Пример #1
double massbal_getLoadingError()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: computes runoff load mass balance error.
    int    j;
    double loadIn;
    double loadOut;
    double maxError = 0.0;

    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[POLLUT]; j++)
        // --- get final pollutant loading remaining on land surface
        LoadingTotals[j].finalLoad += massbal_getBuildup(j); 

        // --- compute total load added to study area
        loadIn = LoadingTotals[j].initLoad +
                 LoadingTotals[j].buildup +
        // --- compute total load removed from study area
        loadOut = LoadingTotals[j].sweeping +
                  LoadingTotals[j].infil +
                  LoadingTotals[j].bmpRemoval +
                  LoadingTotals[j].runoff +

        // --- compute mass balance error
        LoadingTotals[j].pctError = 0.0;
        if ( fabs(loadIn - loadOut) < 0.001 )
            LoadingTotals[j].pctError = TINY;
        else if ( loadIn > 0.0 )
            LoadingTotals[j].pctError = 100.0 * (1.0 - loadOut / loadIn);
        else if ( loadOut > 0.0 )
            LoadingTotals[j].pctError = 100.0 * (loadIn / loadOut - 1.0);
        maxError = MAX(maxError, LoadingTotals[j].pctError);

        // --- report total counts as log10
        if ( Pollut[j].units == COUNT )
            LoadingTotals[j].initLoad   = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].initLoad);
            LoadingTotals[j].buildup    = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].buildup);
            LoadingTotals[j].deposition = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].deposition);
            LoadingTotals[j].sweeping   = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].sweeping);
            LoadingTotals[j].infil      = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].infil);
            LoadingTotals[j].bmpRemoval = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].bmpRemoval);
            LoadingTotals[j].runoff     = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].runoff);
            LoadingTotals[j].finalLoad  = LOG10(LoadingTotals[j].finalLoad);
    return maxError;
Пример #2
int massbal_open()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: opens and initializes mass balance continuity checking.
    int j, n;

    // --- initialize global continuity errors
    RunoffError = 0.0;
    GwaterError = 0.0;
    FlowError   = 0.0;
    QualError   = 0.0;

    // --- initialize runoff totals
    RunoffTotals.rainfall    = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.evap        = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.infil       = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.runoff      = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.runon       = 0.0;                                            //(5.1.008)
    RunoffTotals.drains      = 0.0;                                            //(5.1.008)
    RunoffTotals.snowRemoved = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.initStorage = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.initSnowCover = 0.0;
    TotalArea = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++)
        RunoffTotals.initStorage += subcatch_getStorage(j);
        RunoffTotals.initSnowCover += snow_getSnowCover(j);
        TotalArea += Subcatch[j].area;

    // --- initialize groundwater totals
    GwaterTotals.infil        = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.upperEvap    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.lowerEvap    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.lowerPerc    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.gwater       = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.initStorage  = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.finalStorage = 0.0;
    for ( j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++ )
        GwaterTotals.initStorage += gwater_getVolume(j) * Subcatch[j].area;

    // --- initialize node flow & storage totals
    FlowTotals.dwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.wwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.gwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.iiInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.exInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.flooding = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.outflow  = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.evapLoss = 0.0; 
    FlowTotals.seepLoss = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.reacted  = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.initStorage = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++)
        FlowTotals.initStorage += Node[j].newVolume;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[LINK]; j++)
        FlowTotals.initStorage += Link[j].newVolume;
    StepFlowTotals = FlowTotals;

    // --- add contribution of minimum surface area (i.e., manhole area)
    //     to initial storage under dynamic wave routing
    if ( RouteModel == DW )
        for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++)
            if ( Node[j].type != STORAGE &&
                Node[j].initDepth <= Node[j].crownElev - Node[j].invertElev )  //(5.1.007)
                FlowTotals.initStorage += Node[j].initDepth * MinSurfArea;

    // --- initialize arrays to null
    LoadingTotals = NULL;
    QualTotals = NULL;
    StepQualTotals = NULL;
    NodeInflow = NULL;
    NodeOutflow = NULL;

    // --- allocate memory for WQ washoff continuity totals
    n = Nobjects[POLLUT];
    if ( n > 0 )
        LoadingTotals = (TLoadingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TLoadingTotals));
        if ( LoadingTotals == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            LoadingTotals[j].initLoad      = massbal_getBuildup(j);
            LoadingTotals[j].buildup       = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].deposition    = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].sweeping      = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].infil         = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].bmpRemoval    = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].runoff        = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].finalLoad     = 0.0;

