Пример #1
void LoaderTest::testMicroDis2 ()

    // Now a special test:
    // 8048910:  0f be 00			movsbl (%eax),%eax
    // 8048913:  0f bf 00			movswl (%eax),%eax

    unsigned char movsbl[3] = {0x0f, 0xbe, 0x00};
    unsigned char movswl[3] = {0x0f, 0xbf, 0x00};
    int size = microX86Dis(movsbl);
    size = microX86Dis(movswl);
Пример #2
void LoaderTest::testMicroDis1 ()
    std::ostringstream ost;

    int i;
    unsigned int n = sizeof(pent_hello_text);
    int totalSize = 0;
    void* p = pent_hello_text;
    i = 0;
    while (totalSize < (int)n)
            int size = microX86Dis(p);
            if (size >= 0x40)
                    std::cout << "Not handled instruction at offset 0x" << std::hex <<
                              (ADDRESS)p - (ADDRESS)pent_hello_text << std::endl;
                    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size != 0x40);
            int expected = lengths[i++];
            if (expected != size)
                    std::cout << "At offset 0x" << std::hex <<
                              (ADDRESS)p - (ADDRESS)pent_hello_text << " ("
                              << (int)*((unsigned char*)p) << " "
                              << (int)*((unsigned char*)p+1) << " "
                              << (int)*((unsigned char*)p+2) << " "
                              << (int)*((unsigned char*)p+3) << " "
                              << ") expected " <<
                              std::dec << expected << ", actual " << size << std::endl;
                    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, size);
            p = (void*) ((char*)p + size);
            totalSize += size;
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int)n, totalSize);
Пример #3
ADDRESS DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetMainEntryPoint() {
    ADDRESS aMain = GetAddressByName ("main", true);
    if (aMain != NO_ADDRESS)
        return aMain;
    aMain = GetAddressByName ("__CMain", true);
    if (aMain != NO_ADDRESS)
        return aMain;

    // Search with this crude pattern: call, sub ebp, ebp, call __Cmain in the first 0x300 bytes
    // Start at program entry point
    unsigned p = LMMH(m_pLXHeader->eip);
    unsigned lim = p + 0x300;
    unsigned char op1, op2;
        ADDRESS addr;
    //unsigned lastOrdCall = 0; //TODO: identify the point of setting this variable
    bool gotSubEbp = false;            // True if see sub ebp, ebp
    bool lastWasCall = false;        // True if the last instruction was a call

    SectionInfo* si = GetSectionInfoByName("seg0");        // Assume the first section is text
    if (si == nullptr) si = GetSectionInfoByName(".text");
    if (si == nullptr) si = GetSectionInfoByName("CODE");
    ADDRESS nativeOrigin = si->uNativeAddr;
    unsigned textSize = si->uSectionSize;
    if (textSize < 0x300)
        lim = p + textSize;

    while (p < lim) {
        op1 = *(unsigned char*)(p + base);
        op2 = *(unsigned char*)(p + base + 1);
        //std::cerr << std::hex << "At " << p << ", ops " << (unsigned)op1 << ", " << (unsigned)op2 << std::dec << "\n";
        switch (op1) {
            case 0xE8: {
                // An ordinary call
                if (gotSubEbp) {
                    // This is the call we want. Get the offset from the call instruction
                    addr = nativeOrigin + p + 5 + LMMH(*(p + base + 1));
                    // std::cerr << "__CMain at " << std::hex << addr << "\n";
                    return addr;
                //lastOrdCall = p;
                lastWasCall = true;
            case 0x2B:            // 0x2B 0xED is sub ebp,ebp
                if (op2 == 0xED && lastWasCall)
                    gotSubEbp = true;
                lastWasCall = false;
                gotSubEbp = false;
                lastWasCall = false;
            case 0xEB:                     // Short relative jump
                if (op2 >= 0x80)        // Branch backwards?
                    break;                // Yes, just ignore it
                // Otherwise, actually follow the branch. May have to modify this some time...
                p += op2+2;                // +2 for the instruction itself, and op2 for the displacement
                continue;                // Don't break, we have the new "pc" set already
        int size = microX86Dis(p + base);
        if (size == 0x40) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Microdisassembler out of step at offset 0x%x\n", p);
            size = 1;
        p += size;
    return NO_ADDRESS;