Пример #1
void CListBox::scrollTo(size_t which)
	//scroll up
	if (first > which)
	//scroll down
	else if (first + items.size() <= which && which < totalSize)
		moveToPos(which - items.size() + 1);
Пример #2
/*!This method is the first complete simple team and defines the actions taken
   by all the players on the field (excluding the goalie). It is based on the
   high-level actions taken by the simple team FC Portugal that it released in
   2000. The players do the following:
   - if ball is kickable
       kick ball to goal (random corner of goal)
   - else if i am fastest player to ball 
       intercept the ball
   - else
       move to strategic position based on your home position and pos ball */
SoccerCommand Player::deMeer5(  )

  SoccerCommand soc(CMD_ILLEGAL);
  VecPosition   posAgent = WM->getAgentGlobalPosition();
  VecPosition   posBall  = WM->getBallPos();
  int           iTmp;
  if( WM->isBeforeKickOff( ) )
    if( WM->isKickOffUs( ) && WM->getPlayerNumber() == 9 ) // 9 takes kick
      if( WM->isBallKickable() )
        VecPosition posGoal( PITCH_LENGTH/2.0,
                             (-1 + 2*(WM->getCurrentCycle()%2)) * 
                             0.4 * SS->getGoalWidth() );
        soc = kickTo( posGoal, SS->getBallSpeedMax() ); // kick maximal
        Log.log( 100, "take kick off" );        
        soc = intercept( false );
        Log.log( 100, "move to ball to take kick-off" );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
      return soc;
    if( formations->getFormation() != FT_INITIAL || // not in kickoff formation
        posAgent.getDistanceTo( WM->getStrategicPosition() ) > 2.0 )  
      formations->setFormation( FT_INITIAL );       // go to kick_off formation
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc=teleportToPos( WM->getStrategicPosition() ));
    else                                            // else turn to center
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc=turnBodyToPoint( VecPosition( 0, 0 ), 0 ) );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( alignNeckWithBody( ) );
    formations->setFormation( FT_433_OFFENSIVE );
    soc.commandType = CMD_ILLEGAL;
    if( WM->getConfidence( OBJECT_BALL ) < PS->getBallConfThr() )
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = searchBall() );   // if ball pos unknown
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( alignNeckWithBody( ) ); // search for it
    else if( WM->isBallKickable())                    // if kickable
		VecPosition posGoal( PITCH_LENGTH/2.0,
							(-1 + 2*(WM->getCurrentCycle()%2)) * 0.4 * SS->getGoalWidth() );
		soc = kickTo( posGoal, SS->getBallSpeedMax() ); // kick maxima
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
      Log.log( 100, "kick ball" );
    else if( WM->getFastestInSetTo( OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_BALL, &iTmp )
              == WM->getAgentObjectType()  && !WM->isDeadBallThem() )
    {                                                // if fastest to ball
      Log.log( 100, "I am fastest to ball; can get there in %d cycles", iTmp );
      soc = intercept( false );                      // intercept the ball

      if( soc.commandType == CMD_DASH &&             // if stamina low
          WM->getAgentStamina().getStamina() <
             SS->getRecoverDecThr()*SS->getStaminaMax()+200 )
        soc.dPower = 30.0 * WM->getAgentStamina().getRecovery(); // dash slow
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
      else                                           // if stamina high
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );               // dash as intended
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
     else if( posAgent.getDistanceTo(WM->getStrategicPosition()) >
                  1.5 + fabs(posAgent.getX()-posBall.getX())/10.0)
                                                  // if not near strategic pos
       if( WM->getAgentStamina().getStamina() >     // if stamina high
                            SS->getRecoverDecThr()*SS->getStaminaMax()+800 )
         soc = moveToPos(WM->getStrategicPosition(),
         ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );            // move to strategic pos
         ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
       else                                        // else watch ball
         ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = turnBodyToObject( OBJECT_BALL ) );
         ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
     else if( fabs( WM->getRelativeAngle( OBJECT_BALL ) ) > 1.0 ) // watch ball
       ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = turnBodyToObject( OBJECT_BALL ) );
       ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
     else                                         // nothing to do
       ACT->putCommandInQueue( SoccerCommand(CMD_TURNNECK,0.0) );
  return soc;
Пример #3
/*!This method is a simple goalie based on the goalie of the simple Team of
   FC Portugal. It defines a rectangle in its penalty area and moves to the
   position on this rectangle where the ball intersects if you make a line
   between the ball position and the center of the goal. If the ball can
   be intercepted in the own penalty area the ball is intercepted and catched.
SoccerCommand Player::deMeer5_goalie(  )
  int i;

