Пример #1
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_init_helper(pyb_timer_obj_t *self, uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pyb_timer_init_args, vals);

    FTM_HandleTypeDef *ftm = &self->ftm;

    // set the TIM configuration values
    FTM_Base_InitTypeDef *init = &ftm->Init;

    if (vals[0].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
        // set prescaler and period from frequency

        if (vals[0].u_int == 0) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "can't have 0 frequency"));

        uint32_t period = MAX(1, F_BUS / vals[0].u_int);
        uint32_t prescaler_shift = 0;
        while (period > 0xffff && prescaler_shift < 7) {
            period >>= 1;
        if (period > 0xffff) {
            period = 0xffff;
        init->PrescalerShift = prescaler_shift;
        init->Period = period;
    } else if (vals[1].u_int != 0xffffffff && vals[2].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
Пример #2
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_uart_init_helper(pyb_uart_obj_t *self, uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_UART_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PYB_UART_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pyb_uart_init_args, vals);

    // set the UART configuration values
    memset(&self->uart, 0, sizeof(self->uart));
    UART_InitTypeDef *init = &self->uart.Init;
    init->BaudRate = vals[0].u_int;
    init->WordLength = vals[1].u_int == 8 ? UART_WORDLENGTH_8B : UART_WORDLENGTH_9B;
    switch (vals[2].u_int) {
    case 1:
        init->StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
        init->StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_2;
    if (vals[3].u_obj == mp_const_none) {
        init->Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
    } else {
        machine_int_t parity = mp_obj_get_int(vals[3].u_obj);
        init->Parity = (parity & 1) ? UART_PARITY_ODD : UART_PARITY_EVEN;
    init->Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX;
    init->HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE;
    init->OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16;

    // init UART (if it fails, it's because the port doesn't exist)
    if (!uart_init2(self)) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "UART port %d does not exist", self->uart_id));

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #3
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_uart_recv(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // TODO assumes transmission size is 8-bits wide

    pyb_uart_obj_t *self = args[0];

    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_UART_RECV_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_UART_RECV_NUM_ARGS, pyb_uart_recv_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to receive into
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_obj_t o_ret = pyb_buf_get_for_recv(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo);

    // receive the data
    HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_UART_Receive(&self->uart, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[1].u_int);

    if (status != HAL_OK) {
        // TODO really need a HardwareError object, or something
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "HAL_UART_Receive failed with code %d", status));

    // return the received data
    if (o_ret == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        return vals[0].u_obj;
    } else {
        return mp_obj_str_builder_end(o_ret);
Пример #4
/// \method mem_write(data, addr, memaddr, timeout=5000, addr_size=8)
/// Write to the memory of an I2C device:
///   - `data` can be an integer or a buffer to write from
///   - `addr` is the I2C device address
///   - `memaddr` is the memory location within the I2C device
///   - `timeout` is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the write
///   - `addr_size` selects width of memaddr: 8 or 16 bits
/// Returns `None`.
/// This is only valid in master mode.
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_i2c_mem_write(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    pyb_i2c_obj_t *self = args[0];

    if (!in_master_mode(self)) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "I2C must be a master"));

    // parse args (same as mem_read)
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_I2C_MEM_READ_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_I2C_MEM_READ_NUM_ARGS, pyb_i2c_mem_read_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to write from
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    uint8_t data[1];
    pyb_buf_get_for_send(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo, data);

    // get the addresses
    mp_uint_t i2c_addr = vals[1].u_int << 1;
    mp_uint_t mem_addr = vals[2].u_int;
    // determine width of mem_addr; default is 8 bits, entering any other value gives 16 bit width
    mp_uint_t mem_addr_size = I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT;
    if (vals[4].u_int != 8) {
        mem_addr_size = I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT;

    HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(self->i2c, i2c_addr, mem_addr, mem_addr_size, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[3].u_int);

    if (status != HAL_OK) {
        // TODO really need a HardwareError object, or something
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "HAL_I2C_Mem_Write failed with code %d", status));

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #5
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_i2c_send(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    pyb_i2c_obj_t *self = args[0];

