/** * Get the id that belongs to a string name from gparam_t structure. * * Get the id that belongs to a string name from gparam_t structure, use the * search_id function for the lookup. * @param _msg SIP message * @param gp id as integer, pseudo-variable or AVP name of carrier * @param map lookup function * @param size size of the list * @return id on success, -1 otherwise */ static inline int cr_gp2id(struct sip_msg *_msg, gparam_t *gp, struct name_map_t *map, int size) { int id; struct usr_avp *avp; int_str avp_val; str tmp; switch (gp->type) { case GPARAM_TYPE_INT: return gp->v.i; break; case GPARAM_TYPE_PVE: /* does this PV hold an AVP? */ if (gp->v.pve->spec->type==PVT_AVP) { avp = search_first_avp(gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.type, gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name, &avp_val, 0); if (!avp) { if(gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.type & AVP_NAME_STR) LM_ERR("cannot find AVP '%.*s'\n", gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.s.len, gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.s.s); else if(gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.type & AVP_NAME_RE) LM_ERR("cannot find AVP regex\n"); else LM_ERR("cannot find AVP '%d'\n", gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.n); return -1; } if ((avp->flags&AVP_VAL_STR)==0) { return avp_val.n; } else { id = map_name2id(map, size, &avp_val.s); if (id < 0) { if(gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.type & AVP_NAME_STR) LM_ERR("cannot map carrier with id %.*s from AVP '%.*s'\n", avp_val.s.len, avp_val.s.s, gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.s.len, gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.s.s); else if(gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.type & AVP_NAME_RE) LM_ERR("cannot map carrier with id %.*s from AVP regex\n", avp_val.s.len, avp_val.s.s); else LM_ERR("cannot map carrier with id %.*s from AVP '%d'\n", avp_val.s.len, avp_val.s.s, gp->v.pve->spec->pvp.pvn.u.isname.name.n); return -1; } return id; } } else { /* retrieve name from parameter */ if (fixup_get_svalue(_msg, gp, &tmp)<0) { LM_ERR("cannot print the name from PV\n"); return -1; } id = map_name2id(map, size, &tmp); if (id < 0) { LM_ERR("could not find id '%.*s' from PV\n", tmp.len, tmp.s); return -1; } return id; } default: LM_ERR("invalid parameter type\n"); return -1; } }
/** * The fixup funcions will use the initial mapping. * If the mapping changes afterwards (eg. due to cr_reload_routes), * the names used in the routing script will not be mapped * to the correct IDs! * @param name domain name * @return domain id */ static int domain_name_2_id(const str *name) { int id; struct route_data_t * rd; do { rd = get_data(); } while (rd == NULL); id = map_name2id(rd->domain_map, rd->domain_num, name); release_data(rd); return id; }
/** * loads the config data into shared memory (but doesn't really * share it), updates the routing data and writes it to the config * file. Afterwards, the global routing data is reloaded. * * @param opts pointer to the option structure which contains * data to be modified or to be added * * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ static int update_route_data(fifo_opt_t * opts) { struct route_data_t * rd; int i,j; int domain_id; str tmp_domain; str tmp_prefix; str tmp_host; str tmp_rewrite_prefix; str tmp_rewrite_suffix; str tmp_comment = str_init(""); if ((rd = shm_malloc(sizeof(struct route_data_t))) == NULL) { SHM_MEM_ERROR; return -1; } memset(rd, 0, sizeof(struct route_data_t)); if (load_config(rd) < 0) { LM_ERR("could not load config"); FIFO_ERR(E_LOADCONF); return -1; } if (rule_fixup(rd) < 0) { LM_ERR("could not fixup rules"); FIFO_ERR(E_RULEFIXUP); return -1; } updated = 0; if (opts->cmd == OPT_ADD) { tmp_domain=opts->domain; tmp_prefix=opts->prefix; tmp_host=opts->host; tmp_rewrite_prefix=opts->rewrite_prefix; tmp_rewrite_suffix=opts->rewrite_suffix; if (tmp_domain.s==NULL) { tmp_domain.s=""; tmp_domain.len=0; } if (tmp_prefix.s==NULL) { tmp_prefix.s=""; tmp_prefix.len=0; } if (tmp_host.s==NULL) { tmp_host.s=""; tmp_host.len=0; } if (tmp_rewrite_prefix.s==NULL) { tmp_rewrite_prefix.s=""; tmp_rewrite_prefix.len=0; } if (tmp_rewrite_suffix.s==NULL) { tmp_rewrite_suffix.s=""; tmp_rewrite_suffix.len=0; } domain_id = map_name2id(rd->domain_map, rd->domain_num, &tmp_domain); if (domain_id < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot find id for domain '%.*s'", tmp_domain.len, tmp_domain.s); goto errout; } if (add_route(rd, 1, domain_id, &tmp_prefix, 0, 0, 0, opts->prob, &tmp_host, opts->strip, &tmp_rewrite_prefix, &tmp_rewrite_suffix, opts->status, opts->hash_index, -1, NULL, &tmp_comment) < 0) { goto errout; } updated = 1; if (rule_fixup(rd) < 0) { LM_ERR("could not fixup rules after route appending"); FIFO_ERR(E_RULEFIXUP); goto errout; } } else { for (i=0; i<rd->carrier_num; i++) { if(rd->carriers[i]){ for (j=0; j<rd->carriers[i]->domain_num; j++) { if (rd->carriers[i]->domains[j] && rd->carriers[i]->domains[j]->tree) { if (update_route_data_recursor(rd->carriers[i]->domains[j]->tree, rd->carriers[i]->domains[j]->name, opts) < 0) { goto errout; } } } } } } if(!updated){ LM_ERR("no match for update found"); FIFO_ERR(E_NOUPDATE); goto errout; } if (save_config(rd) < 0) { LM_ERR("could not save config"); FIFO_ERR(E_SAVECONF); goto errout; } if (reload_route_data() == -1) { LM_ERR("could not reload route data"); FIFO_ERR(E_LOADCONF); goto errout; } clear_route_data(rd); return 0; errout: clear_route_data(rd); return -1; }