Пример #1
 * Calculates the FSB and CPU frequencies using specific MSRs for each CPU
 * - multi. is read from a specific MSR. In the case of Intel, there is:
 *	   a max multi. (used to calculate the FSB freq.),
 *	   and a current multi. (used to calculate the CPU freq.)
 * - fsbFrequency = tscFrequency / multi
 * - cpuFrequency = fsbFrequency * multi
void scan_cpu(PlatformInfo_t *p)
	uint64_t	tscFrequency = 0;
	uint64_t	fsbFrequency = 0;
	uint64_t	cpuFrequency = 0;
	uint64_t	msr = 0;
	uint64_t	flex_ratio = 0;
	uint32_t	max_ratio = 0;
	uint32_t	min_ratio = 0;
	uint8_t		bus_ratio_max = 0;
	uint8_t		currdiv = 0;
	uint8_t		currcoef = 0;
	uint8_t		maxdiv = 0;
	uint8_t		maxcoef = 0;
	const char	*newratio;
	int		len = 0;
	int		myfsb = 0;
	uint8_t		bus_ratio_min = 0;
	uint32_t	reg[4];
	char		str[128];

	/* get cpuid values */
	do_cpuid(0x00000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1]);

	do_cpuid(0x00000002, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_2]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000003, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_3]);
	do_cpuid2(0x00000004, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_4]);

	do_cpuid(0x80000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80]);
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 0x5) {
		do_cpuid(5,  p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_5]);
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 6) {
		do_cpuid(6, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);
	if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 8) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000008, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88]);
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);
	} else if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 1) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);

// #if DEBUG_CPU
		int		i;
		DBG("CPUID Raw Values:\n");
		for (i = 0; i < CPUID_MAX; i++) {
			DBG("%02d: %08x-%08x-%08x-%08x\n", i,
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][0], p->CPU.CPUID[i][1],
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][2], p->CPU.CPUID[i][3]);
// #endif

    EAX (Intel):
    31    28 27            20 19    16 1514 1312 11     8 7      4 3      0
    |########|Extended family |Extmodel|####|type|familyid|  model |stepping|

    EAX (AMD):
    31    28 27            20 19    16 1514 1312 11     8 7      4 3      0
    |########|Extended family |Extmodel|####|####|familyid|  model |stepping|

	p->CPU.Vendor		= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][1];
	p->CPU.Signature	= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0];
	p->CPU.Stepping		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 3, 0);	// stepping = cpu_feat_eax & 0xF;
	p->CPU.Model		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 7, 4);	// model = (cpu_feat_eax >> 4) & 0xF;
	p->CPU.Family		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 11, 8);	// family = (cpu_feat_eax >> 8) & 0xF;
	//p->CPU.Type		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 13, 12);	// type = (cpu_feat_eax >> 12) & 0x3;
	p->CPU.ExtModel		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 19, 16);	// ext_model = (cpu_feat_eax >> 16) & 0xF;
	p->CPU.ExtFamily	= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 27, 20);	// ext_family = (cpu_feat_eax >> 20) & 0xFF;

	p->CPU.Model += (p->CPU.ExtModel << 4);

	if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL)
		 * Find the number of enabled cores and threads
		 * (which determines whether SMT/Hyperthreading is active).
		switch (p->CPU.Model)
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT);
				p->CPU.NoCores		= (uint8_t)bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 31, 16);
				p->CPU.NoThreads	= (uint8_t)bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 15,  0);

				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT);
				p->CPU.NoCores		= (uint8_t)bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 19, 16);
				p->CPU.NoThreads	= (uint8_t)bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 15,  0);

				p->CPU.NoCores = 0;
		} // end switch

	if (p->CPU.NoCores == 0)
		p->CPU.NoCores		= (uint8_t)(p->CPU.CoresPerPackage & 0xff);
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= (uint8_t)(p->CPU.LogicalPerPackage & 0xff);

	/* get BrandString (if supported) */
	/* Copyright: from Apple's XNU cpuid.c */
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] > 0x80000004)
		char	 *s;
		bzero(str, 128);
		 * The BrandString 48 bytes (max), guaranteed to
		 * be NULL terminated.
		do_cpuid(0x80000002, reg);
		memcpy(&str[0], (char *)reg, 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000003, reg);
		memcpy(&str[16], (char *)reg, 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000004, reg);
		memcpy(&str[32], (char *)reg, 16);
		for (s = str; *s != '\0'; s++)
			if (*s != ' ')
		strlcpy(p->CPU.BrandString, s, 48);

		if (!strncmp(p->CPU.BrandString, CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN, MIN(sizeof(p->CPU.BrandString), strlen(CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN) + 1)))
			 * This string means we have a firmware-programmable brand string,
			 * and the firmware couldn't figure out what sort of CPU we have.
			p->CPU.BrandString[0] = '\0';
		p->CPU.BrandString[47] = '\0';
//		DBG("Brandstring = %s\n", p->CPU.BrandString);

