RESPONSE_error( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *http_status_code, const char *http_error_message, const char* add_headers )
@http_session - wska�nik do pod��czonego klienta
@http_status_code - kod b��du
@http_error_message - tre�� b��du, kt�ra wy�wietli si� w przegl�darce
@add_headers - dodatkowe nag��wki ( ustawione w funkcji wywo�uj�cej i przekazane przez ten parametr
- funkcja wysy�a do przegl�darki ( klienta ) informacj� o b��dzie, kt�ry wyst�pi� na skutek ��dania */
void RESPONSE_error( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *http_status_code, const char *http_error_message, const char* add_headers ) {
	char *http_header_to_send;
	char *http_single_header_line;
	int len = 0;

	/* Alokacja pami�ci */
	http_header_to_send = malloc( MAX_BUFFER_CHAR+1 );
	mem_allocated( http_header_to_send, 30 );
	http_single_header_line = malloc( STD_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
	mem_allocated( http_single_header_line, 31 );

	/* HTTP/1.X XXX OPIS */
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s %s\r\n", HTTP_VER, http_status_code );
	strncpy( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Server: */
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s\r\n", HEADER_SERVER );
	strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Connection: Keep-Alive */
	if( http_session->http_info.keep_alive ) {
		sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%s\r\n", HEADER_CONNECTION, HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE_STR );
		strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Accept Ranges: bytes */
	strncat( http_header_to_send, HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Dodatkowe nag��wki */
	if( add_headers ) {
		strncat( http_header_to_send, add_headers, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Content-Length */
	len = strlen( http_error_message );
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%d\r\n", HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, len );
	strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Pusta linia */
	strncat( http_header_to_send, "\r\n", MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Wysy�ka nag��wka HTTP */
	SESSION_send_response( http_session, http_header_to_send, strlen( http_header_to_send ) );

	/* Wysy�ka tre�ci b��du, je�eli istnieje */
	if( http_error_message ) {
		SESSION_send_response( http_session, http_error_message, len );

	/* Zapis ��dania do logu */
	LOG_print( "%s %s %s \"%s\" %s %.3s\n", get_actual_time_gmt(), http_session->http_info.remote_addr, http_method_list[ http_session->http_info.method_name ], http_session->http_info.http_local_path, http_session->http_info.protocol_ver, http_status_code );

	/* Zwolnienie pami�ci */
	free( http_header_to_send );
	http_header_to_send = NULL;

	free( http_single_header_line );
	http_single_header_line = NULL;
Пример #2
  if (in_update++) {
  int part = 100 * makes / total_nodes;
  long mem = (mem_allocated()+1048575)/1048576;
  if (options.statistics || options.intermediate) 
    cout << part << "% completed (" 
	 << dfa_in_mem+gta_in_mem << " automata in memory, " 
	 << mem << "MB memory used)\n";
  else {
    cout << "\r                                                                            ";
    cout << "\r" << part << "% completed";
    if (part == 100)
      cout << "                                                                         \n" 
	   << "Space: " << mem  << "MB\n";
      cout << " (" << dfa_in_mem+gta_in_mem << " automata in memory, " 
	   << mem  << "MB memory used)";
  if (part<100)
file_params( const char *filename )
@filename - nazwa pliku ( +�cie�ka )
- sprawdza, czy podany w zmiennej filename plik istnieje
- pr�buje otworzy� plik
- zwraca int, gdzie:
+ 0 = nie istnieje
+ 1 = istnieje, jest do odczytu, nie wymaga autentykacji
+ 2 = istnieje, brak uprawnie� do odczytu
+ 3 = istnieje, wymagana autentykacja */
short file_params( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *filename, char *ht_access_pwd ) {
	FILE *resource;
	struct stat file_stat;
	int tmp_socket;
	int i = 0;

	/* Weryfikacja, czy podany parametr jest prawid�ow� nazw� pliku */
	stat( filename, &file_stat );
	if( file_stat.st_mode & S_IFREG );
	else {/* Nie jest... */
		return 0;

	tmp_socket = ( http_session ? http_session->socket_descriptor : -133 );
	/*Sprawdza, czy uda�o si� otworzy� plik */
	resource = battery_fopen( filename, READ_BINARY, 1, tmp_socket, STD_FILE );

	if( !resource ) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		if( http_session == NULL ) {
			return 1;

		/* Pobranie informacji o ostatniej dacie modyfikacji zasobu */
		if( !http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified ) {
			http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified = malloc( TIME_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
			mem_allocated( http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified, 20 );

		strftime( http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified, TIME_BUFF_SIZE, RFC1123FMT, gmtime( &file_stat.st_mtime ) );

