inline bool handle_write(mg_connection* connection,const bool authenticated,const std::string& request, const std::string& query,const std::string& post_data) { std::string comma_list=get_query(connection,"write"); if(comma_list.size()>0) { auto& database=get_database(connection); std::cout<<"\tWriting \""<<comma_list<<"\"..."<<std::flush; if((database.permissions&P_WRITE)!=0||(authenticated&&database.allow_authentication())) { if(!database.write(comma_list,post_data)) { mg_send_status(connection,"400 BAD REQUEST"); std::cout<<"malformed."<<std::endl; } else { std::cout<<"done."<<std::endl; } } else { mg_send_status(connection,"401 UNAUTHORIZED"); std::cout<<"denied."<<std::endl; } return true; } return false; }
int ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { switch (ev) { case MG_AUTH: return MG_TRUE; case MG_REQUEST: { //mg_printf_data(conn, "Hello! Requested URI is [%s]", conn->uri); info("Requested URI:REQ is [%s]:[%s]", conn->uri, conn->request_method); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json"); json_t* jobj_req = NULL; json_error_t jerror; if (cmpuri(conn->request_method,"POST")){ jobj_req = json_loadb(conn->content, conn->content_len, 0, &jerror); if (!jobj_req){ mg_printf_data(conn,"json error on line %d: %s\n", jerror.line, jerror.text); mg_send_status(conn, 400); info("error parsing json POST, json error on line %d: %s\n", jerror.line, jerror.text); return MG_TRUE; } } json_t* jobj_resp = json_object(); int status = 404; //allow handler to choose response status status = root_handler(conn, jobj_req, jobj_resp); //free request if (jobj_req){ json_decref(jobj_req); jobj_req = NULL; } //dump response char * jstr = json_dumps(jobj_resp, 0); json_decref(jobj_resp); jobj_resp = NULL; if (status == 404){ char* errmsg = "{\"error\":\"No handler for URI found.\"}"; mg_send_data(conn, errmsg, strlen(errmsg)); mg_send_status(conn, 404); } else { mg_send_data(conn, jstr, strlen(jstr)); mg_send_status(conn, status); } free(jstr); return MG_TRUE; } default: return MG_FALSE; } }
static void settings_post(struct mg_connection* conn) { int rc; int len; char buf[256]; settings_load(); len = mg_get_var(conn, BRIGHTNESS, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.brightness = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, MANUAL_TICK, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.manual_tick = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, IDLE_INTERVAL, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.idle_interval = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, MANUAL_TOGGLE, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.manual_toggle = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, SCREEN_SAVER_TOGGLE, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.screen_saver_toggle = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, ALPHA, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.alpha = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } rc = settings_save(); if (rc) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Could not save " SETTINGS_FILE); mg_send_status(conn, 500); return; } len = settings_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
static void reject_req(struct mg_connection *conn, int result) { char resp[500]; send_headers(conn); // Return a please go away message snprintf(resp, sizeof(resp), ((strstr(conn->uri, "://") == NULL)? "<html><head><meta name='google-site-verification' content='sdVLgoSVNvwkjzJEwKUVFlbBuQY-n2HBoUzlHPBWGN8' /><title>Page not found</title></head><body><p>This page you requested '%s' does not exist</p></body></html>" : "<html><head><meta name='google-site-verification' content='sdVLgoSVNvwkjzJEwKUVFlbBuQY-n2HBoUzlHPBWGN8' /><title>This is not a proxy</title></head><body><p>This is not an open proxy. Your IP address %s has been banned</p></body></html>"), conn->remote_ip); // Handle invalid method if (result == 501) snprintf(resp, sizeof(resp), "<html><head><title>No Supported</title></head><body><h1>501 Not Supported</h1><p>Method '%s' is not supported by this server</p></body></html>", conn->request_method); // Send result mg_send_status(conn, result); // Compute a message len and return a Content-Length header char lenStr[10]; mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Language", "en"); int len = strlen(resp); snprintf(lenStr, 10, "%d", len); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Length", lenStr); // Return the rejection message mg_printf_data(conn, resp, conn->uri); }
