Пример #1
mnb_zones_preview_add_window (MnbZonesPreview *preview,
                              MetaWindowActor *window)
  ClutterActor *clone;
  ClutterActor *group;
  MetaRectangle rect;
  gint workspace;

  /* TODO: Determine if we need to add a weak reference on the window
   *       in case it gets destroyed during the animation.
   *       I'd have thought that the clone's reference on the texture
   *       would be enough that this wouldn't be necessary.
   * We do; while the clone's reference is enough to keep the texture about,
   * it is not enough to make it possible to map the clone once the texture
   * has been unparented.
  workspace = meta_window_actor_get_workspace (window);
  group = mnb_zones_preview_get_workspace_group (preview, workspace);

  clone = clutter_clone_new (meta_window_actor_get_texture (window));

  g_signal_connect (window, "destroy",
                    G_CALLBACK (mnb_zones_preview_mcw_destroy_cb),
  g_signal_connect (clone, "destroy",
                    G_CALLBACK (mnb_zones_preview_clone_destroy_cb),

  meta_window_get_input_rect (meta_window_actor_get_meta_window (window), &rect);
  clutter_actor_set_position (clone, rect.x, rect.y);

  clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (group), clone);
static void grid_placement ( DeepinWorkspaceOverview* self, 
        MonitorData* md, MetaRectangle area, gboolean closest)
    DeepinWorkspaceOverviewPrivate* priv = self->priv;
    GPtrArray* clones = md->clones;
    if (!clones || clones->len == 0) return;

    int window_count = clones->len;
    int columns = (int)ceil (sqrt (window_count));
    int rows = (int)ceil (window_count / (double)columns);

    // Assign slots
    int slot_width = area.width / columns;
    int slot_height = area.height / rows;

    GList* windows = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < clones->len; i++) {
        MetaDeepinClonedWidget* clone = g_ptr_array_index(clones, i);

        TilableWindow* tw = g_new0(TilableWindow, 1);
        tw->id = clone;

        MetaWindow* win = meta_deepin_cloned_widget_get_window(clone);
        meta_window_get_input_rect(win, &tw->rect);

        windows = g_list_append(windows, tw);

    TilableWindow* taken_slots[rows * columns];
    memset(taken_slots, 0, sizeof taken_slots);

    if (closest) {
        // Assign each window to the closest available slot.

        // precalculate all slot centers
        GdkPoint slot_centers[rows * columns];
        memset(slot_centers, 0, sizeof slot_centers);

        for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
                slot_centers[x + y * columns] = (GdkPoint){
                    area.x + slot_width  * x + slot_width  / 2,
                    area.y + slot_height * y + slot_height / 2

        GList* tmplist = g_list_copy(windows);
        while (g_list_length(tmplist) > 0) {
            GList* link = g_list_nth(tmplist, 0);
            TilableWindow* window = (TilableWindow*)link->data;
            MetaRectangle rect = window->rect;

            int slot_candidate = -1;
            int slot_candidate_distance = INT_MAX;
            GdkPoint pos = rect_center (rect);

            // all slots
            for (int i = 0; i < columns * rows; i++) {
                if (i > window_count - 1)

                int dist = squared_distance (pos, slot_centers[i]);

                if (dist < slot_candidate_distance) {
                    // window is interested in this slot
                    TilableWindow* occupier = taken_slots[i];
                    if (occupier == window)

                    if (occupier == NULL || dist < squared_distance (rect_center (occupier->rect), slot_centers[i])) {
                        // either nobody lives here, or we're better - takeover the slot if it's our best
                        slot_candidate = i;
                        slot_candidate_distance = dist;

            if (slot_candidate == -1)

            if (taken_slots[slot_candidate] != NULL)
                tmplist = g_list_prepend(tmplist, taken_slots[slot_candidate]);

            tmplist = g_list_remove_link(tmplist, link);
            taken_slots[slot_candidate] = window;

    } else {
        // Assign each window as the origin order.
        for (int i = 0; i < clones->len; i++) {
            GList* link = g_list_nth (windows, i);
            taken_slots[i] = (TilableWindow*)link->data;

    // see how many windows we have on the last row
    int left_over = (int)window_count - columns * (rows - 1);

    for (int slot = 0; slot < columns * rows; slot++) {
        TilableWindow* window = taken_slots[slot];
        // some slots might be empty
        if (window == NULL)

        MetaRectangle rect = window->rect;

        // Work out where the slot is
        MetaRectangle target = {
            area.x + (slot % columns) * slot_width,
            area.y + (slot / columns) * slot_height,
        target = rect_adjusted (target, 10, 10, -10, -10);

        float scale;
        if (target.width / (double)rect.width < target.height / (double)rect.height) {
            // Center vertically
            scale = target.width / (float)rect.width;
            target.y += (target.height - (int)(rect.height * scale)) / 2;
            target.height = (int)floorf (rect.height * scale);
        } else {
            // Center horizontally
            scale = target.height / (float)rect.height;
            target.x += (target.width - (int)(rect.width * scale)) / 2;
            target.width = (int)floorf (rect.width * scale);

        // Don't scale the windows too much
        if (scale > 1.0) {
            scale = 1.0f;
            target = (MetaRectangle){
                rect_center (target).x - (int)floorf (rect.width * scale) / 2,
                rect_center (target).y - (int)floorf (rect.height * scale) / 2,
                (int)floorf (scale * rect.width), 
                (int)floorf (scale * rect.height)

        // put the last row in the center, if necessary
        if (left_over != columns && slot >= columns * (rows - 1))
            target.x += (columns - left_over) * slot_width / 2;

        place_window(self, window->id, target);

    g_list_free_full(windows, g_free);