Пример #1
void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, CoinDenseVector<double> *x, CoinDenseVector<double> *y)
     double *x_elts = x->getElements();
     double *y_elts = y->getElements();
     matVecMult( mode, x_elts, y_elts);
Пример #2
void matMult(int N, const double *matA, const double *matB, double *matC)
    if(dlayout == RowMaj)
        // Code in your naive implementation here
        double* vecB = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*N);
        double* result = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*N);
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        while (i < N){
            j = 0;
            while (j < N){	
                vecB[j] = (matB+j*N)[i];
            matVecMult(N, matA, vecB, result);
            k = 0;
            while (k < N)
                (matC+k*N)[i] = result[k];
        double* vecB = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*N);
        double* result = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*N);
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        while (i < N){
            j = 0;
            while (j < N){
                vecB[j] = (matA+j*N)[i];
            matVecMult_rowMaj(N, matB, vecB, result);
            k = 0;
            while (k < N)
                (matC+k*N)[i] = result[k];

Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Main function for the raytracer. Parses input parameters,
  // sets up the initial blank image, and calls the functions
  // that set up the scene and do the raytracing.
  struct image *im; // Will hold the raytraced image
  struct view *cam; // Camera and view for this scene
  int sx;   // Size of the raytraced image
  int antialiasing; // Flag to determine whether antialiaing is enabled or disabled
  char output_name[1024]; // Name of the output file for the raytraced .ppm image
  struct point3D e;   // Camera view parameters 'e', 'g', and 'up'
  struct point3D g;
  struct point3D up;
  double du, dv;      // Increase along u and v directions for pixel coordinates
  struct point3D pc,d;    // Point structures to keep the coordinates of a pixel and
        // the direction or a ray
  struct ray3D *ray;    // Structure to keep the ray from e to a pixel
  // struct colourRGB col;    // Return colour for raytraced pixels
  struct colourRGB background;   // Background colour
  int i,j;      // Counters for pixel coordinates
  unsigned char *rgbIm;

  if (argc<5)
    fprintf(stderr,"RayTracer: Can not parse input parameters\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: RayTracer size rec_depth antialias output_name\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"   size = Image size (both along x and y)\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"   rec_depth = Recursion depth\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"   antialias = A single digit, 0 disables antialiasing. Anything else enables antialiasing\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"   output_name = Name of the output file, e.g. MyRender.ppm\n");
  if (atoi(argv[3])==0) antialiasing=0; else antialiasing=1;

  fprintf(stderr,"Rendering image at %d x %d\n",sx,sx);
  fprintf(stderr,"Recursion depth = %d\n",MAX_DEPTH);
  if (!antialiasing) fprintf(stderr,"Antialising is off\n");
  else  fprintf(stderr,"Antialising is on\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"Output file name: %s\n",output_name);


  // Allocate memory for the new image
  im=newImage(sx, sx);
  if (!im)
    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for raytraced image\n");
  else rgbIm=(unsigned char *)im->rgbdata;

  // TO DO: You will need to implement several of the
  //        functions below. For Assignment 3, you can use
  //        the simple scene already provided. But
  //        for Assignment 4 you need to create your own
  //        *interesting* scene.
  buildScene();   // Create a scene. This defines all the
      // objects in the world of the raytracer

  // TO DO: For Assignment 3 you can use the setup
  //        already provided here. For Assignment 4
  //        you may want to move the camera
  //        and change the view parameters
  //        to suit your scene.

  // Mind the homogeneous coordinate w of all vectors below. DO NOT
  // forget to set it to 1, or you'll get junk out of the
  // geometric transformations later on.

  // Camera center is at (0,0,-1)

  // To define the gaze vector, we choose a point 'pc' in the scene that
  // the camera is looking at, and do the vector subtraction pc-e.
  // Here we set up the camera to be looking at the origin.
  // In this case, the camera is looking along the world Z axis, so
  // vector w should end up being [0, 0, -1]

  // Define the 'up' vector to be the Y axis

  // Set up view with given the above vectors, a 4x4 window,
  // and a focal length of -1 (why? where is the image plane?)
  // Note that the top-left corner of the window is at (-2, 2)
  // in camera coordinates.
  cam=setupView(&e, &g, &up, -1, -2, 2, 4);

  if (cam==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to set up the view and camera parameters. Our of memory!\n");
    cleanup(object_list,light_list, texture_list);

  // Set up background colour here

  // Do the raytracing
  // TO DO: You will need code here to do the raytracing
  //        for each pixel in the image. Refer to the
  //        lecture notes, in particular, to the
  //        raytracing pseudocode, for details on what
  //        to do here. Make sure you undersand the
  //        overall procedure of raytracing for a single
  //        pixel.
  du=cam->wsize/(sx-1);   // du and dv. In the notes in terms of wl and wr, wt and wb,
  dv=-cam->wsize/(sx-1);    // here we use wl, wt, and wsize. du=dv since the image is
        // and dv is negative since y increases downward in pixel
        // coordinates and upward in camera coordinates.
  colourRGB col;
  point3D origin;
  point3D direction;
  ray3D initialRay;
  colourRGB total;
  int offset;
  int aaSamples;
  fprintf(stderr,"View parameters:\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"Left=%f, Top=%f, Width=%f, f=%f\n",cam->wl,cam->wt,cam->wsize,cam->f);
  fprintf(stderr,"Camera to world conversion matrix (make sure it makes sense!):\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"World to camera conversion matrix:\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"Rendering row: ");
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,32) shared(rgbIm, object_list, light_list, texture_list) private(j)
  for (j=0;j<sx;j++)    // For each of the pixels in the image
  // for (j=2;j<3;j++)
    fprintf(stderr,"%d/%d, ",j,sx);
    #pragma omp parallel for private(origin, direction, col, initialRay, i, aaSamples, offset, total)
    for (i=0;i<sx;i++)
    // for (i=2;i<3;i++)
      if (!antialiasing){
        col.R = 0;
        col.G = 0;
        col.B = 0;
        // = newPoint(cam->wl+i*du,cam->wt+j*dv,cam->f);
        origin.px = cam->wl+i*du;
        origin.py = cam->wt+j*dv;
        origin.pz = cam->f;
        origin.pw = 1.0;
        matVecMult(cam->C2W, &origin);
        // Construct direction vector using Pij - e
        // point3D direction;// = newPoint(origin->px,origin->py, origin->pz);
        direction.px = origin.px;
        direction.py = origin.py;
        direction.pz = origin.pz;
        direction.pw = 1.0;
        subVectors(&e, &direction);
        // Construct ray using both origin and direction.
        // ray3D initialRay;// = newRay(origin, direction);
        initialRay.p0 = origin;
        initialRay.d = direction;
        // Setting up colors.
        // col = (struct colourRGB *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct colourRGB));