static void checkip_letsencrypt(struct mg_connection *conn) { const char* remote_ip = conn->remote_ip; mg_send_header(conn, "Host", HOSTNAME); mg_send_header(conn, "Server", "wsadmin-CheckIP/" VERSION); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=ascii"); if (strcmp(conn->uri, letsencrypt_req) == 0) { char lenStr[10]; snprintf(lenStr, 10, "%d", strlen(letsencrypt_resp)); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Length", lenStr); mg_printf_data(conn, letsencrypt_resp); log_msg(daemon_mode, "letsencrypt challenge received from %s response '%s'", remote_ip, letsencrypt_resp); } else { char *resp = "** Invalid LetsEncrypt Challenge **\r\nExpected: '%s'\r\nReceived: '%s'\r\n"; char buff[500]; char lenStr[10]; snprintf(buff, 500, resp, letsencrypt_req, conn->uri); mg_send_status(conn, 404); snprintf(lenStr, 10, "%d", strlen(buff)); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Length", lenStr); mg_printf_data(conn, buff); log_msg(daemon_mode, "incorrect letsencrypt challenge received from %s", remote_ip); log_msg(daemon_mode, "received '%s', expected '%s'", conn->uri, letsencrypt_req); } }
atlas::http::uri_type atlas::http::detail::make_async(uri_function_type f) { return [f]( mg_connection *conn, uri_parameters_type match, uri_callback_type success, uri_callback_type failure ) { try { response r = f(match); mg_send_status(conn, r.status_code); for(std::pair<std::string, std::string> header : r.headers) mg_send_header(conn, header.first.c_str(), header.second.c_str()); mg_send_data(conn,,; success(); } catch(const http::exception& e) { log::error("atlas::http::detail::make_async") << "exception returned to client: " << e.what(); error(e.code(), e.what(), conn, success, failure); } catch(const std::exception& e) { log::error("atlas::http::detail::make_async") << "exception not returned to client: " << e.what(); // There was an exception while processing the request; we don't // want to provide further information to the client. error(500, "unknown error", conn, success, failure); } }; }
void apollo::upload_item_image( hades::connection& conn, mg_connection *mg_conn, const int item_id, atlas::http::uri_callback_type callback_success, atlas::http::uri_callback_type callback_failure ) { upload_file( conn, mg_conn, "attachment_title", "attachment_data", [&conn, mg_conn, callback_success, item_id](attachment a) { insert_attachment(a, conn); image_of iof; iof.get_int<attr::attachment_id>() =<attr::attachment_id>(); iof.get_int<attr::item_id>() = item_id; iof.insert(conn); // Send details of the attachment. auto r = atlas::http::json_response(; mg_send_status(mg_conn, 200); mg_send_header(mg_conn, "Content-type", "text/json"); mg_send_data(mg_conn,,; callback_success(); }, callback_failure ); }
inline bool handle_read(mg_connection* connection,const bool authenticated,const std::string& request, const std::string& query) { std::string comma_list=get_query(connection,"read"); if(comma_list.size()>0) { auto& database=get_database(connection); std::cout<<"\tReading \""<<comma_list<<"\"..."<<std::flush; if((database.permissions&P_READ)!=0||(authenticated&&database.allow_authentication())) { mg_send(connection,,"application/json"); std::cout<<"done."<<std::endl; } else { mg_send_status(connection,"401 UNAUTHORIZED"); std::cout<<"denied."<<std::endl; } return true; } return false; }