	//workaround for N270. I don't know why it detected wrong
	// MSR is *NOT* available on the Intel Atom CPU
	if ((p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_ATOM) && (strstr(p->CPU.BrandString, "270")))
		p->CPU.NoCores		= 1;
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= 2;

	if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD)
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][1], 23, 16);
		p->CPU.NoCores		= (uint8_t)bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88][2], 7, 0) + 1;

	/* setup features */
	if ((bit(23) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX;
	if ((bit(25) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE;
	if ((bit(26) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE2;
	if ((bit(0) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE3;
	if ((bit(19) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE41;
	if ((bit(20) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE42;
	if ((bit(29) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_EM64T;
	if ((bit(5) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MSR;
	//if ((bit(28) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
	if (p->CPU.NoThreads > p->CPU.NoCores) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_HTT;

	tscFrequency = measure_tsc_frequency();
	DBG("cpu freq classic = 0x%016llx\n", tscFrequency);
	/* if usual method failed */
	if ( tscFrequency < 1000 )	//TEST
		tscFrequency = timeRDTSC() * 20;//measure_tsc_frequency();
		// DBG("cpu freq timeRDTSC = 0x%016llx\n", tscFrequency);
	} else {
		// DBG("cpu freq timeRDTSC = 0x%016llxn", timeRDTSC() * 20);

	fsbFrequency = 0;
	cpuFrequency = 0;

	if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL && ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0c) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f && p->CPU.Model >= 0x03))) {
		int intelCPU = p->CPU.Model;
		if (p->CPU.Family == 0x06) {
			/* Nehalem CPU model */
			switch (p->CPU.Model) {
				case CPU_MODEL_DALES_32NM:
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
					msr = rdmsr64(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO);
					DBG("msr(%d): platform_info %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
					bus_ratio_max = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);
					bus_ratio_min = bitfield(msr, 47, 40); //valv: not sure about this one (Remarq.1)
					msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
					DBG("msr(%d): flex_ratio %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
					if (bitfield(msr, 16, 16))
						flex_ratio = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);
						/* bcc9: at least on the gigabyte h67ma-ud2h,
						 where the cpu multipler can't be changed to
						 allow overclocking, the flex_ratio msr has unexpected (to OSX)
						 contents.	These contents cause mach_kernel to
						 fail to compute the bus ratio correctly, instead
						 causing the system to crash since tscGranularity
						 is inadvertently set to 0.
						if (flex_ratio == 0)
							/* Clear bit 16 (evidently the presence bit) */
							wrmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO, (msr & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFULL));
							msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
							DBG("Unusable flex ratio detected. Patched MSR now %08x\n", bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
							if (bus_ratio_max > flex_ratio)
								bus_ratio_max = flex_ratio;

					if (bus_ratio_max)
						fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / bus_ratio_max);

					//valv: Turbo Ratio Limit
					if ((intelCPU != 0x2e) && (intelCPU != 0x2f))
						msr = rdmsr64(MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT);

						cpuFrequency = bus_ratio_max * fsbFrequency;
						max_ratio = bus_ratio_max * 10;
						cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
					if ((getValueForKey(kbusratio, &newratio, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) && (len <= 4))
						max_ratio = atoi(newratio);
						max_ratio = (max_ratio * 10);
						if (len >= 3)
							max_ratio = (max_ratio + 5);

						verbose("Bus-Ratio: min=%d, max=%s\n", bus_ratio_min, newratio);

						// extreme overclockers may love 320 ;)
						if ((max_ratio >= min_ratio) && (max_ratio <= 320))
							cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * max_ratio) / 10;
							if (len >= 3)
								maxdiv = 1;
								maxdiv = 0;
							max_ratio = (bus_ratio_max * 10);
					//valv: to be uncommented if Remarq.1 didn't stick
					/*if (bus_ratio_max > 0) bus_ratio = flex_ratio;*/
					p->CPU.MaxRatio = max_ratio;
					p->CPU.MinRatio = min_ratio;

				myfsb = fsbFrequency / 1000000;
				verbose("Sticking with [BCLK: %dMhz, Bus-Ratio: %d]\n", myfsb, max_ratio/10);  // Bungo: fixed wrong Bus-Ratio readout
				currcoef = bus_ratio_max;


				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
				DBG("msr(%d): ia32_perf_stat 0x%08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 12, 8);  // Bungo: reverted to 2263 state because of wrong old CPUs freq. calculating
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the max-multi*/
				maxdiv = bitfield(msr, 46, 46);
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the current-multi (undocumented)*/
				currdiv = bitfield(msr, 14, 14);

