/* last_pgno and max_pgs are logged. If last_pgno + pages for adding new data > max_pgs, mdb_put will fail with error MDB_MAP_FULL. Mdb first tries to reuse released pages before trying to get new pages from the free list. Thus even if an operation request new pages failed (last_pgno + pages > max_pgs), adding smaller data may still succeeded if the there are enough pages in the released pages. Max memory can be calculated from max_pgs * page size which is the same as the OS page size. */ void VmDirLogDBStats( PVDIR_MDB_DB pDB ) { MDB_envinfo env_stats = {0}; MDB_stat db_stats = {0}; assert(pDB); if (mdb_env_info(pDB->mdbEnv, &env_stats) != MDB_SUCCESS || mdb_env_stat(pDB->mdbEnv, &db_stats)!= MDB_SUCCESS) { goto error; } VMDIR_LOG_INFO(VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "mdb stats: last_pgno %llu, max_pgs %lld", env_stats.me_last_pgno, env_stats.me_mapsize/db_stats.ms_psize); cleanup: return; error: VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "Error retrieving MDB statistics"); goto cleanup; }
/* * Class: jmdb_DatabaseWrapper * Method: envInfo * Signature: (JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jmdb_DatabaseWrapper_envInfo(JNIEnv *vm, jclass clazz, jlong envL, jobject buf) { MDB_env *envC = (MDB_env*) envL; MDB_envinfo info; jsize size = (*vm)->GetArrayLength(vm, buf); jlong *bufC; if (size < JMDB_INFO_SIZE) { throwNew(vm, "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException", "info[]'s length is less than MDB_info's entries"); return; } int code = mdb_env_info(envC, &info); if (code) { throwDatabaseException(vm, code); return; } bufC = (*vm)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(vm, buf, NULL); bufC[0] = (jlong) info.me_mapaddr; bufC[1] = (jlong) info.me_mapsize; bufC[2] = (jlong) info.me_last_pgno; bufC[3] = (jlong) info.me_last_txnid; bufC[4] = (jlong) info.me_maxreaders; bufC[5] = (jlong) info.me_numreaders; (*vm)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(vm, buf, bufC, 0); }
size_t kvenv_get_dbsize_lmdb(kvenv_t *kvenv) { kvenv_lmdb_t *kvenv_lmdb = (kvenv_lmdb_t*)kvenv; MDB_envinfo stat; mdb_env_info(kvenv_lmdb->env, &stat); return 0x1000L * stat.me_last_pgno; }
void db_remap(db_t db){ MDB_envinfo info; int r; pthread_mutex_lock(&db->mutex); while(db->txns) pthread_cond_wait(&db->cond, &db->mutex); r = mdb_env_info(db->env, &info); assert(MDB_SUCCESS == r); mdb_env_set_mapsize(db->env, info.me_mapsize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); }
static inline size_t _env_newsize(db_t db, int flags){ MDB_envinfo info; size_t ret = 0; int r; if(flags & MDB_RDONLY) return 0; size_t size = db_size(db); r = mdb_env_info(db->env, &info); assert(MDB_SUCCESS == r); if(size + db->padsize > info.me_mapsize) ret = ((size / (db->padsize)) + 2) * db->padsize; return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, rc; MDB_env *env; MDB_txn *txn; MDB_dbi dbi; MDB_stat mst; MDB_envinfo mei; char *prog = argv[0]; char *envname; char *subname = NULL; int alldbs = 0, envinfo = 0, envflags = 0, freinfo = 0, rdrinfo = 0; if (argc < 2) { usage(prog); } /* -a: print stat of main DB and all subDBs * -s: print stat of only the named subDB * -e: print env info * -f: print freelist info * -r: print reader info * -n: use NOSUBDIR flag on env_open * -V: print version and exit * (default) print stat of only the main DB */ while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "Vaefnrs:")) != EOF) { switch(i) { case 'V': printf("%s\n", MDB_VERSION_STRING); exit(0); break; case 'a': if (subname) usage(prog); alldbs++; break; case 'e': envinfo++; break; case 'f': freinfo++; break; case 'n': envflags |= MDB_NOSUBDIR; break; case 'r': rdrinfo++; break; case 's': if (alldbs) usage(prog); subname = optarg; break; default: usage(prog); } } if (optind != argc - 1) usage(prog); envname = argv[optind]; rc = mdb_env_create(&env); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_env_create failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (alldbs || subname) { mdb_env_set_maxdbs(env, 4); } rc = mdb_env_open(env, envname, envflags | MDB_RDONLY, 0664); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_env_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } if (envinfo) { (void)mdb_env_stat(env, &mst); (void)mdb_env_info(env, &mei); printf("Environment Info\n"); printf(" Map address: %p\n", mei.me_mapaddr); printf(" Map size: %"Z"u\n", mei.me_mapsize); printf(" Page size: %u\n", mst.ms_psize); printf(" Max pages: %"Z"u\n", mei.me_mapsize / mst.ms_psize); printf(" Number of pages used: %"Z"u\n", mei.me_last_pgno+1); printf(" Last transaction ID: %"Z"u\n", mei.me_last_txnid); printf(" Max readers: %u\n", mei.me_maxreaders); printf(" Number of readers used: %u\n", mei.me_numreaders); } if (rdrinfo) { printf("Reader Table Status\n"); rc = mdb_reader_list(env, (MDB_msg_func *)fputs, stdout); if (rdrinfo > 1) { int dead; mdb_reader_check(env, &dead); printf(" %d stale readers cleared.\n", dead); rc = mdb_reader_list(env, (MDB_msg_func *)fputs, stdout); } if (!(subname || alldbs || freinfo)) goto env_close; } rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_txn_begin failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } if (freinfo) { MDB_cursor *cursor; MDB_val key, data; size_t pages = 0, *iptr; printf("Freelist Status\n"); dbi = 0; rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cursor); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } rc = mdb_stat(txn, dbi, &mst); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_stat failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } prstat(&mst); while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)) == 0) { iptr = data.mv_data; pages += *iptr; if (freinfo > 1) { char *bad = ""; size_t pg, prev; ssize_t i, j, span = 0; j = *iptr++; for (i = j, prev = 1; --i >= 0; ) { pg = iptr[i]; if (pg <= prev) bad = " [bad sequence]"; prev = pg; pg += span; for (; i >= span && iptr[i-span] == pg; span++, pg++) ; } printf(" Transaction %"Z"u, %"Z"d pages, maxspan %"Z"d%s\n", *(size_t *)key.mv_data, j, span, bad); if (freinfo > 2) { for (--j; j >= 0; ) { pg = iptr[j]; for (span=1; --j >= 0 && iptr[j] == pg+span; span++) ; printf(span>1 ? " %9"Z"u[%"Z"d]\n" : " %9"Z"u\n", pg, span); } } } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); printf(" Free pages: %"Z"u\n", pages); } rc = mdb_open(txn, subname, 0, &dbi); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } rc = mdb_stat(txn, dbi, &mst); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_stat failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } printf("Status of %s\n", subname ? subname : "Main DB"); prstat(&mst); if (alldbs) { MDB_cursor *cursor; MDB_val key; rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cursor); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, NULL, MDB_NEXT_NODUP)) == 0) { char *str; MDB_dbi db2; if (memchr(key.mv_data, '\0', key.mv_size)) continue; str = malloc(key.mv_size+1); memcpy(str, key.mv_data, key.mv_size); str[key.mv_size] = '\0'; rc = mdb_open(txn, str, 0, &db2); if (rc == MDB_SUCCESS) printf("Status of %s\n", str); free(str); if (rc) continue; rc = mdb_stat(txn, db2, &mst); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_stat failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } prstat(&mst); mdb_close(env, db2); } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); } if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) rc = MDB_SUCCESS; mdb_close(env, dbi); txn_abort: mdb_txn_abort(txn); env_close: mdb_env_close(env); return rc ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int mdb_search( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { struct mdb_info *mdb = (struct mdb_info *) op->o_bd->be_private; ID id, cursor, nsubs, ncand, cscope; ID lastid = NOID; ID candidates[MDB_IDL_UM_SIZE]; ID