Пример #1
/* TODO: condionally set setuid and setgid bits? */
void DCOPY_copy_permissions(
    mfu_flist flist,
    uint64_t idx,
    const char* dest_path)
    /* get mode and type */
    mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(flist, idx);
    mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(flist, idx);

    /* change mode */
    if(type != MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
        if(mfu_chmod(dest_path, mode) != 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to change permissions on %s chmod() errno=%d %s",
                dest_path, errno, strerror(errno)

Пример #2
/* removes list of items, sets write bits on directories from
 * top-to-bottom, then removes items one level at a time starting
 * from the deepest */
void mfu_flist_unlink(mfu_flist flist)
    int level;

    /* wait for all tasks and start timer */
    double start_remove = MPI_Wtime();

    /* split files into separate lists by directory depth */
    int levels, minlevel;
    mfu_flist* lists;
    mfu_flist_array_by_depth(flist, &levels, &minlevel, &lists);

#if 0
    /* dive from shallow to deep, ensure all directories have write bit set */
    for (level = 0; level < levels; level++) {
        /* get list of items for this level */
        mfu_flist list = lists[level];

        /* determine whether we have details at this level */
        int detail = mfu_flist_have_detail(list);

        /* iterate over items and set write bit on directories if needed */
        uint64_t idx;
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_size(list);
        for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
            /* check whether we have a directory */
            mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(list, idx);
            if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR) {
                /* assume we have to set the bit */
                int set_write_bit = 1;
                if (detail) {
                    mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(list, idx);
                    if (mode & S_IWUSR) {
                        /* we have the mode of the file, and the bit is already set */
                        set_write_bit = 0;

                /* set the bit if needed */
                if (set_write_bit) {
                    const char* name = mfu_flist_file_get_name(list, idx);
                    int rc = chmod(name, S_IRWXU);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to chmod directory `%s' (errno=%d %s)",
                                  name, errno, strerror(errno)

        /* wait for all procs to finish before we start next level */

    /* now remove files starting from deepest level */
    for (level = levels - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
        double start = MPI_Wtime();

        /* get list of items for this level */
        mfu_flist list = lists[level];

        uint64_t count = 0;
        //remove_direct(list, &count);
        remove_spread(list, &count);
//        remove_map(list, &count);
//        remove_sort(list, &count);
//        remove_libcircle(list, &count);
//        TODO: remove sort w/ spread

        /* wait for all procs to finish before we start
         * with files at next level */

        double end = MPI_Wtime();

        if (mfu_debug_level >= MFU_LOG_VERBOSE) {
            uint64_t min, max, sum;
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &min, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &max, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Allreduce(&count, &sum, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            double rate = 0.0;
            if (end - start > 0.0) {
                rate = (double)sum / (end - start);
            double time_diff = end - start;
            if (mfu_rank == 0) {
                printf("level=%d min=%lu max=%lu sum=%lu rate=%f secs=%f\n",
                       (minlevel + level), (unsigned long)min, (unsigned long)max, (unsigned long)sum, rate, time_diff

    mfu_flist_array_free(levels, &lists);

    /* wait for all tasks and stop timer */
    double end_remove = MPI_Wtime();

    /* report remove count, time, and rate */
    if (mfu_debug_level >= MFU_LOG_VERBOSE && mfu_rank == 0) {
        uint64_t all_count = mfu_flist_global_size(flist);
        double time_diff = end_remove - start_remove;
        double rate = 0.0;
        if (time_diff > 0.0) {
            rate = ((double)all_count) / time_diff;
        printf("Removed %lu items in %f seconds (%f items/sec)\n",
               all_count, time_diff, rate

Пример #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* get our rank and number of ranks in the job */
    int rank, ranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ranks);

    /* pointer to mfu_walk_opts */
    mfu_walk_opts_t* walk_opts = mfu_walk_opts_new();

    uint64_t idx;
    int option_index = 0;
    int usage = 0;
    int report = 0;
    unsigned int numpaths = 0;
    mfu_param_path* paths = NULL;
    unsigned long long bytes;

    /* verbose by default */
    mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_VERBOSE;

    /* default to 1MB stripe size, stripe across all OSTs, and all files are candidates */
    int stripes = -1;
    uint64_t stripe_size = 1048576;
    uint64_t min_size = 0;

