Пример #1
void writeDataToLMem(uint64_t *dataIn, int size, int sizeBytes, int burstLengthInBytes, max_engine_t *engine, max_file_t *maxfile)

		printf("size=%d, sizeBytes=%d, burstLengthInBytes=%d\n", size, sizeBytes, burstLengthInBytes);

		printf("Performing max_actions_init()\n");
	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);

	max_set_ticks(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", size);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", "totalBursts", size * 8 / burstLengthInBytes);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", "wordsPerBurst", burstLengthInBytes / 8);
	max_set_ticks(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", 0);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", "totalBursts", size * 8 / burstLengthInBytes);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", "wordsPerBurst", burstLengthInBytes / 8);
	max_run(engine, actions);


	max_queue_input(actions, "fromCpu", dataIn, sizeBytes);
	max_lmem_set_interrupt_on(actions, "toLmem");
		printf("Performing max_run()\n");
	max_run(engine, actions);

Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4) {
		printf("Syntax: %s <TOP local IP> <BOT local IP> <forward IP>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	struct in_addr top_ip;
	struct in_addr bot_ip;
	struct in_addr fwd_ip;
	struct in_addr netmask;

	inet_aton(argv[1], &top_ip);
	inet_aton(argv[2], &bot_ip);
	inet_aton(argv[3], &fwd_ip);
	inet_aton("", &netmask);

	uint16_t port = 7653;

	printf("EthFwd: TOP IP '%s', BOT IP '%s', Forward IP '%s', port %u\n", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], port);

	max_file_t *maxfile = EthFwd_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &top_ip, &netmask);
	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &bot_ip, &netmask);

	struct ether_addr local_mac2, remote_mac2;
	max_arp_lookup_entry(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &fwd_ip, &remote_mac2);
	max_eth_get_default_mac_address(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &local_mac2);

	uint64_t localMac = 0, forwardMac = 0;
	memcpy(&localMac, &local_mac2, 6);
	memcpy(&forwardMac, &remote_mac2, 6);

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *action = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "localIp", bot_ip.s_addr);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "forwardIp", fwd_ip.s_addr);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "localMac", localMac);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "forwardMac", forwardMac);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "port", port);
	max_run(engine, action);

	printf("JDFE Running.\n");


	return 0;
Пример #3
void readDataFromLMem(uint64_t *dataOut, int size, int sizeBytes, int burstLengthInBytes, max_engine_t *engine, max_file_t *maxfile)

	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);

	max_set_ticks(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", 0);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", "totalBursts", size * 8 / burstLengthInBytes);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Write_CommandAndDataStream", "wordsPerBurst", burstLengthInBytes / 8);
	max_set_ticks(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", size);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", "totalBursts", size * 8 / burstLengthInBytes);
	max_set_uint64t(actions, "KernelLMem_Read_CommandAndDataStream", "wordsPerBurst", burstLengthInBytes / 8);
	max_run(engine, actions);


	max_queue_output(actions, "toCpu", dataOut, sizeBytes);
	max_run(engine, actions);

Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if(argc < 3) {
		printf("Usage: $0 dfe_ip cpu_ip\n");
		return 1;

	struct in_addr dfe_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip);
	struct in_addr cpu_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[2], &cpu_ip);
	struct in_addr netmask;
	inet_aton("", &netmask);
	const int port = 5007;

	max_file_t *maxfile = Tracker_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	char regName[32];
	for (int i=0; i < 1024; i++) {
		sprintf(regName, "filter_%d", i);
		if (i == 150) {
			max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0xCC /* a value to match... */);
		} else {
			max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0x4D1B /* or any value you want */);
	max_run(engine, actions);

	void *buffer;
	size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 512;
	posix_memalign(&buffer, 4096, bufferSize);

	max_framed_stream_t *toCpu = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "toCPU", buffer, bufferSize, -1);

	 * This executable both creates a normal Linux UDP socket as well as a DFE UDP Socket.
	 * We then exchange data between the two.

