static long cmsx_menuMiscOnEnter(void) { motorConfig_minthrottle = motorConfig()->minthrottle; motorConfig_digitalIdleOffsetValue = motorConfig()->digitalIdleOffsetValue / 10; voltageSensorADCConfig_vbatscale = voltageSensorADCConfig(VOLTAGE_SENSOR_ADC_VBAT)->vbatscale; batteryConfig_vbatmaxcellvoltage = batteryConfig()->vbatmaxcellvoltage; return 0; }
static void applyFixedWingLaunchIdleLogic(void) { // Until motors are started don't use PID I-term pidResetErrorAccumulators(); // Throttle control logic if (navConfig()->fw.launch_idle_throttle <= motorConfig()->minthrottle) { ENABLE_STATE(NAV_MOTOR_STOP_OR_IDLE); // If MOTOR_STOP is enabled mixer will keep motor stopped rcCommand[THROTTLE] = motorConfig()->minthrottle; // If MOTOR_STOP is disabled, motors will spin at minthrottle } else { rcCommand[THROTTLE] = navConfig()->fw.launch_idle_throttle; } }
void generateThrottleCurve(const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig) { lookupThrottleRCMid = motorConfig()->minthrottle + (int32_t)(motorConfig()->maxthrottle - motorConfig()->minthrottle) * controlRateConfig->throttle.rcMid8 / 100; // [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE] for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_LOOKUP_LENGTH; i++) { const int16_t tmp = 10 * i - controlRateConfig->throttle.rcMid8; uint8_t y = 1; if (tmp > 0) y = 100 - controlRateConfig->throttle.rcMid8; if (tmp < 0) y = controlRateConfig->throttle.rcMid8; lookupThrottleRC[i] = 10 * controlRateConfig->throttle.rcMid8 + tmp * (100 - controlRateConfig->throttle.rcExpo8 + (int32_t) controlRateConfig->throttle.rcExpo8 * (tmp * tmp) / (y * y)) / 10; lookupThrottleRC[i] = motorConfig()->minthrottle + (int32_t) (motorConfig()->maxthrottle - motorConfig()->minthrottle) * lookupThrottleRC[i] / 1000; // [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE] } }
uint16_t rcLookupThrottle(uint16_t absoluteDeflection) { if (absoluteDeflection > 999) return motorConfig()->maxthrottle; const uint8_t lookupStep = absoluteDeflection / 100; return lookupThrottleRC[lookupStep] + (absoluteDeflection - lookupStep * 100) * (lookupThrottleRC[lookupStep + 1] - lookupThrottleRC[lookupStep]) / 100; }
// All PWM motor scaling is done to standard PWM range of 1000-2000 for easier tick conversion with legacy code / configurator // DSHOT scaling is done to the actual dshot range void initEscEndpoints(void) { // Can't use 'isMotorProtocolDshot()' here since motors haven't been initialised yet switch (motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol) { #ifdef USE_DSHOT case PWM_TYPE_PROSHOT1000: case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT1200: case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT600: case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT300: case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT150: disarmMotorOutput = DSHOT_DISARM_COMMAND; if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { motorOutputLow = DSHOT_MIN_THROTTLE + ((DSHOT_3D_DEADBAND_LOW - DSHOT_MIN_THROTTLE) / 100.0f) * CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_PERCENT(motorConfig()->digitalIdleOffsetValue); } else { motorOutputLow = DSHOT_MIN_THROTTLE + ((DSHOT_MAX_THROTTLE - DSHOT_MIN_THROTTLE) / 100.0f) * CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_PERCENT(motorConfig()->digitalIdleOffsetValue); } motorOutputHigh = DSHOT_MAX_THROTTLE; deadbandMotor3dHigh = DSHOT_3D_DEADBAND_HIGH + ((DSHOT_MAX_THROTTLE - DSHOT_3D_DEADBAND_HIGH) / 100.0f) * CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_PERCENT(motorConfig()->digitalIdleOffsetValue); deadbandMotor3dLow = DSHOT_3D_DEADBAND_LOW; break; #endif default: if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { disarmMotorOutput = flight3DConfig()->neutral3d; motorOutputLow = flight3DConfig()->limit3d_low; motorOutputHigh = flight3DConfig()->limit3d_high; deadbandMotor3dHigh = flight3DConfig()->deadband3d_high; deadbandMotor3dLow = flight3DConfig()->deadband3d_low; } else { disarmMotorOutput = motorConfig()->mincommand; motorOutputLow = motorConfig()->minthrottle; motorOutputHigh = motorConfig()->maxthrottle; } break; } rcCommandThrottleRange = PWM_RANGE_MAX - rxConfig()->mincheck; rcCommand3dDeadBandLow = rxConfig()->midrc - flight3DConfig()->deadband3d_throttle; rcCommand3dDeadBandHigh = rxConfig()->midrc + flight3DConfig()->deadband3d_throttle; rcCommandThrottleRange3dLow = rcCommand3dDeadBandLow - PWM_RANGE_MIN; rcCommandThrottleRange3dHigh = PWM_RANGE_MAX - rcCommand3dDeadBandHigh; }
int16_t calculateMotorOff(void) { int16_t motorOff = motorConfig()->mincommand; #ifndef SKIP_3D_FLIGHT if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { motorOff = motor3DConfig()->neutral3d; } #endif return motorOff; }
void init(void) { drv_pwm_config_t pwm_params; printfSupportInit(); initEEPROM(); ensureEEPROMContainsValidData(); readEEPROM(); systemState |= SYSTEM_STATE_CONFIG_LOADED; #ifdef STM32F303 // start fpu SCB->CPACR = (0x3 << (10*2)) | (0x3 << (11*2)); #endif #ifdef STM32F303xC SetSysClock(); #endif #ifdef STM32F10X // Configure the System clock frequency, HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers // Configure the Flash Latency cycles and enable prefetch buffer SetSysClock(systemConfig()->emf_avoidance); #endif i2cSetOverclock(systemConfig()->i2c_highspeed); systemInit(); #ifdef USE_HARDWARE_REVISION_DETECTION detectHardwareRevision(); #endif // Latch active features to be used for feature() in the remainder of init(). latchActiveFeatures(); // initialize IO (needed for all IO operations) IOInitGlobal(); debugMode = debugConfig()->debug_mode; #ifdef USE_EXTI EXTIInit(); #endif #ifdef ALIENFLIGHTF3 if (hardwareRevision == AFF3_REV_1) { ledInit(false); } else { ledInit(true); } #else ledInit(false); #endif #ifdef BEEPER beeperConfig_t beeperConfig = { .gpioPeripheral = BEEP_PERIPHERAL, .gpioPin = BEEP_PIN, .gpioPort = BEEP_GPIO, #ifdef BEEPER_INVERTED .gpioMode = Mode_Out_PP, .isInverted = true #else .gpioMode = Mode_Out_OD, .isInverted = false #endif }; #ifdef NAZE if (hardwareRevision >= NAZE32_REV5) { // naze rev4 and below used opendrain to PNP for buzzer. Rev5 and above use PP to NPN. beeperConfig.gpioMode = Mode_Out_PP; beeperConfig.isInverted = true; } #endif beeperInit(&beeperConfig); #endif #ifdef BUTTONS buttonsInit(); if (!isMPUSoftReset()) { buttonsHandleColdBootButtonPresses(); } #endif #ifdef SPEKTRUM_BIND if (feature(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL)) { switch (rxConfig()->serialrx_provider) { case SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM1024: case SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048: // Spektrum satellite binding if enabled on startup. // Must be called before that 100ms sleep so that we don't lose satellite's binding window after startup. // The rest of Spektrum initialization will happen later - via spektrumInit() spektrumBind(rxConfig()); break; } } #endif delay(100); timerInit(); // timer must be initialized before any channel is allocated dmaInit(); serialInit(feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL)); mixerInit(customMotorMixer(0)); #ifdef USE_SERVOS mixerInitServos(customServoMixer(0)); #endif memset(&pwm_params, 0, sizeof(pwm_params)); #ifdef SONAR const sonarHardware_t *sonarHardware = NULL; sonarGPIOConfig_t sonarGPIOConfig; if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR)) { bool usingCurrentMeterIOPins = (feature(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER) && batteryConfig()->amperageMeterSource == AMPERAGE_METER_ADC); sonarHardware = sonarGetHardwareConfiguration(usingCurrentMeterIOPins); sonarGPIOConfig.triggerGPIO = sonarHardware->trigger_gpio; sonarGPIOConfig.triggerPin = sonarHardware->trigger_pin; sonarGPIOConfig.echoGPIO = sonarHardware->echo_gpio; sonarGPIOConfig.echoPin = sonarHardware->echo_pin; pwm_params.sonarGPIOConfig = &sonarGPIOConfig; } #endif // when using airplane/wing mixer, servo/motor outputs are remapped if (mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_AIRPLANE || mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_FLYING_WING || mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM_AIRPLANE) pwm_params.airplane = true; else pwm_params.airplane = false; #if defined(USE_UART2) && defined(STM32F10X) pwm_params.useUART2 = doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART2); #endif #if defined(USE_UART3) pwm_params.useUART3 = doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART3); #endif #if defined(USE_UART4) pwm_params.useUART4 = doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART4); #endif #if defined(USE_UART5) pwm_params.useUART5 = doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART5); #endif pwm_params.useVbat = feature(FEATURE_VBAT); pwm_params.useSoftSerial = feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL); pwm_params.useParallelPWM = feature(FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM); pwm_params.useRSSIADC = feature(FEATURE_RSSI_ADC); pwm_params.useCurrentMeterADC = ( feature(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER) && batteryConfig()->amperageMeterSource == AMPERAGE_METER_ADC ); pwm_params.useLEDStrip = feature(FEATURE_LED_STRIP); pwm_params.usePPM = feature(FEATURE_RX_PPM); pwm_params.useSerialRx = feature(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL); #ifdef SONAR pwm_params.useSonar = feature(FEATURE_SONAR); #endif #ifdef USE_SERVOS pwm_params.useServos = isMixerUsingServos(); pwm_params.useChannelForwarding = feature(FEATURE_CHANNEL_FORWARDING); pwm_params.servoCenterPulse = servoConfig()->servoCenterPulse; pwm_params.servoPwmRate = servoConfig()->servo_pwm_rate; #endif pwm_params.useOneshot = feature(FEATURE_ONESHOT125); pwm_params.motorPwmRate = motorConfig()->motor_pwm_rate; pwm_params.idlePulse = calculateMotorOff(); if (pwm_params.motorPwmRate > 500) pwm_params.idlePulse = 0; // brushed motors pwmRxInit(); // pwmInit() needs to be called as soon as possible