		/* Sprawdza, czy plik ma uprawnienia do odczytu */
		if( file_stat.st_mode & S_IREAD ) {
			if( ht_access_pwd && ht_access_count > 0 ) {
				for( i = 0; i < ht_access_count; i++ ) {
					if( strncmp( ht_access[ i ].res_filename, filename, MAX_PATH_LENGTH ) == 0 ) {
						/* Zas�b wymaga autoryzacji */
						strncpy( ht_access_pwd, ht_access[ i ].res_auth, STD_BUFF_SIZE );

						return 3;
		} else {
			/* Nie ma */
			return 2;

	return 1;
Пример #4
/* basic sequential allocation of single byte blocks */
int test_alloc_1(int argc, char **argv) {
	strategies strategy;
	int lbound = 1;
	int ubound = 4;

	if (strategyFromString(*(argv+1))>0)

	for (strategy = lbound; strategy <= ubound; strategy++)
		int correct_holes = 0;
		int correct_alloc = 100;
		int correct_largest_free = 0;
		int i;

		void* lastPointer = NULL;
		for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
			void* pointer = mymalloc(1);
			if ( i > 0 && pointer != (lastPointer+1) )
				printf("Allocation with %s was not sequential at %i; expected %p, actual %p\n", strategy_name(strategy), i,lastPointer+1,pointer);
				return 1;
			lastPointer = pointer;

		if (mem_holes() != correct_holes)
			printf("Holes not counted as %d with %s\n", correct_holes, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_allocated() != correct_alloc)
			printf("Allocated memory not reported as %d with %s\n", correct_alloc, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_largest_free() != correct_largest_free)
			printf("Largest memory block free not reported as %d with %s\n", correct_largest_free, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;


	return 0;
SOCKET_process( int socket_fd )
@socket_fd - identyfikator gniazda
- funkcja odczytuje dane z gniazda */
static void SOCKET_process( int socket_fd ) {
	HTTP_SESSION *session = ( HTTP_SESSION* )malloc( sizeof( HTTP_SESSION ) );
	char tmp_buf[ MAX_BUFFER ];
	extern int errno;

	errno = 0;
	session->http_info.received_all = http_session_.http_info.received_all;
	session->address = http_session_.address;
	session->socket_descriptor = socket_fd;
	session->address_length = recv( ( int )socket_fd, tmp_buf, MAX_BUFFER, 0 );

	if( session->address_length < MAX_URI_LENGTH ) {
		if( errno > 1) {
			SESSION_delete_send_struct( socket_fd );
			SOCKET_close( socket_fd );
		} else {
			if ( session->address_length <= 0 ) {
				/* ...ale to jednak by�o roz��czenie */
				SESSION_delete_send_struct( socket_fd );
				SOCKET_close( socket_fd );
			} else if (session->address_length > 0 ) {
				/* Nie zosta�y wcze�niej odebrane wszystkie dane - metoda POST.
				Teraz trzeba je doklei� do http_info.content_data */
				if( session->http_info.received_all == 0 ) {
					/* Obiekt jest ju� stworzony, nie trzeba przydziela� pami�ci */
					session->http_info.content_data = ( char* )realloc( session->http_info.content_data, strlen( session->http_info.content_data )+session->address_length+1 );
					strncat( session->http_info.content_data, tmp_buf, session->address_length );
					session->http_info.received_all = 1;
				} else if( session->http_info.received_all == -1 ) {
					/* Dla metod GET i HEAD */
					session->http_info.content_data = malloc( (session->address_length+1)*sizeof( char ) );
					mem_allocated( session->http_info.content_data, 25 );
					strncpy( session->http_info.content_data, tmp_buf, session->address_length );
				/* "Przerobienie" zapytania */
				SESSION_prepare( session );
	} else {
		SOCKET_disconnect_client( session );
		SESSION_release( session );

	if( session ) {
		free( session );
		session = NULL;
Пример #6
/* basic sequential allocation followed by 50 frees */
int test_alloc_3(int argc, char **argv) {
	strategies strategy;
	int lbound = 1;
	int ubound = 4;

	if (strategyFromString(*(argv+1))>0)

	for (strategy = lbound; strategy <= ubound; strategy++)
		int correct_holes = 50;
		int correct_alloc = 50;
		int correct_largest_free = 1;
		int i;