        // Tracing ray
        rayTrace(&initialRay, 1, &col, NULL);
        offset = (sx * j * 3) + (i * 3);
        *(rgbIm + offset + 0) = col.R*255;
        *(rgbIm + offset + 1) = col.G*255;
        *(rgbIm + offset + 2) = col.B*255;
        // Tear down col struct.
        // free(col);
      } else {
        total.R = 0;
        total.G = 0;
        total.B = 0;
        for (aaSamples = 0; aaSamples < 20; aaSamples ++){
          col.R = 0;
          col.G = 0;
          col.B = 0;
          // point3D origin;// = newPoint(cam->wl+i*du,cam->wt+j*dv,cam->f);
          origin.px = cam->wl+(i+drand48()-0.5)*du;
          origin.py = cam->wt+(j+drand48()-0.5)*dv;
          origin.pz = cam->f;
          origin.pw = 1.0;
          matVecMult(cam->C2W, &origin);
          // Construct direction vector using Pij - e
          // point3D direction;// = newPoint(origin->px,origin->py, origin->pz);
          direction.px = origin.px;
          direction.py = origin.py;
          direction.pz = origin.pz;
          direction.pw = 1.0;
          subVectors(&e, &direction);
          // Construct ray using both origin and direction.
          // ray3D initialRay;// = newRay(origin, direction);
          initialRay.p0 = origin;
          initialRay.d = direction;
          // Setting up colors.
          // col = (struct colourRGB *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct colourRGB));
          // Tracing ray
          rayTrace(&initialRay, 1, &col, NULL);
          total.R += col.R;
          total.G += col.G;
          total.B += col.B;
        offset = (sx * j * 3) + (i * 3);
        total.R = total.R / 20 * 255.0;
        total.G = total.G / 20 * 255.0;
        total.B = total.B / 20 * 255.0;
        *(rgbIm + offset + 0) = total.R;
        *(rgbIm + offset + 1) = total.G;
        *(rgbIm + offset + 2) = total.B;
    } // end for i
  } // end for j

  // Output rendered image

  // Exit section. Clean up and return.
  cleanup(object_list,light_list,texture_list);   // Object, light, and texture lists
  deleteImage(im);          // Rendered image
  free(cam);            // camera view
Пример #4
void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, CoinDenseVector<double> &x, double *y_elts)
     double *x_elts = x.getElements();
     matVecMult( mode, x_elts, y_elts);
Пример #5
// ** Temporary version
ClpPdco::pdco( ClpPdcoBase * stuff, Options &options, Info &info, Outfo &outfo)
//    D1, D2 are positive-definite diagonal matrices defined from d1, d2.
//           In particular, d2 indicates the accuracy required for
//           satisfying each row of Ax = b.
// D1 and D2 (via d1 and d2) provide primal and dual regularization
// respectively.  They ensure that the primal and dual solutions
// (x,r) and (y,z) are unique and bounded.
// A scalar d1 is equivalent to d1 = ones(n,1), D1 = diag(d1).
// A scalar d2 is equivalent to d2 = ones(m,1), D2 = diag(d2).
// Typically, d1 = d2 = 1e-4.
// These values perturb phi(x) only slightly  (by about 1e-8) and request
// that A*x = b be satisfied quite accurately (to about 1e-8).
// Set d1 = 1e-4, d2 = 1 for least-squares problems with bound constraints.
// The problem is then
//    minimize    phi(x) + 1/2 norm(d1*x)^2 + 1/2 norm(A*x - b)^2
//    subject to  bl <= x <= bu.
// More generally, d1 and d2 may be n and m vectors containing any positive
// values (preferably not too small, and typically no larger than 1).
// Bigger elements of d1 and d2 improve the stability of the solver.
// At an optimal solution, if x(j) is on its lower or upper bound,
// the corresponding z(j) is positive or negative respectively.
// If x(j) is between its bounds, z(j) = 0.
// If bl(j) = bu(j), x(j) is fixed at that value and z(j) may have
// either sign.
// Also, r and y satisfy r = D2 y, so that Ax + D2^2 y = b.
// Thus if d2(i) = 1e-4, the i-th row of Ax = b will be satisfied to
// approximately 1e-8.  This determines how large d2(i) can safely be.
// options         = pdcoSet;                  provided with pdco.m
// [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj( x );               provided by user
//               y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x ); provided by user if pdMat
//                                             is a string, not a matrix
// pdObj      is a string containing the name of a function pdObj.m
//            or a function_handle for such a function
//            such that [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj(x) defines
//            obj  = phi(x)              : a scalar,
//            grad = gradient of phi(x)  : an n-vector,
//            hess = diag(Hessian of phi): an n-vector.
//         Examples:
//            If phi(x) is the linear function c"x, pdObj should return
//               [obj,grad,hess] = [c"*x, c, zeros(n,1)].
//            If phi(x) is the entropy function E(x) = sum x(j) log x(j),
//               [obj,grad,hess] = [E(x), log(x)+1, 1./x].
// pdMat      may be an ifexplicit m x n matrix A (preferably sparse!),
//            or a string containing the name of a function pdMat.m
//            or a function_handle for such a function
//            such that y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x )
//            returns   y = A*x (mode=1)  or  y = A"*x (mode=2).
//            The input parameter "name" will be the string pdMat.
// b          is an m-vector.
// bl         is an n-vector of lower bounds.  Non-existent bounds
//            may be represented by bl(j) = -Inf or bl(j) <= -1e+20.
// bu         is an n-vector of upper bounds.  Non-existent bounds
//            may be represented by bu(j) =  Inf or bu(j) >=  1e+20.
// d1, d2     may be positive scalars or positive vectors (see above).
// options    is a structure that may be set and altered by pdcoSet
//            (type help pdcoSet).
// x0, y0, z0 provide an initial solution.
// xsize, zsize are estimates of the biggest x and z at the solution.
//            They are used to scale (x,y,z).  Good estimates
//            should improve the performance of the barrier method.
// x          is the primal solution.
// y          is the dual solution associated with Ax + D2 r = b.
// z          is the dual solution associated with bl <= x <= bu.
// inform = 0 if a solution is found;
//        = 1 if too many iterations were required;
//        = 2 if the linesearch failed too often.
// PDitns     is the number of Primal-Dual Barrier iterations required.
// CGitns     is the number of Conjugate-Gradient  iterations required
//            if an iterative solver is used (LSQR).
// time       is the cpu time used.

