Пример #1
void mill_choose_out(void *clause, chan ch, void *val, size_t sz, int idx) {
        mill_panic("null channel used");
        mill_panic("send to done-with channel");
    if(mill_slow(ch->sz != sz))
        mill_panic("send of a type not matching the channel");
    /* Find out whether the clause is immediately available. */
    int available = !mill_list_empty(&ch->receiver.clauses) ||
        ch->items < ch->bufsz ? 1 : 0;
    /* If there are available clauses don't bother with non-available ones. */
    if(!available && mill_running->u_choose.available)
    /* Fill in the clause entry. */
    struct mill_clause *cl = (struct mill_clause*) clause;
    cl->cr = mill_running;
    cl->ep = &ch->sender;
    cl->val = val;
    cl->available = available;
    cl->idx = idx;
    cl->used = 1;
    mill_slist_push_back(&mill_running->u_choose.clauses, &cl->chitem);
    if(cl->ep->seqnum == mill_choose_seqnum) {
    cl->ep->seqnum = mill_choose_seqnum;
    cl->ep->refs = 1;
    cl->ep->tmp = -1;
Пример #2
void mill_chclose(chan ch) {
        mill_panic("null channel used");
    assert(ch->refcount > 0);
    if(!mill_list_empty(&ch->sender.clauses) ||
        mill_panic("attempt to close a channel while it is still being used");
Пример #3
void tcpflush(tcpsock s, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to send to an unconnected socket");
    struct mill_tcpconn *conn = (struct mill_tcpconn*)s;
    if(!conn->olen) {
        errno = 0;
    char *pos = conn->obuf;
    size_t remaining = conn->olen;
    while(remaining) {
        ssize_t sz = send(conn->fd, pos, remaining, 0);
        if(sz == -1) {
            if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
            int rc = fdwait(conn->fd, FDW_OUT, deadline);
            if(rc == 0) {
                errno = ETIMEDOUT;
            mill_assert(rc == FDW_OUT);
        pos += sz;
        remaining -= sz;
    conn->olen = 0;
    errno = 0;
Пример #4
tcpsock tcpaccept(tcpsock s, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPLISTENER)
        mill_panic("trying to accept on a socket that isn't listening");
    struct mill_tcplistener *l = (struct mill_tcplistener*)s;
    while(1) {
        /* Try to get new connection (non-blocking). */
        int as = accept(l->fd, NULL, NULL);
        if (as >= 0) {
            struct mill_tcpconn *conn = malloc(sizeof(struct mill_tcpconn));
            if(!conn) {
                errno = ENOMEM;
                return NULL;
            tcpconn_init(conn, as);
            errno = 0;
            return (tcpsock)conn;
        mill_assert(as == -1);
        if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
            return NULL;
        /* Wait till new connection is available. */
        int rc = mill_fdwait(l->fd, FDW_IN, deadline);
        if(rc == 0) {
            errno = ETIMEDOUT;
            return NULL;
        mill_assert(rc == FDW_IN);
Пример #5
void mill_tcpflush_(struct mill_tcpsock *s, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to send to an unconnected socket");
    struct mill_tcpconn *conn = (struct mill_tcpconn*)s;
    if(!conn->olen) {
        errno = 0;
    char *pos = conn->obuf;
    size_t remaining = conn->olen;
    while(remaining) {
        ssize_t sz = send(conn->fd, pos, remaining, 0);
        if(sz == -1) {
            /* Operating systems are inconsistent w.r.t. returning EPIPE and
               ECONNRESET. Let's paper over it like this. */
            if(errno == EPIPE) {
                errno = ECONNRESET;
            if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
            int rc = fdwait(conn->fd, FDW_OUT, deadline);
            if(rc == 0) {
                errno = ETIMEDOUT;
        pos += sz;
        remaining -= sz;
    conn->olen = 0;
    errno = 0;
Пример #6
void *mill_piperecv(struct mill_pipe_s *mp, int *done) {
    void *ptr = mill_valbuf(mill->running, mp->sz);
    int rc = pipe_read(mp, ptr);
    if (mill_slow(rc == -1))
        mill_panic(strerror(errno));    /* Hmm! */
    *done = (rc == 0);
    return ptr;
Пример #7
void *mill_allocstack(void) {
    if(!mill_slist_empty(&mill_cached_stacks)) {
        return (void*)(mill_slist_pop(&mill_cached_stacks) + 1);
    void *ptr = mill_allocstackmem();
        mill_panic("not enough memory to allocate coroutine stack");
    return ptr;
Пример #8
size_t mill_tcpsend_(struct mill_tcpsock *s, const void *buf, size_t len,
      int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to send to an unconnected socket");
    struct mill_tcpconn *conn = (struct mill_tcpconn*)s;

    /* If it fits into the output buffer copy it there and be done. */
    if(conn->olen + len <= MILL_TCP_BUFLEN) {
        memcpy(&conn->obuf[conn->olen], buf, len);
        conn->olen += len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* If it doesn't fit, flush the output buffer first. */
    tcpflush(s, deadline);
    if(errno != 0)
        return 0;