		void* lastPointer = NULL;
		for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
			void* pointer = mymalloc(1);
			if ( i > 0 && pointer != (lastPointer+1) )
				printf("Allocation with %s was not sequential at %i; expected %p, actual %p\n", strategy_name(strategy), i,lastPointer+1,pointer);
				return 1;
			lastPointer = pointer;

		for (i = 1; i < 100; i+= 2)
			myfree(mem_pool() + i);

		if (mem_holes() != correct_holes)
			printf("Holes not counted as %d with %s\n", correct_holes, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_allocated() != correct_alloc)
			printf("Memory not reported as %d with %s\n", correct_alloc, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_largest_free() != correct_largest_free)
			printf("Largest memory block free not reported as %d with %s\n", correct_largest_free, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		for(i=0;i<100;i++) {
		  if(mem_is_alloc(mem_pool()+i) == i%2) {
		    printf("Byte %d in memory claims to ",i);
		      printf("not ");
		    printf("be allocated.  It should ");
		      printf("not ");
		    printf("be allocated.\n");
		    return 1;

	return 0;
Пример #7
/* performs a randomized test:
	totalSize == the total size of the memory pool, as passed to initmem2
		totalSize must be less than 10,000 * minBlockSize
	fillRatio == when the allocated memory is >= fillRatio * totalSize, a block is freed;
		otherwise, a new block is allocated.
		If a block cannot be allocated, this is tallied and a random block is freed immediately thereafter in the next iteration
	minBlockSize, maxBlockSize == size for allocated blocks is picked uniformly at random between these two numbers, inclusive
void do_randomized_test(int strategyToUse, int totalSize, float fillRatio, int minBlockSize, int maxBlockSize, int iterations)
	void * pointers[10000];
	int storedPointers = 0;
	int strategy;
	int lbound = 1;
	int ubound = 4;
	int smallBlockSize = maxBlockSize/10;

	if (strategyToUse>0)

	FILE *log;
	log = fopen("tests.log","a");
	if(log == NULL) {
	  perror("Can't append to log file.\n");

	fprintf(log,"Running randomized tests: pool size == %d, fill ratio == %f, block size is from %d to %d, %d iterations\n",totalSize,fillRatio,minBlockSize,maxBlockSize,iterations);


	for (strategy = lbound; strategy <= ubound; strategy++)
		double sum_largest_free = 0;
		double sum_hole_size = 0;
		double sum_allocated = 0;
		int failed_allocations = 0;
		double sum_small = 0;
		struct timespec execstart, execend;
		int force_free = 0;
		int i;
		storedPointers = 0;


#ifdef __MACH__ // OS X does not have clock_gettime, use clock_get_time
		clock_serv_t cclock;
		mach_timespec_t mts;
		host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
		clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
		mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
		execstart.tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
		execstart.tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &execstart);

		for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
			if ( (i % 10000)==0 )
				srand ( time(NULL) );
			if (!force_free && (mem_free() > (totalSize * (1-fillRatio))))
				int newBlockSize = (rand()%(maxBlockSize-minBlockSize+1))+minBlockSize;
				/* allocate */
				void * pointer = mymalloc(newBlockSize);
				if (pointer != NULL)
					pointers[storedPointers++] = pointer;
					force_free = 1;
				int chosen;
				void * pointer;

				/* free */
				force_free = 0;

				if (storedPointers == 0)

				chosen = rand() % storedPointers;
				pointer = pointers[chosen];
				pointers[chosen] = pointers[storedPointers-1];



			sum_largest_free += mem_largest_free();
			sum_hole_size += (mem_free() / mem_holes());
			sum_allocated += mem_allocated();
			sum_small += mem_small_free(smallBlockSize);

#ifdef __MACH__ // OS X does not have clock_gettime, use clock_get_time
		//clock_serv_t cclock;
		//mach_timespec_t mts;
		host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
		clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
		mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
		execend.tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
		execend.tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &execend);

		log = fopen("tests.log","a");
		if(log == NULL) {
		  perror("Can't append to log file.\n");
		fprintf(log,"\t=== %s ===\n",strategy_name(strategy));
		fprintf(log,"\tTest took %.2fms.\n", (execend.tv_sec - execstart.tv_sec) * 1000 + (execend.tv_nsec - execstart.tv_nsec) / 1000000.0);
		fprintf(log,"\tAverage hole size: %f\n",sum_hole_size/iterations);
		fprintf(log,"\tAverage largest free block: %f\n",sum_largest_free/iterations);
		fprintf(log,"\tAverage allocated bytes: %f\n",sum_allocated/iterations);
		fprintf(log,"\tAverage number of small blocks: %f\n",sum_small/iterations);
		fprintf(log,"\tFailed allocations: %d\n",failed_allocations);