    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_I2C_SEND_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_I2C_SEND_NUM_ARGS, pyb_i2c_send_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to send from
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    uint8_t data[1];
    pyb_buf_get_for_send(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo, data);

    // send the data
    HAL_StatusTypeDef status;
    if (in_master_mode(self)) {
        if (vals[1].u_int == PYB_I2C_MASTER_ADDRESS) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "addr argument required"));
        mp_uint_t i2c_addr = vals[1].u_int << 1;
        status = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(self->i2c, i2c_addr, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[2].u_int);
    } else {
        status = HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit(self->i2c, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[2].u_int);

    if (status != HAL_OK) {
        // TODO really need a HardwareError object, or something
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "HAL_I2C_xxx_Transmit failed with code %d", status));

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #6
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_i2c_recv(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    pyb_i2c_obj_t *self = args[0];

    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_I2C_RECV_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_I2C_RECV_NUM_ARGS, pyb_i2c_recv_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to receive into
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_obj_t o_ret = pyb_buf_get_for_recv(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo);

    // receive the data
    HAL_StatusTypeDef status;
    if (in_master_mode(self)) {
        if (vals[1].u_int == PYB_I2C_MASTER_ADDRESS) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "addr argument required"));
        mp_uint_t i2c_addr = vals[1].u_int << 1;
        status = HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(self->i2c, i2c_addr, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[2].u_int);
    } else {
        status = HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive(self->i2c, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[2].u_int);

    if (status != HAL_OK) {
        // TODO really need a HardwareError object, or something
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "HAL_I2C_xxx_Receive failed with code %d", status));

    // return the received data
    if (o_ret == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        return vals[0].u_obj;
    } else {
        return mp_obj_str_builder_end(o_ret);
Пример #7
STATIC mp_obj_t wlan_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, size_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *all_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, all_args + n_args);
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(wlan_init_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, all_args, &kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), wlan_init_args, args);

    // setup the object
    wlan_obj_t *self = &wlan_obj;
    self->base.type = (mp_obj_t)&mod_network_nic_type_wlan;

    // give it to the sleep module

    if (n_args > 1 || n_kw > 0) {
        // check the peripheral id
        if (args[0].u_int != 0) {
        // start the peripheral
        wlan_init_helper(self, &args[1]);

    return (mp_obj_t)self;
Пример #8
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_i2c_init_helper(const pyb_i2c_obj_t *self, uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_I2C_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PYB_I2C_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pyb_i2c_init_args, vals);

    // set the I2C configuration values
    I2C_InitTypeDef *init = &self->i2c->Init;

    if (vals[0].u_int == PYB_I2C_MASTER) {
        // use a special address to indicate we are a master
        init->OwnAddress1 = PYB_I2C_MASTER_ADDRESS;
    } else {
        init->OwnAddress1 = (vals[1].u_int << 1) & 0xfe;

    init->AddressingMode  = I2C_ADDRESSINGMODE_7BIT;
    init->ClockSpeed      = MIN(vals[2].u_int, 400000);
    init->DualAddressMode = I2C_DUALADDRESS_DISABLED;
    init->DutyCycle       = I2C_DUTYCYCLE_16_9;
    init->GeneralCallMode = vals[3].u_bool ? I2C_GENERALCALL_ENABLED : I2C_GENERALCALL_DISABLED;
    init->NoStretchMode   = I2C_NOSTRETCH_DISABLED;
    init->OwnAddress2     = 0xfe; // unused

    // init the I2C bus

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #9
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_uart_send(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // TODO assumes transmission size is 8-bits wide

    pyb_uart_obj_t *self = args[0];

    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_UART_SEND_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_UART_SEND_NUM_ARGS, pyb_uart_send_args, vals);

#if 0
    // get the buffer to send from
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    uint8_t data[1];
    pyb_buf_get_for_send(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo, data);

    // send the data
    HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_UART_Transmit(&self->uart, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[1].u_int);

    if (status != HAL_OK) {
        // TODO really need a HardwareError object, or something
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "HAL_UART_Transmit failed with code %d", status));