//    pdxxxbounds
//    pdxxxdistrib
//    pdxxxlsqr
//    pdxxxlsqrmat
//    pdxxxmat
//    pdxxxmerit
//    pdxxxresid1
//    pdxxxresid2
//    pdxxxstep
//    global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
// The matrix A should be reasonably well scaled: norm(A,inf) =~ 1.
// The vector b and objective phi(x) may be of any size, but ensure that
// xsize and zsize are reasonably close to norm(x,inf) and norm(z,inf)
// at the solution.
// The files defining pdObj  and pdMat
// must not be called Fname.m or Aname.m!!
//    Michael Saunders, Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL),
//    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
//    [email protected]
//    Byunggyoo Kim, SOL, Stanford University.
//    [email protected]
// 20 Jun 1997: Original version of pdsco.m derived from pdlp0.m.
// 29 Sep 2002: Original version of pdco.m  derived from pdsco.m.
//              Introduced D1, D2 in place of gamma*I, delta*I
//              and allowed for general bounds bl <= x <= bu.
// 06 Oct 2002: Allowed for fixed variabes: bl(j) = bu(j) for any j.
// 15 Oct 2002: Eliminated some work vectors (since m, n might be LARGE).
//              Modularized residuals, linesearch
// 16 Oct 2002: pdxxx..., pdDDD... names rationalized.
//              pdAAA eliminated (global copy of A).
//              Aname is now used directly as an ifexplicit A or a function.
//              NOTE: If Aname is a function, it now has an extra parameter.
// 23 Oct 2002: Fname and Aname can now be function handles.
// 01 Nov 2002: Bug fixed in feval in pdxxxmat.

//  global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
     double inf = 1.0e30;
     double eps = 1.0e-15;
     double atolold = -1.0, r3ratio = -1.0, Pinf, Dinf, Cinf, Cinf0;

     printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------");
     printf("\n   pdco.m                            Version of 01 Nov 2002");
     printf("\n   Primal-dual barrier method to minimize a convex function");
     printf("\n   subject to linear constraints Ax + r = b,  bl <= x <= bu");
     printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------\n");

     int m = numberRows_;
     int n = numberColumns_;
     bool ifexplicit = true;

     CoinDenseVector<double> b(m, rhs_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> x(n, x_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> y(m, y_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z(n, dj_);
     //delete old arrays
     delete [] rhs_;
     delete [] x_;
     delete [] y_;
     delete [] dj_;
     rhs_ = NULL;
     x_ = NULL;
     y_ = NULL;
     dj_ = NULL;

     // Save stuff so available elsewhere
     pdcoStuff_ = stuff;

     double normb  = b.infNorm();
     double normx0 = x.infNorm();
     double normy0 = y.infNorm();
     double normz0 = z.infNorm();

     printf("\nmax |b | = %8g     max |x0| = %8g", normb , normx0);
     printf(                "      xsize   = %8g", xsize_);
     printf("\nmax |y0| = %8g     max |z0| = %8g", normy0, normz0);
     printf(                "      zsize   = %8g", zsize_);

     // Initialize.
     //true   = 1;
     //false  = 0;
     //zn     = zeros(n,1);
     //int nb     = n + m;
     int CGitns = 0;
     int inform = 0;
     //  Only allow scalar d1, d2 for now
     if (d1_->size()==1)
         d1_->resize(n, d1_->getElements()[0]);  // Allow scalar d1, d2
     if (d2_->size()==1)
         d2->resize(m, d2->getElements()[0]);  // to mean dk * unit vector
     assert (stuff->sizeD1() == 1);
     double d1 = stuff->getD1();
     double d2 = stuff->getD2();

     // Grab input options.
     int  maxitn    = options.MaxIter;
     double featol    = options.FeaTol;
     double opttol    = options.OptTol;
     double steptol   = options.StepTol;
     int  stepSame  = 1;  /* options.StepSame;   // 1 means stepx == stepz */
     double x0min     = options.x0min;
     double z0min     = options.z0min;
     double mu0       = options.mu0;
     int  LSproblem = options.LSproblem;  // See below
     int  LSmethod  = options.LSmethod;   // 1=Cholesky    2=QR    3=LSQR
     int  itnlim    = options.LSQRMaxIter * CoinMin(m, n);
     double atol1     = options.LSQRatol1;  // Initial  atol
     double atol2     = options.LSQRatol2;  // Smallest atol,unless atol1 is smaller
     double conlim    = options.LSQRconlim;
     //int  wait      = options.wait;

     // LSproblem:
     //  1 = dy          2 = dy shifted, DLS
     // 11 = s          12 =  s shifted, DLS    (dx = Ds)
     // 21 = dx
     // 31 = 3x3 system, symmetrized by Z^{1/2}
     // 32 = 2x2 system, symmetrized by X^{1/2}

     // Set other parameters.
     int  kminor    = 0;      // 1 stops after each iteration
     double eta       = 1e-4;   // Linesearch tolerance for "sufficient descent"
     double maxf      = 10;     // Linesearch backtrack limit (function evaluations)
     double maxfail   = 1;      // Linesearch failure limit (consecutive iterations)
     double bigcenter = 1e+3;   // mu is reduced if center < bigcenter.

     // Parameters for LSQR.
     double atolmin   = eps;    // Smallest atol if linesearch back-tracks
     double btol      = 0;      // Should be small (zero is ok)
     double show      = false;  // Controls lsqr iteration log
     double gamma     = d1->infNorm();
     double delta     = d2->infNorm();
     double gamma = d1;
     double delta = d2;

     printf("\n\nx0min    = %8g     featol   = %8.1e", x0min, featol);
     printf(                  "      d1max   = %8.1e", gamma);
     printf(  "\nz0min    = %8g     opttol   = %8.1e", z0min, opttol);
     printf(                  "      d2max   = %8.1e", delta);
     printf(  "\nmu0      = %8.1e     steptol  = %8g", mu0  , steptol);
     printf(                  "     bigcenter= %8g"  , bigcenter);

     printf("\natol1    = %8.1e     atol2    = %8.1e", atol1 , atol2 );
     printf(                  "      btol    = %8.1e", btol );
     printf("\nconlim   = %8.1e     itnlim   = %8d"  , conlim, itnlim);
     printf(                  "      show    = %8g"  , show );

// LSmethod  = 3;  ////// Hardwire LSQR
// LSproblem = 1;  ////// and LS problem defining "dy".
       if wait
         printf("\n\nReview parameters... then type "return"\n")
     if (eta < 0)
          printf("\n\nLinesearch disabled by eta < 0");

     // All parameters have now been set.
     double time    = CoinCpuTime();
     //bool useChol = (LSmethod == 1);
     //bool useQR   = (LSmethod == 2);
     bool direct  = (LSmethod <= 2 && ifexplicit);
     char solver[7];
     strncpy(solver, "  LSQR", 7);

     // Categorize bounds and allow for fixed variables by modifying b.

