Пример #1
  Explores a kd tree from a given node to a leaf.  Branching decisions are
  made at each node based on the descriptor of a given feature.  Each node
  examined but not explored is put into a priority queue to be explored
  later, keyed based on the distance from its partition key value to the
  given feature's desctiptor.
  @param kd_node root of the subtree to be explored
  @param feat feature upon which branching decisions are based
  @param min_pq a minimizing priority queue into which tree nodes are placed
    as described above

  @return Returns a pointer to the leaf node at which exploration ends or
    NULL on error.
static struct kd_node* explore_to_leaf( struct kd_node* kd_node,
					struct feature* feat,
					struct min_pq* min_pq )
  struct kd_node* unexpl, * expl = kd_node;
  double kv;
  int ki;

  while( expl  &&  ! expl->leaf )
      ki = expl->ki;
      kv = expl->kv;
      if( ki >= feat->d )
	  fprintf( stderr, "Warning: comparing imcompatible descriptors, %s" \
		   " line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	  return NULL;
      if( feat->descr[ki] <= kv )
	  unexpl = expl->kd_right;
	  expl = expl->kd_left;
	  unexpl = expl->kd_left;
	  expl = expl->kd_right;
      if( minpq_insert( min_pq, unexpl, ABS( kv - feat->descr[ki] ) ) )
	  fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to insert into PQ, %s, line %d\n",
		   __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	  return NULL;

  return expl;
Пример #2
Finds an image feature's approximate k nearest neighbors in a kd tree using
Best Bin First search.

@param kd_root root of an image feature kd tree
@param feat image feature for whose neighbors to search
@param k number of neighbors to find
@param nbrs pointer to an array in which to store pointers to neighbors
	in order of increasing descriptor distance
@param max_nn_chks search is cut off after examining this many tree entries

@return Returns the number of neighbors found and stored in nbrs, or
	-1 on error.
int kdtree_bbf_knn( struct kd_node* kd_root, struct feature* feat, int k,
					struct feature*** nbrs, int max_nn_chks )
	struct kd_node* expl;
	struct min_pq* min_pq;
	struct feature* tree_feat, ** _nbrs;
	struct bbf_data* bbf_data;
	int i, t = 0, n = 0;

	if( ! nbrs  ||  ! feat  ||  ! kd_root )
		fprintf( stderr, "Warning: NULL pointer error, %s, line %d\n",
				__FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return -1;

	_nbrs = calloc( k, sizeof( struct feature* ) );
	min_pq = minpq_init();
	minpq_insert( min_pq, kd_root, 0 );
	while( min_pq->n > 0  &&  t < max_nn_chks )
		expl = (struct kd_node*)minpq_extract_min( min_pq );
		if( ! expl )
			fprintf( stderr, "Warning: PQ unexpectedly empty, %s line %d\n",
					__FILE__, __LINE__ );
			goto fail;

		expl = explore_to_leaf( expl, feat, min_pq );
		if( ! expl )
			fprintf( stderr, "Warning: PQ unexpectedly empty, %s line %d\n",
					__FILE__, __LINE__ );
			goto fail;

		for( i = 0; i < expl->n; i++ )
			tree_feat = &expl->features[i];
			bbf_data = malloc( sizeof( struct bbf_data ) );
			if( ! bbf_data )
				fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to allocate memory,"
					" %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
				goto fail;
			bbf_data->old_data = tree_feat->feature_data;
			bbf_data->d = descr_dist_sq(feat, tree_feat);
			tree_feat->feature_data = bbf_data;
			n += insert_into_nbr_array( tree_feat, _nbrs, n, k );

	minpq_release( &min_pq );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		bbf_data = _nbrs[i]->feature_data;
		_nbrs[i]->feature_data = bbf_data->old_data;
		free( bbf_data );
	*nbrs = _nbrs;
	return n;

	minpq_release( &min_pq );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		bbf_data = _nbrs[i]->feature_data;
		_nbrs[i]->feature_data = bbf_data->old_data;
		free( bbf_data );
	free( _nbrs );
	*nbrs = NULL;
	return -1;