				// This will always be model >= 3
				if ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0e) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f)) {
					/* On these models, maxcoef defines TSC freq */
					maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 44, 40);
				} else {
					/* On lower models, currcoef defines TSC freq */
					/* XXX */
					maxcoef = currcoef;

				if (maxcoef) {
					if (maxdiv) {
						fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * 2) / ((maxcoef * 2) + 1));
					} else {
						fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
					if (currdiv) {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * ((currcoef * 2) + 1) / 2);
					} else {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * currcoef);
					DBG("max: %d%s current: %d%s\n", maxcoef, maxdiv ? ".5" : "",currcoef, currdiv ? ".5" : "");
		/* Mobile CPU */
		if (rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID) & (1<<28)) {
			p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MOBILE;
	} else if ((p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD) && (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f)) {
		switch(p->CPU.ExtFamily) {
			case 0x00: /* K8 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K8_FIDVID_STATUS);
				maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 21, 16) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) / 2 + 4;

			case 0x01: /* K10 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				do_cpuid2(0x00000006, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);
				// EffFreq: effective frequency interface
				if (bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6][2], 0, 0) == 1) {
					//uint64_t mperf = measure_mperf_frequency();
					uint64_t aperf = measure_aperf_frequency();
					cpuFrequency = aperf;
				// NOTE: tsc runs at the maccoeff (non turbo)
				//			*not* at the turbo frequency.
				maxcoef	 = bitfield(msr, 54, 49) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) + 0x10;
				currdiv = 2 << bitfield(msr, 8, 6);


			case 0x05: /* K14 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				currcoef  = (bitfield(msr, 54, 49) + 0x10) << 2;
				currdiv = (bitfield(msr, 8, 4) + 1) << 2;
				currdiv += bitfield(msr, 3, 0);


			case 0x02: /* K11 */
				// not implimented

		if (maxcoef) {
			if (currdiv) {
				if (!currcoef) {
					currcoef = maxcoef;

				if (!cpuFrequency) {
					fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				} else {
					fsbFrequency = ((cpuFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				if (!cpuFrequency) {
					fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
				} else {
					fsbFrequency = (cpuFrequency / maxcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		} else if (currcoef) {
			if (currdiv) {
				fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / currcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		if (!cpuFrequency) cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
#if 0
	if (!fsbFrequency) {
		fsbFrequency = (DEFAULT_FSB * 1000);
		cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
		DBG("0 ! using the default value for FSB !\n");

	DBG("cpu freq = 0x%016llxn", timeRDTSC() * 20);


	p->CPU.MaxCoef = maxcoef;
	p->CPU.MaxDiv = maxdiv;
	p->CPU.CurrCoef = currcoef;
	p->CPU.CurrDiv = currdiv;
	p->CPU.TSCFrequency = tscFrequency;
	p->CPU.FSBFrequency = fsbFrequency;
	p->CPU.CPUFrequency = cpuFrequency;

	// keep formatted with spaces instead of tabs
   	DBG("------------------ CPU INFO -----------------\n");
	DBG("Brand String:            %s\n",                 p->CPU.BrandString); // Processor name (BIOS)
	DBG("Vendor:                  0x%x\n",               p->CPU.Vendor); // Vendor ex: GenuineIntel
	DBG("Family:                  0x%x\n",               p->CPU.Family); // Family ex: 6 (06h)
	DBG("ExtFamily:               0x%x\n",               p->CPU.ExtFamily);
	DBG("Signature:               %x\n",                 p->CPU.Signature); // CPUID signature
	DBG("Model:                   0x%x\n",               p->CPU.Model); // Model ex: 37 (025h)
	DBG("ExtModel:                0x%x\n",               p->CPU.ExtModel);
	DBG("Stepping:                0x%x\n",               p->CPU.Stepping); // Stepping ex: 5 (05h)
	DBG("MaxCoef:                 0x%x\n",               p->CPU.MaxCoef);
	DBG("CurrCoef:                0x%x\n",               p->CPU.CurrCoef);
	DBG("MaxDiv:                  0x%x\n",               p->CPU.MaxDiv);
	DBG("CurrDiv:                 0x%x\n",               p->CPU.CurrDiv);
	DBG("TSCFreq:                 %dMHz\n",              p->CPU.TSCFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("FSBFreq:                 %dMHz\n",              p->CPU.FSBFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("CPUFreq:                 %dMHz\n",              p->CPU.CPUFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("Cores:                   %d\n",                 p->CPU.NoCores); // Cores
	DBG("Logical processor:       %d\n",                 p->CPU.NoThreads); // Logical procesor
	DBG("Features:                0x%08x\n",             p->CPU.Features);

Пример #2
 * Calculates the FSB and CPU frequencies using specific MSRs for each CPU
 * - multi. is read from a specific MSR. In the case of Intel, there is:
 *	   a max multi. (used to calculate the FSB freq.),
 *	   and a current multi. (used to calculate the CPU freq.)
 * - fsbFrequency = tscFrequency / multi
 * - cpuFrequency = fsbFrequency * multi
void scan_cpu(PlatformInfo_t *p)
	uint64_t	tscFrequency = 0;
	uint64_t	fsbFrequency = 0;
	uint64_t	cpuFrequency =0;
	uint64_t	msr = 0;
	uint64_t	flex_ratio = 0;
	uint32_t	max_ratio = 0;
	uint32_t	min_ratio = 0;
	uint8_t		bus_ratio_max = 0;
	uint8_t		bus_ratio_min = 0;
	uint8_t		currdiv = 0;
	uint8_t		currcoef = 0;
	uint8_t		maxdiv = 0;
	uint8_t		maxcoef = 0;

