Пример #1
static void linop_matrix_apply_adjoint(const linop_data_t* _data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	const struct operator_matrix_s* data = CAST_DOWN(operator_matrix_s, _data);

	unsigned int N = data->mat_iovec->N;
	//debug_printf(DP_DEBUG1, "compute adjoint\n");

	md_clear2(N, data->domain_iovec->dims, data->domain_iovec->strs, dst, CFL_SIZE);

	// FIXME check all the cases where computation can be done with blas
	if (cgemm_forward_standard(data)) {

		long L = md_calc_size(data->T_dim, data->domain_iovec->dims);

		blas_cgemm('N', 'N', L, data->K, data->T, 1.,
				L, (const complex float (*)[])src,
				data->T, (const complex float (*)[])data->mat_conj,
				0., L, (complex float (*)[])dst);

	} else {

		md_zfmacc2(N, data->max_dims, data->domain_iovec->strs, dst, data->codomain_iovec->strs, src, data->mat_iovec->strs, data->mat);
Пример #2
 * Compute Strang's circulant preconditioner
 * Strang's reconditioner is simply the cropped psf in the image domain
static complex float* compute_precond(unsigned int N, const long* pre_dims, const long* pre_strs, const long* psf_dims, const long* psf_strs, const complex float* psf, const complex float* linphase)
	int ND = N + 1;
	unsigned long flags = FFT_FLAGS;

	complex float* pre = md_alloc(ND, pre_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	complex float* psft = md_alloc(ND, psf_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	// Transform psf to image domain
	ifftuc(ND, psf_dims, flags, psft, psf);

	// Compensate for linear phase to get cropped psf
	md_clear(ND, pre_dims, pre, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(ND, psf_dims, pre_strs, pre, psf_strs, psft, psf_strs, linphase);
	// Transform to Fourier domain
	fftuc(N, pre_dims, flags, pre, pre);

	md_zabs(N, pre_dims, pre, pre);
	md_zsadd(N, pre_dims, pre, pre, 1e-3);
	return pre;
Пример #3
static void maps_apply_adjoint(const void* _data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
 	const struct maps_data* data = _data;

	// dst = sum( conj(sens) .* tmp )
	md_clear(DIMS, data->img_dims, dst, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(DIMS, data->max_dims, data->strs_img, dst, data->strs_ksp, src, data->strs_mps, data->sens);
Пример #4
static void sense_adjoint(const void* _data, complex float* imgs, const complex float* out)
	const struct sense_data* data = _data;

	md_zmulc2(DIMS, data->data_dims, data->data_strs, data->tmp, data->data_strs, out, data->mask_strs, data->pattern);

	ifftc(DIMS, data->data_dims, FFT_FLAGS, data->tmp, data->tmp);
	fftscale(DIMS, data->data_dims, FFT_FLAGS, data->tmp, data->tmp);

	md_clear(DIMS, data->imgs_dims, imgs, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(DIMS, data->sens_dims, data->imgs_strs, imgs, data->data_strs, data->tmp, data->sens_strs, data->sens);
Пример #5
static void toeplitz_mult(const struct nufft_data* data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	unsigned int ND = data->N + 3;

	md_zmul2(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->cim_strs, src, data->lph_strs, data->linphase);

	linop_forward(data->fft_op, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid);
	md_zmul2(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->psf_strs, data->psf);
	linop_adjoint(data->fft_op, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid);

	md_clear(ND, data->cim_dims, dst, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cim_strs, dst, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->lph_strs, data->linphase);
Пример #6
void noir_adj(struct noir_data* data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	long split = md_calc_size(DIMS, data->imgs_dims);

	md_zmulc2(DIMS, data->sign_dims, data->sign_strs, data->tmp, data->data_strs, src, data->ptrn_strs, data->pattern);

	ifft(DIMS, data->sign_dims, FFT_FLAGS, data->tmp, data->tmp);

	// we should move it to the end, but fft scaling is applied so this would be need to moved into data->xn or weights maybe?
	md_zmulc2(DIMS, data->sign_dims, data->sign_strs, data->tmp, data->sign_strs, data->tmp, data->mask_strs, data->mask);

	md_clear(DIMS, data->coil_dims, dst + split, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(DIMS, data->sign_dims, data->coil_strs, dst + split, data->sign_strs, data->tmp, data->imgs_strs, data->xn);

	noir_back_coils(data, dst + split, dst + split);

	md_clear(DIMS, data->imgs_dims, dst, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(DIMS, data->sign_dims, data->imgs_strs, dst, data->sign_strs, data->tmp, data->coil_strs, data->sens);

	if (data->rvc)
		md_zreal(DIMS, data->imgs_dims, dst, dst);
Пример #7
static void fmac_adjoint(const linop_data_t* _data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
        auto data = CAST_DOWN(fmac_data, _data);