	// DFE Socket
	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask);
	max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udpTopPort1");
	max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, port);
	max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &cpu_ip, port);

	// Linux Socket
	int cpu_socket = create_cpu_udp_socket(&cpu_ip, &dfe_ip, port);

	printf("Sending test frame...\n");

	printf("Waiting for kernel response...\n"); fflush(stdout);

	void *f;
	size_t fsz;
	size_t numMessageRx = 0;
	uint8_t received_data[512];
	while (numMessageRx < NUM_MESSAGES_EXPECTED) {
		if (max_framed_stream_read(toCpu, 1, &f, &fsz) == 1) {
			printf("CPU: Got output frame - size %zd - NumMsg = %zd!\n", fsz, numMessageRx); // Frame size would be rounded up to the next 8 bytes.

			memcpy(received_data, f, fsz);
			max_framed_stream_discard(toCpu, 1);
		} else 	usleep(10);


	printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
	return 0;
Пример #5
 * Runs the main action to compute a predictor or corrector step
void AirfoilDFEInterface::runMainAction(int k, double cfl, double gam, double gm1, double eps, double *rms) {

	int cpuresind = 0;
	int schedind = 0;
	for (int d = 1; d < (*domain).ndomain; d++){

		for (int res_edge_iter = 0; res_edge_iter < (*domain).nedge[d]; res_edge_iter++){

			int thispart = d;
			int thisind = res_edge_iter;

			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
				int thiscellpart = (*domain).ecellpart[thispart][thisind*2+i];
				int thiscellind = (*domain).ecellind[thispart][thisind*2+i];
				if (reads[7*schedind+3] == 1){
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						cpu_res_qpadt[cpuresind*5+j] = (*domain).q[thiscellpart][4*thiscellind+j];
					cpu_res_qpadt[cpuresind*5+4] = (*domain).adt[thiscellpart][thiscellind];
					cpuresind ++;
				schedind ++ ;

	max_actions_t * act =  max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);

	max_set_ticks(act, "AirfoilDFEAdtKernel", (*domain).ncellcomputedfe);
	max_set_uint64t(act, "AirfoilDFEAdtKernel", "numTicks", (*domain).ncellcomputedfe);
	max_set_double(act, "AirfoilDFEAdtKernel", "cfl", cfl);
	max_set_double(act, "AirfoilDFEAdtKernel", "gam", gam);
	max_set_double(act, "AirfoilDFEAdtKernel", "gm1", gm1);
	max_lmem_linear(act, "adtQ", memAddresses[q], memAddresses[q+1] - memAddresses[q]);
	max_lmem_linear(act, "adtDxRead", memAddresses[adtDx], adtDxDatSize);

	max_set_ticks(act, "AirfoilDFEResKernel", resFlushTicks);
	max_set_double(act, "AirfoilDFEResKernel", "gm1", gm1);
	max_set_double(act, "AirfoilDFEResKernel", "eps", eps);
	max_set_uint64t(act, "AirfoilDFEResKernel", "nTicks", resFlushTicks);
	max_queue_input(act, "cpu_qpadt_to_res", cpu_res_qpadt, cpuQpadtSize);
	max_lmem_linear(act, "resReadOnly", memAddresses[resReadOnly], resReadOnlyDatSize);
	max_queue_output(act,"cpu_res_from_res", dfe_res_res, passtorescount*sizeof(double)*4);

	double * rmsOut = (double *) malloc(16*sizeof(double));
	max_set_ticks(act,"AirfoilDFEUpdateKernel", (*domain).ncellcomputedfe);
	max_set_uint64t(act, "AirfoilDFEUpdateKernel", "numCells", (*domain).ncellcomputedfe);
	max_set_uint64t(act, "AirfoilDFEUpdateKernel", "doSaveQold", k==1);
	max_lmem_linear(act, "updateQ", memAddresses[q], memAddresses[q+1] - memAddresses[q]);
	max_lmem_linear(act, "updateQold", memAddresses[qold], memAddresses[qold+1] - memAddresses[qold]);
	max_queue_output(act,"rmsOut", rmsOut, 16*sizeof(double));
	if (k == 0) {
		max_ignore_lmem(act, "updateSaveQold");
	} else {
		max_lmem_linear(act, "updateSaveQold", memAddresses[qold], memAddresses[qold+1] - memAddresses[qold]);

	max_ignore_lmem(act, "setupWrite");
	max_ignore_lmem(act, "qRead");

	max_run(engine, act);

	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) (*rms) += rmsOut[i];

	cpuresind = 0;
	schedind = 0;
	for (int d = 1; d < (*domain).ndomain; d++){

		for (int res_edge_iter = 0; res_edge_iter < (*domain).nedge[d]; res_edge_iter++){

			int thispart = d;
			int thisind = res_edge_iter;

			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
				int thiscellpart = (*domain).ecellpart[thispart][thisind*2+i];
				int thiscellind = (*domain).ecellind[thispart][thisind*2+i];
				if (reads[7*schedind+3] == 1){
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						(*domain).res[thiscellpart][4*thiscellind+j] += dfe_res_res[cpuresind*4+j];
					cpuresind ++;
				schedind ++ ;