    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"count",    1, 0, 'c'},
        {"size",     1, 0, 's'},
        {"minsize",  1, 0, 'm'},
        {"report",   0, 0, 'r'},
        {"progress", 1, 0, 'P'},
        {"verbose",  0, 0, 'v'},
        {"quiet",    0, 0, 'q'},
        {"help",     0, 0, 'h'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    while (1) {
        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:s:m:rvqh",
                    long_options, &option_index);

        if (c == -1) {

        switch (c) {
            case 'c':
                /* stripe count */
                stripes = atoi(optarg);
            case 's':
                /* stripe size in bytes */
                if (mfu_abtoull(optarg, &bytes) != MFU_SUCCESS) {
                    if (rank == 0) {
                        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse stripe size: %s", optarg);
                    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
                stripe_size = (uint64_t)bytes;
            case 'm':
                /* min file size in bytes */
                if (mfu_abtoull(optarg, &bytes) != MFU_SUCCESS) {
                    if (rank == 0) {
                        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse minimum file size: %s", optarg);
                    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
                min_size = (uint64_t)bytes;
            case 'r':
                /* report striping info */
		report = 1;
            case 'P':
                mfu_progress_timeout = atoi(optarg);
            case 'v':
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_VERBOSE;
            case 'q':
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_NONE;
            case 'h':
                /* display usage */
                usage = 1;
            case '?':
                /* display usage */
                usage = 1;
                if (rank == 0) {
                    printf("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);

    /* check that we got a valid progress value */
    if (mfu_progress_timeout < 0) {
        if (rank == 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Seconds in --progress must be non-negative: %d invalid", mfu_progress_timeout);
        usage = 1;

    /* paths to walk come after the options */
    if (optind < argc) {
        /* determine number of paths specified by user */
        numpaths = argc - optind;

        /* allocate space for each path */
        paths = (mfu_param_path*) MFU_MALLOC((size_t)numpaths * sizeof(mfu_param_path));

        /* process each path */
        char** p = &argv[optind];
        mfu_param_path_set_all((uint64_t)numpaths, (const char**)p, paths);
        optind += numpaths;
    } else {
        usage = 1;

    /* if we need to print usage, print it and exit */
    if (usage) {
        if (rank == 0) {

        return 1;

    /* nothing to do if lustre support is disabled */
    if (rank == 0) {
        MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Lustre support is disabled.");
    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    /* stripe count must be -1 for all available or greater than 0 */
    if (stripes < -1) {
        if (rank == 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Stripe count must be -1 for all servers, 0 for lustre file system default, or a positive value");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    /* lustre requires stripe sizes to be aligned */
    if (stripe_size > 0 && stripe_size % 65536 != 0) {
        if (rank == 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Stripe size must be a multiple of 65536");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    /* TODO: verify that source / target are on Lustre */

    /* walk list of input paths and stat as we walk */
    mfu_flist flist = mfu_flist_new();
    mfu_flist_walk_param_paths(numpaths, paths, walk_opts, flist);

    /* filter down our list to files which don't meet our striping requirements */
    mfu_flist filtered = filter_list(flist, stripes, stripe_size, min_size, &create_prog_count_total, &stripe_prog_bytes_total);


    /* report the file size and stripe count of all files we found */
    if (report) {
        /* report the files in our filtered list */

        /* free the paths and our list */
        mfu_param_path_free_all(numpaths, paths);

        /* finalize */
        return 0;

    /* generate a global suffix for our temp files and have each node check it's list */
    char suffix[8];
    uint64_t retry;

    /* seed our random number generator */

    /* keep trying to make a valid random suffix...*/
    do {
        uint64_t attempt = 0;

        /* make rank 0 responsible for generating a random suffix */
        if (rank == 0) {
            generate_suffix(suffix, sizeof(suffix));

        /* broadcast the random suffix to all ranks */
        MPI_Bcast(suffix, sizeof(suffix), MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        /* check that the file doesn't already exist */
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_size(filtered);
        for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
            char temp_path[PATH_MAX];
            strcpy(temp_path, mfu_flist_file_get_name(filtered, idx));
            strcat(temp_path, suffix);
            if(!mfu_access(temp_path, F_OK)) {
                /* the file already exists */
                attempt = 1;

        /* do a reduce to figure out if a rank has a file collision */
        MPI_Allreduce(&attempt, &retry, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    } while(retry != 0);

    /* initialize progress messages while creating files */
    create_prog_count = 0;
    create_prog = mfu_progress_start(mfu_progress_timeout, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, create_progress_fn);

    /* create new files so we can restripe */
    uint64_t size = mfu_flist_size(filtered);
    for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
        char temp_path[PATH_MAX];
        strcpy(temp_path, mfu_flist_file_get_name(filtered, idx));
        strcat(temp_path, suffix);