     int nlow, nupp, nfix;
     int *bptrs[3] = {0};
     getBoundTypes(&nlow, &nupp, &nfix, bptrs );
     int *low = bptrs[0];
     int *upp = bptrs[1];
     int *fix = bptrs[2];

     int nU = n;
     if (nupp == 0) nU = 1;  //Make dummy vectors if no Upper bounds

     //  Get pointers to local copy of model bounds

     CoinDenseVector<double> bl(n, columnLower_);
     double *bl_elts = bl.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> bu(nU, columnUpper_);  // this is dummy if no UB
     double *bu_elts = bu.getElements();

     CoinDenseVector<double> r1(m, 0.0);
     double *r1_elts = r1.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> x1(n, 0.0);
     double *x1_elts = x1.getElements();

     if (nfix > 0) {
          for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
               x1_elts[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
          matVecMult(1, r1, x1);
          b = b - r1;
          // At some stage, might want to look at normfix = norm(r1,inf);

     // Scale the input data.
     // The scaled variables are
     //    xbar     = x/beta,
     //    ybar     = y/zeta,
     //    zbar     = z/zeta.
     // Define
     //    theta    = beta*zeta;
     // The scaled function is
     //    phibar   = ( 1   /theta) fbar(beta*xbar),
     //    gradient = (beta /theta) grad,
     //    Hessian  = (beta2/theta) hess.
     double beta = xsize_;
     if (beta == 0) beta = 1; // beta scales b, x.
     double zeta = zsize_;
     if (zeta == 0) zeta = 1; // zeta scales y, z.
     double theta  = beta * zeta;                          // theta scales obj.
     // (theta could be anything, but theta = beta*zeta makes
     // scaled grad = grad/zeta = 1 approximately if zeta is chosen right.)

     for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
          bl_elts[low[k]] = bl_elts[low[k]] / beta;
     for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
          bu_elts[upp[k]] = bu_elts[upp[k]] / beta;
     d1     = d1 * ( beta / sqrt(theta) );
     d2     = d2 * ( sqrt(theta) / beta );

     double beta2  = beta * beta;
     b.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
     y.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );
     x.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
     z.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );

     // Initialize vectors that are not fully used if bounds are missing.
     CoinDenseVector<double> rL(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> cL(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dz1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> r2(n, 0.0);

     // Assign upper bd regions (dummy if no UBs)

     CoinDenseVector<double> rU(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> cU(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> x2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dz2(nU, 0.0);

     // Initialize x, y, z, objective, etc.
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dy(m, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> Pr(m);
     CoinDenseVector<double> D(n);
     double *D_elts = D.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> w(n);
     double *w_elts = w.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> rhs(m + n);

     // Pull out the element array pointers for efficiency
     double *x_elts  = x.getElements();
     double *x2_elts = x2.getElements();
     double *z_elts  = z.getElements();
     double *z1_elts = z1.getElements();
     double *z2_elts = z2.getElements();

     for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
          x_elts[low[k]]  = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]], bl[low[k]]);
          x1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]] - bl[low[k]], x0min  );
          z1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( z_elts[low[k]], z0min  );
     for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
          x_elts[upp[k]]  = CoinMin( x_elts[upp[k]], bu[upp[k]]);
          x2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(bu[upp[k]] -  x_elts[upp[k]], x0min  );
          z2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(-z_elts[upp[k]], z0min  );
     //////////////////// Assume hessian is diagonal. //////////////////////

//  [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
     double obj = getObj(x);
     CoinDenseVector<double> grad(n);
     getGrad(x, grad);
     CoinDenseVector<double> H(n);
     getHessian(x , H);
     x.scale((1.0 / beta));

     //double * g_elts = grad.getElements();
     double * H_elts = H.getElements();

     obj /= theta;                       // Scaled obj.
     grad = grad * (beta / theta) + (d1 * d1) * x; // grad includes x regularization.
     H  = H * (beta2 / theta) + (d1 * d1)      ; // H    includes x regularization.

     // Compute primal and dual residuals:
     // r1 =  b - Aprod(x) - d2*d2*y;
     // r2 =  grad - Atprod(y) + z2 - z1;
     //  rL =  bl - x + x1;
     //  rU =  x + x2 - bu; */
     //  [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
     //      pdxxxresid1( Aname,fix,low,upp, ...
     //                   b,bl,bu,d1,d2,grad,rL,rU,x,x1,x2,y,z1,z2 );
     pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
                  b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2, y, z1, z2,
                  r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf);
     // Initialize mu and complementarity residuals:
     //    cL   = mu*e - X1*z1.
     //    cU   = mu*e - X2*z2.
     // 25 Jan 2001: Now that b and obj are scaled (and hence x,y,z),
     //              we should be able to use mufirst = mu0 (absolute value).
     //              0.1 worked poorly on StarTest1 with x0min = z0min = 0.1.
     // 29 Jan 2001: We might as well use mu0 = x0min * z0min;
     //              so that most variables are centered after a warm start.
     // 29 Sep 2002: Use mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min),
     //              regarding mu0 as a scaling of the initial center.
     //  double mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min);
     double mufirst = mu0;   // revert to absolute value
     double mulast  = 0.1 * opttol;
     mulast  = CoinMin( mulast, mufirst );
     double mu      = mufirst;
     double center,  fmerit;
     pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2,
                  z1, z2, &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
     fmerit = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );

     // Initialize other things.

     bool  precon   = true;
     double PDitns    = 0;
     //bool converged = false;
     double atol      = atol1;
     atol2     = CoinMax( atol2, atolmin );
     atolmin   = atol2;
     //  pdDDD2    = d2;    // Global vector for diagonal matrix D2

     //  Iteration log.

     int nf      = 0;
     int itncg   = 0;
     int nfail   = 0;

     printf("\n\nItn   mu   stepx   stepz  Pinf  Dinf");
     printf("  Cinf   Objective    nf  center");
     if (direct) {
     } else {
          printf("  atol   solver   Inexact\n");

     double regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
     double regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
     //  regterm = twoNorm(d1.*x)^2  +  norm(d2.*y)^2;
     double regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
     double objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
     double objtrue = objreg * theta;

     printf("\n%3g                     ", PDitns        );
     printf("%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf ), log10(Dinf));
     printf("%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue    );
     printf("   %8.1f\n"   , center                   );
     if kminor
       printf("\n\nStart of first minor itn...\n");
     // Main loop.
     // Lsqr
     ClpLsqr  thisLsqr(this);
     //  while (converged) {
     while(PDitns < maxitn) {
          PDitns = PDitns + 1;

          // 31 Jan 2001: Set atol according to progress, a la Inexact Newton.
          // 07 Feb 2001: 0.1 not small enough for Satellite problem.  Try 0.01.
          // 25 Apr 2001: 0.01 seems wasteful for Star problem.
          //              Now that starting conditions are better, go back to 0.1.