for ESC compatibility reasons pwmIOConfiguration_t *pwmIOConfiguration = pwmInit(&pwm_params); mixerUsePWMIOConfiguration(pwmIOConfiguration); #ifdef DEBUG_PWM_CONFIGURATION debug[2] = pwmIOConfiguration->pwmInputCount; debug[3] = pwmIOConfiguration->ppmInputCount; #endif if (!feature(FEATURE_ONESHOT125)) motorControlEnable = true; systemState |= SYSTEM_STATE_MOTORS_READY; #ifdef INVERTER initInverter(); #endif #ifdef USE_SPI spiInit(SPI1); spiInit(SPI2); #ifdef STM32F303xC #ifdef ALIENFLIGHTF3 if (hardwareRevision == AFF3_REV_2) { spiInit(SPI3); } #else spiInit(SPI3); #endif #endif #endif #ifdef USE_HARDWARE_REVISION_DETECTION updateHardwareRevision(); #endif #if defined(NAZE) if (hardwareRevision == NAZE32_SP) { serialRemovePort(SERIAL_PORT_SOFTSERIAL2); } else { serialRemovePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART3); } #endif #if defined(SPRACINGF3) && defined(SONAR) && defined(USE_SOFTSERIAL2) if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR) && feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL)) { serialRemovePort(SERIAL_PORT_SOFTSERIAL2); } #endif #if defined(SPRACINGF3MINI) && defined(SONAR) && defined(USE_SOFTSERIAL1) if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR) && feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL)) { serialRemovePort(SERIAL_PORT_SOFTSERIAL1); } #endif #ifdef USE_I2C #if defined(NAZE) if (hardwareRevision != NAZE32_SP) { i2cInit(I2C_DEVICE); } else { if (!doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART3)) { i2cInit(I2C_DEVICE); } } #elif defined(CC3D) if (!doesConfigurationUsePort(SERIAL_PORT_UART3)) { i2cInit(I2C_DEVICE); } #else i2cInit(I2C_DEVICE); #endif #endif #ifdef USE_ADC drv_adc_config_t adc_params; adc_params.channelMask = 0; #ifdef ADC_BATTERY adc_params.channelMask = (feature(FEATURE_VBAT) ? ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_BATTERY) : 0); #endif #ifdef ADC_RSSI adc_params.channelMask |= (feature(FEATURE_RSSI_ADC) ? ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_RSSI) : 0); #endif #ifdef ADC_AMPERAGE adc_params.channelMask |= (feature(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER) ? ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_AMPERAGE) : 0); #endif #ifdef ADC_POWER_12V adc_params.channelMask |= ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_POWER_12V); #endif #ifdef ADC_POWER_5V adc_params.channelMask |= ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_POWER_5V); #endif #ifdef ADC_POWER_3V adc_params.channelMask |= ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_POWER_3V); #endif #ifdef NAZE // optional ADC5 input on rev.5 hardware adc_params.channelMask |= (hardwareRevision >= NAZE32_REV5) ? ADC_CHANNEL_MASK(ADC_EXTERNAL) : 0; #endif adcInit(&adc_params); #endif initBoardAlignment(); #ifdef DISPLAY if (feature(FEATURE_DISPLAY)) { displayInit(); } #endif #ifdef NAZE if (hardwareRevision < NAZE32_REV5) { gyroConfig()->gyro_sync = 0; } #endif if (!sensorsAutodetect()) { // if gyro was not detected due to whatever reason, we give up now. failureMode(FAILURE_MISSING_ACC); } systemState |= SYSTEM_STATE_SENSORS_READY; flashLedsAndBeep(); mspInit(); mspSerialInit(); const uint16_t pidPeriodUs = US_FROM_HZ(gyro.sampleFrequencyHz); pidSetTargetLooptime(pidPeriodUs * gyroConfig()->pid_process_denom); pidInitFilters(pidProfile()); #ifdef USE_SERVOS mixerInitialiseServoFiltering(targetPidLooptime); #endif imuInit(); #ifdef USE_CLI cliInit(); #endif failsafeInit(); rxInit(modeActivationProfile()->modeActivationConditions); #ifdef GPS if (feature(FEATURE_GPS)) { gpsInit(); navigationInit(pidProfile()); } #endif #ifdef SONAR if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR)) { sonarInit(sonarHardware); } #endif #ifdef LED_STRIP ledStripInit(); if (feature(FEATURE_LED_STRIP)) { ledStripEnable(); } #endif #ifdef TELEMETRY if (feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) { telemetryInit(); } #endif #ifdef USB_CABLE_DETECTION usbCableDetectInit(); #endif #ifdef TRANSPONDER if (feature(FEATURE_TRANSPONDER)) { transponderInit(transponderConfig()->data); transponderEnable(); transponderStartRepeating(); systemState |= SYSTEM_STATE_TRANSPONDER_ENABLED; } #endif #ifdef USE_FLASHFS #ifdef NAZE if (hardwareRevision == NAZE32_REV5) { m25p16_init(); } #elif defined(USE_FLASH_M25P16) m25p16_init(); #endif flashfsInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_SDCARD bool sdcardUseDMA = false; sdcardInsertionDetectInit(); #ifdef SDCARD_DMA_CHANNEL_TX #if defined(LED_STRIP) && defined(WS2811_DMA_CHANNEL) // Ensure the SPI Tx DMA doesn't overlap with the led strip sdcardUseDMA = !feature(FEATURE_LED_STRIP) || SDCARD_DMA_CHANNEL_TX != WS2811_DMA_CHANNEL; #else sdcardUseDMA = true; #endif #endif sdcard_init(sdcardUseDMA); afatfs_init(); #endif #ifdef BLACKBOX initBlackbox(); #endif if (mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_GIMBAL) { accSetCalibrationCycles(CALIBRATING_ACC_CYCLES); } gyroSetCalibrationCycles(CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES); #ifdef BARO baroSetCalibrationCycles(CALIBRATING_BARO_CYCLES); #endif // start all timers // TODO - not implemented yet timerStart(); ENABLE_STATE(SMALL_ANGLE); DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(PREVENT_ARMING); #ifdef SOFTSERIAL_LOOPBACK // FIXME this is a hack, perhaps add a FUNCTION_LOOPBACK to support it properly loopbackPort = (serialPort_t*)&(softSerialPorts[0]); if (!loopbackPort->vTable) { loopbackPort = openSoftSerial(0, NULL, 19200, SERIAL_NOT_INVERTED); } serialPrint(loopbackPort, "LOOPBACK\r\n"); #endif if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) { // Now that everything has powered up the voltage and cell count be determined. voltageMeterInit(); batteryInit(); } if (feature(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER)) { amperageMeterInit(); } #ifdef DISPLAY if (feature(FEATURE_DISPLAY)) { #ifdef USE_OLED_GPS_DEBUG_PAGE_ONLY displayShowFixedPage(PAGE_GPS); #else displayResetPageCycling(); displayEnablePageCycling(); #endif } #endif #ifdef CJMCU LED2_ON; #endif // Latch active features AGAIN since some may be modified by init(). latchActiveFeatures(); motorControlEnable = true; systemState |= SYSTEM_STATE_READY; } #ifdef SOFTSERIAL_LOOPBACK void processLoopback(void) { if (loopbackPort) { uint8_t bytesWaiting; while ((bytesWaiting = serialRxBytesWaiting(loopbackPort))) { uint8_t b = serialRead(loopbackPort); serialWrite(loopbackPort, b); }; } } #else #define processLoopback() #endif void configureScheduler(void) { schedulerInit(); setTaskEnabled(TASK_SYSTEM, true); uint16_t gyroPeriodUs = US_FROM_HZ(gyro.sampleFrequencyHz); rescheduleTask(TASK_GYRO, gyroPeriodUs); setTaskEnabled(TASK_GYRO, true); rescheduleTask(TASK_PID, gyroPeriodUs); setTaskEnabled(TASK_PID, true); if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) { setTaskEnabled(TASK_ACCEL, true); } setTaskEnabled(TASK_ATTITUDE, sensors(SENSOR_ACC)); setTaskEnabled(TASK_SERIAL, true); #ifdef BEEPER setTaskEnabled(TASK_BEEPER, true); #endif setTaskEnabled(TASK_BATTERY, feature(FEATURE_VBAT) || feature(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER)); setTaskEnabled(TASK_RX, true); #ifdef GPS setTaskEnabled(TASK_GPS, feature(FEATURE_GPS)); #endif #ifdef MAG setTaskEnabled(TASK_COMPASS, sensors(SENSOR_MAG)); #if defined(MPU6500_SPI_INSTANCE) && defined(USE_MAG_AK8963) // fixme temporary solution for AK6983 via slave I2C on MPU9250 rescheduleTask(TASK_COMPASS, 1000000 / 40); #endif #endif #ifdef BARO setTaskEnabled(TASK_BARO, sensors(SENSOR_BARO)); #endif #ifdef SONAR setTaskEnabled(TASK_SONAR, sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)); #endif #if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR) setTaskEnabled(TASK_ALTITUDE, sensors(SENSOR_BARO) || sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)); #endif #ifdef DISPLAY setTaskEnabled(TASK_DISPLAY, feature(FEATURE_DISPLAY)); #endif #ifdef TELEMETRY setTaskEnabled(TASK_TELEMETRY, feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)); #endif #ifdef LED_STRIP setTaskEnabled(TASK_LEDSTRIP, feature(FEATURE_LED_STRIP)); #endif #ifdef TRANSPONDER setTaskEnabled(TASK_TRANSPONDER, feature(FEATURE_TRANSPONDER)); #endif }
CMS_Menu cmsx_menuRcPreview = { .GUARD_text = "XRCPREV", .GUARD_type = OME_MENU, .onEnter = NULL, .onExit = cmsx_menuRcConfirmBack, .onGlobalExit = NULL, .entries = cmsx_menuRcEntries }; static OSD_Entry menuMiscEntries[]= { { "-- MISC --", OME_Label, NULL, NULL, 0 }, { "MIN THR", OME_UINT16, NULL, &(OSD_UINT16_t){ &motorConfig()->minthrottle, 1000, 2000, 1 }, 0 }, { "VBAT SCALE", OME_UINT8, NULL, &(OSD_UINT8_t) { &batteryConfig()->vbatscale, 1, 250, 1 }, 0 }, { "VBAT CLMAX", OME_UINT8, NULL, &(OSD_UINT8_t) { &batteryConfig()->vbatmaxcellvoltage, 10, 50, 1 }, 0 }, { "RC PREV", OME_Submenu, cmsMenuChange, &cmsx_menuRcPreview, 0}, { "BACK", OME_Back, NULL, NULL, 0}, { NULL, OME_END, NULL, NULL, 0} }; CMS_Menu cmsx_menuMisc = { .GUARD_text = "XMISC", .GUARD_type = OME_MENU, .onEnter = NULL, .onExit = NULL, .onGlobalExit = NULL, .entries = menuMiscEntries
