Пример #1
void bsp_get( const MCBSP_PROCESSOR_INDEX_DATATYPE pid, const void * const source,
	const MCBSP_BYTESIZE_TYPE offset_in, void * const destination,
	const MCBSP_BYTESIZE_TYPE size_in ) {
	//library internals work with size_t only; convert if necessary
	const size_t offset = (size_t) offset_in;
	const size_t size   = (size_t) size_in;

	//get init data
	struct mcbsp_thread_data * const data = mcbsp_internal_prefunction();

	//build request
	struct mcbsp_communication_request request;

	//record source address
	const unsigned long int globalIndex = mcbsp_util_address_map_get( &(data->local2global), source );
	const struct mcbsp_util_address_table_entry * entry = mcbsp_util_address_table_get( &(data->init->global2local), globalIndex, pid );
	if( offset + size > entry->size ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Error: bsp_get would go out of bounds at source processor (offset=%ld, size=%ld, while registered memory area is %ld bytes)!\n", offset, size, entry->size );
		bsp_abort( "Aborting due to BSP primitive call with invalid arguments." );
	request.source = ((char*)(entry->address)) + offset;

	//record destination
	request.destination = destination;

	//record length
	request.length = size;

	//record payload
	request.payload = NULL;

	//record request
	mcbsp_util_stack_push( &(data->queues[ data->bsp_id ]), &request );
Пример #2
void bsp_direct_get( const MCBSP_PROCESSOR_INDEX_DATATYPE pid, const void * const source,
        const MCBSP_BYTESIZE_TYPE offset_in, void * const destination,
	const MCBSP_BYTESIZE_TYPE size_in ) {
	//library internals work with size_t only; convert if necessary
	const size_t offset = (size_t) offset_in;
	const size_t size   = (size_t) size_in;
	//get init data
	struct mcbsp_thread_data * const data = mcbsp_internal_prefunction();

	//get source address
	const unsigned long int globalIndex = mcbsp_util_address_map_get( &(data->local2global), source );
	const struct mcbsp_util_address_table_entry * entry = mcbsp_util_address_table_get( &(data->init->global2local), globalIndex, pid );
	if( offset + size > entry->size ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Error: bsp_direct_get would go out of bounds at source processor (offset=%ld, size=%ld, while registered memory area is %ld bytes)!\n", offset, size, entry->size );
		bsp_abort( "Aborting due to BSP primitive call with invalid arguments." );

	//perform direct get
	memcpy( destination, ((char*)(entry->address)) + offset, size );
Пример #3
Файл: bsp.c Проект: jong42/git
void spmd( void ) {
	//parallel over three processes
	bsp_begin( 3 );

	//test bsp_push_reg (results in next superstep)
	size_t localInt;
	bsp_push_reg( &localInt, sizeof( size_t ) );
	checkLocalIntAddress[ bsp_pid() ] = &localInt;

	//check pid/nprocs, both using primitives as well as manually
	checkPcount[ bsp_pid() ] = (size_t)(bsp_nprocs());
	pthread_mutex_lock( &test_mutex );
	checkP[ bsp_pid() ] = true;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &test_mutex );

	//nobody should be at superstep 0
	if( superstep == 1 )
		superstepOK = false;

	//test barrier synchronisation

	//note someone is at superstep 1
	superstep = 1;

	//check bsp_time
	if( bsp_time() <= 0 )
		bsp_abort( "FAILURE \t bsp_time returned 0 or less!\n" );

	//set up a pop_reg, but should only take effect after the next sync
	//(testing the push_reg after this statement thus provides a free test)
	bsp_pop_reg( &localInt );
	struct mcbsp_thread_data * const data = pthread_getspecific( mcbsp_internal_thread_data );
	if( data->localsToRemove.top != 1 || data->localsToRemove.cap != 16 ||
		*((void**)(data->localsToRemove.array)) != (void*)&localInt ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_pop_reg did not push entry on the to-remove stack (%p != %p)!\n",
			*((void**)(data->localsToRemove.array)), (void*)&localInt );

	//check push_reg
	for( unsigned char i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
		if( checkLocalIntAddress[ i ] != mcbsp_util_address_table_get( &(data->init->global2local), 0, i )->address ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_push_reg did not register correct address!\n" );


	//check pop_reg
	for( unsigned char i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
		if( mcbsp_util_address_table_get( &(data->init->global2local), 0, i ) != NULL ||
			data->localC != 0 ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_pop_reg did not de-register correctly (entry=%p)!\n",
				mcbsp_util_address_table_get( &(data->init->global2local), 0, i )->address );
		//localInt = *(size_t*)mcbsp_util_stack_pop( &(data->removedGlobals) );


	//going to test communication primitives on the following area
	size_t commTest[ 3 ];
	commTest[ 0 ] = commTest[ 1 ] = ((size_t)bsp_pid());
	commTest[ 2 ] = (size_t)(bsp_nprocs());
	bsp_push_reg( &commTest, 3 * sizeof( size_t ) );

	//make push valid

	//after this put, commTest[ 0 ] should equal bsp_pid, commTest[ 1, 2 ] should equal bsp_pid-1 mod bsp_nprocs
	bsp_put( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &commTest, &commTest, sizeof( size_t ), 2*sizeof( size_t) );
	commTest[ 2 ] = ULONG_MAX; //this should not influence the result after sync.