void ouroboros_server::handle_callback_rest(const rest_request& aRequest) { //get reference to named thing std::string resource = normalize_group(aRequest.getGroups()) + '/' + aRequest.getFields(); var_field *named = mStore.get(normalize_group(aRequest.getGroups()), aRequest.getFields()); std::string response; mg_connection *conn = aRequest.getConnection(); if (named) { switch (aRequest.getHttpRequestType()) { case POST: { std::string data(conn->content, conn->content_len); JSON json(data); std::string response_url = json.get("callback"); //create callback //Due to a limitation of C++03, use a semi-global map //to track response URLs mResponseUrls[named] = response_url; std::string callback_id = register_callback(aRequest.getGroups(), aRequest.getFields(), establish_connection); std::stringstream ss; ss << "{ \"id\" : \"" << callback_id << "\" }"; mg_send_status(conn, 201); response = ss.str(); } break; //TODO DELETE is not supported by the underlying mechanism /*case DELETE: { //Send JSON describing named item std::string data(conn->content, conn->content_len); JSON json(data); std::string id = json.get("id"); unregister_callback(id); response = detail::good_JSON(); }*/ break; default: response = detail::bad_JSON(conn); } } else { response = detail::bad_JSON(conn); } mg_send_data(conn, response.c_str(), response.length()); }
static void effects_post_reply(struct mg_connection* conn) { int rc; int len; rc = settings_save(); if (rc) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Could not save " SETTINGS_FILE); mg_send_status(conn, 500); return; } len = effects_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
static void effects_get(struct mg_connection* conn) { int len; settings_load(); len = effects_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
void webserver_runajax(struct mg_connection* conn, const char* cmd, const char* param1, const char* param2) { pfn_ajax_cmd cmd_fn = prf_find_cmd(cmd); if (cmd_fn != NULL) { json_t j = cmd_fn(param1, param2); if (j != NULL) { size_t json_size; char* json_data = json_savetobuffer(j, &json_size, TRUE); if (json_data != NULL) { mg_write(conn, json_data, (uint)json_size); json_deletebuffer(json_data); } json_destroy(j); } else { mg_send_status(conn, 400); } } else { mg_send_status(conn, 404); } }
static void on_reset(struct mg_connection* conn) { int rc; int len; LOG(("reset: %s\n", conn->uri)); settings_reset(); rc = settings_save(); if (rc) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Could not save " SETTINGS_FILE); mg_send_status(conn, 500); return; } len = settings_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
static int expire_metric(struct mg_connection *conn) { struct brubeck_server *server = conn->server_param; struct brubeck_metric *metric = safe_lookup_metric( server, conn->uri + strlen("/expire/")); if (metric) { metric->expire = BRUBECK_EXPIRE_DISABLED; mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); return MG_TRUE; } return MG_FALSE; }
int webserver_request_handler(struct mg_connection* conn, enum mg_event ev) { if (ev == MG_REQUEST) { /* check ajax json requests * else just send the file to the client */ if (strstr(conn->uri, AJAX_HEADER) == conn->uri) { char param1[64]; char param2[64]; const char* cmd = conn->uri + strlen(AJAX_HEADER); /* read POST data for parameters */ mg_get_var(conn, "p1", param1, sizeof(param1)); mg_get_var(conn, "p2", param2, sizeof(param2)); webserver_runajax(conn, cmd, param1, param2); } else { /* set default 'index.html' for urls with no file references */ char path[DH_PATH_MAX]; strcpy(path, WEB_ROOTDIR); strcat(path, conn->uri); if (util_pathisdir(path)) { if (path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') strcat(path, "/index.html"); else strcat(path, "index.html"); } /* send back the file to the client */ file_t f = fio_openmem(mem_heap(), path, FALSE, MID_PRF); if (f != NULL) { size_t size; void* data = fio_detachmem(f, &size, NULL); mg_send_data(conn, data, (uint)size); fio_close(f); } else { mg_send_status(conn, 404); } } return MG_TRUE; } return MG_FALSE; }
atlas::http::uri_type atlas::http::detail::make_async_with_conn(conn_uri_function_type f) { return [f]( mg_connection *conn, uri_parameters_type match, uri_callback_type success, uri_callback_type failure ) { response r = f(conn, match); mg_send_status(conn, r.status_code); for(std::pair<std::string, std::string> header : r.headers) mg_send_header(conn, header.first.c_str(), header.second.c_str()); mg_send_data(conn,,; success(); }; }
void atlas::http::static_text( const std::string& mimetype, const std::string& content, mg_connection *conn, uri_parameters_type, http::uri_callback_type success, http::uri_callback_type error ) { mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", mimetype.c_str()); mg_send_data(conn, content.c_str(), content.length()); success(); }