iscopes[MDB_IDL_DB_SIZE]; ID2 *scopes; void *stack; Entry *e = NULL, *base = NULL; Entry *matched = NULL; AttributeName *attrs; slap_mask_t mask; time_t stoptime; int manageDSAit; int tentries = 0; IdScopes isc; MDB_cursor *mci, *mcd; ww_ctx wwctx; slap_callback cb = { 0 }; mdb_op_info opinfo = {{{0}}}, *moi = &opinfo; MDB_txn *ltid = NULL; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> " LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) "\n", 0, 0, 0); attrs = op->oq_search.rs_attrs; manageDSAit = get_manageDSAit( op ); rs->sr_err = mdb_opinfo_get( op, mdb, 1, &moi ); switch(rs->sr_err) { case 0: break; default: send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error" ); return rs->sr_err; } ltid = moi->moi_txn; rs->sr_err = mdb_cursor_open( ltid, mdb->mi_id2entry, &mci ); if ( rs->sr_err ) { send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error" ); return rs->sr_err; } rs->sr_err = mdb_cursor_open( ltid, mdb->mi_dn2id, &mcd ); if ( rs->sr_err ) { mdb_cursor_close( mci ); send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error" ); return rs->sr_err; } scopes = scope_chunk_get( op ); stack = search_stack( op ); isc.mt = ltid; isc.mc = mcd; isc.scopes = scopes; isc.oscope = op->ors_scope; isc.sctmp = stack; if ( op->ors_deref & LDAP_DEREF_FINDING ) { MDB_IDL_ZERO(candidates); } dn2entry_retry: /* get entry with reader lock */ rs->sr_err = mdb_dn2entry( op, ltid, mcd, &op->o_req_ndn, &e, &nsubs, 1 ); switch(rs->sr_err) { case MDB_NOTFOUND: matched = e; e = NULL; break; case 0: break; case LDAP_BUSY: send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_BUSY, "ldap server busy" ); goto done; default: send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error" ); goto done; } if ( op->ors_deref & LDAP_DEREF_FINDING ) { if ( matched && is_entry_alias( matched )) { struct berval stub; stub.bv_val = op->o_req_ndn.bv_val; stub.bv_len = op->o_req_ndn.bv_len - matched->e_nname.bv_len - 1; e = deref_base( op, rs, matched, &matched, ltid, candidates, NULL ); if ( e ) { build_new_dn( &op->o_req_ndn, &e->e_nname, &stub, op->o_tmpmemctx ); mdb_entry_return(op, e); matched = NULL; goto dn2entry_retry; } } else if ( e && is_entry_alias( e )) { e = deref_base( op, rs, e, &matched, ltid, candidates, NULL ); } } if ( e == NULL ) { struct berval matched_dn = BER_BVNULL; if ( matched != NULL ) { BerVarray erefs = NULL; /* return referral only if "disclose" * is granted on the object */ if ( ! access_allowed( op, matched, slap_schema.si_ad_entry, NULL, ACL_DISCLOSE, NULL ) ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } else { ber_dupbv( &matched_dn, &matched->e_name ); erefs = is_entry_referral( matched ) ? get_entry_referrals( op, matched ) : NULL; if ( rs->sr_err == MDB_NOTFOUND ) rs->sr_err = LDAP_REFERRAL; rs->sr_matched = matched_dn.bv_val; } mdb_entry_return(op, matched); matched = NULL; if ( erefs ) { rs->sr_ref = referral_rewrite( erefs, &matched_dn, &op->o_req_dn, op->oq_search.rs_scope ); ber_bvarray_free( erefs ); } } else { rs->sr_ref = referral_rewrite( default_referral, NULL, &op->o_req_dn, op->oq_search.rs_scope ); rs->sr_err = rs->sr_ref != NULL ? LDAP_REFERRAL : LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } send_ldap_result( op, rs ); if ( rs->sr_ref ) { ber_bvarray_free( rs->sr_ref ); rs->sr_ref = NULL; } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &matched_dn ) ) { ber_memfree( matched_dn.bv_val ); rs->sr_matched = NULL; } goto done; } /* NOTE: __NEW__ "search" access is required * on searchBase object */ if ( ! access_allowed_mask( op, e, slap_schema.si_ad_entry, NULL, ACL_SEARCH, NULL, &mask ) ) { if ( !ACL_GRANT( mask, ACL_DISCLOSE ) ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } else { rs->sr_err = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; } mdb_entry_return( op,e); send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } if ( !manageDSAit && is_entry_referral( e ) ) { /* entry is a referral */ struct berval matched_dn = BER_BVNULL; BerVarray erefs = NULL; ber_dupbv( &matched_dn, &e->e_name ); erefs = get_entry_referrals( op, e ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_REFERRAL; mdb_entry_return( op, e ); e = NULL; if ( erefs ) { rs->sr_ref = referral_rewrite( erefs, &matched_dn, &op->o_req_dn, op->oq_search.rs_scope ); ber_bvarray_free( erefs ); if ( !rs->sr_ref ) { rs->sr_text = "bad_referral object"; } } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": entry is referral\n", 0, 0, 0 ); rs->sr_matched = matched_dn.bv_val; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); ber_bvarray_free( rs->sr_ref ); rs->sr_ref = NULL; ber_memfree( matched_dn.bv_val ); rs->sr_matched = NULL; goto done; } if ( get_assert( op ) && ( test_filter( op, e, get_assertion( op )) != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE )) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_ASSERTION_FAILED; mdb_entry_return( op,e); send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } /* compute it anyway; root does not use it */ stoptime = op->o_time + op->ors_tlimit; base = e; e = NULL; /* select candidates */ if ( op->oq_search.rs_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE ) { rs->sr_err = base_candidate( op->o_bd, base, candidates ); scopes[0].mid = 0; ncand = 1; } else { if ( op->ors_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) { size_t nkids; MDB_val key, data; key.mv_data = &base->e_id; key.mv_size = sizeof( ID ); mdb_cursor_get( mcd, &key, &data, MDB_SET ); mdb_cursor_count( mcd, &nkids ); nsubs = nkids - 1; } else if ( !base->e_id ) { /* we don't maintain nsubs for entryID 0. * just grab entry count from id2entry stat */ MDB_stat ms; mdb_stat( ltid, mdb->mi_id2entry, &ms ); nsubs = ms.ms_entries; } MDB_IDL_ZERO( candidates ); scopes[0].mid = 1; scopes[1].mid = base->e_id; scopes[1].mval.mv_data = NULL; rs->sr_err = search_candidates( op, rs, base, &isc, mci, candidates, stack ); ncand = MDB_IDL_N( candidates ); if ( !base->e_id || ncand == NOID ) { /* grab entry count from id2entry stat */ MDB_stat ms; mdb_stat( ltid, mdb->mi_id2entry, &ms ); if ( !base->e_id ) nsubs = ms.ms_entries; if ( ncand == NOID ) ncand = ms.ms_entries; } } /* start cursor at beginning of candidates. */ cursor = 0; if ( candidates[0] == 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": no candidates\n", 0, 0, 0 ); goto nochange; } /* if not root and candidates exceed to-be-checked entries, abort */ if ( op->ors_limit /* isroot == FALSE */ && op->ors_limit->lms_s_unchecked != -1 && ncand > (unsigned) op->ors_limit->lms_s_unchecked ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto done; } if ( op->ors_limit == NULL /* isroot == TRUE */ || !op->ors_limit->lms_s_pr_hide ) { tentries = ncand; } wwctx.flag = 0; wwctx.nentries = 0; /* If we're running in our own read txn */ if ( moi == &opinfo ) { cb.sc_writewait = mdb_writewait; cb.sc_private = &wwctx; wwctx.txn = ltid; wwctx.mcd = NULL; cb.sc_next = op->o_callback; op->o_callback = &cb; } if ( get_pagedresults( op ) > SLAP_CONTROL_IGNORED ) { PagedResultsState *ps = op->o_pagedresults_state; /* deferred cookie parsing */ rs->sr_err = parse_paged_cookie( op, rs ); if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } cursor = (ID) ps->ps_cookie; if ( cursor && ps->ps_size == 0 ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; rs->sr_text = "search abandoned by pagedResult size=0"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } id = mdb_idl_first( candidates, &cursor ); if ( id == NOID ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": no paged results candidates\n", 0, 0, 0 ); send_paged_response( op, rs, &lastid, 0 ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; goto done; } if ( id == (ID)ps->ps_cookie ) id = mdb_idl_next( candidates, &cursor ); nsubs = ncand; /* always bypass scope'd search */ goto loop_begin; } if ( nsubs < ncand ) { int rc; /* Do scope-based search */ /* if any alias scopes were set, save them */ if (scopes[0].mid > 1) { cursor = 1; for (cscope = 1; cscope <= scopes[0].mid; cscope++) { /* Ignore the original base */ if (scopes[cscope].mid == base->e_id) continue; iscopes[cursor++] = scopes[cscope].mid; } iscopes[0] = scopes[0].mid - 1; } else { iscopes[0] = 0; } wwctx.mcd = mcd; isc.id = base->e_id; isc.numrdns = 0; rc = mdb_dn2id_walk( op, &isc ); if ( rc ) id = NOID; else id = isc.id; cscope = 0; } else { id = mdb_idl_first( candidates, &cursor ); } while (id != NOID) { int scopeok; MDB_val edata; loop_begin: /* check for abandon */ if ( op->o_abandon ) { rs->sr_err = SLAPD_ABANDON; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } /* mostly needed by internal searches, * e.g. related to syncrepl, for whom * abandon does not get set... */ if ( slapd_shutdown ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; send_ldap_disconnect( op, rs ); goto done; } /* check time limit */ if ( op->ors_tlimit != SLAP_NO_LIMIT && slap_get_time() > stoptime ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED; rs->sr_ref = rs->sr_v2ref; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto done; } if ( nsubs < ncand ) { unsigned i; /* Is this entry in the candidate list? */ scopeok = 0; if (MDB_IDL_IS_RANGE( candidates )) { if ( id >= MDB_IDL_RANGE_FIRST( candidates ) && id <= MDB_IDL_RANGE_LAST( candidates )) scopeok = 1; } else { i = mdb_idl_search( candidates, id ); if (i <= candidates[0] && candidates[i] == id ) scopeok = 1; } if ( scopeok ) goto scopeok; goto loop_continue; } /* Does this candidate actually satisfy the search scope? */ scopeok = 0; isc.numrdns = 0; switch( op->ors_scope ) { case LDAP_SCOPE_BASE: /* This is always true, yes? */ if ( id == base->e_id ) scopeok = 1; break; #ifdef LDAP_SCOPE_CHILDREN case LDAP_SCOPE_CHILDREN: if ( id == base->e_id ) break; /* Fall-thru */ #endif case LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE: if ( id == base->e_id ) { scopeok = 1; break; } /* Fall-thru */ case LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL: if ( id == base->e_id ) break; isc.id = id; isc.nscope = 0; rs->sr_err = mdb_idscopes( op, &isc ); if ( rs->sr_err == MDB_SUCCESS ) { if ( isc.nscope ) scopeok = 1; } else { if ( rs->sr_err == MDB_NOTFOUND ) goto notfound; } break; } /* Not in scope, ignore it */ if ( !scopeok ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": %ld scope not okay\n", (long) id, 0, 0 ); goto loop_continue; } scopeok: if ( id == base->e_id ) { e = base; } else { /* get the entry */ rs->sr_err = mdb_id2edata( op, mci, id, &edata ); if ( rs->sr_err == MDB_NOTFOUND ) { notfound: if( nsubs < ncand ) goto loop_continue; if( !MDB_IDL_IS_RANGE(candidates) ) { /* only complain for non-range IDLs */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": candidate %ld not found\n", (long) id, 0, 0 ); } else { /* get the next ID from the DB */ rs->sr_err = mdb_get_nextid( mci, &cursor ); if ( rs->sr_err == MDB_NOTFOUND ) { break; } if ( rs->sr_err ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; rs->sr_text = "internal error in get_nextid"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } cursor--; } goto loop_continue; } else if ( rs->sr_err ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; rs->sr_text = "internal error in mdb_id2edata"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } rs->sr_err = mdb_entry_decode( op, ltid, &edata, id, &e ); if ( rs->sr_err ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; rs->sr_text = "internal error in mdb_entry_decode"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } e->e_id = id; e->e_name.bv_val = NULL; e->e_nname.bv_val = NULL; } if ( is_entry_subentry( e ) ) { if( op->oq_search.rs_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE ) { if(!get_subentries_visibility( op )) { /* only subentries are visible */ goto loop_continue; } } else if ( get_subentries( op ) && !get_subentries_visibility( op )) { /* only subentries are visible */ goto loop_continue; } } else if ( get_subentries_visibility( op )) { /* only subentries are visible */ goto loop_continue; } /* aliases were already dereferenced in candidate list */ if ( op->ors_deref & LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING ) { /* but if the search base is an alias, and we didn't * deref it when finding, return it. */ if ( is_entry_alias(e) && ((op->ors_deref & LDAP_DEREF_FINDING) || e != base )) { goto loop_continue; } } if ( !manageDSAit && is_entry_glue( e )) { goto loop_continue; } if (e != base) { struct berval pdn, pndn; char *d, *n; int i; /* child of base, just append RDNs to base->e_name */ if ( nsubs < ncand || isc.scopes[isc.nscope].mid == base->e_id ) { pdn = base->e_name; pndn = base->e_nname; } else { mdb_id2name( op, ltid, &isc.mc, scopes[isc.nscope].mid, &pdn, &pndn ); } e->e_name.bv_len = pdn.bv_len; e->e_nname.bv_len = pndn.bv_len; for (i=0; i<isc.numrdns; i++) { e->e_name.bv_len += isc.rdns[i].bv_len + 1; e->e_nname.bv_len += isc.nrdns[i].bv_len + 1; } e->e_name.bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc(e->e_name.bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx); e->e_nname.bv_val = op->o_tmpalloc(e->e_nname.bv_len + 1, op->o_tmpmemctx); d = e->e_name.bv_val; n = e->e_nname.bv_val; if (nsubs < ncand) { /* RDNs are in top-down order */ for (i=isc.numrdns-1; i>=0; i--) { memcpy(d, isc.rdns[i].bv_val, isc.rdns[i].bv_len); d += isc.rdns[i].bv_len; *d++ = ','; memcpy(n, isc.nrdns[i].bv_val, isc.nrdns[i].bv_len); n += isc.nrdns[i].bv_len; *n++ = ','; } } else { /* RDNs are in bottom-up order */ for (i=0; i<isc.numrdns; i++) { memcpy(d, isc.rdns[i].bv_val, isc.rdns[i].bv_len); d += isc.rdns[i].bv_len; *d++ = ','; memcpy(n, isc.nrdns[i].bv_val, isc.nrdns[i].bv_len); n += isc.nrdns[i].bv_len; *n++ = ','; } } if (pdn.bv_len) { memcpy(d, pdn.bv_val, pdn.bv_len+1); memcpy(n, pndn.bv_val, pndn.bv_len+1); } else { *--d = '\0'; *--n = '\0'; e->e_name.bv_len--; e->e_nname.bv_len--; } if (pndn.bv_val != base->e_nname.bv_val) { op->o_tmpfree(pndn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx); op->o_tmpfree(pdn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx); } } /* * if it's a referral, add it to the list of referrals. only do * this for non-base searches, and don't check the filter * explicitly here since it's only a candidate anyway. */ if ( !manageDSAit && op->oq_search.rs_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE && is_entry_referral( e ) ) { BerVarray erefs = get_entry_referrals( op, e ); rs->sr_ref = referral_rewrite( erefs, &e->e_name, NULL, op->oq_search.rs_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ? LDAP_SCOPE_BASE : LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ); rs->sr_entry = e; rs->sr_flags = 0; send_search_reference( op, rs ); if (e != base) mdb_entry_return( op, e ); rs->sr_entry = NULL; e = NULL; ber_bvarray_free( rs->sr_ref ); ber_bvarray_free( erefs ); rs->sr_ref = NULL; goto loop_continue; } /* if it matches the filter and scope, send it */ rs->sr_err = test_filter( op, e, op->oq_search.rs_filter ); if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { /* check size limit */ if ( get_pagedresults(op) > SLAP_CONTROL_IGNORED ) { if ( rs->sr_nentries >= ((PagedResultsState *)op->o_pagedresults_state)->ps_size ) { if (e != base) mdb_entry_return( op, e ); e = NULL; send_paged_response( op, rs, &lastid, tentries ); goto done; } lastid = id; } if (e) { /* safe default */ rs->sr_attrs = op->oq_search.rs_attrs; rs->sr_operational_attrs = NULL; rs->sr_ctrls = NULL; rs->sr_entry = e; RS_ASSERT( e->e_private != NULL ); rs->sr_flags = 0; rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; rs->sr_err = send_search_entry( op, rs ); rs->sr_attrs = NULL; rs->sr_entry = NULL; if (e != base) mdb_entry_return( op, e ); e = NULL; switch ( rs->sr_err ) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: /* entry sent ok */ break; default: /* entry not sent */ break; case LDAP_BUSY: send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; case LDAP_UNAVAILABLE: case LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED ) { rs->sr_ref = rs->sr_v2ref; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; } goto done; } } } else { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_search) ": %ld does not match filter\n", (long) id, 0, 0 ); } loop_continue: if ( moi == &opinfo && !wwctx.flag && mdb->mi_rtxn_size ) { wwctx.nentries++; if ( wwctx.nentries >= mdb->mi_rtxn_size ) { MDB_envinfo ei; wwctx.nentries = 0; mdb_env_info(mdb->mi_dbenv, &ei); if ( ei.me_last_txnid > mdb_txn_id( ltid )) mdb_rtxn_snap( op, &wwctx ); } } if ( wwctx.flag ) { rs->sr_err = mdb_waitfixup( op, &wwctx, mci, mcd, &isc ); if ( rs->sr_err ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); goto done; } } if( e != NULL ) { if ( e != base ) mdb_entry_return( op, e ); RS_ASSERT( rs->sr_entry == NULL ); e = NULL; rs->sr_entry = NULL; } if ( nsubs < ncand ) { int rc = mdb_dn2id_walk( op, &isc ); if (rc) { id = NOID; /* We got to the end of a subtree. If there are any * alias scopes left, search them too. */ while (iscopes[0] && cscope < iscopes[0]) { cscope++; isc.id = iscopes[cscope]; if ( base ) mdb_entry_return( op, base ); rs->sr_err = mdb_id2entry(op, mci, isc.id, &base); if ( !rs->sr_err ) { mdb_id2name( op, ltid, &isc.mc, isc.id, &base->e_name, &base->e_nname ); isc.numrdns = 0; if (isc.oscope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL) isc.oscope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; rc = mdb_dn2id_walk( op, &isc ); if ( !rc ) { id = isc.id; break; } } } } else id = isc.id; } else { id = mdb_idl_next( candidates, &cursor ); } } nochange: rs->sr_ctrls = NULL; rs->sr_ref = rs->sr_v2ref; rs->sr_err = (rs->sr_v2ref == NULL) ? LDAP_SUCCESS : LDAP_REFERRAL; rs->sr_rspoid = NULL; if ( get_pagedresults(op) > SLAP_CONTROL_IGNORED ) { send_paged_response( op, rs, NULL, 0 ); } else { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; done: if ( cb.sc_private ) { /* remove our writewait callback */ slap_callback **scp = &op->o_callback; while ( *scp ) { if ( *scp == &cb ) { *scp = cb.sc_next; cb.sc_private = NULL; break; } } } mdb_cursor_close( mcd ); mdb_cursor_close( mci ); if ( moi == &opinfo ) { mdb_txn_reset( moi->moi_txn ); LDAP_SLIST_REMOVE( &op->o_extra, &moi->moi_oe, OpExtra, oe_next ); } else { moi->moi_ref--; } if( rs->sr_v2ref ) { ber_bvarray_free( rs->sr_v2ref ); rs->sr_v2ref = NULL; } if (base) mdb_entry_return( op, base ); scope_chunk_ret( op, scopes ); return rs->sr_err; }
void maybe_grow(MDB_env* env) { // http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.openldap.technical/11699 // also see mdb_env_set_mapsize // read environment info MDB_envinfo env_info; int rc = mdb_env_info(env, &env_info); if (rc != 0) { assert(0); } // get page size MDB_stat ms; rc = mdb_env_stat(env, &ms); if (rc != 0) { assert(0); } // occasionally sync to prevent long flush delays if (ms.ms_entries % 10000000 == 10000000 - 1) { pthread_t thread; int result_code = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, perform_mdb_env_sync, static_cast<void*>(env)); if (result_code != 0) { assert(0); } } // maybe grow the DB if (env_info.me_mapsize / ms.ms_psize <= env_info.me_last_pgno + 10) { // could call mdb_env_sync(env, 1) here but it does not help // rc = mdb_env_sync(env, 1); // if (rc != 0) { // std::cerr << "Error growing DB: " << mdb_strerror(rc) // << "\nAborting.\n"; // exit(1); // } // grow the DB size_t size = env_info.me_mapsize; if (size > (1<<30)) { // 1<<30 = 1,073,741,824 // add 1GiB size += (1<<30); } else { // double size *= 2; } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Growing DB " << env << " from " << env_info.me_mapsize << " to " << size << "\n"; #endif rc = mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, size); if (rc != 0) { // grow failed std::cerr << "Error growing DB: " << mdb_strerror(rc) << "\nAborting.\n"; exit(1); } } }