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #10
STATIC mp_obj_t pin_obj_init_helper(pin_obj_t *self, mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t args[pin_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, pos_args, kw_args, pin_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pin_init_args, args);

    // get the io mode
    uint mode = args[0].u_int;

    // get the pull type
    uint pull;
    if (args[1].u_obj == mp_const_none) {
        pull = PIN_TYPE_STD;
    } else {
        pull = mp_obj_get_int(args[1].u_obj);
        pin_validate_pull (pull);

    // get the value
    int value = -1;
    if (args[2].u_obj != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        if (mp_obj_is_true(args[2].u_obj)) {
            value = 1;
        } else {
            value = 0;

    // get the strenght
    uint strength = args[3].u_int;

    // get the alternate function
    int af = args[4].u_int;
    if (mode != GPIO_DIR_MODE_ALT && mode != GPIO_DIR_MODE_ALT_OD) {
        if (af == -1) {
            af = 0;
        } else {
            goto invalid_args;
    } else if (af < -1 || af > 15) {
        goto invalid_args;

    // check for a valid af and then free it from any other pins
    if (af > PIN_MODE_0) {
        uint8_t fn, unit, type;
        pin_validate_af (self, af, &fn, &unit, &type);
        pin_free_af_from_pins(fn, unit, type);
    pin_config (self, af, mode, pull, value, strength);

    return mp_const_none;

    nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, mpexception_value_invalid_arguments));
Пример #11
 * Create a new Pin object associated with the id. If additional
 * arguments are given, they are used to initialise the pin. See
 * `init`.
static mp_obj_t class_pin_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type_p,
                                   mp_uint_t n_args,
                                   mp_uint_t n_kw,
                                   const mp_obj_t *args_p)
    struct class_pin_t *self_p;
    mp_map_t kwargs;
    static const mp_arg_t allowed_args[] = {
        { MP_QSTR_device, MP_ARG_REQUIRED | MP_ARG_INT },
        { MP_QSTR_mode, MP_ARG_REQUIRED | MP_ARG_INT }
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args)];
    int device;
    int mode;

    mp_arg_check_num(n_args, n_kw, 1, MP_OBJ_FUN_ARGS_MAX, true);

    /* Parse args. */
    mp_map_init(&kwargs, 0);

    device = args[0].u_int;
    mode = args[1].u_int;

    if ((device < 0) || (device >= PIN_DEVICE_MAX)) {
                                                "bad pin device %d",

    if ((mode != PIN_INPUT) && (mode != PIN_OUTPUT)) {
                                                "bad pin mode %d",

    /* Create a new Pin object. */
    self_p = m_new0(struct class_pin_t, 1);
    self_p->base.type = &module_drivers_class_pin;

    if (pin_init((struct pin_driver_t *)&self_p->drv,
                 mode) != 0) {
        return (mp_const_none);

    return (self_p);
Пример #12
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_usb_vcp_send(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_USB_VCP_SEND_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_USB_VCP_SEND_NUM_ARGS, pyb_usb_vcp_send_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to send from
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    uint8_t data[1];
    pyb_buf_get_for_send(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo, data);

    // send the data
    int ret = USBD_CDC_Tx(bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[1].u_int);

    return mp_obj_new_int(ret);
Пример #13
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_sd_make_new (const mp_obj_type_t *type, mp_uint_t n_args, mp_uint_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *all_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, all_args + n_args);
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_sd_init_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, all_args, &kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), pyb_sd_init_args, args);

    // check the peripheral id
    if (args[0].u_int != 0) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_OSError, mpexception_os_resource_not_avaliable));

    // setup and initialize the object
    mp_obj_t self = &pybsd_obj;
    pybsd_obj.base.type = &pyb_sd_type;
    pyb_sd_init_helper (self, &args[1]);
    return self;
Пример #14
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_sd_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, size_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *all_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, all_args + n_args);
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_sd_init_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, all_args, &kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), pyb_sd_init_args, args);