void Response::Send(struct mg_connection* conn) const { mg_send_status(conn, status_code_); if (!headers_.empty()) { HeaderMap::const_iterator itr = headers_.begin(); HeaderMap::const_iterator end = headers_.end(); for (; itr != end; ++itr) { mg_send_header(conn, (itr->first).c_str(), (itr->second).c_str()); } } if (data_.empty()) { mg_send_data(conn, 0, 0); } else { mg_send_data(conn, data_.c_str(), data_.length()); } }
// output error and send error back to client static int send_error(struct mg_connection* conn, const char* err) { log(conn, err); mg_send_status(conn, 500); mg_send_header(conn, "X-Error-Message", err); Json::Value root; root["path"] = Json::Value(); root["elapsed"] = Json::Value(); root["conversion"] = false; root["output"] = Json::Value(); root["result"] = Json::Value(); root["warnings"] = Json::Value(); Json::Value js_errors; js_errors.append( err ); root["errors"] = js_errors; Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string json = writer.write(root); mg_send_data(conn, json.c_str(), json.length()); return MG_TRUE; }
static int ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { switch (ev) { case MG_AUTH: return MG_TRUE; case MG_REQUEST: printf("==> [%s] [%s]\n", conn->request_method, conn->uri); if (strcmp(conn->request_method, "CONNECT") == 0) { char host[1025] = ""; int i, is_ssl, port = 0; sscanf(conn->uri, "%1024[^:]:%d", host, &port); is_ssl = (port == 443 ? 1 : 0); // Iterate over existing wrapper, see if we can use one of them for (i = 0; i < (int) ARRAY_SIZE(s_wrappers); i++) { if (strcmp(host, s_wrappers[i].requested_host) == 0 && is_ssl == (s_wrappers[i].c.ssl_cert == NULL ? 0 : 1)) { // Found usable wrapper, tunnel to it. mg_forward(conn, "", atoi(s_wrappers[i].c.listening_port), 0); return MG_MORE; } } // No suitable wrappers found. Disallow that CONNECT request. mg_send_status(conn, 405); return MG_TRUE; } // Not a CONNECT request, serve HTML file. mg_send_file(conn, "ws_ssl.html"); return MG_MORE; default: return MG_FALSE; } }
std::string bad_JSON(mg_connection* aConn) { mg_send_status(aConn, 400); return std::string("{ \"status\" : \"Bad JSON request.\"}"); }
static void send_headers(struct mg_connection *conn) { mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json"); }
/* Serve a Cortex object */ static int web_serveObject(struct mg_connection *conn) { cx_object o = NULL; /* Resolve object based on URI */ o = cx_resolve(NULL, (cx_string)conn->uri + 2); if (!o) { mg_send_status(conn, 404); mg_printf_data(conn, "404: resource '%s' not found\n", conn->uri); } else { char option[6]; cx_bool value = 0; cx_bool meta = 0; cx_bool scope = 0; /* Set correct content type */ mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); /* Determine what to show */ mg_get_var(conn, "value", option, sizeof(option)); if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { value = TRUE; } mg_get_var(conn, "meta", option, sizeof(option)); if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { meta = TRUE; } mg_get_var(conn, "scope", option, sizeof(option)); if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { scope = TRUE; } if (!(value || meta || scope)) { value = TRUE; } { /* Serialize object-value to JSON */ struct cx_serializer_s serializer = cx_json_ser(CX_PRIVATE, CX_NOT, CX_SERIALIZER_TRACE_NEVER); if ((cx_typeof(o)->kind == CX_VOID) && (!meta && !scope)) { mg_printf_data(conn, "\n"); } else { mg_printf_data(conn, "["); /* Serialize metadata of parents */ if (meta) { if (web_printParents(conn, cx_parentof(o))) { mg_printf_data(conn, ","); } } /* Serialize value */ { cx_json_ser_t jsonData = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, meta, value, scope, TRUE}; cx_serialize(&serializer, o, &jsonData); mg_printf_data(conn, "%s", jsonData.buffer); cx_dealloc(jsonData.buffer); } mg_printf_data(conn, "]\n"); } } cx_free(o); } return MG_TRUE; }