void FlemonsSpineModelGoal::setup(tgWorld& world) { // This is basically a manual setup of a model. // There are things that do this for us /// @todo: reference the things that do this for us // Rod and Muscle configuration // Note: This needs to be high enough or things fly apart... const double density = 4.2/300.0; const double radius = 0.5; const double friction = 0.5; const double rollFriction = 0.0; const double restitution = 0.0; const tgRod::Config rodConfig(radius, density, friction, rollFriction, restitution); const double elasticity = 1000.0; const double damping = 10.0; const double pretension = 0.0; const bool history = true; const double maxTens = 7000.0; const double maxSpeed = 12.0; const double mRad = 1.0; const double motorFriction = 10.0; const double motorInertia = 1.0; const bool backDrivable = false; tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfig(elasticity, damping, pretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); // Calculations for the flemons spine model double v_size = 10.0; // Create the tetrahedra tgStructure tetra; tetra.addNode(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // center tetra.addNode( v_size, v_size, v_size); // front tetra.addNode( v_size, -v_size, -v_size); // right tetra.addNode(-v_size, v_size, -v_size); // back tetra.addNode(-v_size, -v_size, v_size); // left tetra.addPair(0, 1, "front rod"); tetra.addPair(0, 2, "right rod"); tetra.addPair(0, 3, "back rod"); tetra.addPair(0, 4, "left rod"); // Move the first one so we can create a longer snake. // Or you could move the snake at the end, up to you. tetra.move(btVector3(0.0,15.0,50.0)); // Create our snake segments tgStructure snake; /// @todo: there seems to be an issue with Muscle2P connections if the front /// of a tetra is inside the next one. btVector3 offset(0.0, 0.0, -v_size * 1.15); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_segments; i++) { /// @todo: the snake is a temporary variable -- /// will its destructor be called? /// If not, where do we delete its children? tgStructure* const p = new tgStructure(tetra); p->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); p->move((i + 1.0) * offset); snake.addChild(p); // Add a child to the snake } //conditionally compile for debugging #if (1) // Add muscles that connect the segments // Tag the muscles with their segment numbers so CPGs can find // them. std::vector<tgStructure*> children = snake.getChildren(); for (std::size_t i = 1; i < children.size(); i++) { tgNodes n0 = children[i - 1]->getNodes(); tgNodes n1 = children[i]->getNodes(); snake.addPair(n0[1], n1[1], tgString("outer front muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[2], tgString("outer right muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[3], tgString("outer back muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[4], n1[4], tgString("outer top muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[1], tgString("inner front muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[4], tgString("inner right muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[1], tgString("inner left muscle seg", i)); snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[4], tgString("inner back muscle seg", i)); } #endif btVector3 fixedPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); btVector3 axis(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); snake.addRotation(fixedPoint, axis, m_startAngle); // Create the build spec that uses tags to turn the structure into a real model tgBuildSpec spec; spec.addBuilder("rod", new tgRodInfo(rodConfig)); #if (1) spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfig)); #else spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgBasicContactCableInfo(motorConfig)); #endif // Create your structureInfo tgStructureInfo structureInfo(snake, spec); // Use the structureInfo to build ourselves structureInfo.buildInto(*this, world); // Setup vectors for control m_allMuscles = tgCast::filter<tgModel, tgSpringCableActuator> (getDescendants()); m_allSegments = this->find<tgModel> ("segment"); //addMarkers(snake, *this, m_segments); #if (0) // Debug printing std::cout << "StructureInfo:" << std::endl; std::cout << structureInfo << std::endl; std::cout << "Model: " << std::endl; std::cout << *this << std::endl; std::cout << "Spine Length: " << getSpineLength() << std::endl; #endif std::vector<tgBaseRigid*> myRigids = this->getAllRigids(); #if (1) for (int i =0; i < myRigids.size(); i++) { std::cout << myRigids[i]->mass() << " " <<myRigids[i]->getPRigidBody() << std::endl; } #endif children.clear(); // Actually setup the children, notify controller BaseSpineModelGoal::setup(world); }
void mixTable(void) { uint32_t i; bool isFailsafeActive = failsafeIsActive(); if (motorCount >= 4 && mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit < YAW_JUMP_PREVENTION_LIMIT_HIGH) { // prevent "yaw jump" during yaw correction axisPID[FD_YAW] = constrain(axisPID[FD_YAW], -mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit - ABS(rcCommand[YAW]), mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit + ABS(rcCommand[YAW])); } if (rcModeIsActive(BOXAIRMODE)) { // Initial mixer concept by bdoiron74 reused and optimized for Air Mode int16_t rollPitchYawMix[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS]; int16_t rollPitchYawMixMax = 0; // assumption: symetrical about zero. int16_t rollPitchYawMixMin = 0; // Find roll/pitch/yaw desired output for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { rollPitchYawMix[i] = axisPID[FD_PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch + axisPID[FD_ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll + -mixerConfig()->yaw_motor_direction * axisPID[FD_YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw; if (rollPitchYawMix[i] > rollPitchYawMixMax) rollPitchYawMixMax = rollPitchYawMix[i]; if (rollPitchYawMix[i] < rollPitchYawMixMin) rollPitchYawMixMin = rollPitchYawMix[i]; } // Scale roll/pitch/yaw uniformly to fit within throttle range int16_t rollPitchYawMixRange = rollPitchYawMixMax - rollPitchYawMixMin; int16_t throttleRange, throttle; int16_t throttleMin, throttleMax; #ifndef SKIP_3D_FLIGHT static int16_t throttlePrevious = 0; // Store the last throttle direction for deadband transitions in 3D. // Find min and max throttle based on condition. Use rcData for 3D to prevent loss of power due to min_check if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) throttlePrevious = rxConfig()->midrc; // When disarmed set to mid_rc. It always results in positive direction after arming. if ((rcData[THROTTLE] <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle))) { // Out of band handling throttleMax = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low; throttleMin = motorConfig()->minthrottle; throttlePrevious = throttle = rcData[THROTTLE]; } else if (rcData[THROTTLE] >= (rxConfig()->midrc + rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle)) { // Positive handling throttleMax = motorConfig()->maxthrottle; throttleMin = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high; throttlePrevious = throttle = rcData[THROTTLE]; } else if ((throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle))) { // Deadband handling from negative to positive throttle = throttleMax = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low; throttleMin = motorConfig()->minthrottle; } else { // Deadband handling from positive to negative throttleMax = motorConfig()->maxthrottle; throttle = throttleMin = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high; } } else { #endif throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE]; throttleMin = motorConfig()->minthrottle; throttleMax = motorConfig()->maxthrottle; #ifndef SKIP_3D_FLIGHT } #endif throttleRange = throttleMax - throttleMin; if (rollPitchYawMixRange > throttleRange) { motorLimitReached = true; float mixReduction = (float) throttleRange / rollPitchYawMixRange; for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { rollPitchYawMix[i] = lrintf((float) rollPitchYawMix[i] * mixReduction); } // Get the maximum correction by setting throttle offset to center. throttleMin = throttleMax = throttleMin + (throttleRange / 2); } else { motorLimitReached = false; throttleMin = throttleMin + (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2); throttleMax = throttleMax - (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2); } // Now add in the desired throttle, but keep in a range that doesn't clip adjusted // roll/pitch/yaw. This could move throttle down, but also up for those low throttle flips. for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { motor[i] = rollPitchYawMix[i] + constrain(throttle * currentMixer[i].throttle, throttleMin, throttleMax); motor[i] += triGetMotorCorrection(i); if (isFailsafeActive) { motor[i] = mixConstrainMotorForFailsafeCondition(i); } else #ifndef SKIP_3D_FLIGHT if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { if (throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle)) { motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorConfig()->minthrottle, motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low); } else { motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high, motorConfig()->maxthrottle); } } else #endif { motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorConfig()->minthrottle, motorConfig()->maxthrottle); } } } else { // motors for non-servo mixes for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { motor[i] = rcCommand[THROTTLE] * currentMixer[i].throttle + axisPID[FD_PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch + axisPID[FD_ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll + -mixerConfig()->yaw_motor_direction * axisPID[FD_YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw + triGetMotorCorrection(i); } // Find the maximum motor output. int16_t maxMotor = motor[0]; for (i = 1; i < motorCount; i++) { // If one motor is above the maxthrottle threshold, we reduce the value // of all motors by the amount of overshoot. That way, only one motor // is at max and the relative power of each motor is preserved. if (motor[i] > maxMotor) { maxMotor = motor[i]; } } int16_t maxThrottleDifference = 0; if (maxMotor > motorConfig()->maxthrottle) { maxThrottleDifference = maxMotor - motorConfig()->maxthrottle; } for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { // this is a way to still have good gyro corrections if at least one motor reaches its max. motor[i] -= maxThrottleDifference; #ifndef SKIP_3D_FLIGHT if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { if (mixerConfig()->pid_at_min_throttle || rcData[THROTTLE] <= rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle || rcData[THROTTLE] >= rxConfig()->midrc + rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle) { if (rcData[THROTTLE] > rxConfig()->midrc) { motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high, motorConfig()->maxthrottle); } else { motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorConfig()->mincommand, motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low); } } else { if (rcData[THROTTLE] > rxConfig()->midrc) { motor[i] = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high; } else { motor[i] = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low; } } } else #endif { if (isFailsafeActive) { motor[i] = mixConstrainMotorForFailsafeCondition(i); } else { // If we're at minimum throttle and FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP enabled, // do not spin the motors. motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorConfig()->minthrottle, motorConfig()->maxthrottle); if ((rcData[THROTTLE]) < rxConfig()->mincheck) { if (feature(FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP)) { motor[i] = motorConfig()->mincommand; } else if (mixerConfig()->pid_at_min_throttle == 0) { motor[i] = motorConfig()->minthrottle; } } } } } } /* Disarmed for all mixers */ if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) { motor[i] = motor_disarmed[i]; } } // motor outputs are used as sources for servo mixing, so motors must be calculated before servos. #if !defined(USE_QUAD_MIXER_ONLY) && defined(USE_SERVOS) servoMixTable(); #endif }