    // --- allocate memory for nodal WQ continuity totals
    if ( n > 0 )
         QualTotals = (TRoutingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TRoutingTotals));
         StepQualTotals = (TRoutingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TRoutingTotals));
         if ( QualTotals == NULL || StepQualTotals == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;

    // --- initialize WQ totals
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
        QualTotals[j].dwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].wwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].gwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].exInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].flooding = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].outflow  = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].evapLoss = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].seepLoss = 0.0; 
        QualTotals[j].reacted  = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].initStorage = massbal_getStoredMass(j);

    // --- initialize totals used over a single time step

    // --- allocate memory for nodal flow continuity
    if ( Nobjects[NODE] > 0 )
        NodeInflow = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[NODE], sizeof(double));
        if ( NodeInflow == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        NodeOutflow = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[NODE], sizeof(double));
        if ( NodeOutflow == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++) NodeInflow[j] = Node[j].newVolume;
    return ErrorCode;
Пример #3
int massbal_open()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: opens and initializes mass balance continuity checking.
    int j, n;

    // --- initialize global continuity errors
    RunoffError = 0.0;
    GwaterError = 0.0;
    FlowError   = 0.0;
    QualError   = 0.0;

    // --- initialize runoff totals
    RunoffTotals.rainfall    = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.evap        = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.infil       = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.runoff      = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.snowRemoved = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.initStorage = 0.0;
    RunoffTotals.initSnowCover = 0.0;
    TotalArea = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++)
        RunoffTotals.initSnowCover += snow_getSnowCover(j);
        TotalArea += Subcatch[j].area;

    // --- initialize groundwater totals
    GwaterTotals.infil        = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.upperEvap    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.lowerEvap    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.lowerPerc    = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.gwater       = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.initStorage  = 0.0;
    GwaterTotals.finalStorage = 0.0;
    for ( j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++ )
        GwaterTotals.initStorage += gwater_getVolume(j) * Subcatch[j].area;

    // --- initialize node flow & storage totals
    FlowTotals.dwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.wwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.gwInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.iiInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.exInflow = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.floodingNumNodes = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.outflow  = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.pumpedVol = 0.0;
    FlowTotals.initStorage = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++)
        FlowTotals.initStorage += Node[j].newVolume;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[LINK]; j++)
        FlowTotals.initStorage += Link[j].newVolume;
    StepFlowTotals = FlowTotals;

    // --- initialize arrays to null
    LoadingTotals = NULL;
    QualTotals = NULL;
    StepQualTotals = NULL;
    NodeInflow = NULL;
    NodeOutflow = NULL;

    // --- allocate memory for WQ washoff continuity totals
    n = Nobjects[POLLUT];
    if ( n > 0 )
        LoadingTotals = (TLoadingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TLoadingTotals));
        if ( LoadingTotals == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            LoadingTotals[j].initLoad      = massbal_getBuildup(j);
            LoadingTotals[j].buildup       = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].deposition    = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].sweeping      = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].infil         = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].bmpRemoval    = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].runoff        = 0.0;
            LoadingTotals[j].finalLoad     = 0.0;

    // --- allocate memory for nodal WQ continuity totals
    if ( n > 0 )
         QualTotals = (TRoutingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TRoutingTotals));
         StepQualTotals = (TRoutingTotals *) calloc(n, sizeof(TRoutingTotals));
         if ( QualTotals == NULL || StepQualTotals == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;

    // --- initialize WQ totals
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
        QualTotals[j].dwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].wwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].gwInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].exInflow = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].floodingNumNodes = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].outflow  = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].pumpedVol = 0.0;
        QualTotals[j].initStorage = 0.0;

    // --- initialize totals used over a single time step
    // --- allocate memory for nodal flow continuity
    if ( Nobjects[NODE] > 0 )
        NodeInflow = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[NODE], sizeof(double));
        if ( NodeInflow == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        NodeOutflow = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[NODE], sizeof(double));
        if ( NodeOutflow == NULL )
             report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
             return ErrorCode;
        for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++) NodeInflow[j] = Node[j].newVolume;
    return ErrorCode;