          double r3norm = CoinMax(Pinf,   CoinMax(Dinf,  Cinf));
          atol   = CoinMin(atol,  r3norm * 0.1);
          atol   = CoinMax(atol,  atolmin   );
          info.r3norm = r3norm;

          //  Define a damped Newton iteration for solving f = 0,
          //  keeping  x1, x2, z1, z2 > 0.  We eliminate dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2
          //  to obtain the system
          //     [-H2  A"  ] [ dx ] = [ w ],   H2 = H + D1^2 + X1inv Z1 + X2inv Z2,
          //     [ A   D2^2] [ dy ] = [ r1]    w  = r2 - X1inv(cL + Z1 rL)
          //                                           + X2inv(cU + Z2 rU),
          //  which is equivalent to the least-squares problem
          //     min || [ D A"]dy  -  [  D w   ] ||,   D = H2^{-1/2}.         (*)
          //         || [  D2 ]       [D2inv r1] ||
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
               H_elts[low[k]]  = H_elts[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
               H[upp[k]]  = H[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] / x2[upp[k]];
          w = r2;
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
               w[low[k]]  = w[low[k]] - (cL[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] * rL[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
               w[upp[k]]  = w[upp[k]] + (cU[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] * rU[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];

          if (LSproblem == 1) {
               //  Solve (*) for dy.
               H      = 1.0 / H;  // H is now Hinv (NOTE!)
               for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
                    H[fix[k]] = 0;
               for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    D_elts[k] = sqrt(H_elts[k]);
               thisLsqr.diag2_ = d2;

               if (direct) {
                    // Omit direct option for now
               } else {// Iterative solve using LSQR.
                    //rhs     = [ D.*w; r1./d2 ];
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                         rhs[k] = D_elts[k] * w_elts[k];
                    for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                         rhs[n+k] = r1_elts[k] * (1.0 / d2);
                    double damp    = 0;

                    if (precon) {   // Construct diagonal preconditioner for LSQR
                         matPrecon(d2, Pr, D);
                    	rw(7)        = precon;
                            info.atolmin = atolmin;
                            info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.

                            [ dy, istop, itncg, outfo ] = ...
                       pdxxxlsqr( nb,m,"pdxxxlsqrmat",Aname,rw,rhs,damp, ...
                                  atol,btol,conlim,itnlim,show,info );

                    	thisLsqr.input->rhs_vec = &rhs;
                    	thisLsqr.input->sol_vec = &dy;
                    	thisLsqr.input->rel_mat_err = atol;
                    //  New version of lsqr

                    int istop;
                    show = false;
                    info.atolmin = atolmin;
                    info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.

                    thisLsqr.do_lsqr( rhs, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim,
                                      show, info, dy , &istop, &itncg, &outfo, precon, Pr);
                    if (precon)
                         dy = dy * Pr;

                    if (!precon && itncg > 999999)
                         precon = true;

                    if (istop == 3  ||  istop == 7 )  // conlim or itnlim
                         printf("\n    LSQR stopped early:  istop = //%d", istop);

                    atolold   = outfo.atolold;
                    atol      = outfo.atolnew;
                    r3ratio   = outfo.r3ratio;
               }// LSproblem 1

               //      grad      = pdxxxmat( Aname,2,m,n,dy );   // grad = A"dy
               matVecMult(2, grad, dy);
               for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
                    grad[fix[k]] = 0;                            // grad is a work vector
               dx = H * (grad - w);

          } else {
               perror( "This LSproblem not yet implemented\n" );

          CGitns += itncg;

          // dx and dy are now known.  Get dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2.
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
               dx1[low[k]] = - rL[low[k]] + dx[low[k]];
               dz1[low[k]] =  (cL[low[k]] - z1[low[k]] * dx1[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
               dx2[upp[k]] = - rU[upp[k]] - dx[upp[k]];
               dz2[upp[k]] =  (cU[upp[k]] - z2[upp[k]] * dx2[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];
          // Find the maximum step.
          double stepx1 = pdxxxstep(nlow, low, x1, dx1 );
          double stepx2 = inf;
          if (nupp > 0)
               stepx2 = pdxxxstep(nupp, upp, x2, dx2 );
          double stepz1 = pdxxxstep( z1     , dz1      );
          double stepz2 = inf;
          if (nupp > 0)
               stepz2 = pdxxxstep( z2     , dz2      );
          double stepx  = CoinMin( stepx1, stepx2 );
          double stepz  = CoinMin( stepz1, stepz2 );
          stepx  = CoinMin( steptol * stepx, 1.0 );
          stepz  = CoinMin( steptol * stepz, 1.0 );
          if (stepSame) {                  // For NLPs, force same step
               stepx = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );   // (true Newton method)
               stepz = stepx;

          // Backtracking linesearch.
          bool fail     =  true;
          nf       =  0;

          while (nf < maxf) {
               nf      = nf + 1;
               x       = x        +  stepx * dx;
               y       = y        +  stepz * dy;
               for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
                    x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  +  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
                    z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  +  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
               for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
                    x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  +  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
                    z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  +  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
               //      [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
               obj = getObj(x);
               getGrad(x, grad);
               getHessian(x, H);
               x.scale((1.0 / beta));

               obj        /= theta;
               grad       = grad * (beta / theta)  +  d1 * d1 * x;
               H          = H * (beta2 / theta)  +  d1 * d1;

               //      [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
               pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
                            b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2,
                            y, z1, z2, r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf );
               //double center, Cinf, Cinf0;
               //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
               pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
                            &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0);
               double fmeritnew = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );
               double step      = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );

               if (fmeritnew <= (1 - eta * step)*fmerit) {
                    fail = false;

               // Merit function didn"t decrease.
               // Restore variables to previous values.
               // (This introduces a little error, but save lots of space.)

               x       = x        -  stepx * dx;
               y       = y        -  stepz * dy;
               for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
                    x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  -  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
                    z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  -  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
               for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
                    x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  -  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
                    z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  -  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
               // Back-track.
               // If it"s the first time,
               // make stepx and stepz the same.

               if (nf == 1 && stepx != stepz) {
                    stepx = step;
               } else if (nf < maxf) {
                    stepx = stepx / 2;
               stepz = stepx;

          if (fail) {
               printf("\n     Linesearch failed (nf too big)");
               nfail += 1;
          } else {
               nfail = 0;

          // Set convergence measures.
          regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
          regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
          regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
          objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
          objtrue = objreg * theta;

          bool primalfeas    = Pinf  <=  featol;
          bool dualfeas      = Dinf  <=  featol;
          bool complementary = Cinf0 <=  opttol;
          bool enough        = PDitns >=       4; // Prevent premature termination.
          bool converged     = primalfeas  &  dualfeas  &  complementary  &  enough;

