Пример #1
fract16 arg_fr16 ( complex_fract16 a )
  // Phase = atan( a.imaginary / a.real) / 2*pi,    phase = [0..1.0)

  fract16  phase;

  phase = atan2_fr16(a.im, a.re);

  if( phase > 0 )
    // atan2_fr16( [0..0.5) ) = [0x0..0x7fff]
    // Expected phase :         [0..0.5)
    // => Need to divide output from atan2_fr16 by 2

    phase = multr_fr1x16(phase,0x4000);

  else if( phase < 0 )
    // atan2_fr16( [0.5..1.0) ) = [0x8000..0x0)
    // Expected phase :           [0.5..1.0)
    // => Need to scale by:       (2.0 + output atan2_fr16) / 2
    //                  = 1.0 + output/2
    //                  = (1.0 - max fract16 + max fract16) + output/2
    //                  = (max fract16 + output/2) + (1.0 - max fract16)

    phase = (0x7fff + multr_fr1x16(phase,0x4000)) + 0x1;


  return( phase );

void echo_generator(void)
    echo_output = in_fir;
    // Produce First echo
    echo_output = add_fr1x16(echo_output, multr_fr1x16(0x1000, echo_delayed_input[echo_reader_first]));
    // Produce Second echo
    echo_output = add_fr1x16(echo_output, multr_fr1x16(0x2000, echo_delayed_input[echo_reader_second]));
    // Produce Third echo
    echo_output = add_fr1x16(echo_output, multr_fr1x16(0x4000, echo_delayed_input[echo_reader_third]));
    echo_delayed_input[echo_writer] = in_fir; //Store the current input in the echo delay buffer
    //Increment the echo buffer readers
    if(echo_writer == echo_TAP_NUM)
        echo_writer = 0;
    if(echo_reader_first == echo_TAP_NUM)
        echo_reader_first = 0;
    if(echo_reader_second == echo_TAP_NUM)
        echo_reader_second = 0;
    if(echo_reader_third == echo_TAP_NUM)
        echo_reader_third = 0;
void Vibrato_Function(void) 
int j,k=0;																						// Increment d'échantillons
	for (j=0;j<Size_acq;j++)
		if(Toff==8000) {Toff=0;}																// Si au bout de la periode, reprendre à 0																				
			ShellFunction[j]=-multr_fr1x16(Toff,0.00000025r16);									// Parabole de base (8000 , 1)
			ShellFunction[j]=multr_fr1x16((ShellFunction[j]+0.001r16),Toff);}					// Parabole convexe
		else {
			ShellFunction[j]= multr_fr1x16(Toff,0.00000025r16);									// Parabole de base (14000,-1)
			ShellFunction[j]=multr_fr1x16((ShellFunction[j]-0.003r16),Toff+8);}					// Parabole concave
		Toff=Toff+1;																			// Incrementation d'indice
		ShellFunction[j]=multr_fr1x16(0.4r16,ShellFunction[j]);									// Shell => [-1, 1]/( 1 + 1.5)
		output_data[j] = multr_fr1x16(input_data[j],0.6r16);									// OD = ID * ( 1.5 + Shell ) / ( 1 + 1.5 ) => OD = ID * 1.5/2.5
		output_data[j] = output_data[j]+multr_fr1x16(input_data[j],ShellFunction[j]);			// OD = ID * ( 1.5 + Shell ) / ( 1 + 1.5 ) => OD = OD + ID * Shell


}//end of function