uint16_t mixConstrainMotorForFailsafeCondition(uint8_t motorIndex) { return constrain(motor[motorIndex], motorConfig()->mincommand, motorConfig()->maxthrottle); }
uint16_t getCurrentMinthrottle(void) { return motorConfig()->minthrottle; }
void BigPuppy::setup(tgWorld& world) { //Rod and Muscle configuration. Todo: make these into structs in a namespace block! const double density = 4.2/300.0; //Note: this needs to be high enough or things fly apart... const double radius = 0.5; const double rod_space = 10.0; const double friction = 0.5; const double rollFriction = 0.0; const double restitution = 0.0; const tgRod::Config rodConfig(radius, density, friction, rollFriction, restitution); const double radius2 = 0.15; const double density2 = 1; // Note: This needs to be high enough or things fly apart... const tgRod::Config rodConfig2(radius2, density2); const double stiffness = 1000.0; const double damping = .01*stiffness; const double pretension = 0.0; const bool history = false; const double maxTens = 7000.0; const double maxSpeed = 12.0; const double passivePretension = 700; // 5 N #ifdef USE_KINEMATIC const double mRad = 1.0; const double motorFriction = 10.0; const double motorInertia = 1.0; const bool backDrivable = false; tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfig(2000, 20, passivePretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); #else const tgSpringCableActuator::Config stringConfig(stiffness, damping, pretension, false, 7000, 24); tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfig(2000, 20, passivePretension); #endif // Calculations for the flemons spine model double v_size = 10.0; //Todo: make separate functions for node, rod, and muscle placement! Do for each type of segment. //Foot: tgStructure foot; //Foot nodes. Todo: make into separate function foot.addNode(8,0,8);//0 foot.addNode(8,0,-8);//1 foot.addNode(-8,0,-8);//2 foot.addNode(-8,0,8);//3 foot.addNode(4,rod_space/2,0);//4 foot.addNode(0,rod_space/2,-4);//5 foot.addNode(-4,rod_space/2,0);//6 foot.addNode(0,rod_space/2,4);//7 //Foot rods. Todo: make into separate function foot.addPair(0,6,"rod"); foot.addPair(1,7,"rod"); foot.addPair(2,4,"rod"); foot.addPair(3,5,"rod"); //Create basic unit for right leg. Todo: make just one basic unit for right and left legs, since they're now the same. tgStructure rightLeg; //Right Leg nodes: rightLeg.addNode(0,0,0); //0: Bottom Center of lower leg segment rightLeg.addNode(0,10,0); //1: Center of lower leg segment rightLeg.addNode(10,10,0); //2: Right of lower leg segment rightLeg.addNode(-10,10,0); //3: Left of lower leg segment rightLeg.addNode(0,20,0); //4: Top of lower leg segment rightLeg.addNode(0,-4,0); //5: was z=3; was y=-3 //rightLeg.addNode(0,-3,-3); //6 //rightLeg.addNode(3,-3,0); //7 //rightLeg.addNode(-3,-3,0); //8 //Add rods for right leg: rightLeg.addPair(0,1,"rod"); rightLeg.addPair(1,2,"rod"); rightLeg.addPair(1,3,"rod"); rightLeg.addPair(1,4,"rod"); rightLeg.addPair(0,5,"rod"); //rightLeg.addPair(0,6,"rod"); //rightLeg.addPair(0,7,"rod"); //rightLeg.addPair(0,8,"rod"); //Create basic unit for left leg tgStructure leftLeg; //Left Leg nodes: leftLeg.addNode(0,0,0); //0: Bottom Center of lower leg segment leftLeg.addNode(0,10,0); //1: Center of lower leg segment leftLeg.addNode(10,10,0); //2: Right of lower leg segment leftLeg.addNode(-10,10,0); //3: Left of lower leg segment leftLeg.addNode(0,20,0); //4: Top of lower leg segment leftLeg.addNode(0,-4,0); //5: was z=3; was y=-3 //leftLeg.addNode(0,-3,-3); //6 //leftLeg.addNode(3,-3,0); //7 //leftLeg.addNode(-3,-3,0); //8 //Add rods for left leg: leftLeg.addPair(0,1,"rod"); leftLeg.addPair(1,2,"rod"); leftLeg.addPair(1,3,"rod"); leftLeg.addPair(1,4,"rod"); leftLeg.addPair(0,5,"rod"); //leftLeg.addPair(0,6,"rod"); //leftLeg.addPair(0,7,"rod"); //leftLeg.addPair(0,8,"rod"); //Create the basic unit of the spine tgStructure tetra; //Add the nodes tetra.addNode(0,0,0); //Node 0 tetra.addNode(v_size, 0, v_size); //Node 1 tetra.addNode(v_size, 0, -v_size); //Node 2 tetra.addNode(-v_size, 0, -v_size); //Node 3 tetra.addNode(-v_size, 0, v_size); //Node 4 tetra.addPair(0,1,"rod"); tetra.addPair(0,2,"rod"); tetra.addPair(0,3,"rod"); tetra.addPair(0,4,"rod"); //Create the basic unit for the hips/shoulders: tgStructure lHip; lHip.addNode(0,0,0); //Node 0 lHip.addNode(0, v_size, v_size); //Node 1 lHip.addNode(0, -v_size, -v_size); //Node 2 lHip.addNode(0, -v_size, v_size); //Node 3 lHip.addPair(0,1,"rod"); lHip.addPair(0,2,"rod"); lHip.addPair(0,3,"rod"); tgStructure rHip; rHip.addNode(0,0,0); //Node 0 rHip.addNode(0, v_size, -v_size); //Node 1 rHip.addNode(0, -v_size, -v_size); //Node 2 rHip.addNode(0, -v_size, v_size); //Node 3 rHip.addPair(0,1,"rod"); rHip.addPair(0,2,"rod"); rHip.addPair(0,3,"rod"); //Build the spine tgStructure spine; const double offsetDist = v_size + 1; //So rod ends don't touch, may need to adjust const double offsetDist2 = v_size*5 + 5 + 3.3; const double offsetDist3 = v_size*6; const double yOffset_leg = -21.0; const double yOffset_foot = -26.0; std::size_t m_segments = 6; std::size_t m_hips = 4; std::size_t m_legs = 4; std::size_t m_feet = 4; //Vertebrae btVector3 offset(offsetDist,0.0,0); //Hips btVector3 offset1(offsetDist*2,0.0,offsetDist); btVector3 offset2(offsetDist2,0.0,offsetDist); btVector3 offset3(offsetDist*2,0.0,-offsetDist); btVector3 offset4(offsetDist2,0.0,-offsetDist); //Lower legs btVector3 offset5(offsetDist3,yOffset_leg,offsetDist); btVector3 offset6(offsetDist3,yOffset_leg,-offsetDist); btVector3 offset7(v_size*2,yOffset_leg,offsetDist); btVector3 offset8(v_size*2,yOffset_leg,-offsetDist); //Feet btVector3 offset9(offsetDist3+1,yOffset_foot,offsetDist); btVector3 offset10(offsetDist3+1,yOffset_foot,-offsetDist); btVector3 offset11(v_size*2+1,yOffset_foot,offsetDist); btVector3 offset12(v_size*2+1,yOffset_foot,-offsetDist); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_segments; i++) { //Connect segments for spine tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (tetra); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); t->move((i + 1)*offset); if (i % 2 == 1) { t->addRotation(btVector3((i + 1) * offsetDist, 0.0, 0.0), btVector3(1, 0, 0), 0.0); } else { t->addRotation(btVector3((i + 1) * offsetDist, 0.0, 0.0), btVector3(1, 0, 0), M_PI/2.0); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = m_segments; i < (m_segments + 2); i++) {//deal with right hip and shoulder first tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (rHip); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset1); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist*2, 0.0, offsetDist), btVector3(1, 0, 0), 0.0); } else { t->move(offset2); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist2, 0.0, offsetDist), btVector3(0, 0, 1), M_PI*1/8); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + 2); i < (m_segments + m_hips); i++) {//deal with left hip and shoulder now tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (lHip); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset3); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist*2, 0.0, -offsetDist), btVector3(1, 0, 0), 0.0); } else { t->move(offset4); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist2, 0.0, -offsetDist), btVector3(0, 0, 1), M_PI*1/8); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + m_hips); i < (m_segments + m_hips + 2); i++) {//right front and back legs tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (rightLeg); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset7); t->addRotation(btVector3(v_size*2, yOffset_leg, offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), M_PI); } else { t->move(offset5); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist3, yOffset_leg, offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), M_PI); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + m_hips + 2); i < (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs); i++) {//left front and back legs tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (leftLeg); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset8); t->addRotation(btVector3(v_size*2, yOffset_leg, -offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), M_PI); } else { t->move(offset6); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist3, yOffset_leg, -offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), M_PI); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs); i < (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs + 2); i++) {//right front and back feet tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (foot); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset11); t->addRotation(btVector3(v_size*2+1, yOffset_foot, offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0); } else { t->move(offset9); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist3+1, yOffset_foot, offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs + 2); i < (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs + m_feet); i++) {//left front and back feet tgStructure* t = new tgStructure (foot); t->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1)); if(i % 2 == 0) { t->move(offset12); t->addRotation(btVector3(v_size*2+1, yOffset_foot, -offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0); } else { t->move(offset10); t->addRotation(btVector3(offsetDist3+1, yOffset_foot, -offsetDist), btVector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0); } spine.addChild(t); //Add a segment to the spine } #ifdef SMALL_HILLS spine.move(btVector3(0.0,-yOffset_foot+5,0.0)); #endif #ifdef LARGE_HILLS spine.move(btVector3(0.0,-yOffset_foot+12,0.0)); #endif #ifdef FLAT_GROUND spine.move(btVector3(0.0,-yOffset_foot,0.0)); #endif #ifdef BLOCKY_GROUND spine.move(btVector3(0.0,10.0,0.0)); #endif #ifdef STAIRS spine.move(btVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)); #endif std::vector<tgStructure*> children = spine.getChildren(); for(std::size_t i = 2; i < (children.size() - (m_hips + m_legs + m_feet)); i++) { tgNodes n0 = children[i-2]->getNodes(); tgNodes n1 = children[i-1]->getNodes(); tgNodes n2 = children[i]->getNodes(); if(i==2) { //Extra muscles, to keep front vertebra from swinging. spine.addPair(n0[3], n1[3], tgString("spine front upper right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[3], n1[4], tgString("spine front upper left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); } //Add muscles to the spine if(i < 3) { if(i % 2 == 0) { //front spine.addPair(n0[1], n1[3], tgString("spine front lower right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[1], n1[4], tgString("spine front lower left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n1[3], tgString("spine front upper right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n1[4], tgString("spine front upper left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); } else { //rear spine.addPair(n0[1], n1[3], tgString("spine rear upper left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[1], n1[4], tgString("spine rear lower left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n1[3], tgString("spine rear upper right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n1[4], tgString("spine rear lower right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); } } if(i < 6) { if(i % 2 == 0) { spine.addPair(n0[1], n2[4], tgString("spine bottom muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n2[3], tgString("spine top muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); } else { spine.addPair(n0[1], n2[4], tgString("spine lateral left muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); spine.addPair(n0[2], n2[3], tgString("spine lateral right muscle seg", i-2) + tgString(" seg", i-1)); } } if(i > 0 && i < 5) { if(i % 2 == 0) { //rear spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[3], tgString("spine rear upper left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[4], tgString("spine rear lower left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[3], tgString("spine rear upper right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[4], tgString("spine rear lower right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); } else { //front spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[3], tgString("spine front lower right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[4], tgString("spine front lower left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[3], tgString("spine front upper right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[4], tgString("spine front upper left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); } } if(i == 5) { //rear spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[1], tgString("spine rear lower left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[2], tgString("spine rear lower right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[1], tgString("spine rear upper left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[2], tgString("spine rear upper right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); //front spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[3], tgString("spine front lower right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[1], n2[4], tgString("spine front lower left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[3], tgString("spine front upper right muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); spine.addPair(n1[2], n2[4], tgString("spine front upper left muscle seg", i-1) + tgString(" seg", i)); } } //Now add muscles to hips.... tgNodes n0 = children[0]->getNodes(); tgNodes n1 = children[1]->getNodes(); tgNodes n2 = children[2]->getNodes(); tgNodes n3 = children[3]->getNodes(); tgNodes n4 = children[4]->getNodes(); tgNodes n5 = children[5]->getNodes(); tgNodes n6 = children[6]->getNodes(); tgNodes n7 = children[7]->getNodes(); tgNodes n8 = children[8]->getNodes(); tgNodes n9 = children[9]->getNodes(); tgNodes n10 = children[10]->getNodes(); tgNodes n11 = children[11]->getNodes(); tgNodes n12 = children[12]->getNodes(); tgNodes n13 = children[13]->getNodes(); //Left shoulder muscles spine.addPair(n6[1], n1[1], tgString("left shoulder rear upper muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n6[1], n1[4], tgString("left shoulder front upper muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n6[1], n0[2], tgString("left shoulder front top muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 0)); spine.addPair(n6[1], n2[3], tgString("left shoulder rear top muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 2)); spine.addPair(n6[2], n1[1], tgString("left shoulder rear lower muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n6[2], n1[4], tgString("left shoulder front lower muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n6[2], n0[1], tgString("left shoulder front bottom muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 0)); spine.addPair(n6[2], n2[4], tgString("left shoulder rear bottom muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 2)); //Extra muscles, to move left shoulder forward and back: spine.addPair(n6[0], n1[1], tgString("left shoulder rear mid muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n6[0], n1[4], tgString("left shoulder front mid muscle seg", 6) + tgString(" seg", 1)); //Left hip muscles spine.addPair(n7[1], n5[1], tgString("left hip rear upper muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n7[1], n5[4], tgString("left hip front upper muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n7[1], n4[2], tgString("left hip rear top muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 4)); spine.addPair(n7[1], n4[3], tgString("left hip front top muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 4)); spine.addPair(n7[2], n5[1], tgString("left hip rear lower muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n7[2], n5[4], tgString("left hip front lower muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n7[2], n4[1], tgString("left hip bottom muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 4)); //Extra muscles, to move left hip forward and back: spine.addPair(n7[0], n3[1], tgString("left hip rear mid muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 3)); //could also be n3[3] spine.addPair(n7[0], n5[4], tgString("left hip front mid muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 5)); //Inter-hip connector muscle spine.addPair(n7[2], n9[3], tgString("inter-hip bottom muscle seg", 7) + tgString(" seg", 9)); //inter-hip bottom muscle //Right shoulder muscles spine.addPair(n8[1], n1[2], tgString("right shoulder rear upper muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n8[1], n1[3], tgString("right shoulder front upper muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n8[1], n0[2], tgString("right shoulder front top muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 0)); spine.addPair(n8[1], n2[3], tgString("right shoulder rear top muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 2)); spine.addPair(n8[3], n1[2], tgString("right shoulder rear lower muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n8[3], n1[3], tgString("right shoulder front lower muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n8[3], n0[1], tgString("right shoulder front bottom muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 0)); spine.addPair(n8[3], n2[4], tgString("right shoulder rear bottom muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 2)); //Extra muscles, to move right shoulder forward and back: spine.addPair(n8[0], n1[2], tgString("right shoulder rear mid muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n8[0], n1[3], tgString("right shoulder front mid muscle seg", 8) + tgString(" seg", 1)); //Right hip muscles spine.addPair(n9[1], n5[2], tgString("right hip rear upper muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n9[1], n5[3], tgString("right hip front upper muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n9[1], n4[2], tgString("right hip rear top muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 4)); spine.addPair(n9[1], n4[3], tgString("right hip front top muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 4)); spine.addPair(n9[3], n5[2], tgString("right hip rear lower muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n9[3], n5[3], tgString("right hip front lower muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n9[3], n4[1], tgString("right hip bottom muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 4)); //Extra