Пример #8
/* alloc, alloc, free, alloc */
int test_alloc_2(int argc, char **argv) {
	strategies strategy;
	int lbound = 1;
	int ubound = 4;

	if (strategyFromString(*(argv+1))>0)

	for (strategy = lbound; strategy <= ubound; strategy++)
		int correct_holes;
		int correct_alloc;
		int correct_largest_free;
		int correct_small;
		void* first;
		void* second;
		void* third;
		int correctThird;


		first = mymalloc(10);
		second = mymalloc(1);
		third = mymalloc(1);

		if (second != (first+10))
			printf("Second allocation failed; allocated at incorrect offset with strategy %s", strategy_name(strategy));
			return 1;

		correct_alloc = 2;
		correct_small = (strategy == First || strategy == Best);

		switch (strategy)
			case Best:
				correctThird = (third == first);
				correct_holes = 2;
				correct_largest_free = 89;
			case Worst:
				correctThird = (third == second+1);
				correct_holes = 2;
				correct_largest_free = 88;
			case First:
				correctThird = (third == first);
				correct_holes = 2;
				correct_largest_free = 89;
			case Next:
				correctThird = (third == second+1);
				correct_holes = 2;
				correct_largest_free = 88;
		        case NotSet:

		if (!correctThird)
			printf("Third allocation failed; allocated at incorrect offset with %s", strategy_name(strategy));
			return 1;

		if (mem_holes() != correct_holes)
			printf("Holes counted as %d, should be %d with %s\n", mem_holes(), correct_holes, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_small_free(9) != correct_small)
			printf("Small holes counted as %d, should be %d with %s\n", mem_small_free(9), correct_small, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_allocated() != correct_alloc)
			printf("Memory reported as %d, should be %d with %s\n", mem_allocated(0), correct_alloc, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;

		if (mem_largest_free() != correct_largest_free)
			printf("Largest memory block free reported as %d, should be %d with %s\n", mem_largest_free(), correct_largest_free, strategy_name(strategy));
			return	1;


	return 0;
REQUEST_get_range( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, int type )
@http_session - wska�nik do pod��czonego klienta
@type - okre�la, czy funkcja ma pobra� i zwr�ci� pocz�tkowy lub ko�cowy zakres z nag��wka "Range"
- zwraca liczb� bajt�w ( pocz�tkowych lub ko�cowych ) dla ��dania fragmentu zasobu */
long REQUEST_get_range( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, int type ) {
	char *range;
	char *temp_r;
	char *ptr;
	long range_s = -1;
	int i = 0;
	int len = 0;

	/* Pobranie warto�ci nag��wka "Range" do zmiennej tymczasowej */
	ptr = malloc( STD_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
	strncpy( ptr, REQUEST_get_header_value( http_session->http_info.header, HEADER_RANGE ), STD_BUFF_SIZE );
	if( strlen( ptr ) == 0 ) { /* Nag�owek nie istnieje */
		free( ptr );
		ptr = NULL;
		return ( -1 );

	/* Rezerwacja pami�ci */
	range = malloc( SMALL_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
	mem_allocated( range, 36 );

	temp_r = malloc( SMALL_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
	mem_allocated( temp_r, 37 );

	/* Przypisanie do zmiennej range warto�ci zmiennej tymczasowej */
	strncpy( range, ptr, SMALL_BUFF_SIZE );
	free( ptr );
	ptr = NULL;

	/* Funkcja wywo�ana w celu sprawdzenia zakresu pocz�tkowego */
	if( type == 0 ) {
		strncpy( temp_r, strstr( range, "=" ), SMALL_BUFF_SIZE );
		len = strlen( temp_r );
		temp_r[ len-1 ] = '\0';

		for( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
			if( i < len ) {
				temp_r[ i ] = temp_r[ i+1 ] ;
	} else if( type == 1 ) {
		/* Funkcja wywo�ana w celu sprawdzenia zakresu ko�cowego */
		strncpy( temp_r, strrchr( range, '-' ), SMALL_BUFF_SIZE );
		len = strlen( temp_r );

		/* Usuni�cie znaku "-" pozosta�ego po strrchr() */
		for( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
			if( i < len ) {
				temp_r[ i ] = temp_r[ i+1 ];

