Пример #1
static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_circle(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t c_obj, mp_obj_t r_obj)
    int cx, cy, r;
    mp_obj_t *array;

    struct image *image;
    color_t c = {.r=0xFF, .g=0xFF, .b=0xFF};

    /* get image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* center */
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(c_obj, 2, &array);
    cx = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    cy = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);

    /* radius */
    r = mp_obj_get_int(r_obj);
    imlib_draw_circle(image, cx, cy, r, &c);
    return mp_const_none;

static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_string(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args)
    int x = mp_obj_get_int(args[1]);
    int y = mp_obj_get_int(args[2]);
    image_t *image =py_image_cobj(args[0]);
    const char *str = mp_obj_str_get_str(args[3]);
    color_t c = {.r=0xFF, .g=0xFF, .b=0xFF};

    // check x, y
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(x>=0 && x<image->w, "Image index out of range");
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(y>=0 && y<image->h, "Image index out of range");
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(image->bpp <= 2, "This function is not supported on JPEG images");

    if (n_args == 5) {
        // get color
        mp_obj_t *array;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[4], 3, &array);
        c.r = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
        c.g = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
        c.b = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    imlib_draw_string(image, x, y, str, &c);
    return mp_const_none;

static mp_obj_t py_image_erode(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t ksize_obj)
    image_t *image = NULL;
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* sanity checks */
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(image->bpp == 1,
            "This function is only supported on GRAYSCALE images");

    imlib_erode(image, mp_obj_get_int(ksize_obj));
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #2
STATIC mp_obj_t neopixel_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index_in, mp_obj_t value) {
    neopixel_obj_t *self = (neopixel_obj_t*)self_in;
    mp_uint_t index = mp_get_index(self->base.type, self->strip.num_leds, index_in, false);
    if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        // delete item
        return MP_OBJ_NULL; // op not supported
    } else if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
        // load
        mp_obj_t rgb[3] = {
        return mp_obj_new_tuple(3, rgb);
    } else {
        // store
        mp_obj_t *rgb;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(value, 3, &rgb);
        mp_int_t r = mp_obj_get_int(rgb[0]);
        mp_int_t g = mp_obj_get_int(rgb[1]);
        mp_int_t b = mp_obj_get_int(rgb[2]);
        if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid colour"));
        neopixel_set_color(&self->strip, index, r, g, b);
        return mp_const_none;
Пример #3
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_sd_init_helper (pybsd_obj_t *self, const mp_arg_val_t *args) {
    // assign the pins
    mp_obj_t pins_o = args[0].u_obj;
    if (pins_o != mp_const_none) {
        mp_obj_t *pins;
        if (pins_o == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
            // use the default pins
            pins = (mp_obj_t *)pyb_sd_def_pin;
        } else {
            mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(pins_o, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_sd_def_pin), &pins);
        pin_assign_pins_af (pins, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_sd_def_pin), PIN_TYPE_STD_PU, PIN_FN_SD, 0);
        // save the pins clock
        self->pin_clk = pin_find(pins[0]);

    pyb_sd_hw_init (self);
    if (sd_disk_init() != 0) {

    // register it with the sleep module
    pyb_sleep_add ((const mp_obj_t)self, (WakeUpCB_t)pyb_sd_hw_init);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #4
STATIC mp_obj_t ppp_ifconfig(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    ppp_if_obj_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(args[0]);
    ip_addr_t dns;
    if (n_args == 1) {
        // get
        if (self->pcb != NULL) {
            dns = dns_getserver(0);
            struct netif *pppif = ppp_netif(self->pcb);
            mp_obj_t tuple[4] = {
                netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&pppif->ip_addr, NETUTILS_BIG),
                netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&pppif->gw, NETUTILS_BIG),
                netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&pppif->netmask, NETUTILS_BIG),
                netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&dns, NETUTILS_BIG),
            return mp_obj_new_tuple(4, tuple);
        } else {
            mp_obj_t tuple[4] = { mp_const_none, mp_const_none, mp_const_none, mp_const_none };
            return mp_obj_new_tuple(4, tuple);
    } else {
        mp_obj_t *items;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[1], 4, &items);
        netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[3], (uint8_t*)&dns.u_addr.ip4, NETUTILS_BIG);
        dns_setserver(0, &dns);
        return mp_const_none;
Пример #5
static mp_obj_t py_image_blend(mp_obj_t dst_image_obj,
        mp_obj_t src_image_obj, mp_obj_t param_obj)
    int x,y;
    float alpha;
    image_t *src_image = NULL;
    image_t *dst_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(src_image_obj);
    dst_image = py_image_cobj(dst_image_obj);