          // Iteration log.
          char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100], str4[100], str5[100];
          sprintf(str1, "\n%3g%5.1f" , PDitns      , log10(mu)   );
          sprintf(str2, "%8.5f%8.5f" , stepx       , stepz       );
          if (stepx < 0.0001 || stepz < 0.0001) {
               sprintf(str2, " %6.1e %6.1e" , stepx       , stepz       );

          sprintf(str3, "%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf) , log10(Dinf));
          sprintf(str4, "%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue     );
          sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1f"   , nf          , center      );
          if (center > 99999) {
               sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1e"   , nf          , center      );
          printf("%s%s%s%s%s", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5);
          if (direct) {
               // relax
          } else {
               printf(" %5.1f%7d%7.3f", log10(atolold), itncg, r3ratio);
          // Test for termination.
          if (kminor) {
               printf( "\nStart of next minor itn...\n");
               //      keyboard;

          if (converged) {
               printf("\n   Converged");
          } else if (PDitns >= maxitn) {
               printf("\n   Too many iterations");
               inform = 1;
          } else if (nfail  >= maxfail) {
               printf("\n   Too many linesearch failures");
               inform = 2;
          } else {

               // Reduce mu, and reset certain residuals.

               double stepmu  = CoinMin( stepx , stepz   );
               stepmu  = CoinMin( stepmu, steptol );
               double muold   = mu;
               mu      = mu   -  stepmu * mu;
               if (center >= bigcenter)
                    mu = muold;

               // mutrad = mu0*(sum(Xz)/n); // 24 May 1998: Traditional value, but
               // mu     = CoinMin(mu,mutrad ); // it seemed to decrease mu too much.

               mu      = CoinMax(mu, mulast); // 13 Jun 1998: No need for smaller mu.
               //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
               pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
                            &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
               fmerit = pdxxxmerit( nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );

               // Reduce atol for LSQR (and SYMMLQ).
               // NOW DONE AT TOP OF LOOP.

               atolold = atol;
               // if atol > atol2
               //   atolfac = (mu/mufirst)^0.25;
               //   atol    = CoinMax( atol*atolfac, atol2 );
               // end

               // atol = CoinMin( atol, mu );     // 22 Jan 2001: a la Inexact Newton.
               // atol = CoinMin( atol, 0.5*mu ); // 30 Jan 2001: A bit tighter

               // If the linesearch took more than one function (nf > 1),
               // we assume the search direction needed more accuracy
               // (though this may be true only for LPs).
               // 12 Jun 1998: Ask for more accuracy if nf > 2.
               // 24 Nov 2000: Also if the steps are small.
               // 30 Jan 2001: Small steps might be ok with warm start.
               // 06 Feb 2001: Not necessarily.  Reinstated tests in next line.

               if (nf > 2  ||  CoinMin( stepx, stepz ) <= 0.01)
                    atol = atolold * 0.1;
          // End of main loop.

     for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
          x[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
     z      = z1;
     if (nupp > 0)
          z = z - z2;
     printf("\n\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
     printf("   scaled");

     z.scale(zeta);   // Unscale x, y, z.

     printf(  "\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
     printf(" unscaled\n");

     time   = CoinCpuTime() - time;
     char str1[100], str2[100];
     sprintf(str1, "\nPDitns  =%10g", PDitns );
     sprintf(str2, "itns =%10d", CGitns );
     //  printf( [str1 " " solver str2] );
     printf("    time    =%10.1f\n", time);
     pdxxxdistrib( abs(x),abs(z) );   // Private function

     if (wait)
// End function pdco.m
     /*  printf("Solution x values:\n\n");
       for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
         printf(" %d   %e\n", k, x[k]);
// Print distribution
     double thresh[9] = { 0.00000001, 0.0000001, 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.00001};
     int counts[9] = {0};
     for (int ij = 0; ij < n; ij++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
               if(x[ij] < thresh[j]) {
                    counts[j] += 1;
     printf ("Distribution of Solution Values\n");
     for (int j = 8; j > 1; j--)
          printf(" %g  to  %g %d\n", thresh[j-1], thresh[j], counts[j]);
     printf("   Less than   %g %d\n", thresh[2], counts[0]);

     return inform;
Пример #6
void liMRTCollision( latticeMesh* mesh, macroFields* mfields, lbeField* field ) {

    // Indices
    uint id, k;

    // Partial distributions
    scalar* m     = (scalar*)malloc( mesh->lattice.Q * sizeof(scalar) );   // m:  momentum space
    scalar* m_eq  = (scalar*)malloc( mesh->lattice.Q * sizeof(scalar) );   // meq: equilibrium in momentum space

    scalar* S     = (scalar*)malloc( mesh->lattice.Q * sizeof(scalar) );   // MRT force

    scalar* C     = (scalar*)malloc( mesh->lattice.Q * sizeof(scalar) );   // Surface tension term

    // Depending on surface tension model, computes collision over all points, or only local.
    // If only local, syncs field at the end

    uint nodes = mesh->mesh.nPoints;

    if( field->lbparam.liMRT.surfaceTension == liSurfTen ) {

	nodes = mesh->parallel.nlocal;


    for( id = 0 ; id < nodes ; id++ ) {

	scalar umag = 0;
	for( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) {
	    umag += mfields->U[id][k] * mfields->U[id][k];


	// Compute equilibrium in momentum space
	m_eq[0] = mfields->rho[id];
	m_eq[1] = mfields->rho[id] * (-2 + 3*umag);
	m_eq[2] = mfields->rho[id] * (1 - 3*umag);
	m_eq[3] = mfields->rho[id] * mfields->U[id][0];
	m_eq[4] = mfields->rho[id] * (-mfields->U[id][0]);
	m_eq[5] = mfields->rho[id] * mfields->U[id][1];
	m_eq[6] = mfields->rho[id] * (-mfields->U[id][1]);
	m_eq[7] = mfields->rho[id] * (mfields->U[id][0]*mfields->U[id][0] - mfields->U[id][1]*mfields->U[id][1]);
	m_eq[8] = mfields->rho[id] * mfields->U[id][0] * mfields->U[id][1];

	// Distribution in momentum space

	matVecMult(mesh->lattice.M, field->value[id], m, mesh->lattice.Q);

	// Total Force
	liMRTForce( mesh, mfields, field, S, id );

	// Surface Tension term
	liMRTSurfaceTension( mesh, mfields, field, C, id );