	/* Konwersja ci�gu znak�w na liczb� */
	range_s = atoi( temp_r );

	free( range );
	range = NULL;

	free( temp_r );
	temp_r = NULL;

	return range_s;
REQUEST_process( HTTP_SESSION *http_session )
@http_session - wska�nik do pod��czonego klienta
- po udanej weryfikacji danych przechodzi do pr�by przes�ania ��danego zasobu */
void REQUEST_process( HTTP_SESSION *http_session ) {
	char *local_file_path;		/* Lokalna �cie�ka do ��danego pliku */
	char *file_ext;				/* Rozszerzenie ��danego pliku */
	char *add_hdr;				/* Opcjonalne nag��wki */
	char *ht_access_pwd;		/* Has�o do ��danego zasobu z funkcji file_params*/
	int len_loc; /* D�ugo�� ��danej �cie�ki */
	int file_params_val = 0;	/* Przechowuje wynik dzia�ania funkcji file_params */

	len_loc = strlen( http_session->http_info.http_local_path );
	/* Przygotowanie pami�ci na nazw� ��danego pliku */
	local_file_path = malloc( MAX_PATH_LENGTH_CHAR+1 );
	mem_allocated( local_file_path, 34 );

	/* Po��czenie �cie�ki z ��dania z pe�n� �cie�k� w systemie*/
	if( len_loc > 1 ) {
		/* Stworzenie lokalnej �cie�ki dost�pu do zasobu */
		strncpy( local_file_path, app_path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH );
		strncat( local_file_path, http_session->http_info.http_local_path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH );
	} else {
		/* Jeste�my w g��wnym katalogu */
		strncpy( local_file_path, app_path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH );

	/* Zamiana znaku "/" z request na "\" - tylko Win32*/
	strrepchar( local_file_path, '/', C_SLASH );

	/* Usuni�cie podw�jnych znak�w slash */
	strdelbslash( local_file_path );

	/* Je�eli podano sam� nazw� katalogu to automatycznie dodajemy plik indeksu - tu juz po weryfikacji, czy zasob jest skryptem CGI */
	if( strncmp( file_get_name( local_file_path ), "", 1 ) == 0 ) {
		strncat( local_file_path, REQUEST_get_index( local_file_path ), MAX_PATH_LENGTH );

	if( ht_access_count > 0 ) {
		/* Alokacja pami�ci */
		ht_access_pwd = malloc( STD_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
		mem_allocated( ht_access_pwd, 35 );

	/*Sprawdzamy, czy ��dany plik istnieje... */
	file_params_val = file_params( http_session, local_file_path, (ht_access_count > 0 ? ht_access_pwd : NULL ) );
	if( file_params_val == 0 ) { /* Plik nie istnieje */
		file_ext = malloc( MICRO_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
		strncpy( file_ext, file_get_ext( local_file_path ), MICRO_BUFF_SIZE );
		/*...brak rozszerzenia = nie podano konkretnego pliku w URL... */
		if( strncmp( file_ext, "", MICRO_BUFF_SIZE ) == 0 ) {
			/*...sprawdzamy, czy ostatni znak to "/"... */
			if( local_file_path[ strlen( local_file_path )-1 ] != C_SLASH ) {
				/*...mimo wszystko sprawdzamy, czy �cie�ka jest prawid�owa. Tak = b��d 302. Nie = b��d 400. */
				if( directory_exists( local_file_path ) ) {
					/* Stworzenie dodatkowej informacji do nag��wna wysy�anego przez RESPONSE_error z prawid�ow� �cie�k� */
					add_hdr = malloc( MAX_PATH_LENGTH_CHAR );
					sprintf( add_hdr, "%s%s/\r\n", HEADER_LOCATION, http_session->http_info.http_local_path );
					RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_302_FOUND, HTTP_ERR_302_MSG, add_hdr );
					free( add_hdr );
					add_hdr = NULL;
				} else {
					RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_ERR_400_MSG, NULL );
			} else {
				/*...plik nie istnieje, a index.html brak... */
				RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_ERR_404_MSG, NULL );
		} else {
			RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_ERR_404_MSG, NULL );

