Пример #1
/* Get the nearest known position we know the line number of
   (i.e. BUF_BEGV, and cached positions).  The return position will be
   either closer than BEG, or BEG.  The line of this known position
   will be stored in LINE.

   *LINE should be initialized to the line number of BEG (normally,
   BEG will be BUF_BEGV, and *LINE will be XFIXNUM (LINE_NUMBER_BEGV).
   This will initialize the cache, if necessary.  */
static void
get_nearest_line_number (struct buffer *b, Charbpos *beg, Charbpos pos,
			 EMACS_INT *line)
  Lisp_Object *ring = XVECTOR_DATA (LINE_NUMBER_RING (b));
  Charcount length = pos - *beg;

  if (length < 0)
    length = -length;

  /* Find the ring entry closest to POS, if it is closer than BEG. */
  for (i = 0; i < LINE_NUMBER_RING_SIZE && CONSP (ring[i]); i++)
      Charbpos newpos = marker_position (XCAR (ring[i]));
      Charcount howfar = newpos - pos;
      if (howfar < 0)
	howfar = -howfar;
      if (howfar < length)
	  length = howfar;
	  *beg = newpos;
	  *line = XFIXNUM (XCDR (ring[i]));
Пример #2
/* Invalidate the line number cache positions that lie after POS. */
static void
invalidate_line_number_cache (struct buffer *b, Charbpos pos)
  EMACS_INT i, j;
  Lisp_Object *ring = XVECTOR_DATA (LINE_NUMBER_RING (b));

  for (i = 0; i < LINE_NUMBER_RING_SIZE; i++)
      if (!CONSP (ring[i]))
      /* As the marker stays behind the insertions, this check might
         as well be `>'.  However, Finsert_before_markers can advance
         the marker anyway, which bites in shell buffers.

	 #### This forces recreation of the cached marker (and
	 recalculation of newlines) every time a newline is inserted
	 at point, which is way losing.  Isn't there a way to make a
	 marker impervious to Finsert_before_markers()??  Maybe I
	 should convert the code to use extents.  */
      if (marker_position (XCAR (ring[i])) >= pos)
	  /* Get the marker out of the way.  */
	  Fset_marker (XCAR (ring[i]), Qnil, Qnil);
	  /* ...and shift the ring elements, up to the first nil.  */
	  for (j = i; !NILP (ring[j]) && j < LINE_NUMBER_RING_SIZE - 1; j++)
	    ring[j] = ring[j + 1];
	  ring[j] = Qnil;
	  /* Must recheck position i. */
Пример #3
/* #### The -1 check is such a hack. */
static void
x_update_scrollbar_instance_values (struct window *w,
				    struct scrollbar_instance *inst,
				    int new_line_increment,
				    int new_page_increment,
				    int new_minimum, int new_maximum,
				    int new_slider_size,
				    int new_slider_position,
				    int new_scrollbar_width,
				    int new_scrollbar_height,
				    int new_scrollbar_x, int new_scrollbar_y)
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (line_increment);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (page_increment);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (minimum);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (maximum);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (slider_size);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (slider_position);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (scrollbar_width);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (scrollbar_height);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (scrollbar_x);
  UPDATE_DATA_FIELD (scrollbar_y);

  /* This doesn't work with Athena, why? */
  if (w && !vertical_drag_in_progress)
      int new_vov = SCROLLBAR_X_POS_DATA (inst).slider_position;
      int new_vows = marker_position (w->start[CURRENT_DISP]);

      if (SCROLLBAR_X_VDRAG_ORIG_VALUE (inst) != new_vov)
	  SCROLLBAR_X_VDRAG_ORIG_VALUE (inst) = new_vov;
	  inst->scrollbar_instance_changed = 1;
      if (SCROLLBAR_X_VDRAG_ORIG_WINDOW_START (inst) != new_vows)
	  inst->scrollbar_instance_changed = 1;
// Publish recorded markers but also push waypoint trajectories.
void pub_recorded_marker(ros::Publisher &marker_pub, visualization_msgs::Marker::ConstPtr &rosbag_marker, 
                         int index, int total_markers, tf::Transform &translate_to_main, tf::Transform &rotate_to_main ){

    tf::Vector3 marker_position (rosbag_marker->pose.position.x,
    tf::Quaternion marker_orientation (rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.x,

    // Perform tf transformation.
    marker_position = translate_to_main * marker_position; 
    marker_orientation = rotate_to_main * marker_orientation;

     visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
    uint32_t shape = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
    // Set the frame ID and timestamp.  See the TF tutorials for information on these.
    //marker.header.frame_id = "/my_frame";
    marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
    marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    // Set the namespace and id for this marker.  This serves to create a unique ID
    // Any marker sent with the same namespace and id will overwrite the old one
    marker.ns = rosbag_marker->ns;//"basic_shapes";
    marker.id = index;//rosbag_marker->id;

    // Set the marker type.  Initially this is CUBE, and cycles between that and SPHERE, ARROW, and CYLINDER
    marker.type = rosbag_marker->type; //shape;

    // Set the marker action.  Options are ADD, DELETE, and new in ROS Indigo: 3 (DELETEALL)
    marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;

    // Set the pose of the marker.  This is a full 6DOF pose relative to the frame/time specified in the header
    marker.pose.position.x = marker_position.getX();//rosbag_marker->pose.position.x;//0;
    marker.pose.position.y = marker_position.getY();//rosbag_marker->pose.position.y;//0;
    marker.pose.position.z = marker_position.getZ();//rosbag_marker->pose.position.z;//0;
    marker.pose.orientation.x = marker_orientation.getAxis().getX();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.x;//0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.y = marker_orientation.getAxis().getY();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.y;//0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.z = marker_orientation.getAxis().getZ();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.z;//0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.w = marker_orientation.getW();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.w; //1.0;

    // Set the scale of the marker -- 1x1x1 here means 1m on a side
    marker.scale.x = rosbag_marker->scale.x; //1.0;
    marker.scale.y = rosbag_marker->scale.y; //1.0;
    marker.scale.z = rosbag_marker->scale.z; //0.5;

    // Set the color -- be sure to set alpha to something non-zero!
    // use index/total_markers percentage as a way to fade from red to green.
    marker.color.r = 1.0 *  ( (double)(total_markers - index) / (double)total_markers);//rosbag_marker->color.r; //0.0f;
    marker.color.g = 1.0f * ( (double)index / (double)total_markers); //1.0f;//rosbag_marker->color.g; //1.0f;
    marker.color.b = 0.0f;//rosbag_marker->color.b; //0.0f;
    marker.color.a = 1.0f;//1.0 * ( (double)(total_markers - index) / (double)total_markers); //rosbag_marker->color.a; //1.0;

    // Make it last forever. We don't need to keep publishing it.
    marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();

    // Push marker 6DoF Pose to the waypoints vector.
    geometry_msgs::Pose target_pose;
    target_pose.position.x = marker_position.getX();
    target_pose.position.y = marker_position.getY();
    target_pose.position.z = marker_position.getZ();

    target_pose.orientation.x = marker_orientation.getAxis().getX();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.x;//0.0;
    target_pose.orientation.y = marker_orientation.getAxis().getY();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.y;//0.0;
    target_pose.orientation.z = marker_orientation.getAxis().getZ();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.z;//0.0;
    target_pose.orientation.w = marker_orientation.getW();//rosbag_marker->pose.orientation.w; //1.0;


    // Publish the marker
    while (marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() < 1)
      if (!ros::ok())
        ROS_WARN_ONCE("NOT OK!");
      ROS_WARN_ONCE("Please create a subscriber to the marker");