    /* get x,y,alpha */
    mp_obj_t *array;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(param_obj, 3, &array);
    x = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    y = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    alpha = mp_obj_get_float(array[2]);

    if ((src_image->w+x)>dst_image->w ||
        (src_image->h+y)>dst_image->h) {
        printf("src image > dst image\n");
        return mp_const_none;

    imlib_blend(src_image, dst_image, x, y, (uint8_t)(alpha*256));
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #6
static mp_obj_t py_image_save(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args)
    int res;
    image_t *image = py_image_cobj(args[0]);
    const char *path = mp_obj_str_get_str(args[1]);

    mp_map_elem_t *kw_subimage = mp_map_lookup(kw_args, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(qstr_from_str("subimage")), MP_MAP_LOOKUP);
    if (kw_subimage != NULL) {
        mp_obj_t *array;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(kw_subimage->value, 4, &array);

        rectangle_t r = {

        res = imlib_save_image(image, path, &r);
    } else {
        res = imlib_save_image(image, path, NULL);

    if (res != FR_OK) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_OSError, ffs_strerror(res)));

    return mp_const_true;
Пример #7
STATIC mp_obj_t network_server_init_helper(mp_obj_t self, const mp_arg_val_t *args) {
    const char *user = SERVERS_DEF_USER;
    const char *pass = SERVERS_DEF_PASS;
    if (args[0].u_obj != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        mp_obj_t *login;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[0].u_obj, 2, &login);
        user = mp_obj_str_get_str(login[0]);
        pass = mp_obj_str_get_str(login[1]);

    uint32_t timeout = SERVERS_DEF_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000;
    if (args[1].u_obj != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        timeout = mp_obj_get_int(args[1].u_obj);

    // configure the new login
    servers_set_login ((char *)user, (char *)pass);

    // configure the timeout
    servers_set_timeout(timeout * 1000);

    // start the servers

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #8
mp_import_stat_t mp_vfs_import_stat(const char *path) {
    const char *path_out;
    mp_vfs_mount_t *vfs = mp_vfs_lookup_path(path, &path_out);
    if (vfs == MP_VFS_NONE || vfs == MP_VFS_ROOT) {
        return MP_IMPORT_STAT_NO_EXIST;

    // If the mounted object has the VFS protocol, call its import_stat helper
    const mp_vfs_proto_t *proto = mp_obj_get_type(vfs->obj)->protocol;
    if (proto != NULL) {
        return proto->import_stat(MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(vfs->obj), path_out);

    // delegate to vfs.stat() method
    mp_obj_t path_o = mp_obj_new_str(path_out, strlen(path_out));
    mp_obj_t stat;
    nlr_buf_t nlr;
    if (nlr_push(&nlr) == 0) {
        stat = mp_vfs_proxy_call(vfs, MP_QSTR_stat, 1, &path_o);
    } else {
        // assume an exception means that the path is not found
        return MP_IMPORT_STAT_NO_EXIST;
    mp_obj_t *items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(stat, 10, &items);
    mp_int_t st_mode = mp_obj_get_int(items[0]);
    if (st_mode & MP_S_IFDIR) {
        return MP_IMPORT_STAT_DIR;
    } else {
        return MP_IMPORT_STAT_FILE;
Пример #9
mp_obj_t py_imlib_detect_color(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t color_obj, mp_obj_t threshold)
    /* C stuff */
    struct color color;
    struct rectangle rectangle;
    struct image *image;

    /* sanity checks */
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE(sensor.pixformat == PIXFORMAT_RGB565);

    mp_obj_t *col_obj;
    col_obj = mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(color_obj, 3);
    color.h = mp_obj_get_int(col_obj[0]);
    color.s = mp_obj_get_int(col_obj[1]);
    color.v = mp_obj_get_int(col_obj[2]);