        /* create a striped file at the temp file path */
        mfu_stripe_set(temp_path, stripe_size, stripes);

        /* update our status for file create progress */
        mfu_progress_update(&create_prog_count, create_prog);

    /* finalize file create progress messages */
    mfu_progress_complete(&create_prog_count, &create_prog);


    /* initialize progress messages while copying data */
    stripe_prog_bytes = 0;
    stripe_prog = mfu_progress_start(mfu_progress_timeout, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stripe_progress_fn);

    /* found a suffix, now we need to break our files into chunks based on stripe size */
    mfu_file_chunk* file_chunks = mfu_file_chunk_list_alloc(filtered, stripe_size);
    mfu_file_chunk* p = file_chunks;
    while (p != NULL) {
        /* build path to temp file */
        char temp_path[PATH_MAX];
        strcpy(temp_path, p->name);
        strcat(temp_path, suffix);

        /* write each chunk in our list */
        write_file_chunk(p, temp_path);

        /* move on to next file chunk */
        p = p->next;

    /* finalize progress messages */
    mfu_progress_complete(&stripe_prog_bytes, &stripe_prog);


    /* remove input file and rename temp file */
    for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
        /* build path to temp file */
        const char *in_path = mfu_flist_file_get_name(filtered, idx);
        char out_path[PATH_MAX];
        strcpy(out_path, in_path);
        strcat(out_path, suffix);

        /* change the mode of the newly restriped file to be the same as the old one */
        mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(filtered, idx);
        if (mfu_chmod(out_path, mode) != 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to chmod file %s (%s)", out_path, strerror(errno));
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

        /* rename the new, restriped file to the old name */
        if (rename(out_path, in_path) != 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to rename file %s to %s", out_path, in_path);
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    /* wait for everyone to finish */

    /* free the walk options */

    /* free filtered list, path parameters */
    mfu_param_path_free_all(numpaths, paths);


    return 0;
Пример #4
/* print information about a file given the index and rank (used in print_files) */
static void print_file(mfu_flist flist, uint64_t idx)
    /* store types as strings for print_file */
    char type_str_unknown[] = "UNK";
    char type_str_dir[]     = "DIR";
    char type_str_file[]    = "REG";
    char type_str_link[]    = "LNK";

    /* get filename */
    const char* file = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);

    if (mfu_flist_have_detail(flist)) {
        /* get mode */
        mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(flist, idx);

        //uint32_t uid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_uid(flist, idx);
        //uint32_t gid = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_gid(flist, idx);
        uint64_t acc = mfu_flist_file_get_atime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t mod = mfu_flist_file_get_mtime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t cre = mfu_flist_file_get_ctime(flist, idx);
        uint64_t size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);
        const char* username  = mfu_flist_file_get_username(flist, idx);
        const char* groupname = mfu_flist_file_get_groupname(flist, idx);

        char access_s[30];
        char modify_s[30];
        char create_s[30];
        time_t access_t = (time_t) acc;
        time_t modify_t = (time_t) mod;
        time_t create_t = (time_t) cre;
        size_t access_rc = strftime(access_s, sizeof(access_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&access_t));
        //size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t modify_rc = strftime(modify_s, sizeof(modify_s) - 1, "%b %e %Y %H:%M", localtime(&modify_t));
        size_t create_rc = strftime(create_s, sizeof(create_s) - 1, "%FT%T", localtime(&create_t));
        if (access_rc == 0 || modify_rc == 0 || create_rc == 0) {
            /* error */
            access_s[0] = '\0';
            modify_s[0] = '\0';
            create_s[0] = '\0';

        char mode_format[11];
        mfu_format_mode(mode, mode_format);

        double size_tmp;
        const char* size_units;
        mfu_format_bytes(size, &size_tmp, &size_units);

        printf("%s %s %s %7.3f %2s %s %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               size_tmp, size_units, modify_s, file
#if 0
        printf("%s %s %s A%s M%s C%s %lu %s\n",
               mode_format, username, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
        printf("Mode=%lx(%s) UID=%d(%s) GUI=%d(%s) Access=%s Modify=%s Create=%s Size=%lu File=%s\n",
               (unsigned long)mode, mode_format, uid, username, gid, groupname,
               access_s, modify_s, create_s, (unsigned long)size, file
    else {
        /* get type */
        mfu_filetype type = mfu_flist_file_get_type(flist, idx);
        char* type_str = type_str_unknown;
        if (type == MFU_TYPE_DIR) {
            type_str = type_str_dir;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_FILE) {
            type_str = type_str_file;
        else if (type == MFU_TYPE_LINK) {
            type_str = type_str_link;

        printf("Type=%s File=%s\n",
               type_str, file
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    uint64_t i;
    int status;
    uint64_t file_size;

    uint64_t chunk_size = DDUP_CHUNK_SIZE;

