Пример #1
vt_ept_violation (bool write, u64 gphys)
	static int count = 0;
	mmio_lock ();
		U64_t index;
		struct memory_ownership_table_entry_t entry;
		HPA_t hpa = gpaToHPA(gphys, 0);
			index = getMemoryOwnershipTableIndex(hpa);
			entry = getMemoryOwnershipTableEntry(index);
			if(entry.state == CLOSED)
				printf("SSLAB : closed\n");
			mmio_unlock ();

	if (!mmio_access_page (gphys, true))
		vt_ept_map_page (write, gphys);
	mmio_unlock ();	
Пример #2
vt_ept_map_1mb (void)
	ulong gphys;
	vt_ept_clear_all ();
	for (gphys = 0; gphys < 0x100000; gphys += PAGESIZE) {
		mmio_lock ();
		if (!mmio_access_page (gphys, false))
			vt_ept_map_page (false, gphys);
		mmio_unlock ();
Пример #3
/* Microcode updates cannot be loaded in VMX non-root operation on
 * Intel CPUs.  This function loads the updates in VMX root
 * operation. */
static bool
ia32_bios_updt (virt_t addr)
	u64 vmm_addr = PAGESIZE | (addr & PAGESIZE_MASK);
	phys_t phys, mm_phys;
	struct msrarg m;
	int num;
	ulong cr2, lastcr2 = 0, guest_addr;
	int levels;
	enum vmmerr r;
	u64 entries[5];
	u64 efer;
	ulong cr0, cr3, cr4;
	phys_t hphys, gphys;
	int in_mmio_range;
	bool ret = false;

	m.msrindex = MSR_IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG;
	m.msrdata = &vmm_addr;
	current->vmctl.read_control_reg (CONTROL_REG_CR0, &cr0);
	current->vmctl.read_control_reg (CONTROL_REG_CR3, &cr3);
	current->vmctl.read_control_reg (CONTROL_REG_CR4, &cr4);
	current->vmctl.read_msr (MSR_IA32_EFER, &efer);
	if (0)
		printf ("CPU%d: old IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID %016llX\n",
			get_cpu_id (), get_ia32_bios_sign_id ());

	/* Allocate an empty page directory for address 0-0x3FFFFFFF
	 * and switch to it. */
	if (mm_process_alloc (&phys) < 0)
		panic ("%s: mm_process_alloc failed", __func__);
	mm_phys = mm_process_switch (phys);
	for (;;) {
		/* Do update! */
		num = callfunc_and_getint (do_write_msr_sub, &m);
		if (num == -1)	/* Success */
		if (num == EXCEPTION_GP) {
			ret = true;
		if (num != EXCEPTION_PF)
			panic ("%s: exception %d", __func__, num);
		/* Handle a page fault.  Get the guest physical
		 * address of the page. */
		/* FIXME: Set access bit in PTE */
		asm_rdcr2 (&cr2);
		if (lastcr2 == cr2) /* check to avoid infinite loop */
			panic ("%s: second page fault at 0x%lX",
			       __func__, cr2);
			lastcr2 = cr2;
		guest_addr = (addr & ~PAGESIZE_MASK) + (cr2 - PAGESIZE);
		r = cpu_mmu_get_pte (guest_addr, cr0, cr3, cr4, efer, false,
				     false, false, entries, &levels);
			ret = true;
			if (0)
				printf ("%s: guest page fault at 0x%lX\n",
					__func__, guest_addr);
			current->vmctl.generate_pagefault (0, guest_addr);
		if (r != VMMERR_SUCCESS)
			panic ("%s: cpu_mmu_get_pte failed %d", __func__, r);
		gphys = entries[0] & current->pte_addr_mask;
		/* Find MMIO hooks. */
		mmio_lock ();
		in_mmio_range = mmio_access_page (gphys, false);
		mmio_unlock ();
		if (in_mmio_range)
			panic ("%s: mmio check failed cr2=0x%lX ent=0x%llX",
			       __func__, cr2, entries[0]);
		/* Convert the address and map it. */
		/* FIXME: Handle cache flags in the PTE. */
		hphys = current->gmm.gp2hp (gphys, NULL);
		ASSERT (!(hphys & PAGESIZE_MASK));
		if (mm_process_map_shared_physpage (cr2, hphys, false))
			panic ("%s: mm_process_map_shared_physpage failed"
			       " cr2=0x%lX guest=0x%lX ent=0x%llX",
			       __func__, cr2, guest_addr, entries[0]);
		if (0)
			printf ("%s: cr2=0x%lX guest=0x%lX ent=0x%llX\n",
				__func__, cr2, guest_addr, entries[0]);
	/* Free page tables, switch to previous address space and free
	 * the page directory. */
	mm_process_unmapall ();
	mm_process_switch (mm_phys);
	mm_process_free (phys);
	if (0)
		printf ("CPU%d: new IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID %016llX\n",
			get_cpu_id (), get_ia32_bios_sign_id ());
	return ret;