	const char	*newratio;
	int		len = 0;
	/* get cpuid values */
	do_cpuid(0x00000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000002, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_2]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000003, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_3]);
	do_cpuid2(0x00000004, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_4]);
	do_cpuid(0x80000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80]);
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 0x5) {		
		do_cpuid(5,  p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_5]);        	
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 6) {
		do_cpuid(6, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);		
	if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 8) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000008, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88]);
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);
	} else if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 1) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);
		int		i;
		printf("CPUID Raw Values:\n");
		for (i=0; i<CPUID_MAX; i++) {
			printf("%02d: %08x-%08x-%08x-%08x\n", i,
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][0], p->CPU.CPUID[i][1],
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][2], p->CPU.CPUID[i][3]);
    EAX (Intel):
    31    28 27            20 19    16 1514 1312 11     8 7      4 3      0
    |########|Extended family |Extmodel|####|type|familyid|  model |stepping|
    EAX (AMD):
    31    28 27            20 19    16 1514 1312 11     8 7      4 3      0
    |########|Extended family |Extmodel|####|####|familyid|  model |stepping|
	p->CPU.Vendor		= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][1];
	p->CPU.Signature	= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0];
    // stepping = cpu_feat_eax & 0xF;
	p->CPU.Stepping		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 3, 0);
    // model = (cpu_feat_eax >> 4) & 0xF;
	p->CPU.Model		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 7, 4);
    // family = (cpu_feat_eax >> 8) & 0xF;
	p->CPU.Family		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 11, 8);
    // type = (cpu_feat_eax >> 12) & 0x3;
	//p->CPU.Type		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 13, 12);
    // ext_model = (cpu_feat_eax >> 16) & 0xF;
	p->CPU.ExtModel		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 19, 16);
    // ext_family = (cpu_feat_eax >> 20) & 0xFF;
	p->CPU.ExtFamily	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 27, 20);
	p->CPU.Model += (p->CPU.ExtModel << 4);
	if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL &&
		p->CPU.Family == 0x06 &&
		p->CPU.Model >= CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM &&
		p->CPU.Model != CPU_MODEL_ATOM		// MSR is *NOT* available on the Intel Atom CPU
		) {
		msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT);					// MacMan: Undocumented MSR in Nehalem and newer CPUs
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 31, 16);	// MacMan: Using undocumented MSR to get actual values
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 15,  0);	// MacMan: Using undocumented MSR to get actual values
	} else if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD) {
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][1], 23, 16);
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88][2], 7, 0) + 1;
	} else {
		// Use previous method for Cores and Threads
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][1], 23, 16);
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_4][0], 31, 26) + 1;
	/* get brand string (if supported) */
	/* Copyright: from Apple's XNU cpuid.c */
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] > 0x80000004) {
		uint32_t	reg[4];
		char		str[128], *s;
		 * The brand string 48 bytes (max), guaranteed to
		 * be NULL terminated.
		do_cpuid(0x80000002, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[0], 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000003, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[16], 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000004, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[32], 16);
		for (s = str; *s != '\0'; s++) {
			if (*s != ' ') {
		strlcpy(p->CPU.BrandString, s, sizeof(p->CPU.BrandString));
		if (!strncmp(p->CPU.BrandString, CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN, MIN(sizeof(p->CPU.BrandString), strlen(CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN) + 1))) {
			 * This string means we have a firmware-programmable brand string,
			 * and the firmware couldn't figure out what sort of CPU we have.
			p->CPU.BrandString[0] = '\0';
	/* setup features */
	if ((bit(23) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX;
	if ((bit(25) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE;
	if ((bit(26) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE2;
	if ((bit(0) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE3;
	if ((bit(19) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE41;
	if ((bit(20) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE42;
	if ((bit(29) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_EM64T;
	if ((bit(5) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MSR;
	//if ((bit(28) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
	if (p->CPU.NoThreads > p->CPU.NoCores) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_HTT;
	tscFrequency = measure_tsc_frequency();
	/* if usual method failed */
	if ( tscFrequency < 1000 ) { //TEST
	tscFrequency = timeRDTSC() * 20;
	fsbFrequency = 0;
	cpuFrequency = 0;
	if ((p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL) && ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f))) {
		int intelCPU = p->CPU.Model;
		if ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0c) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f && p->CPU.Model >= 0x03)) {
			/* Nehalem CPU model */
			if (p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && (
                    p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM       ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_FIELDS        ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_DALES         ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_DALES_32NM    ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE      ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX    ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX   ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_SANDYBRIDGE   ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_JAKETOWN      ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE     ||
                    p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE_XEON||
                    p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL       ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_SVR   ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_ULT   ||
					p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_CRYSTALWELL )){
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO);
//				DBG("msr(%d): platform_info %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				bus_ratio_max = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);	//MacMan: Changed bitfield to match Apple tsc.c
 				bus_ratio_min = bitfield(msr, 47, 40);	//MacMan: Changed bitfield to match Apple tsc.c
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
//				DBG("msr(%d): flex_ratio %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				if (bitfield(msr, 16, 16)) {
					flex_ratio = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);	//MacMan: Changed bitfield to match Apple tsc.c
					if (flex_ratio == 0) {
						/* Clear bit 16 (evidently the presence bit) */
						msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
//						verbose("Unusable flex ratio detected. Patched MSR now %08x\n", bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
					} else {
						if (bus_ratio_max > flex_ratio) {
							bus_ratio_max = flex_ratio;
				if (bus_ratio_max) {
					fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / bus_ratio_max);
				//MacMan: Turbo Ratio Limit
				switch (intelCPU) 
					case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX:     // Intel Xeon E7
					case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX:      // Intel Xeon X75xx, Xeon X65xx, Xeon E75xx, Xeon E65xx
						cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
						DBG("cpu.c (%d)CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX or CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX Found\n", __LINE__);
					case CPU_MODEL_SANDYBRIDGE:     // Intel Core i3, i5, i7 LGA1155 (32nm)
					case CPU_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE:       // Intel Core i3, i5, i7 LGA1155 (22nm)
					case CPU_MODEL_JAKETOWN:        // Intel Core i7, Xeon E5 LGA2011 (32nm)
                    case CPU_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE_XEON:  // Intel Core i7, Xeon E5 LGA2011 (22nm)
                    case CPU_MODEL_HASWELL:         // Intel Core i3, i5, i7, Xeon E3 LGA1050 (22nm)
                    case CPU_MODEL_HASWELL_ULT:
                    case CPU_MODEL_CRYSTALWELL:
						msr = rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
						currcoef = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);
						cpuFrequency = currcoef * fsbFrequency;
						maxcoef = bus_ratio_max;
						msr = rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
						currcoef = bitfield(msr, 7, 0);
						cpuFrequency = currcoef * fsbFrequency;
						maxcoef = bus_ratio_max;

