Пример #1
STATIC void mptask_init_sflash_filesystem (void) {
    FILINFO fno;
#if _USE_LFN
    fno.lfname = NULL;
    fno.lfsize = 0;

    // Initialise the local flash filesystem.
    // Create it if needed, and mount in on /flash.
    // try to mount the flash
    FRESULT res = f_mount(sflash_fatfs, "/flash", 1);
    if (res == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) {
        // no filesystem, so create a fresh one
        res = f_mkfs("/flash", 1, 0);
        if (res == FR_OK) {
            // success creating fresh LFS
        } else {
            __fatal_error("failed to create /flash");
        // create empty main.py
    } else if (res == FR_OK) {
        // mount sucessful
        if (FR_OK != f_stat("/flash/main.py", &fno)) {
            // create empty main.py
    } else {
        __fatal_error("failed to create /flash");

    // The current directory is used as the boot up directory.
    // It is set to the internal flash filesystem by default.

    // Make sure we have a /flash/boot.py.  Create it if needed.
    res = f_stat("/flash/boot.py", &fno);
    if (res == FR_OK) {
        if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) {
            // exists as a directory
            // TODO handle this case
            // see http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/img/app2.c for a "rm -rf" implementation
        } else {
            // exists as a file, good!
    } else {
        // doesn't exist, create fresh file
        FIL fp;
        f_open(&fp, "/flash/boot.py", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
        UINT n;
        f_write(&fp, fresh_boot_py, sizeof(fresh_boot_py) - 1 /* don't count null terminator */, &n);
        // TODO check we could write n bytes
Пример #2
STATIC void mptask_init_sflash_filesystem (void) {
    FILINFO fno;

    // Initialise the local flash filesystem.
    // init the vfs object
    fs_user_mount_t *vfs_fat = sflash_vfs_fat;
    vfs_fat->flags = 0;

    // Create it if needed, and mount in on /flash.
    FRESULT res = f_mount(&vfs_fat->fatfs);
    if (res == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) {
        // no filesystem, so create a fresh one
        uint8_t working_buf[FF_MAX_SS];
        res = f_mkfs(&vfs_fat->fatfs, FM_FAT | FM_SFD, 0, working_buf, sizeof(working_buf));
        if (res == FR_OK) {
            // success creating fresh LFS
        } else {
            __fatal_error("failed to create /flash");
        // create empty main.py
    } else if (res == FR_OK) {
        // mount sucessful
        if (FR_OK != f_stat(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/main.py", &fno)) {
            // create empty main.py
    } else {
        __fatal_error("failed to create /flash");

    // mount the flash device (there should be no other devices mounted at this point)
    // we allocate this structure on the heap because vfs->next is a root pointer
    mp_vfs_mount_t *vfs = m_new_obj_maybe(mp_vfs_mount_t);
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        goto fail;
    vfs->str = "/flash";
    vfs->len = 6;
    vfs->obj = MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(vfs_fat);
    vfs->next = NULL;
    MP_STATE_VM(vfs_mount_table) = vfs;

    // The current directory is used as the boot up directory.
    // It is set to the internal flash filesystem by default.
    MP_STATE_PORT(vfs_cur) = vfs;

    // create /flash/sys, /flash/lib and /flash/cert if they don't exist
    if (FR_OK != f_chdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/sys")) {
        f_mkdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/sys");
    if (FR_OK != f_chdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/lib")) {
        f_mkdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/lib");
    if (FR_OK != f_chdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/cert")) {
        f_mkdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/cert");

    f_chdir(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/");

    // make sure we have a /flash/boot.py.  Create it if needed.
    res = f_stat(&vfs_fat->fatfs, "/boot.py", &fno);
    if (res == FR_OK) {
        if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) {
            // exists as a directory
            // TODO handle this case
            // see http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/img/app2.c for a "rm -rf" implementation
        } else {
            // exists as a file, good!
    } else {
        // doesn't exist, create fresh file
        FIL fp;
        f_open(&vfs_fat->fatfs, &fp, "/boot.py", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
        UINT n;
        f_write(&fp, fresh_boot_py, sizeof(fresh_boot_py) - 1 /* don't count null terminator */, &n);
        // TODO check we could write n bytes