Пример #1
 * Call portmap to lookup a port number for a particular rpc program
 * Returns non-zero error on failure.
	struct sockaddr_in *sin,	/* server address */
	u_int prog, u_int vers, u_int proto,	/* host order */
	u_int16_t *portp)		/* network order */
	struct sdata {
		u_int32_t prog;		/* call program */
		u_int32_t vers;		/* call version */
		u_int32_t proto;	/* call protocol */
		u_int32_t port;		/* call port (unused) */
	} *sdata;
	struct rdata {
		u_int16_t pad;
		u_int16_t port;
	} *rdata;
	mbuf_t m;
	int error;

	/* The portmapper port is fixed. */
	if (prog == PMAPPROG) {
		*portp = htons(PMAPPORT);
		return 0;

	error = mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_WAITOK, MBUF_TYPE_DATA, &m);
	if (error)
		return error;
	mbuf_setlen(m, sizeof(*sdata));
	mbuf_pkthdr_setlen(m, sizeof(*sdata));
	sdata = mbuf_data(m);

	/* Do the RPC to get it. */
	sdata->prog = htonl(prog);
	sdata->vers = htonl(vers);
	sdata->proto = htonl(proto);
	sdata->port = 0;

	sin->sin_port = htons(PMAPPORT);
	if (error) 
		return error;

	rdata = mbuf_data(m);

	if (mbuf_len(m) >= sizeof(*rdata)) {
		*portp = rdata->port;

	if (mbuf_len(m) < sizeof(*rdata) || !rdata->port)

	return (error);
Пример #2
    ifnet_t								ifp,
    u_short								arpop,
    const struct sockaddr_dl*			sender_hw,
    const struct sockaddr*				sender_proto,
    const struct sockaddr_dl*			target_hw,
    const struct sockaddr*				target_proto)
    mbuf_t	m;
    errno_t	result;
    register struct firewire_header *fwh;
    register IP1394_ARP *fwa;
    const struct sockaddr_in* sender_ip = (const struct sockaddr_in*)sender_proto;
    const struct sockaddr_in* target_ip = (const struct sockaddr_in*)target_proto;
    char *datap;

    IOFWInterface *fwIf	   = (IOFWInterface*)ifnet_softc(ifp);

    if(fwIf == NULL)
        return EINVAL;

    IOFireWireIP  *fwIpObj = (IOFireWireIP*)fwIf->getController();

    if(fwIpObj == NULL)
        return EINVAL;

    LCB	*lcb = fwIpObj->getLcb();

    if (target_ip == NULL)
        return EINVAL;

    if ((sender_ip && sender_ip->sin_family != AF_INET) ||
            (target_ip && target_ip->sin_family != AF_INET))
        return EAFNOSUPPORT;

    result = mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_DONTWAIT, MBUF_TYPE_DATA, &m);
    if (result != 0)
        return result;

    mbuf_setlen(m, sizeof(*fwa));
    mbuf_pkthdr_setlen(m, sizeof(*fwa));

    /* Move the data pointer in the mbuf to the end, aligned to 4 bytes */
    datap = (char*)mbuf_datastart(m);
    datap += mbuf_trailingspace(m);
    datap -= (((u_long)datap) & 0x3);
    mbuf_setdata(m, datap, sizeof(*fwa));
    fwa = (IP1394_ARP*)mbuf_data(m);
    bzero((caddr_t)fwa, sizeof(*fwa));

    /* Prepend the ethernet header, we will send the raw frame */
    result = mbuf_prepend(&m, sizeof(*fwh), MBUF_DONTWAIT);
    if(result != 0)
        return result;

    fwh = (struct firewire_header*)mbuf_data(m);
    fwh->fw_type = htons(FWTYPE_ARP);

    /* Fill out the arp packet */
    fwa->hardwareType = htons(ARP_HDW_TYPE);
    fwa->protocolType = htons(FWTYPE_IP);
    fwa->hwAddrLen = sizeof(IP1394_HDW_ADDR);
    fwa->ipAddrLen = IPV4_ADDR_SIZE;
    fwa->opcode = htons(arpop);
    fwa->senderMaxRec = lcb->ownHardwareAddress.maxRec;
    fwa->sspd = lcb->ownHardwareAddress.spd;
    fwa->senderUnicastFifoHi = htons(lcb->ownHardwareAddress.unicastFifoHi);
    fwa->senderUnicastFifoLo = htonl(lcb->ownHardwareAddress.unicastFifoLo);