    // check the peripheral id
    if (args[0].u_int != 0) {

    // setup and initialize the object
    mp_obj_t self = &pybsd_obj;
    pybsd_obj.base.type = &pyb_sd_type;
    pyb_sd_init_helper (self, &args[1]);
    return self;
Пример #15
 * Create a new Sd object.
static mp_obj_t class_sd_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type_p,
                                   mp_uint_t n_args,
                                   mp_uint_t n_kw,
                                   const mp_obj_t *args_p)
    static const mp_arg_t allowed_args[] = {
    struct class_sd_t *self_p;
    mp_map_t kwargs;
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args)];
    struct class_spi_t *spi_p;

    mp_arg_check_num(n_args, n_kw, 1, MP_OBJ_FUN_ARGS_MAX, true);

    /* Parse the arguments. */
    mp_map_init(&kwargs, 0);

    /* Validate SPI driver argument. */
    spi_p = args[0].u_obj;

    if (spi_p->base.type != &module_drivers_class_spi) {
                                           "expected spi driver"));

    /* Create a new SD object. */
    self_p = m_new_obj(struct class_sd_t);
    self_p->base.type = &module_drivers_class_sd;
    self_p->spi_p = spi_p;

    if (sd_init(&self_p->drv, &spi_p->drv) != 0) {
                                           "sd_init() failed"));

    return (self_p);
Пример #16
/// \method recv(data, *, timeout=5000)
/// Receive data on the bus:
///   - `data` can be an integer, which is the number of bytes to receive,
///     or a mutable buffer, which will be filled with received bytes.
///   - `timeout` is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the receive.
/// Return value: if `data` is an integer then a new buffer of the bytes received,
/// otherwise the number of bytes read into `data` is returned.
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_usb_vcp_recv(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_USB_VCP_SEND_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_USB_VCP_SEND_NUM_ARGS, pyb_usb_vcp_send_args, vals);

    // get the buffer to receive into
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_obj_t o_ret = pyb_buf_get_for_recv(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo);

    // receive the data
    int ret = USBD_CDC_Rx(bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, vals[1].u_int);

    // return the received data
    if (o_ret == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        return mp_obj_new_int(ret); // number of bytes read into given buffer
    } else {
        return mp_obj_str_builder_end_with_len(o_ret, ret); // create a new buffer
Пример #17
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_wdt_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, size_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *all_args) {
    // check the arguments
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, all_args + n_args);
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_wdt_init_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, all_args, &kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), pyb_wdt_init_args, args);

    if (args[0].u_obj != mp_const_none && mp_obj_get_int(args[0].u_obj) > 0) {
        mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_OSError, mpexception_os_resource_not_avaliable);
    uint timeout_ms = args[1].u_int;
    if (timeout_ms < PYBWDT_MIN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
    if (pyb_wdt_obj.running) {
        mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_OSError, mpexception_os_request_not_possible);

    // Enable the WDT peripheral clock

    // Unlock to be able to configure the registers

#ifdef DEBUG
    // make the WDT stall when the debugger stops on a breakpoint
    MAP_WatchdogStallEnable (WDT_BASE);

    // set the watchdog timer reload value
    // the WDT trigger a system reset after the second timeout
    // so, divide by 2 the timeout value received
    MAP_WatchdogReloadSet(WDT_BASE, PYBWDT_MILLISECONDS_TO_TICKS(timeout_ms / 2));

    // start the timer. Once it's started, it cannot be disabled.
    pyb_wdt_obj.base.type = &pyb_wdt_type;
    pyb_wdt_obj.running = true;

    return (mp_obj_t)&pyb_wdt_obj;
Пример #18
STATIC mp_obj_t network_server_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, size_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *all_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, all_args + n_args);
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(network_server_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, all_args, &kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), network_server_args, args);

    // check the server id
    if (args[0].u_obj != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        if (mp_obj_get_int(args[0].u_obj) != 0) {

    // setup the object and initialize it
    network_server_obj_t *self = &network_server_obj;
    self->base.type = &network_server_type;
    network_server_init_helper(self, &args[1]);

    return (mp_obj_t)self;
Пример #19
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_init_helper(pyb_timer_obj_t *self, mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pyb_timer_init_args, vals);