    SHA256_CTX* ctx_ptr;

    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

    int rank, ranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ranks);

    /* pointer to mfu_walk_opts */
    mfu_walk_opts_t* walk_opts = mfu_walk_opts_new();

    mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_VERBOSE;

    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"debug",    0, 0, 'd'},
        {"verbose",  0, 0, 'v'},
        {"quiet",    0, 0, 'q'},
        {"help",     0, 0, 'h'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    /* Parse options */
    int usage = 0;
    int help  = 0;
    int c;
    int option_index = 0;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:vqh", \
                            long_options, &option_index)) != -1)
        switch (c) {
        case 'd':
            if (strncmp(optarg, "fatal", 5) == 0) {
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_FATAL;

                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level set to: fatal");
            else if (strncmp(optarg, "err", 3) == 0) {
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_ERR;

                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level set to: "
            else if (strncmp(optarg, "warn", 4) == 0) {
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_WARN;

                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level set to: "
            else if (strncmp(optarg, "info", 4) == 0) {
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_INFO;

                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level set to: info");
            else if (strncmp(optarg, "dbg", 3) == 0) {
                mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_DBG;

                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level set to: debug");
            else {
                if (rank == 0)
                              "Debug level `%s' not "
                              "recognized. Defaulting to "
                              "`info'.", optarg);
        case 'h':
            usage = 1;
            help  = 1;
        case 'v':
            mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_VERBOSE;
        case 'q':
            mfu_debug_level = MFU_LOG_NONE;
        case '?':
            usage = 1;
            help  = 1;
            usage = 1;

    /* check that user gave us one and only one directory */
    int numargs = argc - optind;
    if (numargs != 1) {
        /* missing the directory, so post a message, and print usage */
        if (rank == 0) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "You must specify a directory path");
        usage = 1;

    /* print usage and bail if needed */
    if (usage) {
        if (rank == 0) {
        /* set error code base on whether user requested usage or not */
        if (help) {
            status = 0;
        } else {
            status = -1;
        goto out;

    /* get the directory name */
    const char* dir = argv[optind];

    /* create MPI datatypes */
    MPI_Datatype key;
    MPI_Datatype keysat;
    mpi_type_init(&key, &keysat);

    /* create DTCMP comparison operation */
    DTCMP_Op cmp;

    /* allocate buffer to read data from file */
    char* chunk_buf = (char*)MFU_MALLOC(DDUP_CHUNK_SIZE);

    /* allocate a file list */
    mfu_flist flist = mfu_flist_new();

    /* Walk the path(s) to build the flist */
    mfu_flist_walk_path(dir, walk_opts, flist);

    /* TODO: spread list among procs? */

    /* get local number of items in flist */
    uint64_t checking_files = mfu_flist_size(flist);

    /* allocate memory to hold SHA256 context values */
    struct file_item* file_items = (struct file_item*) MFU_MALLOC(checking_files * sizeof(*file_items));

    /* Allocate two lists of length size, where each
     * element has (DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1) uint64_t values
     * (id, checksum, index)
    size_t list_bytes = checking_files * (DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(uint64_t);
    uint64_t* list     = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(list_bytes);
    uint64_t* new_list = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(list_bytes);

    /* Initialize the list */
    uint64_t* ptr = list;
    uint64_t new_checking_files = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < checking_files; i++) {
        /* check that item is a regular file */
        mode_t mode = (mode_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mode(flist, i);
        if (! S_ISREG(mode)) {

        /* get the file size */
        file_size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, i);
        if (file_size == 0) {
            /* Files with size zero are not interesting at all */

        /* for first pass, group all files with same file size */
        ptr[0] = file_size;

        /* we'll leave the middle part of the key unset */

        /* record our index in flist */
        ptr[DDUP_KEY_SIZE] = i;

        /* initialize the SHA256 hash state for this file */

        /* increment our file count */

        /* advance to next spot in the list */
        ptr += DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1;

    /* reduce our list count based on any files filtered out above */
    checking_files = new_checking_files;