		/* Zwolnienie pami�ci dla rozszerzenia ��danego pliku */
		free( file_ext );
		file_ext = NULL;
	} else {
		/* Plik istnieje, ale jakie ma w�a�ciwo�ci ? */
		if( file_params_val == 1 ) {
			/* Plik istnieje i jest do odczytu */
			/* Je�eli jest to skrypt CGI, to zostaje wykonany */
			/* Zwyk�e ��danie zasobu */
			/*Zapytanie zweryfikowane - wysy�ka zawarto�ci zasobu */
			if( http_session->http_info.method_name != POST ) {
				RESPONSE_file( http_session, local_file_path ); /* Zapytanie HEAD jest weryfikowane w funkcji RESPONSE_header */
		} else if( file_params_val == 2 ) {/* Plik istnieje, ale dost�p jest zabroniony */
			RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_ERR_403_MSG, NULL );
		} else if( file_params_val == 3 ) {/* Plik istnieje, ale wymaga autoryzacji */
			if( http_session->http_info.authorization ) {
				if( strncmp( ht_access_pwd, http_session->http_info.authorization, STD_BUFF_SIZE ) == 0 ) {
					/* Zwyk�e ��danie zasobu */
					/*Zapytanie zweryfikowane - wysy�ka zawarto�ci zasobu */
					if( http_session->http_info.method_name != POST ) {
						RESPONSE_file( http_session, local_file_path ); /* Zapytanie HEAD jest weryfikowane w funkcji RESPONSE_header */
					} else {
				} else {
			} else {

	if( ht_access_count > 0) {
		/* Zwolnienie pami�ci dla has�a zasobu */
		if( ht_access_pwd ) {
			free( ht_access_pwd );
			ht_access_pwd = NULL;

	/* Zwolnienie pami�ci dla nazwy ��danego pliku */
	free( local_file_path );
	local_file_path = NULL;

	 /* Zwalniamy pami�� */
	SESSION_release( http_session );
RESPONSE_file( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *filename )
@http_session - wska�nik do pod��czonego klienta
@filename - nazwa pliku, kt�ry ma zosta� przes�any
- funkcja wysy�a do przegl�darki ��dany zas�b lub jego fragment */
void RESPONSE_file( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *filename ) {
	FILE *file;
	long filesize = 0;	/* Ca�kowity rozmiar ��danego pliku */
	long total = 0;		/* Ca�kowity rozmiar wysy�anych danych */
	char *buf;
	char *add_hdr;		/* Opcjonalne nag��wki */
	SEND_INFO *send_struct;

	/* Otwarcie pliku. Weryfikacja poprawno�ci jego nazwy nast�pi�a poprzez funkcj�
	file_params w nadrz�dnej funkcji REQUEST_process */
	file = battery_fopen( filename, READ_BINARY, 1, http_session->socket_descriptor, STD_FILE );

	/* Nie uda�o si� otworzy� pliku, cho� istnieje - problem z serwerem? */
	if( !file ) {
		RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_500_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_ERR_500_MSG, NULL );
	} else {
		/* Sprawdzenie, czy istnieje nag��wek "If-Modified-Since" */
		if( http_session->http_info.date_if_modified_since ) {
			/* Por�wnanie nag��wka "If-Modified-Since" z dat� modyfikacji pliku */
			if( strcmp( http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified, http_session->http_info.date_if_modified_since ) == 0 ) {
				battery_fclose( file, http_session->socket_descriptor );

		/* Sprawdzenie, czy istnieje nag��wek "If-Unmodified-Since" */
		if( http_session->http_info.date_if_unmodified_since ) {
			/* Por�wnanie nag��wka "If-Unmodified-Since" z dat� modyfikacji pliku */
			if( strcmp( http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified, http_session->http_info.date_if_unmodified_since ) != 0 ) {
				battery_fclose( file, http_session->socket_descriptor );

		/* Pobranie rozmiaru pliku */
		filesize = battery_ftell( file );

		/* Plik jest pusty = b��d 204 */
		if( filesize <= 0 ) {
			RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_ERR_204_MSG, NULL );
		} else {
			/* Nie wybrano �adnego fragmentu pliku - brak nag��wka "Range" */
			if( ( http_session->http_info.range_st < 0 )&&( http_session->http_info.range_en < 0 ) ) {
				/* Wysy�ka z kodem 200 - wszystko ok */
				RESPONSE_header( http_session, HTTP_200_OK, REQUEST_get_mime_type( filename ), filesize, NULL, NULL );

				send_struct = SESSION_find_response_struct_by_id( http_session->socket_descriptor );

				if( send_struct ) {
					send_struct->file = file;
					send_struct->http_content_size = filesize;
					send_struct->sent_size = 0;
			} else {
				/* Wysy�ka wybranego fragmentu pliku */
				/* Je�eli zakres ko�cowy jest mniejszy od 0 ( np. -1 ) to ustawiamy go jako rozmiar pliku */
				if( http_session->http_info.range_en <= 0 ) {
					http_session->http_info.range_en = filesize;

