Sound::Sound() { mmInitDefaultMem((mm_addr)soundbank_bin); mmLoad(MOD_CASTLE_MUSIC); mmStart(MOD_CASTLE_MUSIC, MM_PLAY_LOOP); initEffects(); }
/* Initialisation ************************************************************* * -------------- * Paramètres : * - parts : les parts qui devront être jouées * - nb_parts : le nombre de parts ******************************************************************************/ void DemoInit(T_Part* parts, int nb_parts) { TimerMillis = 0; DemoParts = parts; NbParts = nb_parts; CurrentPart = 0; mmInitDefaultMem( (mm_addr)soundbank_bin ); mmSelectMode(MM_MODE_C); mmLoad(0); // Initialisation du timer // Millisecond Timer refresh IRQ TIMER1_CR = 0; TIMER1_DATA = TIMER_FREQ(0x409); TIMER1_CR = TIMER_ENABLE | TIMER_DIV_1 | TIMER_IRQ_REQ; irqEnable(IRQ_TIMER1); irqSet(IRQ_TIMER1, _TimerMillisInterrupt); glInit(); }
int main(void) { mmInitDefaultMem((mm_addr)soundbank_bin); //set video mode and map vram to the background videoSetMode(MODE_0_2D | DISPLAY_BG0_ACTIVE | DISPLAY_SPR_1D_LAYOUT | DISPLAY_SPR_ACTIVE); vramSetBankA(VRAM_A_MAIN_BG_0x06000000); vramSetBankB(VRAM_B_MAIN_SPRITE); //set video mode and map vram to the background videoSetModeSub(MODE_1_2D | DISPLAY_BG1_ACTIVE | DISPLAY_SPR_1D_LAYOUT | DISPLAY_SPR_ACTIVE); vramSetBankD(VRAM_D_MAIN_BG_0x06000000); vramSetBankE(VRAM_E_MAIN_SPRITE); lcdMainOnBottom(); #ifdef BBDEBUG consoleDemoInit(); #endif sound s; s.load_bank(0); sprites spr; machine m(&s); machine_view mv(&spr); #ifndef BBDEBUG thread_view tv; #endif cursor c(&m,&spr); pointer p(&spr); iprintf("%d\n",list::unit_test()); int frame=0; int x=0; int y=0; int tx=0; int ty=0; int dx=0; int dy=0; int touchedlast=0; int tempo=2; int bank=0; u8 flip=0; u8 flip_count=1; irqEnable( IRQ_VCOUNT ); while(1) { // wait until line 0 swiIntrWait( 0, IRQ_VCOUNT); u32 t=tempo; //t=t/(flip+1); //iprintf("%d\n",t); if (tempo==0 || frame%t==0) {; /* flip_count--; if (flip_count==0) { flip_count=4; if (flip) flip=0; else flip=1; }*/ } scanKeys(); frame++; touchPosition touch; touchRead(&touch); if (keysDown() & KEY_UP) m.slow_down_closest(c.get_cursor_addr()); if (keysDown() & KEY_DOWN) m.speed_up_closest(c.get_cursor_addr()); if (tempo<0) tempo=0; if (keysDown() & KEY_L) sound_check(m); if (keysDown() & KEY_LEFT) { bank--; s.load_bank(bank); } if (keysDown() & KEY_RIGHT) { bank++; s.load_bank(bank); } if(keysDown() & KEY_TOUCH) { tx=touch.px;; if (!c.touch(tx,ty,&p)) { touchedlast=1; } } else if(keysHeld() & KEY_TOUCH) { if (!c.menu_shown() && !c.drag(touch.px+x,,(touch.px+x)/16,( { if (touchedlast>0) touchedlast++; x+=tx-touch.px;; tx=touch.px;; } } if (keysUp() & KEY_TOUCH) { if (touchedlast>0 && touchedlast<5) { int lx=(tx+x)/16; int ly=(ty+y)/16; c.set_pos(lx,ly,lx*16,ly*16); } touchedlast=0; } if (keysUp() & KEY_A) { for (u32 i=0; i<HEAP_SIZE; i++) { m.poke(i,rand()); } } c.update(x,y); if (c.menu_shown()) { dx=c.get_x()-128; dy=c.get_y()-82; if (dx!=x) x+=(dx-x)*0.1; if (dy!=y) y+=(dy-y)*0.1; } p.update(x,y,&m); REG_BG0HOFS = x; REG_BG0VOFS = y; spr.update(); mv.update(x,y,&m); s.update(); #ifndef BBDEBUG tv.update(&m); #endif BG_PALETTE_SUB[0]=13<<10; swiWaitForVBlank(); BG_PALETTE_SUB[0]=31; } return 0; }
void initSprites(mySprite * sprites) { int defaultX = (SCREEN_WIDTH/2) - 32; int defaultY = (SCREEN_HEIGHT/2) - 32; mmInitDefaultMem((mm_addr)soundbank_bin); oamInit(&oamMain, SpriteMapping_1D_64, false); mySprite leftButtonOff = {0, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 0, 0, defaultY}; mySprite leftButtonOn = {1, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 1, 0, defaultY}; mySprite rightButtonOff = {2, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 0, (256-64), defaultY}; mySprite rightButtonOn = {3, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 1, (256-64), defaultY}; leftButtonOff.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); leftButtonOn.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); rightButtonOff.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); rightButtonOn.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(leftButtonOffPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], leftButtonOffPalLen); dmaCopy(leftButtonOnPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], leftButtonOnPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)leftButtonOffTiles, leftButtonOff.gfx, 2048); dmaCopy((u8*)leftButtonOnTiles, leftButtonOn.gfx, 2048); dmaCopy((u8*)rightButtonOffTiles, rightButtonOff.gfx, 2048); dmaCopy((u8*)rightButtonOnTiles, rightButtonOn.