    /* allocate arrays to hold result from DTCMP_Rankv call to
     * assign group and rank values to each item */
    uint64_t output_bytes = checking_files * sizeof(uint64_t);
    uint64_t* group_id    = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(output_bytes);
    uint64_t* group_ranks = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(output_bytes);
    uint64_t* group_rank  = (uint64_t*) MFU_MALLOC(output_bytes);

    /* get total number of items across all tasks */
    uint64_t sum_checking_files;
    MPI_Allreduce(&checking_files, &sum_checking_files, 1,
                  MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    uint64_t chunk_id = 0;
    while (sum_checking_files > 1) {
        /* update the chunk id we'll read from all files */

        /* iterate over our list and compute SHA256 value for each */
        ptr = list;
        for (i = 0; i < checking_files; i++) {
            /* get the flist index for this item */
            uint64_t idx = ptr[DDUP_KEY_SIZE];

            /* look up file name */
            const char* fname = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);

            /* look up file size */
            file_size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);

            /* read a chunk of data from the file into chunk_buf */
            uint64_t data_size;
            status = read_data(fname, chunk_buf, chunk_id,
                               chunk_size, file_size, &data_size);
            if (status) {
                /* File size has been changed, TODO: handle */
                printf("failed to read file %s, maybe file "
                       "size has been modified during the "
                       "process", fname);

            /* update the SHA256 context for this file */
            ctx_ptr = &file_items[idx].ctx;
            SHA256_Update(ctx_ptr, chunk_buf, data_size);

             * Use SHA256 value as key.
             * This is actually an hack, but SHA256_Final can't
             * be called multiple times with out changing ctx
            SHA256_CTX ctx_tmp;
            memcpy(&ctx_tmp, ctx_ptr, sizeof(ctx_tmp));
            SHA256_Final((unsigned char*)(ptr + 1), &ctx_tmp);

            /* move on to next file in the list */
            ptr += DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1;

        /* Assign group ids and compute group sizes */
        uint64_t groups;
            (int)checking_files, list,
            &groups, group_id, group_ranks, group_rank,
            key, keysat, cmp, DTCMP_FLAG_NONE, MPI_COMM_WORLD

        /* any files assigned to a group of size 1 is unique,
         * any files in groups sizes > 1 for which we've read
         * all bytes are the same, and filter all other files
         * into a new list for another iteration */
        new_checking_files = 0;
        ptr = list;
        uint64_t* new_ptr = new_list;
        for (i = 0; i < checking_files; i++) {
            /* Get index into flist for this item */
            uint64_t idx = ptr[DDUP_KEY_SIZE];

            /* look up file name */
            const char* fname = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);

            /* look up file size */
            file_size = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);

            /* get a pointer to the SHA256 context for this file */
            ctx_ptr = &file_items[idx].ctx;

            if (group_ranks[i] == 1) {
                 * Only one file in this group,
                 * mfu_flist_file_name(flist, idx) is unique
            } else if (file_size <= (chunk_id * chunk_size)) {
                 * We've run out of bytes to checksum, and we
                 * still have a group size > 1
                 * mfu_flist_file_name(flist, idx) is a
                 * duplicate with other files that also have
                 * matching group_id[i]
                unsigned char digest[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
                SHA256_Final(digest, ctx_ptr);

                char digest_string[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
                dump_sha256_digest(digest_string, digest);
                printf("%s %s\n", fname, digest_string);
            } else {
                /* Have multiple files with the same checksum,
                 * but still have bytes left to read, so keep
                 * this file

                /* use new group ID to segregate files,
                 * this id will be unique for all files of the
                 * same size and having the same hash up to
                 * this point */
                new_ptr[0] = group_id[i];

                /* Copy over flist index into new list entry */
                new_ptr[DDUP_KEY_SIZE] = idx;

                /* got one more in the new list */

                /* move on to next item in new list */
                new_ptr += DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1;

                MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_DBG, "checking file "
                          "\"%s\" for chunk index %d of size %"
                          PRIu64"\n", fname, (int)chunk_id,

            /* move on to next file in the list */
            ptr += DDUP_KEY_SIZE + 1;

        /* Swap lists */
        uint64_t* tmp_list;
        tmp_list = list;
        list     = new_list;
        new_list = tmp_list;

        /* Update size of current list */
        checking_files = new_checking_files;

        /* Get new global list size */
        MPI_Allreduce(&checking_files, &sum_checking_files, 1,
                      MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /* free the walk options */


    mpi_type_fini(&key, &keysat);

    status = 0;


    return status;