    /* get image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    imlib_detect_color(image, &color, &rectangle, mp_obj_get_int(threshold));

    mp_obj_t rec_obj[4];
    rec_obj[0] = mp_obj_new_int(rectangle.x);
    rec_obj[1] = mp_obj_new_int(rectangle.y);
    rec_obj[2] = mp_obj_new_int(rectangle.w);
    rec_obj[3] = mp_obj_new_int(rectangle.h);
    return rt_build_tuple(4, rec_obj);
Пример #10
mp_obj_t py_imlib_save_template(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t rectangle_obj, mp_obj_t path_obj)
    struct image t;
    struct image *image = NULL;

    struct rectangle r;
    mp_obj_t *array;

    const char *path = mp_obj_str_get_str(path_obj);

    array = mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(rectangle_obj, 4);
    r.x = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    r.y = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    r.w = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    r.h = mp_obj_get_int(array[3]);

    /* get C image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);
    t.w = r.w;
    t.h = r.h;
    t.data = malloc(sizeof(*t.data)*t.w*t.h);

    imlib_subimage(image, &t, r.x, r.y);

    int res = imlib_save_template(&t, path);

    if (res != FR_OK) {
        nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(qstr_from_str("Imlib"), ffs_strerror(res)));

    return mp_const_true;
Пример #11
STATIC void parse_inet_addr(socket_obj_t *socket, mp_obj_t addr_in, struct sockaddr *sockaddr) {
    // We employ the fact that port and address offsets are the same for IPv4 & IPv6
    struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr_in = (struct sockaddr_in*)sockaddr;

    mp_obj_t *addr_items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(addr_in, 2, &addr_items);
    sockaddr_in->sin_family = net_context_get_family((void*)socket->ctx);
    RAISE_ERRNO(net_addr_pton(sockaddr_in->sin_family, mp_obj_str_get_str(addr_items[0]), &sockaddr_in->sin_addr));
    sockaddr_in->sin_port = htons(mp_obj_get_int(addr_items[1]));
Пример #12
/// \function hid((buttons, x, y, z))
/// Takes a 4-tuple (or list) and sends it to the USB host (the PC) to
/// signal a HID mouse-motion event.
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_hid_send_report(mp_obj_t arg) {
    mp_obj_t *items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(arg, 4, &items);
    uint8_t data[4];
    data[0] = mp_obj_get_int(items[0]);
    data[1] = mp_obj_get_int(items[1]);
    data[2] = mp_obj_get_int(items[2]);
    data[3] = mp_obj_get_int(items[3]);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #13
/// \function hid((buttons, x, y, z))
/// Takes a 4-tuple (or list) and sends it to the USB host (the PC) to
/// signal a HID mouse-motion event.
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_hid_send_report(mp_obj_t arg) {
#if 1
    printf("hid_send_report not currently implemented\n");
    mp_obj_t *items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(arg, 4, &items);
    uint8_t data[4];
    data[0] = mp_obj_get_int(items[0]);
    data[1] = mp_obj_get_int(items[1]);
    data[2] = mp_obj_get_int(items[2]);
    data[3] = mp_obj_get_int(items[3]);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #14
static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_line(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t line_obj)
    /* get image pointer */
    struct image *image;
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    mp_obj_t *array;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(line_obj, 4, &array);
    int x0 = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    int y0 = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    int x1 = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    int y1 = mp_obj_get_int(array[3]);

    imlib_draw_line(image, x0, y0, x1, y1);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #15
mp_obj_t mod_network_nic_ifconfig(struct netif *netif, size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    if (n_args == 0) {
        // Get IP addresses
        const ip_addr_t *dns = dns_getserver(0);
        mp_obj_t tuple[4] = {
            netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&netif->ip_addr, NETUTILS_BIG),
            netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&netif->netmask, NETUTILS_BIG),
            netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)&netif->gw, NETUTILS_BIG),
            netutils_format_ipv4_addr((uint8_t*)dns, NETUTILS_BIG),
        return mp_obj_new_tuple(4, tuple);
    } else if (args[0] == MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_dhcp)) {
        // Start the DHCP client
        if (dhcp_supplied_address(netif)) {
        } else {