	//test behind-the-scenes
	const struct mcbsp_util_stack queue = data->queues[ (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs() ];
	size_t predicted_cap = predictCap( sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) + 2 * sizeof( size_t) );
	if( queue.cap != predicted_cap || queue.top != sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) + 2 * sizeof( size_t) || queue.size != sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_put did not adapt the communication queue as expected!\n(cap = %ld, top = %ld, size = %ld)\n",
			(size_t)queue.cap, (size_t)queue.top, (size_t)queue.size );
	const struct mcbsp_message request = *((struct mcbsp_message*) ((char*)queue.array + queue.top - sizeof( struct mcbsp_message )) );
	if( request.length != 2 * sizeof( size_t) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_put did not push a request of the expected length!\n(length = %ld)\n", (size_t)request.length );
	const size_t * const chk_array = (size_t*) ((char*)queue.array + queue.top - sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) - 2 * sizeof( size_t ));
	if( chk_array[ 0 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) || chk_array[ 1 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_put did not push an expected communication request!\n" );
	//note there is no easy way to check request.destination; the top-level BSP test will handle that one


	//test for the above expectation after bsp_put, namely
	//commTest[ 0 ] should equal bsp_pid, commTest[ 1, 2 ] should equal bsp_pid-1 mod bsp_nprocs
	if( commTest[ 0 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) || 
		commTest[ 1 ] != (size_t)((bsp_pid()+bsp_nprocs()-1)%bsp_nprocs()) ||
		commTest[ 2 ] != (size_t)((bsp_pid()+bsp_nprocs()-1)%bsp_nprocs())
	) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t array after bsp_put is not as expected! (%d: %ld %ld %ld))\n", bsp_pid(), commTest[ 0 ], commTest[ 1 ], commTest[ 2 ] );
	//do a get on the next processor on the last element of commTest
	bsp_get( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &commTest, 2 * sizeof( size_t ), &(commTest[ 2 ]), sizeof( size_t ) );

	//fill the expected value after the get to test non-buffering
	commTest[ 2 ] = ((size_t)bsp_pid());


	//commTest[ 0 ] should equal bsp_pid, commTest[ 1 ] should equal bsp_pid-1, commTest[ 2 ] should be bsp_pid+1
	if( commTest[ 0 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) || 
		commTest[ 1 ] != (size_t)((bsp_pid()+bsp_nprocs() - 1)%bsp_nprocs())
	) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t start of array after bsp_get changed! (%d: %ld %ld %ld))\n", bsp_pid(), commTest[ 0 ], commTest[ 1 ], commTest[ 2 ] );
	if( commTest[ 2 ] != (size_t)((bsp_pid()+bsp_nprocs() + 1)%bsp_nprocs()) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t last element of array after bsp_get erroneous! (%d: %ld %ld %ld))\n", bsp_pid(), commTest[ 0 ], commTest[ 1 ], commTest[ 2 ] );


	//test direct_get functionality
	size_t commTest2[ 3 ];
	commTest2[ 0 ] = commTest[ 0 ];

	//get commTest[1] from right neighbour
	bsp_direct_get( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &commTest, sizeof( size_t ), &(commTest2[ 1 ]), sizeof( size_t ) );

	//get commTest[2] from left neighbour
	bsp_direct_get( (bsp_pid() + bsp_nprocs() - 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &commTest, 2 * sizeof( size_t ), &(commTest2[ 2 ]), sizeof( size_t ) );

	//now everything should equal bsp_pid
	if( commTest2[ 0 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) || 
		commTest2[ 1 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) || 
		commTest2[ 2 ] != ((size_t)bsp_pid())
	) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t direct_get does not function properly! (%d: [%ld %ld %ld])\n", bsp_pid(), commTest2[ 0 ], commTest2[ 1 ], commTest2[ 2 ] );

	//now test single BSMP message
	bsp_send( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), NULL, &commTest, sizeof( size_t ) );
	//check messages
	const struct mcbsp_util_stack queue1 = data->queues[ (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs() ];
	const size_t new_predicted_cap = predictCap( sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) + sizeof( size_t ) );
	predicted_cap = predicted_cap > new_predicted_cap ? predicted_cap : new_predicted_cap;
	if( queue1.cap != predicted_cap || queue1.size != sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) || queue1.top != sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) + sizeof( size_t ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_send did not adapt the communication queue as expected!\n(cap = %ld, size = %ld, top = %ld; prediction was %ld, %ld, %ld)\n",
			(size_t)queue1.cap, (size_t)queue1.size, (size_t)queue1.top,
			(size_t)predicted_cap, (size_t)(sizeof( struct mcbsp_message )), (size_t)(sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) + sizeof( size_t )) );
	const struct mcbsp_message request2 = *(struct mcbsp_message*) ((char*)queue1.array + queue1.top - sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ));
	if( request2.destination != NULL ||
		request2.length != sizeof( size_t ) || // assumes tagSize = 0
		*(size_t *)queue1.array != ((size_t)bsp_pid()) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_send did not push the expected communication request!\n(top = %ld, destination = %p, length = %ld, payload = %ld\n",
			(size_t)queue1.top, request2.destination, (size_t)request2.length, *(size_t *)queue1.array );