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = leftButtonOff; sprites[] = leftButtonOn; sprites[] = rightButtonOff; sprites[] = rightButtonOn; SPRITECOUNT += 4; // mySprite {id, gfxPtr, SpriteSize, SpriteColorFormat, rotationIndex, paletteAlpha, x, y} // // gong mmLoadEffect(SFX_GONG); mm_sound_effect gongSFX = { {SFX_GONG}, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char gongDesc[] = "An ancient gong from the hills of China."; mySprite gong = {4, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 4, defaultX, defaultY, gongSFX, gongDesc}; gong.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(gongPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], gongPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)gongTiles, gong.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = gong; SPRITECOUNT++; // duck mmLoadEffect(SFX_DUCK); mm_sound_effect duckSFX = { { SFX_DUCK }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char duckDesc[] = "A mild-mannered duck."; mySprite duck = {5, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 5, defaultX, defaultY, duckSFX, duckDesc}; duck.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(duckPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], buttheadPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)duckTiles, duck.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = duck; SPRITECOUNT++; // should be 6 now // butthead mmLoadEffect(SFX_BUTTHEAD); mm_sound_effect buttheadSFX = { { SFX_BUTTHEAD }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char buttheadDesc[] = "Butt-head."; mySprite butthead = {6, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 6, defaultX, defaultY, buttheadSFX, buttheadDesc}; butthead.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(buttheadPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], buttheadPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)buttheadTiles, butthead.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = butthead; SPRITECOUNT++; //bluesbrothers mmLoadEffect(SFX_BLUESBROTHERS); mm_sound_effect bluesbrothersSFX = { { SFX_BLUESBROTHERS }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char bluesbrothersDesc[] = "Jake and Elwood."; mySprite bluesbrothers = {7, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 7, defaultX, defaultY, bluesbrothersSFX, bluesbrothersDesc}; bluesbrothers.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(bluesbrothersPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], bluesbrothersPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)bluesbrothersTiles, bluesbrothers.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = bluesbrothers; SPRITECOUNT++; //bttf mmLoadEffect(SFX_BTTF); mm_sound_effect bttfSFX = { { SFX_BTTF }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char bttfDesc[] = "88 mph."; mySprite bttf = {8, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 8, defaultX, defaultY, bttfSFX, bttfDesc}; bttf.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(bttfPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], bttfPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)bttfTiles, bttf.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = bttf; SPRITECOUNT++; //chewbacca mmLoadEffect(SFX_CHEWBACCA); mm_sound_effect chewbaccaSFX = { { SFX_CHEWBACCA }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char chewbaccaDesc[] = "Chewie."; mySprite chewbacca = {9, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 9, defaultX, defaultY, chewbaccaSFX, chewbaccaDesc}; chewbacca.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(chewbaccaPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], chewbaccaPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)chewbaccaTiles, chewbacca.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = chewbacca; SPRITECOUNT++; //dsotm mmLoadEffect(SFX_DSOTM); mm_sound_effect dsotmSFX = { { SFX_DSOTM }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char dsotmDesc[] = "1973."; mySprite dsotm = {10, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 10, defaultX, defaultY, dsotmSFX, dsotmDesc}; dsotm.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(dsotmPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], dsotmPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)dsotmTiles, dsotm.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = dsotm; SPRITECOUNT++; //eastwood mmLoadEffect(SFX_EASTWOOD); mm_sound_effect eastwoodSFX = { { SFX_EASTWOOD }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char eastwoodDesc[] = "-_-"; mySprite eastwood = {11, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 11, defaultX, defaultY, eastwoodSFX, eastwoodDesc}; eastwood.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(eastwoodPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], eastwoodPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)eastwoodTiles, eastwood.