    /* Try to fit it into the buffer once again. */
    if(conn->olen + len <= MILL_TCP_BUFLEN) {
        memcpy(&conn->obuf[conn->olen], buf, len);
        conn->olen += len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* The data chunk to send is longer than the output buffer.
       Let's do the sending in-place. */
    char *pos = (char*)buf;
    size_t remaining = len;
    while(remaining) {
        ssize_t sz = send(conn->fd, pos, remaining, 0);
        if(sz == -1) {
            /* Operating systems are inconsistent w.r.t. returning EPIPE and
               ECONNRESET. Let's paper over it like this. */
            if(errno == EPIPE) {
                errno = ECONNRESET;
                return 0;
            if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                return 0;
            int rc = fdwait(conn->fd, FDW_OUT, deadline);
            if(rc == 0) {
                errno = ETIMEDOUT;
                return len - remaining;
        pos += sz;
        remaining -= sz;
    errno = 0;
    return len;
Пример #9
void mill_pipeclose(struct mill_pipe_s *mp) {
    while (1) {
        if (0 == close(mp->fd[1])) {
            mp->fd[1] = -1;
        if (errno != EINTR) {
            mill_assert(errno == EBADF);
    mill_panic("attempt to close previously closed pipe");
Пример #10
size_t unixsend(unixsock s, const void *buf, size_t len, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_UNIXCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to send to an unconnected socket");
    struct mill_unixconn *conn = (struct mill_unixconn*)s;

    /* If it fits into the output buffer copy it there and be done. */
    if(conn->olen + len <= MILL_UNIX_BUFLEN) {
        memcpy(&conn->obuf[conn->olen], buf, len);
        conn->olen += len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* If it doesn't fit, flush the output buffer first. */
    unixflush(s, deadline);
    if(errno != 0)
        return 0;

    /* Try to fit it into the buffer once again. */
    if(conn->olen + len <= MILL_UNIX_BUFLEN) {
        memcpy(&conn->obuf[conn->olen], buf, len);
        conn->olen += len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* The data chunk to send is longer than the output buffer.
       Let's do the sending in-place. */
    char *pos = (char*)buf;
    size_t remaining = len;
    while(remaining) {
        ssize_t sz = send(conn->fd, pos, remaining, 0);
        if(sz == -1) {
            if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                return 0;
            int rc = fdwait(conn->fd, FDW_OUT, deadline);
            if(rc == 0) {
                errno = ETIMEDOUT;
                return len - remaining;
            mill_assert(rc == FDW_OUT);
        pos += sz;
        remaining -= sz;
    return len;
Пример #11
size_t tcprecvuntil(tcpsock s, void *buf, size_t len,
      const char *delims, size_t delimcount, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to receive from an unconnected socket");
    char *pos = (char*)buf;
    size_t i;
    for(i = 0; i != len; ++i, ++pos) {
        size_t res = tcprecv(s, pos, 1, deadline);
        if(res == 1) {
            size_t j;
            for(j = 0; j != delimcount; ++j)
                if(*pos == delims[j])
                    return i + 1;
        if (errno != 0)
            return i + res;
    errno = ENOBUFS;
    return len;
Пример #12
ipaddr tcpaddr(tcpsock s) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to get address from a socket that isn't connected");
    struct mill_tcpconn *l = (struct mill_tcpconn *)s;
    return l->addr;
Пример #13
size_t tcprecv(tcpsock s, void *buf, size_t len, int64_t deadline) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPCONN)
        mill_panic("trying to receive from an unconnected socket");
    struct mill_tcpconn *conn = (struct mill_tcpconn*)s;
    /* If there's enough data in the buffer it's easy. */
    if(conn->ilen >= len) {
        memcpy(buf, &conn->ibuf[conn->ifirst], len);
        conn->ifirst += len;
        conn->ilen -= len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* Let's move all the data from the buffer first. */
    char *pos = (char*)buf;
    size_t remaining = len;
    memcpy(pos, &conn->ibuf[conn->ifirst], conn->ilen);
    pos += conn->ilen;
    remaining -= conn->ilen;
    conn->ifirst = 0;
    conn->ilen = 0;

    while(1) {
        if(remaining > MILL_TCP_BUFLEN) {
            /* If we still have a lot to read try to read it in one go directly
               into the destination buffer. */
            ssize_t sz = recv(conn->fd, pos, remaining, 0);
            if(!sz) {
		        errno = ECONNRESET;
		        return len - remaining;
            if(sz == -1) {
                if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                    return len - remaining;
                sz = 0;
            if((size_t)sz == remaining) {
                errno = 0;
                return len;
            pos += sz;
            remaining -= sz;
        else {
            /* If we have just a little to read try to read the full connection
               buffer to minimise the number of system calls. */
            ssize_t sz = recv(conn->fd, conn->ibuf, MILL_TCP_BUFLEN, 0);
            if(!sz) {
		        errno = ECONNRESET;
		        return len - remaining;
            if(sz == -1) {
                if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                    return len - remaining;
                sz = 0;
            if((size_t)sz < remaining) {
                memcpy(pos, conn->ibuf, sz);
                pos += sz;
                remaining -= sz;
                conn->ifirst = 0;
                conn->ilen = 0;
            else {
                memcpy(pos, conn->ibuf, remaining);
                conn->ifirst = remaining;
                conn->ilen = sz - remaining;
                errno = 0;
                return len;

        /* Wait till there's more data to read. */
        int res = fdwait(conn->fd, FDW_IN, deadline);
        if(!res) {
            errno = ETIMEDOUT;
            return len - remaining;
Пример #14
int tcpport(tcpsock s) {
    if(s->type != MILL_TCPLISTENER)
        mill_panic("trying to get port from a socket that isn't listening");
    struct mill_tcplistener *l = (struct mill_tcplistener*)s;
    return l->port;
Пример #15
chan mill_chdup(chan ch) {
        mill_panic("null channel used");
    return ch;
Пример #16
void mill_choose_otherwise(void) {
    if(mill_slow(mill_running->u_choose.othws != 0))
        mill_panic("multiple 'otherwise' clauses in a choose statement");
    mill_running->u_choose.othws = 1;