit_finishi(failout); #endif break; case T_NOP: case T_DUMP: fprintf(stderr, "Warning on code generation: " "%s node: ptr+%d, cnt=%d, @(%d,%d).\n", tokennames[n->type], n->offset, n->count, n->line, n->col); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Code gen error: " "%s\t" "%d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d\n", tokennames[n->type], n->offset, n->count, n->offset2, n->count2, n->offset3, n->count3); exit(1); } n=n->next; #if 0 /*def GNULIGHTv2 */ if(n && enable_trace) { char *p, buf[250]; clean_acc(); acc_loaded = 0; sprintf(buf, "@(%d,%d)\n", n->line, n->col); p = strdup(buf); save_ptr_for_free(p); jit_prepare(); jit_pushargi((jit_word_t) p); jit_finishi(puts_without_nl); } #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 /* TODO -- Check for codeBuffer overflow (add jmp to new) */ #endif } jit_ret(); if (strbuf) { maxstrlen = 0; free(strbuf); strbuf = 0; } delete_tree(); #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 jit_flush_code(startptr, jit_get_ip().ptr); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Generated %d bytes of V1 GNU Lightning code, running\n", (int)(jit_get_ip().ptr - (char*)startptr)); start_runclock(); codeptr(map_hugeram()); finish_runclock(&run_time, &io_time); #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_epilog(); end = jit_note(__FILE__, __LINE__); codeptr = jit_emit(); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Generated %d bytes of V2 GNU Lightning code, running\n", (int)((char*)jit_address(end) - (char*)jit_address(start))); jit_clear_state(); // jit_disassemble(); start_runclock(); codeptr(map_hugeram()); finish_runclock(&run_time, &io_time); #endif #if 0 /* This code writes the generated instructions to a file * so we can disassemble it using: ndisasm -b 32/64 code.bin */ { #ifdef GNULIGHTv1 char *p = startptr; int s = jit_get_ip().ptr - p; #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 char *p = (char*)jit_address(start); int s = (char*)jit_address(end) - p; #endif FILE *fp = fopen("code.bin", "w"); int i; for (i = 0; i < s; ++i) { fputc(p[i], fp); } fclose(fp); } #endif #ifdef GNULIGHTv2 jit_destroy_state(); finish_jit(); #endif codeptr = 0; if (loopstack) { free(loopstack); loopstack = 0; } free_saved_memory(); }