				if ((getValueForKey(kbusratio, &newratio, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) && (len <= 4)) {
					max_ratio = atoi(newratio);
					max_ratio = (max_ratio * 10);
					if (len >= 3) {
                        max_ratio = (max_ratio + 5);
					verbose("Bus-Ratio: min=%d, max=%s\n", bus_ratio_min, newratio);
					// extreme overclockers may love 320 ;)
					if ((max_ratio >= min_ratio) && (max_ratio <= 320)) {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * max_ratio) / 10;
						if (len >= 3) {
                            maxdiv = 1;
                        } else {
                            maxdiv = 0;
					} else {
						max_ratio = (bus_ratio_max * 10);
				p->CPU.MaxRatio = bus_ratio_max;
				p->CPU.MinRatio = bus_ratio_min;
			} else {
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
				DBG("msr(%d): ia32_perf_stat 0x%08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 15, 8);                //MacMan: Fixed bitfield to Intel documentation
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the max-multi*/
				maxdiv = bitfield(msr, 46, 46);
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the current-multi (undocumented)*/
				currdiv = bitfield(msr, 14, 14);
				// This will always be model >= 3
				if ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0e) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f)) {
					/* On these models, maxcoef defines TSC freq */
					maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 44, 40);
				} else {
					/* On lower models, currcoef defines TSC freq */
					/* XXX */
					maxcoef = currcoef;
				if (maxcoef) {
					if (maxdiv) {
						fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * 2) / ((maxcoef * 2) + 1));
					} else {
						fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
					if (currdiv) {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * ((currcoef * 2) + 1) / 2);
					} else {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * currcoef);
					DBG("max: %d%s current: %d%s\n", maxcoef, maxdiv ? ".5" : "",currcoef, currdiv ? ".5" : "");
		/* Mobile CPU */
		if (rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID) & (1<<28)) {
			p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MOBILE;
	} else if ((p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD) && (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f)) {
		switch(p->CPU.ExtFamily) {
			case 0x00: /* K8 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K8_FIDVID_STATUS);
				maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 21, 16) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) / 2 + 4;
			case 0x01: /* K10 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				do_cpuid2(0x00000006, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);
				// EffFreq: effective frequency interface
				if (bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6][2], 0, 0) == 1) {
					//uint64_t mperf = measure_mperf_frequency();
					uint64_t aperf = measure_aperf_frequency();
					cpuFrequency = aperf;
				// NOTE: tsc runs at the maccoeff (non turbo)
				//			*not* at the turbo frequency.
				maxcoef	 = bitfield(msr, 54, 49) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) + 0x10;
				currdiv = 2 << bitfield(msr, 8, 6);
			case 0x05: /* K14 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				currcoef  = (bitfield(msr, 54, 49) + 0x10) << 2;
				currdiv = (bitfield(msr, 8, 4) + 1) << 2;
				currdiv += bitfield(msr, 3, 0);
			case 0x02: /* K11 */
				// not implimented
		if (maxcoef) {
			if (currdiv) {
				if (!currcoef) {
                    currcoef = maxcoef;
				if (!cpuFrequency) {
					fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				} else {
					fsbFrequency = ((cpuFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				if (!cpuFrequency) {
					fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
				} else {
					fsbFrequency = (cpuFrequency / maxcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		} else if (currcoef) {
			if (currdiv) {
				fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / currcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		if (!cpuFrequency) cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
#if 0
	if (!fsbFrequency) {
		fsbFrequency = (DEFAULT_FSB * 1000);
		cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
		DBG("0 ! using the default value for FSB !\n");
	p->CPU.MaxCoef = maxcoef;
	if (maxdiv == 0){
		p->CPU.MaxDiv = bus_ratio_max;
	} else {
		p->CPU.MaxDiv = maxdiv;
	p->CPU.CurrCoef = currcoef;
	if (currdiv == 0){
		p->CPU.CurrDiv = currcoef;
	} else {
		p->CPU.CurrDiv = currdiv;
	p->CPU.TSCFrequency = tscFrequency;
	p->CPU.FSBFrequency = fsbFrequency;
	p->CPU.CPUFrequency = cpuFrequency;
	// keep formatted with spaces instead of tabs
	DBG("CPU: Brand String:                %s\n",                 p->CPU.BrandString);
	DBG("CPU: Vendor:                      0x%x\n",				  p->CPU.Vendor);
	DBG("CPU: Family / ExtFamily:          0x%x / 0x%x\n",		  p->CPU.Family, p->CPU.ExtFamily);
	DBG("CPU: Model / ExtModel / Stepping: 0x%x / 0x%x / 0x%x\n", p->CPU.Model, p->CPU.ExtModel, p->CPU.Stepping);
	DBG("CPU: Number of Cores / Threads:   %d / %d\n",            p->CPU.NoCores, p->CPU.NoThreads);
	DBG("CPU: Features:                    0x%08x\n",             p->CPU.Features);
	DBG("CPU: TSC Frequency:               %d MHz\n",             p->CPU.TSCFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("CPU: FSB Frequency:               %d MHz\n",             p->CPU.FSBFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("CPU: CPU Frequency:               %d MHz\n",             p->CPU.CPUFrequency / 1000000);
	DBG("CPU: Minimum Bus Ratio:           %d\n",                 p->CPU.MinRatio);
	DBG("CPU: Maximum Bus Ratio:           %d\n",                 p->CPU.MaxRatio);
	DBG("CPU: Current Bus Ratio:           %d\n",                 p->CPU.CurrCoef);
//	DBG("CPU: Maximum Multiplier:          %d\n",				  p->CPU.MaxCoef);
//	DBG("CPU: Maximum Divider:             %d\n",				  p->CPU.MaxDiv);
//	DBG("CPU: Current Divider:             %d\n",				  p->CPU.CurrDiv);