muscles, to move right hip forward and back: spine.addPair(n9[0], n3[2], tgString("right hip rear mid muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 3)); //could also be n3[3] spine.addPair(n9[0], n5[3], tgString("right hip front mid muscle seg", 9) + tgString(" seg", 5)); //Leg/hip connections: //Right front leg/shoulder spine.addPair(n10[4], n6[2], tgString("right outer bicep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); spine.addPair(n10[4], n6[3], tgString("right inner bicep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); spine.addPair(n10[4], n1[4], tgString("right front abdomen connection muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 1)); spine.addPair(n10[3], n6[2], tgString("right outer tricep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); spine.addPair(n10[3], n6[3], tgString("right inner tricep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); spine.addPair(n10[2], n6[2], tgString("right outer front tricep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); spine.addPair(n10[2], n6[3], tgString("right inner front tricep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); //Adding muscle to pull up on right front leg: spine.addPair(n10[4], n6[1], tgString("right mid bicep muscle seg", 10) + tgString(" seg", 6)); //Left front leg/shoulder spine.addPair(n12[4], n8[2], tgString("left inner bicep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); spine.addPair(n12[4], n8[3], tgString("left outer bicep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); spine.addPair(n12[4], n1[3], tgString("left front abdomen connection muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 1)); //Was n1[2] spine.addPair(n12[3], n8[2], tgString("left inner tricep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); spine.addPair(n12[3], n8[3], tgString("left outer tricep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); spine.addPair(n12[2], n8[2], tgString("left inner front tricep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); spine.addPair(n12[2], n8[3], tgString("left outer front tricep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); //Adding muscle to pull up on left front leg: spine.addPair(n12[4], n8[1], tgString("left mid bicep muscle seg", 12) + tgString(" seg", 8)); //Right rear leg/hip spine.addPair(n11[4], n7[2], tgString("right outer thigh muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); spine.addPair(n11[4], n7[3], tgString("right inner thigh muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); spine.addPair(n11[4], n3[4],tgString("right rear abdomen connection muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 3)); spine.addPair(n11[3], n5[1],tgString("right rear abdomen connection muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n11[3], n7[2], tgString("right outer calf muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); spine.addPair(n11[3], n7[3], tgString("right inner calf muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); spine.addPair(n11[2], n7[2], tgString("right outer front calf muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); spine.addPair(n11[2], n7[3], tgString("right inner front calf muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); //Adding muscle to pull rear right leg up: spine.addPair(n11[4], n7[1], tgString("right central thigh muscle seg", 11) + tgString(" seg", 7)); //Left rear leg/hip spine.addPair(n13[4], n9[2], tgString("left inner thigh muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); spine.addPair(n13[4], n9[3], tgString("left outer thigh muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); spine.addPair(n13[4], n3[3], tgString("left rear abdomen connection muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 3)); spine.addPair(n13[3], n5[2], tgString("left rear abdomen connection muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 5)); spine.addPair(n13[3], n9[2], tgString("left inner calf muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); spine.addPair(n13[3], n9[3], tgString("left outer calf muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); spine.addPair(n13[2], n9[2], tgString("left inner front calf muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); spine.addPair(n13[2], n9[3], tgString("left outer front calf muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); //Adding muscle to pull rear left leg up: spine.addPair(n13[4], n9[1], tgString("left central thigh muscle seg", 13) + tgString(" seg", 9)); //Populate feet with muscles. Todo: think up names to differentiate each! for(std::size_t i = (m_segments + m_hips + m_legs); i < children.size(); i++) { tgNodes ni = children[i]->getNodes(); tgNodes ni4 = children[i-4]->getNodes(); //Think of a nicer name for this! spine.addPair(ni[0],ni[1],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[0],ni[3],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[1],ni[2],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[2],ni[3],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[0],ni[7],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[1],ni[4],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[2],ni[5],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[3],ni[6],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[4],ni[5],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[4],ni[7],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[5],ni[6],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); spine.addPair(ni[6],ni[7],tgString("foot muscle seg", i)); //Connecting feet to legs: //spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[1],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[2],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[5],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[6],ni[0],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[6],ni[3],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[6],ni[7],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[7],ni[0],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[7],ni[1],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[7],ni[4],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[8],ni[2],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[8],ni[3],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //spine.addPair(ni4[8],ni[6],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); //Trying out these for foot: spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[0],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[1],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[2],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[5],ni[3],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[0],ni[4],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[0],ni[5],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[0],ni[6],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); spine.addPair(ni4[0],ni[7],tgString("foot muscle seg", i) + tgString(" seg", i-4)); } //Don't forget muscles connecting hips to feet! // Create the build spec that uses tags to turn the structure into a real model tgBuildSpec spec; spec.addBuilder("rod", new tgRodInfo(rodConfig)); #ifdef USE_KINEMATIC spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfig)); #else spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfig)); #endif // Create your structureInfo tgStructureInfo structureInfo(spine, spec); // Use the structureInfo to build ourselves structureInfo.buildInto(*this, world); // We could now use tgCast::filter or similar to pull out the // models (e.g. muscles) that we want to control. allActuators = tgCast::filter<tgModel, tgSpringCableActuator> (getDescendants()); // Notify controllers that setup has finished. notifySetup(); // Actually setup the children tgModel::setup(world); children.clear(); }
// This is basically a manual setup of a model. // There are things that do this for us (@todo: reference the things that do this for us) void TetraSpineGoal::setup(tgWorld& world) { const double edge = 3.8 * scaleFactor; const double height = tgUtil::round(std::sqrt(3.0)/2 * edge); std::cout << "edge: " << edge << "; height: " << height << std::endl; // Create the tetrahedra tgStructure tetra; addNodes(tetra, edge, height, scaleFactor); addPairs(tetra); // Move the first one so we can create a longer snake. // Or you could move the snake at the end, up to you. tetra.move(btVector3(0.0, 8.0, 10.0)); // Create our snake segments tgStructure snake; addSegments(snake, tetra, -2.30 * scaleFactor, m_segments); addMuscles(snake); // Create the build spec that uses tags to turn the structure into a real model // Note: This needs to be high enough or things fly apart... // Params for In Won const double radius = 0.635 * scaleFactor / 10.0; const double sphereRadius = 0.635 * scaleFactor / (10.0); const double density = 2.0 *.0201 / (pow(radius, 2) * M_PI * edge); // Mass divided by volume... should there be a way to set this automatically?? const double friction = 0.5; const tgRod::Config rodConfig(radius, density, friction); tgBuildSpec spec; spec.addBuilder("rod", new tgRodInfo(rodConfig)); // 1000 is so the units below can be in grams const double sphereVolume1 = 1000.0 * 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI * pow(sphereRadius, 3); const double sphereVolume2 = 1000.0 * 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI * pow(sphereRadius, 3); const double baseCornerMidD = 180.0 / sphereVolume1; const tgSphere::Config baseCornerMidConfig(sphereRadius, baseCornerMidD, friction); spec.addBuilder("base", new tgSphereInfo(baseCornerMidConfig)); const double tipCornerMidD = 120.0 / sphereVolume1; const tgSphere::Config tipCornerMidConfig(sphereRadius, tipCornerMidD, friction); spec.addBuilder("tip", new tgSphereInfo(tipCornerMidConfig)); const double PCBD = 70.0 / sphereVolume2; const tgSphere::Config PCB_1_Config(radius, PCBD, friction); spec.addBuilder("PCB", new tgSphereInfo(PCB_1_Config)); const double elasticity = 1000.0; const double damping = 10.0; const double pretension = 0.0; const bool history = false; const double maxTens = 7000.0; const double maxSpeed = 12.0; const double mRad = 1.0; const double motorFriction = 10.0; const double motorInertia = 1.0; const bool backDrivable = false; tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfig(elasticity, damping, pretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfig)); // Create your structureInfo tgStructureInfo structureInfo(snake, spec); // Use the structureInfo to build ourselves structureInfo.buildInto(*this, world); // We could now use tgCast::filter or similar to pull out the models (e.g. muscles) // that we want to control. m_allMuscles = this->find<tgSpringCableActuator> ("muscle"); m_allSegments = this->find<tgModel> ("segment"); mapMuscles(m_muscleMap, *this); //addMarkers(snake, *this); #if (0) trace(structureInfo, *this); #endif // Actually setup the children BaseSpineModelGoal::setup(world); }