  SoccerCommand soc;
  VecPosition   posAgent = WM->getAgentGlobalPosition();
  AngDeg        angBody  = WM->getAgentGlobalBodyAngle();

  // define the top and bottom position of a rectangle in which keeper moves
  static const VecPosition posLeftTop( -PITCH_LENGTH/2.0 +
               0.7*PENALTY_AREA_LENGTH, -PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH/4.0 );
  static const VecPosition posRightTop( -PITCH_LENGTH/2.0 +
               0.7*PENALTY_AREA_LENGTH, +PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH/4.0 );

  // define the borders of this rectangle using the two points.
  static Line  lineFront = Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(posLeftTop,posRightTop);
  static Line  lineLeft  = Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(
                         VecPosition( -50.0, posLeftTop.getY()), posLeftTop );
  static Line  lineRight = Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(
                         VecPosition( -50.0, posRightTop.getY()),posRightTop );

  if( WM->isBeforeKickOff( ) )
    if( formations->getFormation() != FT_INITIAL || // not in kickoff formation
        posAgent.getDistanceTo( WM->getStrategicPosition() ) > 2.0 )  
      formations->setFormation( FT_INITIAL );       // go to kick_off formation
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc=teleportToPos(WM->getStrategicPosition()) );
    else                                            // else turn to center
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = turnBodyToPoint( VecPosition( 0, 0 ), 0 ));
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( alignNeckWithBody( ) );
    return soc;

  if( WM->getConfidence( OBJECT_BALL ) < PS->getBallConfThr() )
  {                                                // confidence ball too  low
    ACT->putCommandInQueue( searchBall() );        // search ball
    ACT->putCommandInQueue( alignNeckWithBody( ) );
  else if( WM->getPlayMode() == PM_PLAY_ON || WM->isFreeKickThem() ||
           WM->isCornerKickThem() )               
    if( WM->isBallCatchable() )
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = catchBall() );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
     else if( WM->isBallKickable() )
       soc = kickTo( VecPosition(0,posAgent.getY()*2.0), 2.0 );    
       ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
       ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
    else if( WM->isInOwnPenaltyArea( getInterceptionPointBall( &i, true ) ) &&
             WM->getFastestInSetTo( OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_BALL, &i ) == 
                                               WM->getAgentObjectType() )
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = intercept( true ) );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
      // make line between own goal and the ball
      VecPosition posMyGoal = ( WM->getSide() == SIDE_LEFT )
             ? SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(OBJECT_GOAL_L, SIDE_LEFT )
             : SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(OBJECT_GOAL_R, SIDE_RIGHT);
      Line lineBall = Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints( WM->getBallPos(),posMyGoal);

      // determine where your front line intersects with the line from ball
      VecPosition posIntersect = lineFront.getIntersection( lineBall );

      // outside rectangle, use line at side to get intersection
      if (posIntersect.isRightOf( posRightTop ) )
        posIntersect = lineRight.getIntersection( lineBall );
      else if (posIntersect.isLeftOf( posLeftTop )  )
        posIntersect = lineLeft.getIntersection( lineBall );