				/* Ca�kowity rozmiar fragmentu */
				http_session->http_info.range_en--; /* bajt zerowy! */
				total = http_session->http_info.range_en - http_session->http_info.range_st;

				/* Brak podanego zakresu w pliku lub b��dny zakres = b��d 416 */
				if( ( fseek( file, http_session->http_info.range_st, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) || ( total <= 0 ) ) {
				} else {
					/* Dodanie nag��wka "Content-Range" */
					add_hdr = malloc( STD_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
					mem_allocated( add_hdr, 32 );
					sprintf( add_hdr, "%sbytes %ld-%ld/%ld\r\n", HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, http_session->http_info.range_st, http_session->http_info.range_en, filesize );
					/* Wysy�ka z kodem 206 - wybrany fragment zasobu */
					RESPONSE_header( http_session, HTTP_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT, REQUEST_get_mime_type( filename ), total+1, NULL, add_hdr );
					free( add_hdr );
					add_hdr = NULL;

					/* Wczytanie fragmentu i wysy�ka */
					buf = malloc( total );
					mem_allocated( buf, 33 );

					if( fread( buf, sizeof( char ), total, file ) > 0 ) {
						SESSION_send_response( http_session, buf, total+1 );
					} else {
						/* Napotkano b��d = 500 */
						RESPONSE_error( http_session, HTTP_500_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_ERR_500_MSG, NULL );

					free( buf );
					buf = NULL;
RESPONSE_header( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *http_status_code, const char *http_mime_type, size_t http_content_length, char *time_last_modified, const char *content_data, const char* add_headers )
@http_session - wska�nik do po��czonego klienta
@http_status_code - kod odpowiedzi
@http_mime_type - typ mime
@http_content_length - rozmiar wysy�anych danych
@time_last_modified - data ostatniej modyfikacji pliku ( 0 je�eli nag��wek Last-Modified ma nie zosta� do��czony
@content_data - tre�� wysy�anej wiadomo�ci
@add_headers - dodatkowe nag��wki ( ustawione w funkcji wywo�uj�cej i przekazane przez ten parametr
- g��wna funkcja wysy�aj�ca odpowied� do klienta: header + ewentualny content */
void RESPONSE_header( HTTP_SESSION *http_session, const char *http_status_code, const char *http_mime_type, size_t http_content_length, const char *content_data, const char* add_headers ) {
	char *http_header_to_send;		/* Przechowuje tre�� HEADER */
	char *http_single_header_line;	/* Pojedyncza linia nag��wka */

	/* Alokacja pami�ci */
	http_header_to_send = malloc( MAX_BUFFER_CHAR+1 );
	mem_allocated( http_header_to_send, 28 );
	http_single_header_line = malloc( STD_BUFF_SIZE_CHAR );
	mem_allocated( http_single_header_line, 29 );

	/* HTTP/1.1 KOD OPIS */
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s %s\r\n", HTTP_VER, http_status_code );
	strncpy( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Date: */
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%s\r\n", HEADER_DATE, get_actual_time_gmt() );
	strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Server: */
	sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s\r\n", HEADER_SERVER );
	strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Accept Ranges: bytes */
	strncat( http_header_to_send, HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Content-Type: */
	if( http_mime_type ) {
		sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%s\r\n", HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, http_mime_type );
		strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Connection: Keep-Alive */
	if( http_session->http_info.keep_alive ) {
		sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%s\r\n", HEADER_CONNECTION, HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE_STR );
		strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Content-Length: */
	if( http_content_length != 0 ) {
		sprintf( http_single_header_line,"%s%zu\r\n", HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, http_content_length );
		strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Last-Modified: */
	if( http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified ) {
		sprintf( http_single_header_line, "%s%s\r\n", HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, http_session->local_info.date_res_last_modified );
		strncat( http_header_to_send, http_single_header_line, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Dodatkowe nag��wki? */
	if( add_headers ) {
		strncat( http_header_to_send, add_headers, MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Pusta linia - po niej zaczyna si� content */
	strncat( http_header_to_send, "\r\n", MAX_BUFFER );

	/* Wysy�ka nag��wka HTTP */
	if( SESSION_send_response( http_session, http_header_to_send, strlen( http_header_to_send ) ) > 0 ) {
		/* Wysy�ka contentu */
		if( content_data ) {
			SESSION_send_response( http_session, content_data, http_content_length );

	/* Zapis ��dania do logu */
	LOG_print( "%s %s %s \"%s\" %s %.3s\n", get_actual_time_gmt(), http_session->http_info.remote_addr, http_method_list[ http_session->http_info.method_name ], http_session->http_info.http_local_path, http_session->http_info.protocol_ver, http_status_code );