void applyFixedWingLaunchController(timeUs_t currentTimeUs) { // Called at PID rate if (launchState.launchDetected) { bool applyLaunchIdleLogic = true; if (launchState.motorControlAllowed) { // If launch detected we are in launch procedure - control airplane const float timeElapsedSinceLaunchMs = US2MS(currentTimeUs - launchState.launchStartedTime); // If user moves the stick - finish the launch if ((ABS(rcCommand[ROLL]) > rcControlsConfig()->pos_hold_deadband) || (ABS(rcCommand[PITCH]) > rcControlsConfig()->pos_hold_deadband)) { launchState.launchFinished = true; } // Abort launch after a pre-set time if (timeElapsedSinceLaunchMs >= navConfig()->fw.launch_timeout) { launchState.launchFinished = true; } // Motor control enabled if (timeElapsedSinceLaunchMs >= navConfig()->fw.launch_motor_timer) { // Don't apply idle logic anymore applyLaunchIdleLogic = false; // Increase throttle gradually over `launch_motor_spinup_time` milliseconds if (navConfig()->fw.launch_motor_spinup_time > 0) { const float timeSinceMotorStartMs = constrainf(timeElapsedSinceLaunchMs - navConfig()->fw.launch_motor_timer, 0.0f, navConfig()->fw.launch_motor_spinup_time); const uint16_t minIdleThrottle = MAX(motorConfig()->minthrottle, navConfig()->fw.launch_idle_throttle); rcCommand[THROTTLE] = scaleRangef(timeSinceMotorStartMs, 0.0f, navConfig()->fw.launch_motor_spinup_time, minIdleThrottle, navConfig()->fw.launch_throttle); } else { rcCommand[THROTTLE] = navConfig()->fw.launch_throttle; } } } if (applyLaunchIdleLogic) { // Launch idle logic - low throttle and zero out PIDs applyFixedWingLaunchIdleLogic(); } } else { // We are waiting for launch - update launch detector updateFixedWingLaunchDetector(currentTimeUs); // Launch idle logic - low throttle and zero out PIDs applyFixedWingLaunchIdleLogic(); } // Control beeper if (!launchState.launchFinished) { beeper(BEEPER_LAUNCH_MODE_ENABLED); } // Lock out controls rcCommand[ROLL] = 0; rcCommand[PITCH] = pidAngleToRcCommand(-DEGREES_TO_DECIDEGREES(navConfig()->fw.launch_climb_angle), pidProfile()->max_angle_inclination[FD_PITCH]); rcCommand[YAW] = 0; }
static void validateAndFixConfig(void) { #if !defined(USE_QUAD_MIXER_ONLY) && !defined(USE_OSD_SLAVE) // Reset unsupported mixer mode to default. // This check will be gone when motor/servo mixers are loaded dynamically // by configurator as a part of configuration procedure. mixerMode_e mixerMode = mixerConfigMutable()->mixerMode; if (!(mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM || mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM_AIRPLANE || mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM_TRI)) { if (mixers[mixerMode].motorCount && mixers[mixerMode].motor == NULL) mixerConfigMutable()->mixerMode = MIXER_CUSTOM; #ifdef USE_SERVOS if (mixers[mixerMode].useServo && servoMixers[mixerMode].servoRuleCount == 0) mixerConfigMutable()->mixerMode = MIXER_CUSTOM_AIRPLANE; #endif } #endif #ifndef USE_OSD_SLAVE if (systemConfig()->activeRateProfile >= CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT) { systemConfigMutable()->activeRateProfile = 0; } setControlRateProfile(systemConfig()->activeRateProfile); if (systemConfig()->pidProfileIndex >= MAX_PROFILE_COUNT) { systemConfigMutable()->pidProfileIndex = 0; } setPidProfile(systemConfig()->pidProfileIndex); // Prevent invalid notch cutoff if (currentPidProfile->dterm_notch_cutoff >= currentPidProfile->dterm_notch_hz) { currentPidProfile->dterm_notch_hz = 0; } if ((motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol == PWM_TYPE_BRUSHED) && (motorConfig()->mincommand < 1000)) { motorConfigMutable()->mincommand = 1000; } if ((motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol == PWM_TYPE_STANDARD) && (motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmRate > BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE)) { motorConfigMutable()->dev.motorPwmRate = BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE; } validateAndFixGyroConfig(); if (!(featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM) || featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_PPM) || featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL) || featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_MSP) || featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_SPI))) { featureSet(DEFAULT_RX_FEATURE); } if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_PPM)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL | FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM | FEATURE_RX_MSP | FEATURE_RX_SPI); } if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_MSP)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL | FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM | FEATURE_RX_PPM | FEATURE_RX_SPI); } if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM | FEATURE_RX_MSP | FEATURE_RX_PPM | FEATURE_RX_SPI); } #ifdef USE_RX_SPI if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_SPI)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL | FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM | FEATURE_RX_PPM | FEATURE_RX_MSP); } #endif // USE_RX_SPI if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL | FEATURE_RX_MSP | FEATURE_RX_PPM | FEATURE_RX_SPI); #if defined(STM32F10X) // rssi adc needs the same ports featureClear(FEATURE_RSSI_ADC); // current meter needs the same ports if (batteryConfig()->currentMeterSource == CURRENT_METER_ADC) { batteryConfigMutable()->currentMeterSource = CURRENT_METER_NONE; } #endif // STM32F10X // software serial needs free PWM ports featureClear(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL); } #ifdef USE_SOFTSPI if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_SOFTSPI)) { featureClear(FEATURE_RX_PPM | FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM | FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL); batteryConfigMutable()->voltageMeterSource = VOLTAGE_METER_NONE; #if defined(STM32F10X) featureClear(FEATURE_LED_STRIP); // rssi adc needs the same ports featureClear(FEATURE_RSSI_ADC); // current meter needs the same ports if (batteryConfig()->currentMeterSource == CURRENT_METER_ADC) { batteryConfigMutable()->currentMeterSource = CURRENT_METER_NONE; } #endif // STM32F10X } #endif // USE_SOFTSPI #endif // USE_OSD_SLAVE if (!isSerialConfigValid(serialConfig())) { pgResetFn_serialConfig(serialConfigMutable()); } // clear features that are not supported. // I have kept them all here in one place, some could be moved to sections of code above. #ifndef USE_PPM featureClear(FEATURE_RX_PPM); #endif #ifndef USE_SERIAL_RX featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL); #endif #if !defined(USE_SOFTSERIAL1) && !defined(USE_SOFTSERIAL2) featureClear(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL); #endif #ifndef USE_GPS featureClear(FEATURE_GPS); #endif #ifndef USE_RANGEFINDER featureClear(FEATURE_RANGEFINDER); #endif #ifndef USE_TELEMETRY featureClear(FEATURE_TELEMETRY); #endif #ifndef USE_PWM featureClear(FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM); #endif #ifndef USE_RX_MSP featureClear(FEATURE_RX_MSP); #endif #ifndef USE_LED_STRIP featureClear(FEATURE_LED_STRIP); #endif #ifndef USE_DASHBOARD featureClear(FEATURE_DASHBOARD); #endif #ifndef USE_OSD featureClear(FEATURE_OSD); #endif #ifndef USE_SERVOS featureClear(FEATURE_SERVO_TILT | FEATURE_CHANNEL_FORWARDING); #endif #ifndef USE_TRANSPONDER featureClear(FEATURE_TRANSPONDER); #endif #ifndef USE_RX_SPI featureClear(FEATURE_RX_SPI); #endif #ifndef USE_SOFTSPI featureClear(FEATURE_SOFTSPI); #endif #ifndef USE_ESC_SENSOR featureClear(FEATURE_ESC_SENSOR); #endif #ifndef USE_GYRO_DATA_ANALYSE featureClear(FEATURE_DYNAMIC_FILTER); #endif #if defined(TARGET_VALIDATECONFIG) targetValidateConfiguration(); #endif }