        // Wait for DHCP to get IP address
        uint32_t start = mp_hal_ticks_ms();
        while (!dhcp_supplied_address(netif)) {
            if (mp_hal_ticks_ms() - start > 10000) {
                mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_OSError, "timeout waiting for DHCP to get IP address");

        return mp_const_none;
    } else {
        // Release and stop any existing DHCP
        // Set static IP addresses
        mp_obj_t *items;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[0], 4, &items);
        netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[0], (uint8_t*)&netif->ip_addr, NETUTILS_BIG);
        netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[1], (uint8_t*)&netif->netmask, NETUTILS_BIG);
        netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[2], (uint8_t*)&netif->gw, NETUTILS_BIG);
        ip_addr_t dns;
        netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[3], (uint8_t*)&dns, NETUTILS_BIG);
        dns_setserver(0, &dns);
        return mp_const_none;
Пример #16
mp_obj_t pyb_rtc_datetime(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    if (n_args == 1) {
        // get date and time
        // note: need to call get time then get date to correctly access the registers
        RTC_DateTypeDef date;
        RTC_TimeTypeDef time;
        HAL_RTC_GetTime(&RTCHandle, &time, FORMAT_BIN);
        HAL_RTC_GetDate(&RTCHandle, &date, FORMAT_BIN);
        mp_obj_t tuple[8] = {
            mp_obj_new_int(2000 + date.Year),
        return mp_obj_new_tuple(8, tuple);
    } else {
        // set date and time
        mp_obj_t *items;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[1], 8, &items);

        RTC_DateTypeDef date;
        date.Year = mp_obj_get_int(items[0]) - 2000;
        date.Month = mp_obj_get_int(items[1]);
        date.Date = mp_obj_get_int(items[2]);
        date.WeekDay = mp_obj_get_int(items[3]);
        HAL_RTC_SetDate(&RTCHandle, &date, FORMAT_BIN);

        RTC_TimeTypeDef time;
        time.Hours = mp_obj_get_int(items[4]);
        time.Minutes = mp_obj_get_int(items[5]);
        time.Seconds = mp_obj_get_int(items[6]);
        time.SubSeconds = rtc_us_to_subsec(mp_obj_get_int(items[7]));
        time.TimeFormat = RTC_HOURFORMAT12_AM;
        time.DayLightSaving = RTC_DAYLIGHTSAVING_NONE;
        time.StoreOperation = RTC_STOREOPERATION_SET;
        HAL_RTC_SetTime(&RTCHandle, &time, FORMAT_BIN);

        return mp_const_none;
Пример #17
static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_rectangle(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t rectangle_obj)
    struct rectangle r;
    struct image *image;
    mp_obj_t *array;

    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(rectangle_obj, 4, &array);
    r.x = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    r.y = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    r.w = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    r.h = mp_obj_get_int(array[3]);

    /* get image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    imlib_draw_rectangle(image, &r);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #18
STATIC mp_obj_t wlan_init_helper(wlan_obj_t *self, const mp_arg_val_t *args) {
    // get the mode
    int8_t mode = args[0].u_int;

    // get the ssid
    mp_uint_t ssid_len = 0;
    const char *ssid = NULL;
    if (args[1].u_obj != NULL) {
        ssid = mp_obj_str_get_data(args[1].u_obj, &ssid_len);

    // get the auth config
    uint8_t auth = SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN;
    mp_uint_t key_len = 0;
    const char *key = NULL;
    if (args[2].u_obj != mp_const_none) {
        mp_obj_t *sec;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[2].u_obj, 2, &sec);
        auth = mp_obj_get_int(sec[0]);
        key = mp_obj_str_get_data(sec[1], &key_len);
        wlan_validate_security(auth, key, key_len);

    // get the channel
    uint8_t channel = args[3].u_int;

    // get the antenna type
    uint8_t antenna = 0;
    antenna = args[4].u_int;

    // initialize the wlan subsystem
    wlan_sl_init(mode, (const char *)ssid, ssid_len, auth, (const char *)key, key_len, channel, antenna, false);

    return mp_const_none;
Пример #19
STATIC mp_obj_t dict_make_new(mp_obj_t type_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_t dict;
    switch (n_args) {
        case 0:
            dict = mp_obj_new_dict(0);

        case 1: {
            if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(args[0], &mp_type_dict)) {
                return dict_copy(args[0]);
            // TODO create dict from an arbitrary mapping!

