int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int return_result = 0; // renice and strip of suid rights if (nice(-10) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not increase priority (no setuid?)\n"); } if (getuid() != geteuid()) { if (setuid(getuid()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not switch back to uid=%d\n", getuid()); } } try { core_config my_conf(argv, argc); // setup input and output magnexgrad_core my_core(my_conf); // start core application; } catch (const DamarisException& e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return_result = 1; } return return_result; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int return_result = 0; try { core_config my_conf(argv, argc); // setup input and output Mobile_core my_core(my_conf); // start core application; } catch (const DamarisException& e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return_result = 1; } return return_result; }
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env) { t_shell *shell; t_check check[4]; int return_value; if ((shell = malloc(sizeof(t_shell))) == NULL) return (1); if (env[0] != NULL) copy_env(shell, env); shell->status = 0; init_check(check); return_value = my_core(shell, check); (void)ac; (void)av; my_putstr("exit\n"); free_all_on_exit(shell); return (return_value); }
int main( int argc,const char** argv ) { fprintf(stderr,"!!!CAUTION: you are using a test case!!!\n"); int return_result=0; try { core_config my_config(argv, argc); // setup input and output dummycore my_core(my_config); // start core application; } catch(ADC_exception ae) { fprintf(stderr,"adc: %s\n",ae.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch(core_exception ce) { fprintf(stderr,"core: %s\n",ce.c_str()); return_result=1; } return return_result; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int return_result=0; // renice and strip of suid rights if (nice(-10)==-1) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not increase priority (no setuid?)\n"); } if (getuid()!=geteuid()) { if (setuid(getuid())!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not switch back to uid=%d\n",getuid()); } } try { core_config my_conf(argv, argc); // setup input and output magnexgrad_core my_core(my_conf); // start core application; } catch(ADC_exception ae) { fprintf(stderr,"adc: %s\n",ae.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch(core_exception ce) { fprintf(stderr,"core: %s\n",ce.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch(pulse_exception pe) { fprintf(stderr,"pulse: %s\n",pe.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch (tempcont_error te) { fprintf(stderr,"temperature control: %s\n",te.c_str()); return_result=1; } return return_result; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int return_result=0; try { core_config my_conf(argv, argc); // setup input and output NQR_core my_core(my_conf); // start core application; } catch(ADC_exception ae) { fprintf(stderr,"adc: %s\n",ae.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch(core_exception ce) { fprintf(stderr,"core: %s\n",ce.c_str()); return_result=1; } catch(pulse_exception pe) { fprintf(stderr,"pulse: %s\n",pe.c_str()); return_result=1; } return return_result; }
u_int64 Thread_Memory_Semantics::my_rank_mask() { assert(cores_are_initialized()); return my_core()->rank_mask(); }