	//inspect incoming BSMP queue (assuming tagSize = 0)
	predicted_cap = predictCap( sizeof( size_t ) + sizeof( size_t ) );
	if( data->bsmp.cap != predicted_cap || data->bsmp.top != sizeof( size_t ) + sizeof( size_t ) || data->bsmp.size != sizeof( size_t ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t BSMP queue after superstep with sends is not as expected!\n(cap = %ld, top = %ld, size = %ld; prediction was %ld, %ld, %ld)\n",
			(size_t)data->bsmp.cap, (size_t)data->bsmp.top, (size_t)data->bsmp.size,
			(size_t)predicted_cap, (size_t)(8 + sizeof( size_t )), (size_t)(data->bsmp.size) );
	if( *(size_t*)(data->bsmp.array) != (size_t)((bsp_pid() + bsp_nprocs() - 1) % bsp_nprocs()) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t Value in BSMP queue is not correct!\n" );
	//inspect using primitives
	bsp_qsize( &packets, &packetSize );
	if( packets != 1 || packetSize != sizeof( size_t ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_qsize does not function correctly!\n" );
	bsp_move( &commTest, sizeof( size_t ) );
	if( commTest[ 0 ] != (size_t)(( bsp_pid() + bsp_nprocs() - 1 ) % bsp_nprocs()) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_move does not function correctly!\n" );
	//check set_tagsize
	MCBSP_BYTESIZE_TYPE tsz = sizeof( size_t );
	bsp_set_tagsize( &tsz );
	if( tsz != 0 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t return value of bsp_set_tagsize is incorrect!\n" );


	//check set_tagsize
	if( data->init->tagSize != sizeof( size_t ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_set_tagsize failed!\n" );
	commTest[ 0 ] = ((size_t)bsp_pid());
	commTest[ 1 ] = 3;
	commTest[ 2 ] = 8 + ((size_t)bsp_pid());
	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < bsp_nprocs(); ++i ) {
		bsp_send( i, commTest, &(commTest[1]), 2 * sizeof( size_t ) );
		char * const test = (char*)(data->queues[ (size_t)i ].array) + data->queues[ (size_t)i ].top - sizeof( struct mcbsp_message ) - sizeof( size_t );
		if( *(size_t*)test != *commTest ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t BSMP tag did not get pushed correctly (reads %ld instead of %ld)!\n", *(size_t*)test, *commTest );


	size_t tag;
	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < bsp_nprocs(); ++i ) {
		bsp_get_tag( &status, &tag );
		if( tag >= ((size_t)bsp_nprocs()) || status != 2 * sizeof( size_t ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t error in BSMP tag handling! (tag=%ld, status=%ld)\n", tag, (size_t)status );
		size_t *p_tag, *msg;
		if( bsp_hpmove( (void**)&p_tag, (void**)&msg ) != 2 * sizeof( size_t ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_hpmove does not return correct payload length." );
		if( msg[ 0 ] != 3 || *p_tag != tag ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t bsp_hpmove does not contain correct message (tag=%ld, payload = %ld) which should be (%ld, 3).\n", *p_tag, msg[ 0 ], tag );
		commTest[ tag ] = msg[ 1 ];
	for( unsigned short int i = 0; i < bsp_nprocs(); ++i ) {
		if( commTest[ i ] != (unsigned int)(8 + i) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t error in bsp_tag / bsp_(hp)move combination!\n" );


	//test multiple regs
	double mreg[17];
	bsp_push_reg( &(mreg[0]), 7*sizeof( double ) );


	double mregs = 1.3;
	bsp_put( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &mregs, &mreg, 6 * sizeof( double ), sizeof( double ) );
	bsp_push_reg( &(mreg[0]), 17*sizeof( double ) );


	bsp_push_reg( &(mreg[0]), 13*sizeof( double ) );
	bsp_put( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &mregs, &mreg, 16 * sizeof( double ), sizeof( double ) );


	if( mreg[ 6 ] != mreg[ 16 ] ||  mreg[ 6 ] != mregs ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t error in bsp_put + multiple bsp_push_reg calls (%f,%f,%f,...,%f,%f)\n", mreg[ 5 ], mreg[ 6 ], mreg[ 7 ], mreg[ 15 ], mreg[ 16 ] );
	bsp_pop_reg( &(mreg[0]) );
	bsp_pop_reg( &(mreg[0]) );


	bsp_put( (bsp_pid() + 1) % bsp_nprocs(), &mregs, &mreg, 2 * sizeof( double ), sizeof( double ) );


	if( mreg[ 2 ] != mregs ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE \t error in bsp_put + multiple bsp_push_reg + multiple bsp_pop_reg calls\n" );