            // Make dict from iterable of pairs
            mp_obj_t iterable = mp_getiter(args[0]);
            mp_obj_t dict = mp_obj_new_dict(0);
            // TODO: support arbitrary seq as a pair
            mp_obj_t item;
            while ((item = mp_iternext(iterable)) != MP_OBJ_STOP_ITERATION) {
                mp_obj_t *sub_items;
                mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(item, 2, &sub_items);
                mp_obj_dict_store(dict, sub_items[0], sub_items[1]);
            return dict;

            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "dict takes at most 1 argument"));

    // add to the new dict any keyword args
    for (const mp_obj_t *a = args + n_args; n_kw > 0; n_kw--, a += 2) {
        mp_obj_dict_store(dict, a[0], a[1]);

    return dict;
Пример #20
// Takes an address of the form ('', 8080), returns the port and
// puts IP in out_ip (which must take at least IPADDR_BUF_SIZE bytes).
mp_uint_t mod_network_parse_inet_addr(mp_obj_t addr_in, uint8_t *out_ip) {
    mp_obj_t *addr_items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(addr_in, 2, &addr_items);
    mod_network_parse_ipv4_addr(addr_items[0], out_ip);
    return mp_obj_get_int(addr_items[1]);
Пример #21
static mp_obj_t py_image_threshold(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t color_list_obj, mp_obj_t threshold)
    color_t *color;
    image_t *image;

    /* sanity checks */
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE(sensor.pixformat == PIXFORMAT_RGB565);
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE(sensor.framesize <= FRAMESIZE_QCIF);

    /* read arguments */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);
    int thresh = mp_obj_get_int(threshold);

    /* returned image */
    image_t bimage = {

    /* copy color list */
    uint len;
    mp_obj_t *color_arr;
    mp_obj_get_array(color_list_obj, &len, &color_arr);

    color = xalloc(len*sizeof*color);

    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        mp_obj_t *color_obj;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(color_arr[i], 3, &color_obj);
        color[i].r = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[0]);
        color[i].g = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[1]);
        color[i].b = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[2]);

    /* Threshold image using reference color */
    imlib_threshold(image, &bimage, color, len, thresh);

    return py_image_from_struct(&bimage);

static mp_obj_t py_image_rainbow(mp_obj_t src_image_obj)
    image_t *src_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(src_image_obj);
    /* sanity checks */

    image_t dst_image = {

    imlib_rainbow(src_image, &dst_image);
    *src_image = dst_image;
    return src_image_obj;

static mp_obj_t py_image_compress(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t quality)
    image_t *image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    image_t cimage = {
        .pixels= NULL

    jpeg_compress(image, &cimage, mp_obj_get_int(quality));
    return py_image_from_struct(&cimage);

static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_line(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t line_obj)
    /* get image pointer */
    struct image *image;
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    mp_obj_t *array;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(line_obj, 4, &array);
    int x0 = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    int y0 = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    int x1 = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    int y1 = mp_obj_get_int(array[3]);

    imlib_draw_line(image, x0, y0, x1, y1);
    return mp_const_none;

static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_circle(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t c_obj, mp_obj_t r_obj)
    int cx, cy, r;
    mp_obj_t *array;

    struct image *image;
    color_t c = {.r=0xFF, .g=0xFF, .b=0xFF};

    /* get image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* center */
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(c_obj, 2, &array);
    cx = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    cy = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);

    /* radius */
    r = mp_obj_get_int(r_obj);
    imlib_draw_circle(image, cx, cy, r, &c);
    return mp_const_none;

static mp_obj_t py_image_draw_string(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args)
    int x = mp_obj_get_int(args[1]);
    int y = mp_obj_get_int(args[2]);
    image_t *image =py_image_cobj(args[0]);
    const char *str = mp_obj_str_get_str(args[3]);
    color_t c = {.r=0xFF, .g=0xFF, .b=0xFF};

    if (n_args == 5) {
        // get color
        mp_obj_t *array;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[4], 3, &array);
        c.r = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
        c.g = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
        c.b = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    imlib_draw_string(image, x, y, str, &c);
    return mp_const_none;

static mp_obj_t py_image_erode(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t ksize_obj)
    image_t *image = NULL;
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* sanity checks */

    imlib_erode(image, mp_obj_get_int(ksize_obj));
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #22
static mp_obj_t py_image_threshold(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t color_list_obj, mp_obj_t threshold)
    color_t *color;
    image_t *image;