    // set the TIM configuration values
    TIM_Base_InitTypeDef *init = &self->tim.Init;

    if (vals[0].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
        // set prescaler and period from frequency

        if (vals[0].u_int == 0) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "can't have 0 frequency"));

        // work out TIM's clock source
        uint tim_clock;
        if (self->tim_id == 1 || (8 <= self->tim_id && self->tim_id <= 11)) {
            // TIM{1,8,9,10,11} are on APB2
            tim_clock = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq();
        } else {
            // TIM{2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14} are on APB1
            tim_clock = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq();

        // Compute the prescaler value so TIM triggers at freq-Hz
        // On STM32F405/407/415/417 there are 2 cases for how the clock freq is set.
        // If the APB prescaler is 1, then the timer clock is equal to its respective
        // APB clock.  Otherwise (APB prescaler > 1) the timer clock is twice its
        // respective APB clock.  See DM00031020 Rev 4, page 115.
        uint32_t period = MAX(1, 2 * tim_clock / vals[0].u_int);
        uint32_t prescaler = 1;
        while (period > TIMER_CNT_MASK(self)) {
            period >>= 1;
            prescaler <<= 1;
        init->Prescaler = prescaler - 1;
        init->Period = period - 1;
    } else if (vals[1].u_int != 0xffffffff && vals[2].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
Пример #20
STATIC mp_obj_t pin_obj_init_helper(pin_obj_t *self, mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t args[pin_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, pos_args, kw_args, pin_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pin_init_args, args);

    // get the af
    uint af = args[0].u_int;
    if (af < PIN_MODE_0 || af > PIN_MODE_15) {
        goto invalid_args;
    // get the io mode
    uint mode = args[1].u_int;
    // checking the mode only makes sense if af == GPIO
    if (af == PIN_MODE_0) {
        if (mode != GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN && mode != GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT) {
            goto invalid_args;
    // get the type
    uint type = args[2].u_int;
    if (type != PIN_TYPE_STD && type != PIN_TYPE_STD_PU && type != PIN_TYPE_STD_PD &&
            type != PIN_TYPE_OD && type != PIN_TYPE_OD_PU && type != PIN_TYPE_OD_PD) {
        goto invalid_args;
    // get the strenght
    uint strength = args[3].u_int;
    if (strength != PIN_STRENGTH_2MA && strength != PIN_STRENGTH_4MA && strength != PIN_STRENGTH_6MA) {
        goto invalid_args;

    // configure the pin as requested
    pin_config (self, af, mode, type, strength);

    return mp_const_none;

    nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, mpexception_value_invalid_arguments));
Пример #21
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_init_helper(pyb_timer_obj_t *self, uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PYB_TIMER_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pyb_timer_init_args, vals);

    // set the TIM configuration values
    TIM_Base_InitTypeDef *init = &self->tim.Init;

    if (vals[0].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
        // set prescaler and period from frequency

        if (vals[0].u_int == 0) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "can't have 0 frequency"));

        // work out TIM's clock source
        uint tim_clock;
        if (self->tim_id == 1 || (8 <= self->tim_id && self->tim_id <= 11)) {
            // TIM{1,8,9,10,11} are on APB2
            tim_clock = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq();
        } else {
            // TIM{2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14} are on APB1
            tim_clock = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq();

        // compute the prescaler value so TIM triggers at freq-Hz
        // dpgeorge: I don't understand why we need to multiply tim_clock by 2
        uint32_t period = MAX(1, 2 * tim_clock / vals[0].u_int);
        uint32_t prescaler = 1;
        while (period > 0xffff) {
            period >>= 1;
            prescaler <<= 1;
        init->Prescaler = prescaler - 1;
        init->Period = period - 1;
    } else if (vals[1].u_int != 0xffffffff && vals[2].u_int != 0xffffffff) {
Пример #22
// Factory function for I/O stream classes
mp_obj_t mp_builtin_open(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kwargs) {
    // TODO: analyze buffering args and instantiate appropriate type
    mp_arg_val_t arg_vals[FILE_OPEN_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kwargs, FILE_OPEN_NUM_ARGS, file_open_args, arg_vals);
    return fdfile_open((mp_obj_t)&mp_type_textio, arg_vals);
Пример #23
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_uart_init_helper(pyb_uart_obj_t *self, mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    bool success;
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_uart_init_args)];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, pos_args, kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_uart_init_args), pyb_uart_init_args, args);