size_t db_get_mapsize(db_t db){ MDB_envinfo info; int r = mdb_env_info(db->env, &info); assert(MDB_SUCCESS == r); return info.me_mapsize; }
static int slmdb_recover(SLMDB *slmdb, int status) { MDB_envinfo info; /* * This may be needed in non-MDB_NOLOCK mode. Recovery is rare enough * that we don't care about a few wasted cycles. */ if (slmdb->cursor != 0) slmdb_cursor_close(slmdb); /* * Recover bulk transactions only if they can be restarted. Limit the * number of recovery attempts per slmdb(3) API request. */ if ((slmdb->txn != 0 && slmdb->longjmp_fn == 0) || ((slmdb->api_retry_count += 1) >= slmdb->api_retry_limit)) return (status); /* * If we can recover from the error, we clear the error condition and the * caller should retry the failed operation immediately. Otherwise, the * caller should terminate with a fatal run-time error and the program * should be re-run later. * * slmdb->txn must be either null (non-bulk transaction error), or an * aborted bulk-mode transaction. */ switch (status) { /* * As of LMDB 0.9.8 when a non-bulk update runs into a "map full" * error, we can resize the environment's memory map and clear the * error condition. The caller should retry immediately. */ case MDB_MAP_FULL: /* Can we increase the memory map? Give up if we can't. */ if (slmdb->curr_limit < slmdb->hard_limit / slmdb->size_incr) { slmdb->curr_limit = slmdb->curr_limit * slmdb->size_incr; } else if (slmdb->curr_limit < slmdb->hard_limit) { slmdb->curr_limit = slmdb->hard_limit; } else { /* Sorry, we are already maxed out. */ break; } if (slmdb->notify_fn) slmdb->notify_fn(slmdb->cb_context, MDB_MAP_FULL, slmdb->curr_limit); status = mdb_env_set_mapsize(slmdb->env, slmdb->curr_limit); break; /* * When a writer resizes the database, read-only applications must * increase their LMDB memory map size limit, too. Otherwise, they * won't be able to read a table after it grows. * * As of LMDB 0.9.8 we can import the new memory map size limit into the * database environment by calling mdb_env_set_mapsize() with a zero * size argument. Then we extract the map size limit for later use. * The caller should retry immediately. */ case MDB_MAP_RESIZED: if ((status = mdb_env_set_mapsize(slmdb->env, 0)) == 0) { /* Do not panic. Maps may shrink after bulk update. */ mdb_env_info(slmdb->env, &info); slmdb->curr_limit = info.me_mapsize; if (slmdb->notify_fn) slmdb->notify_fn(slmdb->cb_context, MDB_MAP_RESIZED, slmdb->curr_limit); } break; /* * What is it with these built-in hard limits that cause systems to * stop when demand is at its highest? When the system is under * stress it should slow down and keep making progress. */ case MDB_READERS_FULL: if (slmdb->notify_fn) slmdb->notify_fn(slmdb->cb_context, MDB_READERS_FULL); sleep(1); status = 0; break; /* * We can't solve this problem. The application should terminate with * a fatal run-time error and the program should be re-run later. */ default: break; } /* * If a bulk-transaction error is recoverable, build a new bulk * transaction from scratch, by making a long jump back into the caller * at some pre-arranged point. In MDB_NOLOCK mode, there is no need to * upgrade the lock to "exclusive", because the failed write transaction * has no side effects. */ if (slmdb->txn != 0 && status == 0 && slmdb->longjmp_fn != 0 && (slmdb->bulk_retry_count += 1) <= slmdb->bulk_retry_limit) { if ((status = mdb_txn_begin(slmdb->env, (MDB_txn *) 0, slmdb->lmdb_flags & MDB_RDONLY, &slmdb->txn)) == 0 && (status = slmdb_prepare(slmdb)) == 0) slmdb->longjmp_fn(slmdb->cb_context, 1); } return (status); }