    /* sanity checks */
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(sensor.pixformat == PIXFORMAT_RGB565,
            "This function is only supported on RGB565 images");

    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(sensor.framesize <= OMV_MAX_BLOB_FRAME,
            "This function is only supported on "OMV_MAX_BLOB_FRAME_STR" and smaller frames");

    /* read arguments */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);
    int thresh = mp_obj_get_int(threshold);

    /* returned image */
    image_t bimage = {

    /* copy color list */
    uint len;
    mp_obj_t *color_arr;
    mp_obj_get_array(color_list_obj, &len, &color_arr);

    color = xalloc(len*sizeof*color);

    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        mp_obj_t *color_obj;
        mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(color_arr[i], 3, &color_obj);
        color[i].r = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[0]);
        color[i].g = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[1]);
        color[i].b = mp_obj_get_int(color_obj[2]);

    /* Threshold image using reference color */
    imlib_threshold(image, &bimage, color, len, thresh);

    return py_image_from_struct(&bimage);

static mp_obj_t py_image_rainbow(mp_obj_t src_image_obj)
    image_t *src_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(src_image_obj);

    /* sanity checks */
    PY_ASSERT_TRUE_MSG(src_image->bpp == 1,
            "This function is only supported on GRAYSCALE images");

    image_t dst_image = {

    imlib_rainbow(src_image, &dst_image);
    *src_image = dst_image;
    return src_image_obj;

static mp_obj_t py_image_compress(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t quality)
    image_t *image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    image_t cimage = {
        .bpp = JPEG_INIT_BUF,
        .pixels = xalloc(JPEG_INIT_BUF)

    jpeg_compress(image, &cimage, mp_obj_get_int(quality));

    return py_image_from_struct(&cimage);
Пример #23
static mp_obj_t py_image_scale(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t size_obj)
    int w,h;
    mp_obj_t *array;
    image_t *src_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* get x,y */
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(size_obj, 2, &array);
    w = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    h = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);

    image_t dst_image = {

    imlib_scale(src_image, &dst_image, INTERP_BILINEAR);

    *src_image = dst_image;
    return image_obj;

static mp_obj_t py_image_scaled(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t size_obj)
    int w,h;
    mp_obj_t *array;
    image_t *src_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* get x,y */
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(size_obj, 2, &array);
    w = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    h = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);

    image_t dst_image = {

    imlib_scale(src_image, &dst_image, INTERP_NEAREST);

    return py_image_from_struct(&dst_image);

static mp_obj_t py_image_subimg(mp_obj_t image_obj, mp_obj_t subimg_obj)
    rectangle_t r;
    image_t *image;
    mp_obj_t *array;

    /* image pointer */
    image = py_image_cobj(image_obj);

    /* sub image */
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(subimg_obj, 4, &array);
    r.x = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    r.y = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);
    r.w = mp_obj_get_int(array[2]);
    r.h = mp_obj_get_int(array[3]);

    image_t subimg = {

    imlib_subimage(image, &subimg, r.x, r.y);

    return py_image_from_struct(&subimg);

static mp_obj_t py_image_blit(mp_obj_t dst_image_obj, mp_obj_t src_image_obj, mp_obj_t offset_obj)
    int x,y;
    image_t *src_image = NULL;
    image_t *dst_image = NULL;

    /* get C image pointer */
    src_image = py_image_cobj(src_image_obj);
    dst_image = py_image_cobj(dst_image_obj);

    /* get x,y */
    mp_obj_t *array;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(offset_obj, 2, &array);
    x = mp_obj_get_int(array[0]);
    y = mp_obj_get_int(array[1]);

    if ((src_image->w+x)>dst_image->w ||
        (src_image->h+y)>dst_image->h) {
        printf("src image > dst image\n");
        return mp_const_none;

    imlib_blit(src_image, dst_image, x, y);
    return mp_const_none;
Пример #24
// Takes an address of the form ('', 8080), returns the port and
// puts IP in out_ip (which must take at least IPADDR_BUF_SIZE bytes).
mp_uint_t netutils_parse_inet_addr(mp_obj_t addr_in, uint8_t *out_ip, netutils_endian_t endian) {
    mp_obj_t *addr_items;
    mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(addr_in, 2, &addr_items);
    netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(addr_items[0], out_ip, endian);
    return mp_obj_get_int(addr_items[1]);