    // set the UART configuration values
    if (n_args > 1) {
        self->baudrate = args[0].u_int;
        switch (args[1].u_int) {
        case 5:
            self->config = UART_CONFIG_WLEN_5;
        case 6:
            self->config = UART_CONFIG_WLEN_6;
        case 7:
            self->config = UART_CONFIG_WLEN_7;
        case 8:
            self->config = UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8;
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, mpexception_value_invalid_arguments));
        // Parity
        if (args[2].u_obj == mp_const_none) {
            self->config |= UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE;
        } else {
            self->config |= ((mp_obj_get_int(args[2].u_obj) & 1) ? UART_CONFIG_PAR_ODD : UART_CONFIG_PAR_EVEN);
        // Stop bits
        self->config |= (args[3].u_int == 1 ? UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE : UART_CONFIG_STOP_TWO);
        // Flow control
        self->flowcontrol = args[4].u_int;
        success = uart_init2(self);        
    } else {
        success = uart_init(self, args[0].u_int);
    // init UART (if it fails, something weird happened)
    if (!success) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_OSError, mpexception_os_operation_failed));

    // set timeouts
    self->timeout = args[5].u_int;
    self->timeout_char = args[6].u_int;

    // setup the read buffer
    m_del(byte, self->read_buf, self->read_buf_len);
    self->read_buf_head = 0;
    self->read_buf_tail = 0;

    if (args[7].u_int <= 0) {
        // no read buffer
        self->read_buf_len = 0;
        self->read_buf = NULL;
        MAP_UARTIntDisable(self->reg, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT);
    } else {
        // read buffer using interrupts
        self->read_buf_len = args[7].u_int;
        self->read_buf = m_new(byte, args[7].u_int);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #24
STATIC mp_obj_t network_server_init(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(network_server_args) - 1];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, pos_args + 1, kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), &network_server_args[1], args);
    return network_server_init_helper(pos_args[0], args);
Пример #25
/// \method irq(trigger, priority, handler, wake)
STATIC mp_obj_t pin_irq (mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    mp_arg_val_t args[mp_irq_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, pos_args + 1, kw_args, mp_irq_INIT_NUM_ARGS, mp_irq_init_args, args);
    pin_obj_t *self = pos_args[0];

    // convert the priority to the correct value
    uint priority = mp_irq_translate_priority (args[1].u_int);

    // verify and translate the interrupt mode
    uint mp_trigger = mp_obj_get_int(args[0].u_obj);
    uint trigger;
    if (mp_trigger == (PYB_PIN_FALLING_EDGE | PYB_PIN_RISING_EDGE)) {
        trigger = GPIO_BOTH_EDGES;
    } else {
        switch (mp_trigger) {
        case PYB_PIN_FALLING_EDGE:
            trigger = GPIO_FALLING_EDGE;
        case PYB_PIN_RISING_EDGE:
            trigger = GPIO_RISING_EDGE;
        case PYB_PIN_LOW_LEVEL:
            trigger = GPIO_LOW_LEVEL;
        case PYB_PIN_HIGH_LEVEL:
            trigger = GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL;
            goto invalid_args;

    uint8_t pwrmode = (args[3].u_obj == mp_const_none) ? PYB_PWR_MODE_ACTIVE : mp_obj_get_int(args[3].u_obj);
        goto invalid_args;

    // get the wake info from this pin
    uint hib_pin, idx;
    pin_get_hibernate_pin_and_idx ((const pin_obj_t *)self, &hib_pin, &idx);
    if (pwrmode & PYB_PWR_MODE_LPDS) {
        if (idx >= PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
            goto invalid_args;
        // wake modes are different in LDPS
        uint wake_mode;
        switch (trigger) {
        case GPIO_FALLING_EDGE:
            wake_mode = PRCM_LPDS_FALL_EDGE;
        case GPIO_RISING_EDGE:
            wake_mode = PRCM_LPDS_RISE_EDGE;
        case GPIO_LOW_LEVEL:
            wake_mode = PRCM_LPDS_LOW_LEVEL;
        case GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL:
            wake_mode = PRCM_LPDS_HIGH_LEVEL;
            goto invalid_args;