	// Collision in momentum space
	for( k = 0 ; k < mesh->lattice.Q ; k++ ) {

	    m[k] = m[k]  -  field->lbparam.liMRT.Lambda[k]*( m[k] - m_eq[k] )  +  ( 1 - 0.5*field->lbparam.liMRT.Lambda[k] ) * S[k];

	    if(field->lbparam.liMRT.surfaceTension == liSurfTen) {

	    	m[k] = m[k] + C[k];


	// Back to phase space
	matVecMult(mesh->lattice.invM, m, field->value[id], mesh->lattice.Q);


    // Deallocate memory




    // Sync field if needed

    if( field->lbparam.liMRT.surfaceTension == liSurfTen ) {

	syncPdfField( mesh, field->value );


int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    // Seed the random number generator using time
    srand48((unsigned int) time(NULL));

    // Dimension of the operation with defaul value
    int N = PROBSIZE;

    // Specify operation: 0 MatMult; 1 MatVecMult
    int opr = 0;

    // Whether to verify the result or not
    int verif = 0;

    // Whether to display the result or not
    int disp = 0;

    // Whether to call the naive implementation
    int execNaive = 1;

    // Whether to call the optimized implementation
    int execOPT = 1;

    // Parse command line
        int arg_index = 1;
        int print_usage = 0;

        while (arg_index < argc)
            if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-N") == 0 )
                N = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
            else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-operation") == 0 )
                opr = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
            else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-help") == 0 )
                print_usage = 1;
            else if( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-verif") == 0 )
                verif = 1;
                if(execNaive==0 || execOPT==0) {
                  printf("***Must call both naive and optimized when running verification\n");
                  print_usage = 1;
            else if( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-disp") == 0 )
                disp = 1;
            else if( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-naive") == 0 )
                execNaive = 1;
                execOPT   = 0;
                if(verif==1) {
                  printf("***Must call both naive and optimized when running verification\n");
                  print_usage = 1;
            else if( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-OPT") == 0 )
                execOPT   = 1;
                execNaive = 0;
                if(verif==1) {
                  printf("***Must call both naive and optimized when running verification\n");
                  print_usage = 1;
                printf("***Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[arg_index]);
                print_usage = 1;

        if (print_usage)
            printf("Usage: %s [<options>]\n", argv[0]);
            printf("  -N <N>          : problem size (default: %d)\n", PROBSIZE);
            printf("  -operation <ID> : Operation ID = 0 for MatMult or ID = 1 for MatVecMult\n");
            printf("  -verif          : Activate verification\n");
            printf("  -disp           : Display result (use only for small N!)\n");
            printf("  -naive          : Run only naive implementation\n");
            printf("  -OPT            : Run only optimized implementation\n");
            printf("  -help           : Display this message\n");

        if (print_usage)
            return 0;

    // Perform operation
        case 0: /* Matrix-matrix multiply */
                printf("Performing matrix-matrix multiply operation\n");
                double *matA, *matB, *matC1, *matC2;

                // Allocate memory
                matA = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                matB = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                if(execNaive) matC1 = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                if(execOPT)   matC2 = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));

                // Initialize matrix values

                clock_t tic, toc;
                double tm;

                if(execNaive) {
                  // Perform naive matA x matB = matC1
                  tic = clock();
                  toc = clock();
                  tm = (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                  printf("Elapsed time for naive mat-mat mult.: %f seconds\n",tm);

                if(execOPT) {
                  // Perform optimized matA x matB = matC2
                  tic = clock();
                  toc = clock();
                  tm = (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                  printf("Elapsed time for optimized mat-mat mult.: %f seconds\n",tm);

                // Verify results (compare the two matrices)

                // Display results (don't use for large matrices)

                // Free memory
                if(execNaive) free(matC1);
                if(execOPT)   free(matC2);

        case 1: /* Matrix-vector multiply */
                printf("Performing matrix-vector multiply operation\n");
                double *matA, *vecB, *vecC1,*vecC2;

                // Allocate memory
                matA = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                vecB = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                if(execNaive) vecC1 = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
                if(execOPT)   vecC2 = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));

                // Initialize values

                clock_t tic, toc;
                double tm;

                if(execNaive) {
                  // Perform naive matA x vecB = vecC1
                  tic = clock();
                  toc = clock();
                  tm = (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                  printf("Elapsed time for naive mat-vec mult.: %f seconds\n",tm);

                if(execOPT) {
                  // Perform optimized matA x vecB = vecC2
                  tic = clock();
                  toc = clock();
                  tm = (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                  printf("Elapsed time for optimized mat-vec mult.: %f seconds\n",tm);

                // Verify results

                // Display results (don't use for large matrices)

                // Free memory
                if(execNaive) free(vecC1);
                if(execOPT)   free(vecC2);

            printf(" Invalid operation ID\n");
            return 0;

    return 0;
Пример #8
void ClpLsqr::do_lsqr(CoinDenseVector< double > &b,
  double damp, double atol, double btol, double conlim, int itnlim,
  bool show, Info info, CoinDenseVector< double > &x, int *istop,
  int *itn, Outfo *outfo, bool precon, CoinDenseVector< double > &Pr)

     Special version of LSQR for use with pdco.m.
     It continues with a reduced atol if a pdco-specific test isn't
     satisfied with the input atol.

  //     Initialize.
  static char term_msg[8][80] = {
    "The exact solution is x = 0",
    "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given ATOL and BTOL",
    "The least squares error is small enough, given ATOL",
    "The estimated condition number has exceeded CONLIM",
    "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given machine precision",
    "The least squares error is small enough, given machine precision",
    "The estimated condition number has exceeded machine precision",
    "The iteration limit has been reached"

  //  printf("***************** Entering LSQR *************\n");

  char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100], str4[100], head1[100], head2[100];

  int n = ncols_; // set  m,n from lsqr object

  *itn = 0;
  *istop = 0;
  double ctol = 0;
  if (conlim > 0)
    ctol = 1 / conlim;

  double anorm = 0;
  double acond = 0;
  double ddnorm = 0;
  double xnorm = 0;
  double xxnorm = 0;
  double z = 0;
  double cs2 = -1;
  double sn2 = 0;

  // Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
  // These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alfa*v = A'u.