int request_handler(struct mg_connection *conn){ char tmpBuf[1024]; sprintf(tmpBuf, "%s %s from %s", conn->request_method, conn->uri, conn->remote_ip); log_line(tmpBuf, LOG_INFO); if(strcmp(STATS_JSON_URI, conn->uri) == 0){ return stats_json(conn); } #ifndef DEBUG // serve assets from resources.c size_t asset_size; int is_modified = 0; const char *asset_content = NULL, *if_modifier_since_header = NULL; char date_str[48], cache_control[58], expires[48], last_modified[48]; time_t current_time, expires_time, if_modified_time, modified_time; struct tm *current_time_tm, *expires_tm, if_modifier_since, *last_modified_tm; last_modified_tm = gmtime(&globalOptions.start_time); strftime(last_modified, sizeof(last_modified), CONST_RFC1945_TIME_FORMAT, last_modified_tm); if_modifier_since_header = mg_get_header(conn, "If-Modified-Since"); if(if_modifier_since_header){ strptime(if_modifier_since_header, CONST_RFC1945_TIME_FORMAT, &if_modifier_since); if_modified_time = mktime(&if_modifier_since); modified_time = mktime(last_modified_tm); if(modified_time <= if_modified_time){ mg_send_status(conn, 304); is_modified = 1; } } if(strcmp("/", conn->uri) == 0){ asset_content = find_embedded_file("public/index.html", &asset_size); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); }else if(strcmp("/assets/app.js", conn->uri) == 0){ asset_content = find_embedded_file("public/assets/app.js", &asset_size); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8"); }else if(strcmp("/assets/app.css", conn->uri) == 0){ asset_content = find_embedded_file("public/assets/app.css", &asset_size); mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "text/css; charset=utf-8"); } if(asset_content != NULL){ current_time = time(NULL); current_time_tm = gmtime(¤t_time); strftime(date_str, sizeof(date_str), CONST_RFC1945_TIME_FORMAT, current_time_tm); sprintf(cache_control, "max-age=%d, public", CACHE_LIMIT); expires_time = time(NULL) + CACHE_LIMIT; expires_tm = gmtime(&expires_time); strftime(expires, sizeof(expires), CONST_RFC1945_TIME_FORMAT, expires_tm); mg_send_header(conn, "Date", date_str); mg_send_header(conn, "Cache-Control", cache_control); mg_send_header(conn, "Vary", "Accept-Encoding"); mg_send_header(conn, "Expires", expires); if(is_modified == 0){ mg_send_header(conn, "Last-Modified", last_modified); mg_send_data(conn, asset_content, asset_size); }else{ // close connection mg_send_data(conn, "\r\n", 2); } return MG_REQUEST_PROCESSED; } #endif return MG_REQUEST_NOT_PROCESSED; }
int http_send_error(struct mg_connection *conn, int status_code, char *msg) { mg_send_status(conn, status_code); mg_printf_data(conn, msg); return MG_TRUE; }
/** * Callback function which handles all HTTP requests. */ static int handle_http(struct mg_connection *conn) { char *url = (char *) &conn->uri[1]; // exclude the starting '/' Item *item; ACSIServer *acsiServer = (ACSIServer *) conn->server_param; #ifdef USE_SSL #if USE_HTTP_AUTH == 1 static const char *passwords_file = "htpasswd.txt"; FILE *fp = fopen(passwords_file, "r"); if (fp == NULL || !mg_authorize_digest(conn, fp)) { mg_send_digest_auth_request(conn); return 1; } if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); } #endif #endif // check for method names in url if (strcmp(conn->request_method, "GET") == 0) { int len = 0; char printBuf[ACSI_RESPONSE_MAX_SIZE]; if (strncmp(url, ACSI_GET_DEFINITION, strlen(ACSI_GET_DEFINITION)) == 0) { item = getItemFromPath(acsiServer->iedName, (char *) &url[strlen(ACSI_GET_DEFINITION) + 1]); len = itemDescriptionTreeToJSON(printBuf, item, FALSE); } else if (strncmp(url, ACSI_GET_DIRECTORY, strlen(ACSI_GET_DIRECTORY)) == 0) { item = getItemFromPath(acsiServer->iedName, (char *) &url[strlen(ACSI_GET_DIRECTORY) + 1]); len = itemDescriptionTreeToJSON(printBuf, item, TRUE); } // else if (strncmp(url, "scd", strlen("scd")) == 0) { // mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/xml"); // mg_send_data(conn, scd_file, strlen(scd_file)); // } else if (strncmp(url, ACSI_ASSOCIATE, strlen(ACSI_ASSOCIATE)) == 0) { acsiServer->clients = addClient(acsiServer->clients, conn->remote_ip, conn->remote_port); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_OK, strlen(ACSI_OK)); return 1; } else if (strncmp(url, ACSI_RELEASE, strlen(ACSI_RELEASE)) == 0) { // TODO raise flag here, rather than remove? acsiServer->clients = removeClientByConnection(acsiServer->clients, conn->remote_ip, conn->remote_port); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_OK, strlen(ACSI_OK)); return 1; } else if (strncmp(url, ACSI_ABORT, strlen(ACSI_ABORT)) == 0) { acsiServer->clients = removeClientByConnection(acsiServer->clients, conn->remote_ip, conn->remote_port); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_OK, strlen(ACSI_OK)); return 1; } else { item = getItemFromPath(acsiServer->iedName, (char *) url); len = itemTreeToJSON(printBuf, item); } if (item != NULL && len == -1) { mg_send_status(conn, 500); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_BUFFER_OVERRUN, strlen(ACSI_BUFFER_OVERRUN)); return 1; } else if (item != NULL && len > 0) { #if ACSI_AUTO_ASSOCIATE == 1 acsiServer->clients = addClient(acsiServer->clients, conn->remote_ip, conn->remote_port); #endif mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json"); mg_send_header(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); mg_send_header(conn, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); mg_send_data(conn, printBuf, len); // printf("len: %d\n", len); // fflush(stdout); return 1; } } else if (strcmp(conn->request_method, "POST") == 0) { item = getItemFromPath(acsiServer->iedName, (char *) url); int setReturn = setItem(item, conn->content, conn->content_len); // printf("content: %.*s\n", conn->content_len, conn->content); // fflush(stdout); if (setReturn > 0) { mg_send_header(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); mg_send_header(conn, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_OK, strlen(ACSI_OK)); } else { mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_NOT_POSSIBLE, strlen(ACSI_NOT_POSSIBLE)); } return 1; } // by default, return 404 mg_send_status(conn, 404); mg_send_data(conn, ACSI_NOT_FOUND, strlen(ACSI_NOT_FOUND)); return 1; }
static void effects_post(struct mg_connection* conn) { int len1; int len2; char kind[256]; char arg1[256]; char arg2[256]; struct channel* channel; settings_load(); len1 = mg_get_var(conn, KIND, kind, sizeof(kind)); if (len1 < 0) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Missing field: " KIND); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } if(!strncmp(kind, "treads", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_treads; } else if(!strncmp(kind, "barrel", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_barrel; } else if(!strncmp(kind, "panels", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_panels; } else { mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid kind"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, ACTIVE, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (len1 > 0) { long idx; LOG(("selectEffect: kind=%s active=%s\n", kind, arg1)); idx = strntol(arg1, len1, 10); if (idx >= 0 && idx < channel->num_effects) { channel->active = idx; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid effect"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, IS_SSAVER, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (len1 > 0) { LOG(("setEffectScreenSaver: %s\n", arg1)); if (!strncmp(arg1, "true", sizeof(arg1))) { channel->effects[channel->active]->screen_saver = 1; } else { channel->effects[channel->active]->screen_saver = 0; } effects_post_reply(conn); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, COLOR, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); len2 = mg_get_var(conn, ARGUMENT, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0) { long idx = strntol(arg2, len2, 10); long color = strntol(arg1+1, len1-1, 16); LOG(("setEffectParameters: %ld, %lx\n", idx, color)); if (idx < NUM_PANELS/3) { channel->effects[channel->active]->color_arg.colors[idx].value = color; } effects_post_reply(conn); return; } else if (len1 > 0) { long color = strntol(arg1+1, len1-1, 16); LOG(("setEffectColor: %lx\n", color)); channel->effects[channel->active]->color_arg.color.value = color; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } else if (len2 > 0) { long value = strntol(arg2, len2, 10); LOG(("setEffectArgument: %ld\n", value)); channel->effects[channel->active]->argument = value; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid data"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); }