Пример #1
bool mpu6050Detect(sensor_t * acc, sensor_t * gyro, uint8_t scale)
    bool ack;
    uint8_t sig;

    delay(35);                  // datasheet page 13 says 30ms. other stuff could have been running meanwhile. but we'll be safe

    ack = i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_WHO_AM_I, 1, &sig);
    if (!ack)
        return false;

    if (sig != MPU6050_ADDRESS)
        return false;

    // get chip revision + fake it if needed
    if (scale)
        mpuProductID = MPU6000_REV_C5; // no, seriously? why don't you make the chip ID list public.
        i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PRODUCT_ID, 1, &mpuProductID);

    acc->init = mpu6050AccInit;
    acc->read = mpu6050AccRead;
    acc->align = mpu6050AccAlign;
    gyro->init = mpu6050GyroInit;
    gyro->read = mpu6050GyroRead;
    gyro->align = mpu6050GyroAlign;

#ifdef MPU6050_DMP

    return true;
bool mpu6050Detect(sensor_t * acc, sensor_t * gyro, uint8_t scale)
    bool ack;
    uint8_t sig;

    delay(35);                  // datasheet page 13 says 30ms. other stuff could have been running meanwhile. but we'll be safe

    ack = i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_WHO_AM_I, 1, &sig);
    if (!ack)
        return false;

    // So like, MPU6xxx has a "WHO_AM_I" register, that is used to verify the identity of the device.
    // The contents of WHO_AM_I are the upper 6 bits of the MPU-60X0’s 7-bit I2C address.
    // The least significant bit of the MPU-60X0’s I2C address is determined by the value of the AD0 pin. (we know that already).
    // But here's the best part: The value of the AD0 pin is not reflected in this register.
    if (sig != (MPU6050_ADDRESS & 0x7e))
        return false;

    // get chip revision + fake it if needed
    if (scale)
        mpuProductID = MPU6000_REV_C5; // no, seriously? why don't you make the chip ID list public.
        i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PRODUCT_ID, 1, &mpuProductID);

    acc->init = mpu6050AccInit;
    acc->read = mpu6050AccRead;
    acc->align = mpu6050AccAlign;
    gyro->init = mpu6050GyroInit;
    gyro->read = mpu6050GyroRead;
    gyro->align = mpu6050GyroAlign;

#ifdef MPU6050_DMP

    return true;