    /* Sender Hardware */
    if (sender_hw != NULL)
        bcopy(CONST_LLADDR(sender_hw), &fwa->senderUniqueID, sizeof(fwa->senderUniqueID));
        ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifp, &fwa->senderUniqueID, FIREWIRE_ADDR_LEN);

    ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifp, fwh->fw_shost, sizeof(fwh->fw_shost));

    /* Sender IP */
    if (sender_ip != NULL)
        fwa->senderIpAddress = sender_ip->sin_addr.s_addr;
        ifaddr_t	*addresses;
        struct sockaddr sa;

        if (ifnet_get_address_list_family(ifp, &addresses, AF_INET) == 0)
            ifaddr_address( addresses[0], &sa, 16 );
            fwa->senderIpAddress  = ((UInt32)(sa.sa_data[5] & 0xFF)) << 24;
            fwa->senderIpAddress |= ((UInt32)(sa.sa_data[4] & 0xFF)) << 16;
            fwa->senderIpAddress |= ((UInt32)(sa.sa_data[3] & 0xFF)) << 8;
            fwa->senderIpAddress |= ((UInt32)(sa.sa_data[2] & 0xFF));

            return ENXIO;

    /* Target Hardware */
    if (target_hw == 0)
        bcopy(fwbroadcastaddr, fwh->fw_dhost, sizeof(fwh->fw_dhost));
        bcopy(CONST_LLADDR(target_hw), fwh->fw_dhost, sizeof(fwh->fw_dhost));

    /* Target IP */
    fwa->targetIpAddress = target_ip->sin_addr.s_addr;

    ifnet_output_raw(ifp, PF_INET, m);

    return 0;
// Temporarily stuff a vlan tag back into a packet so that tag shows up to bpf.
// We do it by creating a temp header mbuf with the enet/vlan header in it and
// then point its next field to the proper place (after the dest+src addresses) in the original
// mbuf.  
void IOEthernetInterface::_fixupVlanPacket(mbuf_t mt, u_int16_t vlan_tag, int inputPacket)
	mbuf_t newmb;
	mbuf_t chain;
	size_t remainingBytes;
	size_t copyBytes = 0;  //initialize to prevent annoying, incorrect warning that it's used uninitialized
	char * destptr;
	if( mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA, &newmb) )
	//init enough of the mbuf to keep bpf happy
	mbuf_setlen(newmb, ETHER_ADDR_LEN*2 + VLAN_HEADER_LEN);
	mbuf_pkthdr_setlen(newmb, mbuf_pkthdr_len( mt ) + VLAN_HEADER_LEN);	
	mbuf_pkthdr_setrcvif(newmb, mbuf_pkthdr_rcvif( mt ) );
	//now walk the incoming mbuf to copy out its dst & src address and
	//locate the type/len field in the packet.
	chain = mt;
	remainingBytes = ETHER_ADDR_LEN*2;
	destptr = (char *)mbuf_data( newmb );
	while(chain && remainingBytes)
		copyBytes = remainingBytes > mbuf_len( chain ) ? mbuf_len( chain ): remainingBytes;
		remainingBytes -= copyBytes;
		bcopy( mbuf_data( chain ), destptr, copyBytes);
		destptr += copyBytes;
		if (mbuf_len( chain ) == copyBytes) //we've completely drained this mbuf
			chain = mbuf_next( chain );  //advance to next
			copyBytes = 0; //if we break out of loop now, make sure the offset is correct
	// chain points to the mbuf that contains the packet data with type/len field
	// and copyBytes indicates the offset it's at.
	if(chain==0 || remainingBytes)
		mbuf_freem( newmb );
		return; //if we can't munge the packet, just return
	//patch mbuf so its data points after the dst+src address
	mbuf_setdata(chain, (char *)mbuf_data( chain ) + copyBytes, mbuf_len( chain ) - copyBytes );
	//finish setting up our head mbuf
	*(short *)(destptr) = htons(ETHERTYPE_VLAN); //vlan magic number
	*(short *)(destptr + 2) = htons( vlan_tag ); // and the tag's value
	mbuf_setnext( newmb, chain ); //stick it infront of the rest of the packet
	// feed the tap
		super::feedPacketInputTap( newmb );
		super::feedPacketOutputTap( newmb );
	//release the fake header
	mbuf_setnext( newmb, NULL );
	mbuf_freem( newmb );

	//and repair our old mbuf
	mbuf_setdata( chain, (char *)mbuf_data( chain ) - copyBytes, mbuf_len( chain ) + copyBytes );