#ifdef USE_CUDA
	const complex float* tensor = get_tensor(data, cuda_ondevice(src));
	const complex float* tensor = data->tensor;

	md_clear2(data->N, data->idims, data->istrs, dst, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(data->N, data->dims, data->istrs, dst, data->ostrs, src, data->tstrs, tensor);
Пример #8
// Adjoint: from kspace to image
static void nufft_apply_adjoint(const void* _data, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	const struct nufft_data* data = _data;

	unsigned int ND = data->N + 3;

	complex float* gridX = md_alloc(data->N, data->cm2_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_clear(data->N, data->cm2_dims, gridX, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* wdat = NULL;

	if (NULL != data->weights) {

		wdat = md_alloc(data->N, data->ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		md_zmulc2(data->N, data->ksp_dims, data->ksp_strs, wdat, data->ksp_strs, src, data->wgh_strs, data->weights);
		src = wdat;

	grid2(2., data->width, data->beta, ND, data->trj_dims, data->traj, data->cm2_dims, gridX, data->ksp_dims, src);


	long factors[data->N];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->N; i++)
		factors[i] = ((data->img_dims[i] > 1) && (i < 3)) ? 2 : 1;

	md_decompose(data->N, factors, data->cml_dims, data->grid, data->cm2_dims, gridX, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zmulc2(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->img_strs, data->fftmod);
	linop_adjoint(data->fft_op, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid, ND, data->cml_dims, data->grid);

	md_clear(ND, data->cim_dims, dst, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cim_strs, dst, data->cml_strs, data->grid, data->lph_strs, data->linphase);

	if (data->conf.toeplitz)
		md_zmul2(ND, data->cim_dims, data->cim_strs, dst, data->cim_strs, dst, data->img_strs, data->roll);
Пример #9
static bool test_md_zfmacc2_flags(unsigned int D, const long idims[D], unsigned int flags, const complex float* in1, const complex float* in2, const complex float* out_ref)
	long odims[D];
	md_select_dims(D, ~flags, odims, idims);

	complex float* out = md_calloc(D, odims, CFL_SIZE);

	long istr[D];
	long ostr[D];

	md_calc_strides(D, istr, idims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(D, ostr, odims, CFL_SIZE);

	md_zfmacc2(D, idims, ostr, out, istr, in1, istr, in2);

	float err = md_znrmse(D, odims, out_ref, out);



	return true;
Пример #10
 * Compute the Gram matrix, A^H A.
 * Stores the result in @param gram, which is allocated by the function
 * Returns: iovec_s corresponding to the gram matrix dimensions
 * @param N number of dimensions
 * @param T_dim dimension corresponding to the rows of A
 * @param T number of rows of A (codomain)
 * @param K_dim dimension corresponding to the columns of A
 * @param K number of columns of A (domain)
 * @param gram store the result (allocated by this function)
 * @param matrix_dims dimensions of A
 * @param matrix matrix data
const struct iovec_s* compute_gram_matrix(unsigned int N, unsigned int T_dim, unsigned int T, unsigned int K_dim, unsigned int K, complex float** gram, const long matrix_dims[N], const complex float* matrix)
	// FIXME this can certainly be simplfied...
	// Just be careful to consider the case where the data passed to the operator is a subset of a bigger array

	// B_dims = [T K 1]  or  [K T 1]
	// C_dims = [T 1 K]  or  [1 T K]
	// A_dims = [1 K K]  or  [K 1 K]
	// after: gram_dims = [1 K1 K2] --> [K2 K1 1]  or  [K1 1 K2] --> [K1 K2 1]

	long A_dims[N + 1];
	long B_dims[N + 1];
	long C_dims[N + 1];
	long fake_gram_dims[N + 1];

	long A_str[N + 1];
	long B_str[N + 1];
	long C_str[N + 1];
	long max_dims[N + 1];

	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, A_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, B_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, C_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, fake_gram_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, max_dims);

	A_dims[K_dim] = K;
	A_dims[N] = K;

	B_dims[T_dim] = T;
	B_dims[K_dim] = K;

	C_dims[T_dim] = T;
	C_dims[N] = K;

	max_dims[T_dim] = T;
	max_dims[K_dim] = K;
	max_dims[N] = K;

	fake_gram_dims[T_dim] = K;
	fake_gram_dims[K_dim] = K;

	md_calc_strides(N + 1, A_str, A_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(N + 1, B_str, B_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(N + 1, C_str, C_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* tmpA = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1 , A_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	complex float* tmpB = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1, B_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	complex float* tmpC = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1, C_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);

	md_copy(N, matrix_dims, tmpB, matrix, CFL_SIZE);
	//md_copy(N, matrix_dims, tmpC, matrix, CFL_SIZE);

	md_transpose(N + 1, K_dim, N, C_dims, tmpC, B_dims, tmpB, CFL_SIZE);
	md_clear(N + 1, A_dims, tmpA, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(N + 1, max_dims, A_str, tmpA, B_str, tmpB, C_str, tmpC);

	*gram = md_alloc_sameplace(N, fake_gram_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	md_transpose(N + 1, T_dim, N, fake_gram_dims, *gram, A_dims, tmpA, CFL_SIZE); 

	const struct iovec_s* s =  iovec_create(N, fake_gram_dims, CFL_SIZE);


	return s;