Пример #3
 * Calculates the FSB and CPU frequencies using specific MSRs for each CPU
 * - multi. is read from a specific MSR. In the case of Intel, there is:
 *	   a max multi. (used to calculate the FSB freq.),
 *	   and a current multi. (used to calculate the CPU freq.)
 * - fsbFrequency = tscFrequency / multi
 * - cpuFrequency = fsbFrequency * multi
void scan_cpu(PlatformInfo_t *p)
	uint64_t	tscFrequency, fsbFrequency, cpuFrequency;
	uint64_t	msr, flex_ratio;
	uint8_t		maxcoef, maxdiv, currcoef, bus_ratio_max, currdiv;
	const char	*newratio;
	int			len, myfsb;
	uint8_t		bus_ratio_min;
	uint32_t	max_ratio, min_ratio;
	max_ratio = min_ratio = myfsb = bus_ratio_min = 0;
	maxcoef = maxdiv = bus_ratio_max = currcoef = currdiv = 0;
	/* get cpuid values */
	do_cpuid(0x00000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000002, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_2]);
	do_cpuid(0x00000003, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_3]);
	do_cpuid2(0x00000004, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_4]);
	do_cpuid(0x80000000, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80]);
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 0x5) {		
		do_cpuid(5,  p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_5]);        	
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][0] >= 6) {
		do_cpuid(6, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);		
	if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 8) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000008, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88]);
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);
	else if ((p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] & 0x0000000f) >= 1) {
		do_cpuid(0x80000001, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81]);
		int		i;
		printf("CPUID Raw Values:\n");
		for (i=0; i<CPUID_MAX; i++) {
			printf("%02d: %08x-%08x-%08x-%08x\n", i,
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][0], p->CPU.CPUID[i][1],
				   p->CPU.CPUID[i][2], p->CPU.CPUID[i][3]);
	p->CPU.Vendor		= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_0][1];
	p->CPU.Signature	= p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0];
	p->CPU.Stepping		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 3, 0);
	p->CPU.Model		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 7, 4);
	p->CPU.Family		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 11, 8);
	p->CPU.ExtModel		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 19, 16);
	p->CPU.ExtFamily	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][0], 27, 20);
	p->CPU.Model += (p->CPU.ExtModel << 4);
	if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL &&
		p->CPU.Family == 0x06 &&
		p->CPU.Model != CPUID_MODEL_ATOM		// MSR is *NOT* available on the Intel Atom CPU
		msr = rdmsr64(MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT);					// Undocumented MSR in Nehalem and newer CPUs
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 31, 16);	// Using undocumented MSR to get actual values
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield((uint32_t)msr, 15,  0);	// Using undocumented MSR to get actual values
	else if (p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD)
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][1], 23, 16);
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_88][2], 7, 0) + 1;
		// Use previous method for Cores and Threads
		p->CPU.NoThreads	= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][1], 23, 16);
		p->CPU.NoCores		= bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_4][0], 31, 26) + 1;
	/* get brand string (if supported) */
	/* Copyright: from Apple's XNU cpuid.c */
	if (p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_80][0] > 0x80000004) {
		uint32_t	reg[4];
		char		str[128], *s;
		 * The brand string 48 bytes (max), guaranteed to
		 * be NULL terminated.
		do_cpuid(0x80000002, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[0], 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000003, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[16], 16);
		do_cpuid(0x80000004, reg);
		bcopy((char *)reg, &str[32], 16);
		for (s = str; *s != '\0'; s++) {
			if (*s != ' ') break;
		strlcpy(p->CPU.BrandString, s, sizeof(p->CPU.BrandString));
		if (!strncmp(p->CPU.BrandString, CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN, MIN(sizeof(p->CPU.BrandString), strlen(CPU_STRING_UNKNOWN) + 1))) {
			 * This string means we have a firmware-programmable brand string,