  CoinDenseVector< double > u(b);
  CoinDenseVector< double > v(n, 0.0);
  double alfa = 0;
  double beta = u.twoNorm();
  if (beta > 0) {
    u = (1 / beta) * u;
    matVecMult(2, v, u);
    if (precon)
      v = v * Pr;
    alfa = v.twoNorm();
  if (alfa > 0) {
    v.scale(1 / alfa);
  CoinDenseVector< double > w(v);

  double arnorm = alfa * beta;
  if (arnorm == 0) {
    printf("  %s\n\n", term_msg[0]);

  double rhobar = alfa;
  double phibar = beta;
  double bnorm = beta;
  double rnorm = beta;
  sprintf(head1, "   Itn      x(1)      Function");
  sprintf(head2, " Compatible   LS      Norm A   Cond A");

  if (show) {
    printf(" %s%s\n", head1, head2);
    double test1 = 1;
    double test2 = alfa / beta;
    sprintf(str1, "%6d %12.5e %10.3e", *itn, x[0], rnorm);
    sprintf(str2, "  %8.1e  %8.1e", test1, test2);
    printf("%s%s\n", str1, str2);

  // Main iteration loop.
  while (*itn < itnlim) {
    *itn += 1;
    // Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
    // next beta, u, alfa, v.  These satisfy the relations
    // beta*u  =  a*v   -  alfa*u,
    // alfa*v  =  A'*u  -  beta*v.

    if (precon) {
      CoinDenseVector< double > pv(v * Pr);
      matVecMult(1, u, pv);
    } else {
      matVecMult(1, u, v);
    beta = u.twoNorm();
    if (beta > 0) {
      u.scale((1 / beta));
      anorm = sqrt(anorm * anorm + alfa * alfa + beta * beta + damp * damp);
      CoinDenseVector< double > vv(n);
      matVecMult(2, vv, u);
      if (precon)
        vv = vv * Pr;
      v = v + vv;
      alfa = v.twoNorm();
      if (alfa > 0)
        v.scale((1 / alfa));

    // Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
    // This alters the diagonal (rhobar) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.

    double rhobar1 = sqrt(rhobar * rhobar + damp * damp);
    double cs1 = rhobar / rhobar1;
    double sn1 = damp / rhobar1;
    double psi = sn1 * phibar;
    phibar *= cs1;

    // Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (beta)
    // of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.

    double rho = sqrt(rhobar1 * rhobar1 + beta * beta);
    double cs = rhobar1 / rho;
    double sn = beta / rho;
    double theta = sn * alfa;
    rhobar = -cs * alfa;
    double phi = cs * phibar;
    phibar = sn * phibar;
    double tau = sn * phi;

    // Update x and w.

    double t1 = phi / rho;
    double t2 = -theta / rho;
    //    dk           =   ((1/rho)*w);

    double w_norm = w.twoNorm();
    x = x + t1 * w;
    w = v + t2 * w;
    ddnorm = ddnorm + (w_norm / rho) * (w_norm / rho);
    // if wantvar, var = var  +  dk.*dk; end

    // Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the
    // super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.
    // Then use the result to estimate  norm(x).

    double delta = sn2 * rho;
    double gambar = -cs2 * rho;
    double rhs = phi - delta * z;
    double zbar = rhs / gambar;
    xnorm = sqrt(xxnorm + zbar * zbar);
    double gamma = sqrt(gambar * gambar + theta * theta);
    cs2 = gambar / gamma;
    sn2 = theta / gamma;
    z = rhs / gamma;
    xxnorm = xxnorm + z * z;

    // Test for convergence.
    // First, estimate the condition of the matrix  Abar,
    // and the norms of  rbar  and  Abar'rbar.

    acond = anorm * sqrt(ddnorm);
    double res1 = phibar * phibar;
    double res2 = res1 + psi * psi;
    rnorm = sqrt(res1 + res2);
    arnorm = alfa * fabs(tau);

    // Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
    // some of which will be small near a solution.

    double test1 = rnorm / bnorm;
    double test2 = arnorm / (anorm * rnorm);
    double test3 = 1 / acond;
    t1 = test1 / (1 + anorm * xnorm / bnorm);
    double rtol = btol + atol * anorm * xnorm / bnorm;

    // The following tests guard against extremely small values of
    // atol, btol  or  ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
    // the parameters  atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
    // The effect is equivalent to the normal tests using
    // atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.

    if (*itn >= itnlim)
      *istop = 7;
    if (1 + test3 <= 1)
      *istop = 6;
    if (1 + test2 <= 1)
      *istop = 5;
    if (1 + t1 <= 1)
      *istop = 4;

    // Allow for tolerances set by the user.

    if (test3 <= ctol)
      *istop = 3;
    if (test2 <= atol)
      *istop = 2;
    if (test1 <= rtol)
      *istop = 1;

    // Aname in pdco   is  iw in lsqr.
    // dy              is  x
    // Other stuff     is in info.

    // We allow for diagonal preconditioning in pdDDD3.
    if (*istop > 0) {
      double r3new = arnorm;
      double r3ratio = r3new / info.r3norm;
      double atolold = atol;
      double atolnew = atol;

      if (atol > info.atolmin) {
        if (r3ratio <= 0.1) { // dy seems good
          // Relax
        } else if (r3ratio <= 0.5) { // Accept dy but make next one more accurate.
          atolnew = atolnew * 0.1;
        } else { // Recompute dy more accurately
          if (show) {
            printf("\n                                ");
            printf("                                \n");
            printf(" %5.1f%7d%7.3f", log10(atolold), *itn, r3ratio);
          atol = atol * 0.1;
          atolnew = atol;
          *istop = 0;

        outfo->atolold = atolold;
        outfo->atolnew = atolnew;
        outfo->r3ratio = r3ratio;

      // See if it is time to print something.
      int prnt = 0;
      if (n <= 40)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn <= 10)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn >= itnlim - 10)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*itn % 10 == 0)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test3 <= 2 * ctol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test2 <= 10 * atol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (test1 <= 10 * rtol)
        prnt = 1;
      if (*istop != 0)
        prnt = 1;

      if (prnt == 1) {
        if (show) {
          sprintf(str1, "   %6d %12.5e %10.3e", *itn, x[0], rnorm);
          sprintf(str2, "  %8.1e %8.1e", test1, test2);
          sprintf(str3, " %8.1e %8.1e", anorm, acond);
          printf("%s%s%s\n", str1, str2, str3);
      if (*istop > 0)
  // End of iteration loop.
  // Print the stopping condition.

  if (show) {
    printf("\n LSQR finished\n");
    //    disp(msg(istop+1,:))
    //    disp(' ')
    printf("%s\n", term_msg[*istop]);
    sprintf(str1, "istop  =%8d     itn    =%8d", *istop, *itn);
    sprintf(str2, "anorm  =%8.1e   acond  =%8.1e", anorm, acond);
    sprintf(str3, "rnorm  =%8.1e   arnorm =%8.1e", rnorm, arnorm);
    sprintf(str4, "bnorm  =%8.1e   xnorm  =%8.1e", bnorm, xnorm);
    printf("%s %s\n", str1, str2);
    printf("%s %s\n", str3, str4);
Пример #9
void ClpLsqr::matVecMult(int mode, CoinDenseVector< double > &x, CoinDenseVector< double > &y)
  matVecMult(mode, &x, &y);