        // first clear the lpds value from all wake-able pins
        for (uint i = 0; i < PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS; i++) {
            pybpin_wake_pin[i].lpds = PYBPIN_WAKES_NOT;

        // enable this pin as a wake-up source during LPDS
        pybpin_wake_pin[idx].lpds = wake_mode;
    } else if (idx < PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
        // this pin was the previous LPDS wake source, so disable it completely
        if (pybpin_wake_pin[idx].lpds != PYBPIN_WAKES_NOT) {
        pybpin_wake_pin[idx].lpds = PYBPIN_WAKES_NOT;

    if (pwrmode & PYB_PWR_MODE_HIBERNATE) {
        if (idx >= PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
            goto invalid_args;
        // wake modes are different in hibernate
        uint wake_mode;
        switch (trigger) {
        case GPIO_FALLING_EDGE:
            wake_mode = PRCM_HIB_FALL_EDGE;
        case GPIO_RISING_EDGE:
            wake_mode = PRCM_HIB_RISE_EDGE;
        case GPIO_LOW_LEVEL:
            wake_mode = PRCM_HIB_LOW_LEVEL;
        case GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL:
            wake_mode = PRCM_HIB_HIGH_LEVEL;
            goto invalid_args;

        // enable this pin as wake-up source during hibernate
        pybpin_wake_pin[idx].hib = wake_mode;
    } else if (idx < PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
        pybpin_wake_pin[idx].hib = PYBPIN_WAKES_NOT;

    // we need to update the callback atomically, so we disable the
    // interrupt before we update anything.
    if (pwrmode & PYB_PWR_MODE_ACTIVE) {
        // register the interrupt
        pin_extint_register((pin_obj_t *)self, trigger, priority);
        if (idx < PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
            pybpin_wake_pin[idx].active = true;
    } else if (idx < PYBPIN_NUM_WAKE_PINS) {
        pybpin_wake_pin[idx].active = false;

    // all checks have passed, we can create the irq object
    mp_obj_t _irq = mp_irq_new (self, args[2].u_obj, &pin_irq_methods);
    if (pwrmode & PYB_PWR_MODE_LPDS) {
        pyb_sleep_set_gpio_lpds_callback (_irq);

    // save the mp_trigge for later
    self->irq_trigger = mp_trigger;

    // enable the interrupt just before leaving

    return _irq;

    nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, mpexception_value_invalid_arguments));
Пример #26
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_sd_init(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_sd_init_args) - 1];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, pos_args + 1, kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(args), &pyb_sd_init_args[1], args);
    return pyb_sd_init_helper(pos_args[0], args);
Пример #27
mp_obj_t pyb_dac_write_timed(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    pyb_dac_obj_t *self = args[0];

    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_DAC_WRITE_TIMED_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 1, args + 1, kw_args, PYB_DAC_WRITE_TIMED_NUM_ARGS, pyb_dac_write_timed_args, vals);

    // get the data to write
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_get_buffer_raise(vals[0].u_obj, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);

    // set TIM6 to trigger the DAC at the given frequency


    DMA_Cmd(self->dma_stream, DISABLE);
    while (DMA_GetCmdStatus(self->dma_stream) != DISABLE) {

    DAC_Cmd(self->dac_channel, DISABLE);

    // DAC channel configuration
    DAC_InitTypeDef DAC_InitStructure;
    DAC_InitStructure.DAC_Trigger = DAC_Trigger_T7_TRGO;
    DAC_InitStructure.DAC_WaveGeneration = DAC_WaveGeneration_None;
    DAC_InitStructure.DAC_LFSRUnmask_TriangleAmplitude = DAC_TriangleAmplitude_1; // unused, but need to set it to a valid value
    DAC_InitStructure.DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OutputBuffer_Enable;
    DAC_Init(self->dac_channel, &DAC_InitStructure);