			 * and the firmware couldn't figure out what sort of CPU we have.
			p->CPU.BrandString[0] = '\0';
	/* setup features */
	if ((bit(23) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX;
	if ((bit(25) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE;
	if ((bit(26) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE2;
	if ((bit(0) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE3;
	if ((bit(19) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE41;
	if ((bit(20) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][2]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE42;
	if ((bit(29) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_81][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_EM64T;
	if ((bit(5) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MSR;
	//if ((bit(28) & p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_1][3]) != 0) {
	if (p->CPU.NoThreads > p->CPU.NoCores) {
		p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_HTT;
	tscFrequency = measure_tsc_frequency();
	/* if usual method failed */
	if ( tscFrequency < 1000 )
	tscFrequency = timeRDTSC() * 20;
	fsbFrequency = 0;
	cpuFrequency = 0;
	if ((p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_INTEL) && ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f))) {
		int intelCPU = p->CPU.Model;
		if ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0c) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f && p->CPU.Model >= 0x03)) {
			/* Nehalem CPU model */
			if (p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && (p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_FIELDS ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_DALES ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_DALES_32NM ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_SANDYBRIDGE ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_JAKETOWN ||
										  p->CPU.Model == CPU_MODEL_IVYBRIDGE)) {
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_PLATFORM_INFO);
				DBG("msr(%d): platform_info %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				bus_ratio_max = bitfield(msr, 14, 8);
				bus_ratio_min = bitfield(msr, 46, 40); //valv: not sure about this one (Remarq.1)
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
				DBG("msr(%d): flex_ratio %08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				if (bitfield(msr, 16, 16)) {
					flex_ratio = bitfield(msr, 14, 8);
					/* bcc9: at least on the gigabyte h67ma-ud2h,
					 where the cpu multipler can't be changed to
					 allow overclocking, the flex_ratio msr has unexpected (to OSX)
					 contents.	These contents cause mach_kernel to
					 fail to compute the bus ratio correctly, instead
					 causing the system to crash since tscGranularity
					 is inadvertently set to 0.
					if (flex_ratio == 0) {
						/* Clear bit 16 (evidently the presence bit) */
						msr = rdmsr64(MSR_FLEX_RATIO);
						verbose("Unusable flex ratio detected. Patched MSR now %08x\n", bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
					} else {
						if (bus_ratio_max > flex_ratio) {
							bus_ratio_max = flex_ratio;
				if (bus_ratio_max) {
					fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / bus_ratio_max);
				//valv: Turbo Ratio Limit
				if ((intelCPU != 0x2e) && (intelCPU != 0x2f)) {
					msr = rdmsr64(MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT);
					cpuFrequency = bus_ratio_max * fsbFrequency;
					max_ratio = bus_ratio_max * 10;
				} else {
					cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
				if ((getValueForKey(kbusratio, &newratio, &len, &bootInfo->chameleonConfig)) && (len <= 4)) {
					max_ratio = atoi(newratio);
					max_ratio = (max_ratio * 10);
					if (len >= 3) max_ratio = (max_ratio + 5);
					verbose("Bus-Ratio: min=%d, max=%s\n", bus_ratio_min, newratio);
					// extreme overclockers may love 320 ;)
					if ((max_ratio >= min_ratio) && (max_ratio <= 320)) {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * max_ratio) / 10;
						if (len >= 3) maxdiv = 1;
						else maxdiv = 0;
					} else {
						max_ratio = (bus_ratio_max * 10);
				//valv: to be uncommented if Remarq.1 didn't stick
				/*if (bus_ratio_max > 0) bus_ratio = flex_ratio;*/
				p->CPU.MaxRatio = max_ratio;
				p->CPU.MinRatio = min_ratio;
				myfsb = fsbFrequency / 1000000;
				verbose("Sticking with [BCLK: %dMhz, Bus-Ratio: %d]\n", myfsb, max_ratio);
				currcoef = bus_ratio_max;
			} else {
				msr = rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