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = eastwood; SPRITECOUNT++; //mario mmLoadEffect(SFX_MARIO); mm_sound_effect marioSFX = { { SFX_MARIO }, (int)(1.0f * (1<<10)), 0, 255, 128, }; char marioDesc[] = "An Italian Plumber."; mySprite mario = {12, 0, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, 0, 12, defaultX, defaultY, marioSFX, marioDesc}; mario.gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_64x64, SpriteColorFormat_16Color); dmaCopy(marioPal, &SPRITE_PALETTE[ * 16], marioPalLen); dmaCopy((u8*)marioTiles, mario.gfx, 2048); sprites[] = mario; SPRITECOUNT++; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(void) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i = 0; videoSetMode(MODE_0_2D); videoSetModeSub(0); // not using subscreen lcdMainOnBottom(); //initialize the sprite engine with 1D mapping 128 byte boundary //and no external palette support oamInit(&oamMain, SpriteMapping_1D_32, false); vramSetBankA(VRAM_A_MAIN_SPRITE); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //allocate some space for the sprite graphics sprites[i].gfx = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, sprites[i].size, sprites[i].format); //fill each sprite with a different index (2 pixels at a time) dmaFillHalfWords( ((i+1)<<8)|(i+1), sprites[i].gfx, 32*32); } //set indexes to different colours SPRITE_PALETTE[1] = RGB15(31,0,0); SPRITE_PALETTE[2] = RGB15(0,31,0); SPRITE_PALETTE[3] = RGB15(0,0,31); SPRITE_PALETTE[4] = RGB15(31,0,31); SPRITE_PALETTE[5] = RGB15(0,31,31); // initialise maxmod using default settings, and enable interface for soundbank that is loaded into memory mmInitDefaultMem( (mm_addr)mmsolution_bin ); // setup maxmod to use the song event handler mmSetEventHandler( myEventHandler ); // load song // values for this function are in the solution header mmLoad( MOD_EXAMPLE2 ); // start song playing mmStart( MOD_EXAMPLE2, MM_PLAY_LOOP ); while(1) { for (i=0; i < 5; i++) { // constantly increase the sprite's y velocity sprites[i].dy += 1; // update the sprite's y position with its y velocity sprites[i].y += sprites[i].dy; // clamp the sprite's y position if ( sprites[i].y<72 ) sprites[i].y = 72; if ( sprites[i].y>96 ) sprites[i].y = 96; oamSet( &oamMain, //main graphics engine context i, //oam index (0 to 127) sprites[i].x, //x and y pixel location of the sprite sprites[i].y, 0, //priority, lower renders last (on top) sprites[i].paletteAlpha, //palette index sprites[i].size, sprites[i].format, sprites[i].gfx, //pointer to the loaded graphics sprites[i].rotationIndex, //sprite rotation data false, //double the size when rotating? false, //hide the sprite? false, false, //vflip, hflip false //apply mosaic ); } swiWaitForVBlank(); //send the updates to the hardware oamUpdate(&oamMain); } return 0; }
int main() { /* Turn on the 2D graphics core. */ powerOn(POWER_ALL_2D); /* * Configure the VRAM and background control registers. * * Place the main screen on the bottom physical screen. Then arrange the * VRAM banks. Next, confiure the background control registers. */ lcdMainOnBottom(); initVideo(); initBackgrounds(); /* Initialize maxmod using the memory based soundbank set up. */ mmInitDefaultMem((mm_addr)soundbank_bin); /* Set up a few sprites. */ SpriteInfo spriteInfo[SPRITE_COUNT]; OAMTable *oam = new OAMTable(); initOAM(oam); initSprites(oam, spriteInfo); /* Display the backgrounds. */ displayStarField(); displayPlanet(); displaySplash(); /*************************************************************************/ /* Keep track of the touch screen coordinates. */ touchPosition touch; /* Make the ship object. */ static const int SHUTTLE_OAM_ID = 0; SpriteEntry * shipEntry = &oam->oamBuffer[SHUTTLE_OAM_ID]; SpriteRotation * shipRotation = &oam->matrixBuffer[SHUTTLE_OAM_ID]; Ship * ship = new Ship(&spriteInfo[SHUTTLE_OAM_ID]); /* Make the moon. */ static const int MOON_OAM_ID = 1; SpriteEntry * moonEntry = &oam->oamBuffer[MOON_OAM_ID]; SpriteInfo * moonInfo = &spriteInfo[MOON_OAM_ID]; MathVector2D<int> * moonPos = new MathVector2D<int>(); moonPos->x = moonEntry->x; moonPos->y = moonEntry->y; /* Set up sound data. */ mmLoadEffect(SFX_THRUST); for (;;) { /* Update the game state. */ updateInput(&touch); handleInput(ship, moonPos, moonInfo, &touch); ship->moveShip(); /* Update ship sprite attributes. */ MathVector2D<float> position = ship->getPosition(); shipEntry->x = (int)position.x; shipEntry->y = (int)position.y; rotateSprite(shipRotation, -ship->getAngleDeg()); /* Update moon sprite attributes. */ moonEntry->x = (int)moonPos->x; moonEntry->y = (int)moonPos->y; /* * Update the OAM. * * We have to copy our copy of OAM data into the actual OAM during * VBlank (writes to it are locked during other times). */ swiWaitForVBlank(); updateOAM(oam); } return 0; }