	/* Zwolnienie pami�ci */
	free( http_header_to_send );
	http_header_to_send = NULL;

	free( http_single_header_line );
	http_single_header_line = NULL;
Пример #13
/* --------------------- main ---------------------- */
int __CDECL
main(int ac, char *av[])
	Lstr	args[MAXARGS], tracestr, file;
	int	ia,ir,iaa;
	bool	input, loop_over_stdin, parse_args, interactive;
	Lstr	line;

	input           = FALSE;
	loop_over_stdin = FALSE;
	parse_args      = FALSE;
	interactive     = FALSE;

	for (ia=0; ia<MAXARGS; ia++) LINITSTR(args[ia]);

	if (ac<2) {
#if defined(JCC)
		puts("\nsyntax: rexx [-[trace]|-F|-a|-i|-m] <filename> <args>...\n");
		puts("\nsyntax: rexx [-[trace]|-F|-a|-i] <filename> <args>...\n");
		puts("\t-\tto use stdin as input file");
		puts("\t-a\tbreak words into multiple arguments");
		puts("\t-i\tenter interactive mode");
		puts("\t-F\tloop over standard input");
		puts("\t\t\'linein\' contains each line from stdin.");
#ifdef JCC
		puts("  -m  machine architecture: 0=S/370, 1=Hercules s37x, 2=S/390, 3=z/Arch.");
		puts("Author: "AUTHOR);
		puts("Please report bugs, errors or comments to the above address.\n");
		return 0;
#ifdef __DEBUG__
	__debug__ = FALSE;

	/* --- Initialise --- */

	/* --- Register functions of external libraries --- */
#ifdef STATIC
#ifdef RXCONIO

	/* --- scan arguments --- */
	ia = 1;
	if (av[ia][0]=='-') {
		if (av[ia][1]==0)
			input = TRUE;
		if (av[ia][1]=='F')
			loop_over_stdin = input = TRUE;
		if (av[ia][1]=='a')
			parse_args = TRUE;
		if (av[ia][1]=='i')
			interactive = TRUE;
#ifdef JCC
		if (av[ia][1]=='m')
			__libc_arch = atoi(av[ia]+2);
	} else
	if (av[ia][0]=='?' || av[ia][0]=='!') {

	/* --- let's read a normal file --- */
	if (!input && !interactive && ia<ac) {
		/* prepare arguments for program */
		iaa = 0;
		for (ir=ia+1; ir<ac; ir++) {
			if (parse_args) {
				Lscpy(&args[iaa], av[ir]);
				if (++iaa >= MAXARGS) break;
			} else {
				Lcat(&args[0], av[ir]);
				if (ir<ac-1) Lcat(&args[0]," ");
	} else {
		if (interactive)
				"signal on syntax;"
				"signal on error;"
				"signal on halt;"
				"start:do forever;"
				"call write ,\">>> \";"
				" parse pull _;"
				" result=@r;"
				" interpret _;"
				" @r=result;"
				"signal start;"
				"syntax:;error: say \"+++ Error\" RC\":\" errortext(RC);"
				"signal start;"
		if (ia>=ac) {
			struct stat buf;
			if (S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode)) {
				printf("End with \";\" on a line by itself.\n");
				while (1) {
					if (!Lcmp(&line,";"))
			} else
		} else {
			/* Copy a small header */
			if (loop_over_stdin)
				Lcat(&file,"do forever;"
					"if eof(0) then exit;");
			for (;ia<ac; ia++) {
				if (ia<ac-1) Lcat(&file," ");
			/* and a footer */
			if (loop_over_stdin)

	/* --- Free everything --- */
	for (ia=0; ia<MAXARGS; ia++) LFREESTR(args[ia]);
#ifdef STATIC

#ifdef __DEBUG__
	if (mem_allocated()!=0) {
		fprintf(STDERR,"\nMemory left allocated: %ld\n",mem_allocated());

	return rxReturnCode;
} /* main */
Пример #14
/* Use this function to track memory allocation performance.  
 * This function does not depend on your implementation, 
 * but on the functions you wrote above.
void print_memory_status()
	printf("%d out of %d bytes allocated.\n",mem_allocated(),mem_total());
	printf("%d bytes are free in %d holes; maximum allocatable block is %d bytes.\n",mem_free(),mem_holes(),mem_largest_free());
	printf("Average hole size is %f.\n\n",((float)mem_free())/mem_holes());