				DBG("msr(%d): ia32_perf_stat 0x%08x\n", __LINE__, bitfield(msr, 31, 0));
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 12, 8);
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the max-multi*/
				maxdiv = bitfield(msr, 46, 46);
				/* Non-integer bus ratio for the current-multi (undocumented)*/
				currdiv = bitfield(msr, 14, 14);
				// This will always be model >= 3
				if ((p->CPU.Family == 0x06 && p->CPU.Model >= 0x0e) || (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f))
					/* On these models, maxcoef defines TSC freq */
					maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 44, 40);
				} else {
					/* On lower models, currcoef defines TSC freq */
					/* XXX */
					maxcoef = currcoef;
				if (maxcoef) {
					if (maxdiv) {
						fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * 2) / ((maxcoef * 2) + 1));
					} else {
						fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
					if (currdiv) {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * ((currcoef * 2) + 1) / 2);
					} else {
						cpuFrequency = (fsbFrequency * currcoef);
					DBG("max: %d%s current: %d%s\n", maxcoef, maxdiv ? ".5" : "",currcoef, currdiv ? ".5" : "");
		/* Mobile CPU */
		if (rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID) & (1<<28)) {
			p->CPU.Features |= CPU_FEATURE_MOBILE;
	else if ((p->CPU.Vendor == CPUID_VENDOR_AMD) && (p->CPU.Family == 0x0f))
			case 0x00: /* K8 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K8_FIDVID_STATUS);
				maxcoef = bitfield(msr, 21, 16) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) / 2 + 4;
			case 0x01: /* K10 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				do_cpuid2(0x00000006, 0, p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6]);
				// EffFreq: effective frequency interface
				if (bitfield(p->CPU.CPUID[CPUID_6][2], 0, 0) == 1)
					//uint64_t mperf = measure_mperf_frequency();
					uint64_t aperf = measure_aperf_frequency();
					cpuFrequency = aperf;
				// NOTE: tsc runs at the maccoeff (non turbo)
				//			*not* at the turbo frequency.
				maxcoef	 = bitfield(msr, 54, 49) / 2 + 4;
				currcoef = bitfield(msr, 5, 0) + 0x10;
				currdiv = 2 << bitfield(msr, 8, 6);
			case 0x05: /* K14 */
				msr = rdmsr64(K10_COFVID_STATUS);
				currcoef  = (bitfield(msr, 54, 49) + 0x10) << 2;
				currdiv = (bitfield(msr, 8, 4) + 1) << 2;
				currdiv += bitfield(msr, 3, 0);
			case 0x02: /* K11 */
				// not implimented
		if (maxcoef)
			if (currdiv)
				if (!currcoef) currcoef = maxcoef;
				if (!cpuFrequency)
					fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
					fsbFrequency = ((cpuFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				if (!cpuFrequency)
					fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / maxcoef);
					fsbFrequency = (cpuFrequency / maxcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		else if (currcoef)
			if (currdiv)
				fsbFrequency = ((tscFrequency * currdiv) / currcoef);
				DBG("%d.%d\n", currcoef / currdiv, ((currcoef % currdiv) * 100) / currdiv);
			} else {
				fsbFrequency = (tscFrequency / currcoef);
				DBG("%d\n", currcoef);
		if (!cpuFrequency) cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
#if 0
	if (!fsbFrequency) {
		fsbFrequency = (DEFAULT_FSB * 1000);
		cpuFrequency = tscFrequency;
		DBG("0 ! using the default value for FSB !\n");
	p->CPU.MaxCoef = maxcoef;
	p->CPU.MaxDiv = maxdiv;
	p->CPU.CurrCoef = currcoef;
	p->CPU.CurrDiv = currdiv;
	p->CPU.TSCFrequency = tscFrequency;
	p->CPU.FSBFrequency = fsbFrequency;
	p->CPU.CPUFrequency = cpuFrequency;
	// keep formatted with spaces instead of tabs
	DBG("CPU: Brand String:             %s\n",              p->CPU.BrandString);
    DBG("CPU: Vendor/Family/ExtFamily:  0x%x/0x%x/0x%x\n",  p->CPU.Vendor, p->CPU.Family, p->CPU.ExtFamily);
    DBG("CPU: Model/ExtModel/Stepping:  0x%x/0x%x/0x%x\n",  p->CPU.Model, p->CPU.ExtModel, p->CPU.Stepping);
    DBG("CPU: MaxCoef/CurrCoef:         0x%x/0x%x\n",       p->CPU.MaxCoef, p->CPU.CurrCoef);
    DBG("CPU: MaxDiv/CurrDiv:           0x%x/0x%x\n",       p->CPU.MaxDiv, p->CPU.CurrDiv);
    DBG("CPU: TSCFreq:                  %dMHz\n",           p->CPU.TSCFrequency / 1000000);
    DBG("CPU: FSBFreq:                  %dMHz\n",           p->CPU.FSBFrequency / 1000000);
    DBG("CPU: CPUFreq:                  %dMHz\n",           p->CPU.CPUFrequency / 1000000);
    DBG("CPU: NoCores/NoThreads:        %d/%d\n",           p->CPU.NoCores, p->CPU.NoThreads);
    DBG("CPU: Features:                 0x%08x\n",          p->CPU.Features);