    // DMA1_Stream[67] channel7 configuration
    DMA_HandleTypeDef DMA_Handle;
    DMA_Handle.Instance = self->dma_stream;

    // Need to deinit DMA first
    DMA_Handle.State = HAL_DMA_STATE_READY;

    DMA_Handle.Init.Channel = DMA_CHANNEL_7;
    DMA_Handle.Init.Direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH;
    DMA_Handle.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
    DMA_Handle.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
    DMA_Handle.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE;
    DMA_Handle.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE;
    DMA_Handle.Init.Mode = vals[2].u_int;
    DMA_Handle.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH;
    DMA_Handle.Init.MemBurst = DMA_MBURST_SINGLE;
    DMA_Handle.Init.PeriphBurst = DMA_PBURST_SINGLE;

    if (self->dac_channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1) {
        __HAL_LINKDMA(&DAC_Handle, DMA_Handle1, DMA_Handle);
    } else {
        __HAL_LINKDMA(&DAC_Handle, DMA_Handle2, DMA_Handle);

    DAC_Handle.Instance = DAC;
    DAC_Handle.State = HAL_DAC_STATE_RESET;

    if (self->state != 3) {
        DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef config;
        config.DAC_Trigger = DAC_TRIGGER_T6_TRGO;
        config.DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OUTPUTBUFFER_ENABLE;
        HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel(&DAC_Handle, &config, self->dac_channel);
        self->state = 3;

    HAL_DAC_Start_DMA(&DAC_Handle, self->dac_channel, (uint32_t*)bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, DAC_ALIGN_8B_R);

    // enable DMA stream
    DMA_Cmd(self->dma_stream, ENABLE);
    while (DMA_GetCmdStatus(self->dma_stream) == DISABLE) {

    // enable DAC channel
    DAC_Cmd(self->dac_channel, ENABLE);

    // enable DMA for DAC channel
    DAC_DMACmd(self->dac_channel, ENABLE);

    //printf("DMA: %p %lu\n", bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len);

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #28
STATIC mp_obj_t pin_obj_init_helper(const pin_obj_t *self, uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
    // parse args
    mp_arg_val_t vals[PIN_INIT_NUM_ARGS];
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, args, kw_args, PIN_INIT_NUM_ARGS, pin_init_args, vals);

    // get io mode
    uint mode = vals[0].u_int;
    if (!IS_GPIO_MODE(mode)) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid pin mode: %d", mode));

    // get pull mode
    uint pull = vals[1].u_int;
    if (!IS_GPIO_PULL(pull)) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid pin pull: %d", pull));

    // get af (alternate function)
    mp_int_t af = vals[2].u_int;
    if ((mode == GPIO_MODE_AF_PP || mode == GPIO_MODE_AF_OD) && !IS_GPIO_AF(af)) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid pin af: %d", af));

    // enable the peripheral clock for the port of this pin
    switch (self->port) {
        #ifdef __GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_A: __GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_B: __GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_C: __GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOD_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_D: __GPIOD_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOE_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_E: __GPIOE_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOF_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_F: __GPIOF_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOG_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_G: __GPIOG_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOH_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_H: __GPIOH_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOI_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_I: __GPIOI_CLK_ENABLE(); break;
        #ifdef __GPIOJ_CLK_ENABLE
        case PORT_J: __GPIOJ_CLK_ENABLE(); break;

    // configure the GPIO as requested
    GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
    GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = self->pin_mask;
    GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = mode;
    GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = pull;
    GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
    GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = af;
    HAL_GPIO_Init(self->gpio, &GPIO_InitStructure);

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #29
void mp_arg_parse_all_kw_array(uint n_pos, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args, uint n_allowed, const mp_arg_t *allowed, mp_arg_val_t *out_vals) {
    mp_map_t kw_args;
    mp_map_init_fixed_table(&kw_args, n_kw, args + n_pos);
    mp_arg_parse_all(n_pos, args, &kw_args, n_allowed, allowed, out_vals);