      if( posIntersect.getX() < -49.0 )
        posIntersect.setX( -49.0 );
      // and move to this position
      if( posIntersect.getDistanceTo( WM->getAgentGlobalPosition() ) > 0.5 )
        soc = moveToPos( posIntersect, PS->getPlayerWhenToTurnAngle() );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = turnBodyToObject( OBJECT_BALL ) );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
  else if( WM->isFreeKickUs() == true || WM->isGoalKickUs() == true )
    if( WM->isBallKickable() )
      if( WM->getTimeSinceLastCatch() == 25 && WM->isFreeKickUs() )
        // move to position with lesser opponents.
        if( WM->getNrInSetInCircle( OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, 
                                          Circle(posRightTop, 15.0 )) <
            WM->getNrInSetInCircle( OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, 
                                           Circle(posLeftTop,  15.0 )) )
          soc.makeCommand( CMD_MOVE,posRightTop.getX(),posRightTop.getY(),0.0);
          soc.makeCommand( CMD_MOVE,posLeftTop.getX(), posLeftTop.getY(), 0.0);
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
      else if( WM->getTimeSinceLastCatch() > 28 )
        soc = kickTo( VecPosition(0,posAgent.getY()*2.0), 2.0 );    
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
      else if( WM->getTimeSinceLastCatch() < 25 )
        VecPosition posSide( 0.0, posAgent.getY() ); 
        if( fabs( (posSide - posAgent).getDirection() - angBody) > 10 )
          soc = turnBodyToPoint( posSide );
          ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc );
        ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
    else if( WM->isGoalKickUs()  )
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = intercept( true ) );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
      ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
     ACT->putCommandInQueue( soc = turnBodyToObject( OBJECT_BALL ) );
     ACT->putCommandInQueue( turnNeckToObject( OBJECT_BALL, soc ) );
  return soc;
Пример #4
void snap( sf::Font& font )
	sf::RenderWindow window( sf::VideoMode( getScreenSize().x, getScreenSize().y ), "QuickSnap - Snap", sf::Style::None );
	window.setFramerateLimit( 30 );
	setTransparent( window, 128 );
	moveToPos( window, getScreenPos() );
	sf::CircleShape circ;
	circ.setRadius( 4 );
	circ.setFillColor( sf::Color::Black );
	circ.setOrigin( 4, 4 );
	sf::RectangleShape rect;
	rect.setOutlineColor( sf::Color::Black );
	rect.setOutlineThickness( 3 );
	rect.setFillColor( sf::Color( 255, 255, 255, 64 ) );
	bool didFirstClick = false;
	bool didFirstRelease = false;
	bool isRunning = true;
	while ( isRunning )
		moveToTop( window );
		focus( window );
		sf::Event event;
		while ( window.pollEvent( event ) )
			if ( event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed )
				if ( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Return )
					takeSnapshot( rect );
					isRunning = false;
				else if ( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape )
					isRunning = false;
			else if ( event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed )
				if ( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left )
					didFirstClick = true;
					didFirstRelease = false;
					rect.setPosition( event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y );
			else if ( event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased )
				if ( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left )
					didFirstRelease = true;
					fixRect( window, rect );
		fixCircle( window, circ );
		if ( !didFirstRelease )
			fixRect( window, rect );
		window.clear( sf::Color( 255, 255, 255, 64 ) );
		if ( didFirstClick )
			window.draw( rect );
		window.draw( circ );
Пример #5
void printToFile(GTokenType token)
  GTokenValue value=gScanner->value;
  PPARSEINFO pParseInfo=(PPARSEINFO)gScanner->user_data;


  //g_printf("---> %d %d\n", gScanner->position, pParseInfo->uiCurPos);

  //g_message("Token: %d ()\t\t:", token);

    case G_TOKEN_SYMBOL:
      PSYMBOL pCurSymbol=value.v_symbol;
      //g_printf("->%s<-", pCurSymbol->chrSymbolName);
      g_printf("%s", pCurSymbol->chrSymbolName);
    case G_TOKEN_STRING:
      g_print("\"%s\"", value.v_string);
    case G_TOKEN_INT:
      gchar tmp[100];
      g_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", value.v_int);
      g_print("%d", value.v_int);
      g_print("%s", value.v_identifier);
      //g_print("-->%s<--", value.v_identifier);
      //case '.':
      //g_message("Token: %d (.)\t\t:", token);

      g_print("%c", token);
    } /* default */      
  } /* switch */