void validateAndFixGyroConfig(void) { // Prevent invalid notch cutoff if (gyroConfig()->gyro_soft_notch_cutoff_1 >= gyroConfig()->gyro_soft_notch_hz_1) { gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_soft_notch_hz_1 = 0; } if (gyroConfig()->gyro_soft_notch_cutoff_2 >= gyroConfig()->gyro_soft_notch_hz_2) { gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_soft_notch_hz_2 = 0; } if (gyroConfig()->gyro_lpf != GYRO_LPF_256HZ && gyroConfig()->gyro_lpf != GYRO_LPF_NONE) { pidConfigMutable()->pid_process_denom = 1; // When gyro set to 1khz always set pid speed 1:1 to sampling speed gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_sync_denom = 1; gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_use_32khz = false; } if (gyroConfig()->gyro_use_32khz) { // F1 and F3 can't handle high sample speed. #if defined(STM32F1) gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_sync_denom = MAX(gyroConfig()->gyro_sync_denom, 16); #elif defined(STM32F3) gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_sync_denom = MAX(gyroConfig()->gyro_sync_denom, 4); #endif } else { #if defined(STM32F1) gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_sync_denom = MAX(gyroConfig()->gyro_sync_denom, 3); #endif } float samplingTime; switch (gyroMpuDetectionResult()->sensor) { case ICM_20649_SPI: samplingTime = 1.0f / 9000.0f; break; case BMI_160_SPI: samplingTime = 0.0003125f; break; default: samplingTime = 0.000125f; break; } if (gyroConfig()->gyro_lpf != GYRO_LPF_256HZ && gyroConfig()->gyro_lpf != GYRO_LPF_NONE) { switch (gyroMpuDetectionResult()->sensor) { case ICM_20649_SPI: samplingTime = 1.0f / 1100.0f; break; default: samplingTime = 0.001f; break; } } if (gyroConfig()->gyro_use_32khz) { samplingTime = 0.00003125; } // check for looptime restrictions based on motor protocol. Motor times have safety margin float motorUpdateRestriction; switch (motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol) { case PWM_TYPE_STANDARD: motorUpdateRestriction = 1.0f / BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE; break; case PWM_TYPE_ONESHOT125: motorUpdateRestriction = 0.0005f; break; case PWM_TYPE_ONESHOT42: motorUpdateRestriction = 0.0001f; break; #ifdef USE_DSHOT case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT150: motorUpdateRestriction = 0.000250f; break; case PWM_TYPE_DSHOT300: motorUpdateRestriction = 0.0001f; break; #endif default: motorUpdateRestriction = 0.00003125f; break; } if (motorConfig()->dev.useUnsyncedPwm) { // Prevent overriding the max rate of motors if ((motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol <= PWM_TYPE_BRUSHED) && (motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmProtocol != PWM_TYPE_STANDARD)) { const uint32_t maxEscRate = lrintf(1.0f / motorUpdateRestriction); motorConfigMutable()->dev.motorPwmRate = MIN(motorConfig()->dev.motorPwmRate, maxEscRate); } } else { const float pidLooptime = samplingTime * gyroConfig()->gyro_sync_denom * pidConfig()->pid_process_denom; if (pidLooptime < motorUpdateRestriction) { const uint8_t minPidProcessDenom = constrain(motorUpdateRestriction / (samplingTime * gyroConfig()->gyro_sync_denom), 1, MAX_PID_PROCESS_DENOM); pidConfigMutable()->pid_process_denom = MAX(pidConfigMutable()->pid_process_denom, minPidProcessDenom); } } }
// Default settings STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void resetConf(void) { pgResetAll(MAX_PROFILE_COUNT); setProfile(0); pgActivateProfile(0); setControlRateProfile(0); parseRcChannels("AETR1234", rxConfig()); featureClearAll(); featureSet(DEFAULT_RX_FEATURE | FEATURE_FAILSAFE | FEATURE_BLACKBOX); #ifdef DEFAULT_FEATURES featureSet(DEFAULT_FEATURES); #endif #ifdef BOARD_HAS_VOLTAGE_DIVIDER // only enable the feature by default if the board has supporting hardware featureSet(FEATURE_VBAT); #endif #ifdef BOARD_HAS_AMPERAGE_METER // only enable the feature by default if the board has supporting hardware featureSet(FEATURE_AMPERAGE_METER); batteryConfig()->amperageMeterSource = AMPERAGE_METER_ADC; #endif // alternative defaults settings for ALIENFLIGHTF1 and ALIENFLIGHTF3 targets #ifdef ALIENFLIGHT #ifdef ALIENFLIGHTF3 serialConfig()->portConfigs[2].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL; getVoltageMeterConfig(ADC_BATTERY)->vbatscale = 20; sensorSelectionConfig()->mag_hardware = MAG_NONE; // disabled by default # else serialConfig()->portConfigs[1].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL; # endif rxConfig()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048; rxConfig()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5; motorConfig()->minthrottle = 1000; motorConfig()->maxthrottle = 2000; motorConfig()->motor_pwm_rate = 32000; failsafeConfig()->failsafe_delay = 2; failsafeConfig()->failsafe_off_delay = 0; mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit = YAW_JUMP_PREVENTION_LIMIT_HIGH; currentControlRateProfile->rcRate8 = 100; currentControlRateProfile->rates[PITCH] = 20; currentControlRateProfile->rates[ROLL] = 20; currentControlRateProfile->rates[YAW] = 20; parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfig()); *customMotorMixer(0) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, 1.0f, -1.0f }; // REAR_R *customMotorMixer(1) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f, 1.0f }; // FRONT_R *customMotorMixer(2) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, 0.414178f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; // REAR_L *customMotorMixer(3) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, 0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f }; // FRONT_L *customMotorMixer(4) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f }; // MIDFRONT_R *customMotorMixer(5) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, 1.0f, -0.414178f, 1.0f }; // MIDFRONT_L *customMotorMixer(6) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.414178f, 1.0f }; // MIDREAR_R *customMotorMixer(7) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.414178f, -1.0f }; // MIDREAR_L #endif // copy first profile into remaining profile PG_FOREACH_PROFILE(reg) { for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) { memcpy(reg->address + i * pgSize(reg), reg->address, pgSize(reg)); } } for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) { configureRateProfileSelection(i, i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT); } }
void BigPuppySymmetricArching::setup(tgWorld& world) { //Rod and Muscle configuration. const double density = 4.2/300.0; //Note: this needs to be high enough or things fly apart... const double radius = 0.5; const double rod_space = 10.0; const double rod_space2 = 8.0; const double friction = 0.5; const double rollFriction = 0.0; const double restitution = 0.0; const tgRod::Config rodConfig(radius, density, friction, rollFriction, restitution); const double stiffness = 1000.0; const double stiffnessPassive = 4000.0; const double damping = .01*stiffness; const double pretension = 0.0; const bool history = true; const double maxTens = 7000.0; const double maxSpeed = 12.0; const double passivePretension = 1000; const double passivePretension2 = 3500; const double passivePretension3 = 3500; #ifdef USE_KINEMATIC const double mRad = 1.0; const double motorFriction = 10.0; const double motorInertia = 1.0; const bool backDrivable = false; #ifdef PASSIVE_STRUCTURE tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfig(2000, 20, passivePretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); #else tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfigSpine(stiffness, damping, pretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfigOther(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension2, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfigFeet(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfigLegs(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension3, mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable, history, maxTens, maxSpeed); #endif #else #ifdef PASSIVE_STRUCTURE tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfig(2000, 20, passivePretension); #else tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfigSpine(stiffness, damping, pretension, history, maxTens, 2*maxSpeed); tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfigOther(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension2); tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfigFeet(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension); tgSpringCableActuator::Config muscleConfigLegs(stiffnessPassive, damping, passivePretension3); #endif #endif //Foot: tgStructure foot; addNodesFoot(foot,rod_space,rod_space2); addRodsFoot(foot); //Leg: tgStructure leg; addNodesLeg(leg,rod_space); addRodsLeg(leg); //Create the basic unit of the puppy tgStructure vertebra; addNodesVertebra(vertebra,rod_space); addRodsVertebra(vertebra); //Create the basic unit for the hips/shoulders. tgStructure hip; addNodesHip(hip,rod_space); addRodsHip(hip); //Build the puppy tgStructure puppy; const double yOffset_foot = -(2*rod_space+6); addSegments(puppy,vertebra,hip,leg,foot,rod_space); //,m_segments,m_hips,m_legs,m_feet puppy.move(btVector3(0.0,-yOffset_foot,0.0)); addMuscles(puppy); //,m_segments,m_hips,m_legs,m_feet //Time to add the muscles to the structure. Todo: make this a function; also try to clean this up. std::vector<tgStructure*> children = puppy.getChildren(); // Create the build spec that uses tags to turn the structure into a real model tgBuildSpec spec; spec.addBuilder("rod", new tgRodInfo(rodConfig)); #ifdef USE_KINEMATIC #ifdef PASSIVE_STRUCTURE spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfig)); #else spec.addBuilder("muscleAct", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfigSpine)); spec.addBuilder("muscle ", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfigOther)); spec.addBuilder("muscle2 ", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfigFeet)); spec.addBuilder("muscle3 ", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfigLegs)); #endif #else #ifdef PASSIVE_STRUCTURE spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfig)); #else spec.addBuilder("muscleAct" , new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfigSpine)); spec.addBuilder("muscle " , new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfigOther)); spec.addBuilder("muscle2 " , new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfigFeet)); spec.addBuilder("muscle3 " , new tgBasicActuatorInfo(muscleConfigLegs)); #endif #endif // Create your structureInfo tgStructureInfo structureInfo(puppy, spec); // Use the structureInfo to build ourselves structureInfo.buildInto(*this, world); // We could now use tgCast::filter or similar to pull out the // models (e.g. muscles) that we want to control. m_allMuscles = tgCast::filter<tgModel, tgSpringCableActuator> (getDescendants()); m_allSegments = this->find<tgModel> ("segment"); // Actually setup the children, notify controller that the setup has finished BaseQuadModelLearning::setup(world); children.clear(); }
int calcEscRpm(int erpm) { return (erpm * 100) / (motorConfig()->motorPoleCount / 2); }