int hist_down(t_line *rdl, void *data) { (void)data; if (rdl->cur_hist == NULL) return (TRUE); gbgc_free(NULL, rdl->cur_hist->data); if ((rdl->cur_hist->data = (unsigned char*)my_strdup((char*)rdl->line)) == NULL) return (my_perror(MALLOC_FAILED)); rdl->cur_hist = rdl->cur_hist->prev; return_to_beg(rdl, data, 1); if (!(hist_down_management(rdl))) return (FALSE); my_putstr((char*)rdl->line); return (TRUE); }
bool openables(char **argv) { int i; int handle; for (i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { if ((handle = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY)) == -1) { my_putstr("Cannot open the files\n"); return (FALSE); } close(handle); } return (TRUE); }
static void profondeur(char *file) { t_solver maze; t_pile list; char **map; map = parser(file, &maze); list.prev = NULL; map = algorithm(&list, &maze, map); if (map == NULL) { my_putstr("No solution found\n"); exit (0); } display(&maze, map); }
int exec_cmd(char **tabcmd, char **env) { int pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) return (-1); if (pid == 0) { if (execve(tabcmd[0], tabcmd, env) == -1) my_putstr("$> Command not found.\n"); exit(pid); } wait(&pid); return (0); }
void ls_alone() { t_my_struct s; s.dirp = opendir("./"); while ((s.dp = readdir(s.dirp)) != NULL) { if (s.dp->d_name[0] != '.') { my_putstr(s.dp->d_name); my_putchar(' '); } } my_putchar('\n'); closedir(s.dirp); }
int my_aff(t_vm *vm, t_proc *proc, int opcode) { t_arg arg[MAX_ARGS_NUMBER]; int pc; my_putstr("aff\n", 1); if (vm == NULL || proc == NULL) return (1); if ((pc = my_parse_arg(arg, vm->mem, opcode, proc->pc)) == -1) return (1); if (my_load_in_mem(arg, proc, vm->mem, opcode)) return (1); my_put_unsigned_char(arg[0].value % 256); proc->pc = pc % MEM_SIZE; return (0); }
int print_hist(t_env *history, t_env *tmp, int fd, int nb) { int line; line = size_history(history, nb); while (tmp != history) { my_put_nbr(line, fd); my_putchar('\t', fd); my_putstr(tmp->str, fd); my_putchar('\n', fd); tmp = tmp->next; line++; } return (0); }
int swap_sa(t_list **l_a) { t_list *tmp; if (*l_a == NULL) return (0); else { tmp = *l_a; *l_a = (*l_a)->nxt; tmp->nxt = (*l_a)->nxt; (*l_a)->nxt = tmp; } my_putstr("sa "); return (0); }
int my_str_isnum(char *str) { int i; i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { if (str[i] < '0' || str[i] > '9') { my_putstr("Error: invalid input (positive number expected)\n"); return (-1); } i += 1; } return (my_getnbr(str)); }
int val_cha(char *begin, char *ref_num,char *ref_op) { int i; i = 0; while (begin[i]) { if (isop(begin[i], ref_op) == -1 && isnum(begin[i], ref_num) == 0) { my_putstr("WARNING : Invalid character are delete for calcul\n"); return (0); } i = i + 1; } return (0); }
int my_msg(t_clt *data, char **com) { if (data->s <= 2) { my_putstr("Not connected to a server\n", 2); return (0); } if (handle_args(com, 3, 3, 1) == 1) return (0); fill_cb("PRIVMSG ", 8, &data->wcb); fill_cb(com[1], strlen(com[1]), &data->wcb); fill_cb(" ", 1, &data->wcb); fill_cb(com[2], strlen(com[2]), &data->wcb); fill_cb("\r\n", 2, &data->wcb); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 3) { init_my_add(t_addition *my_add, int argc, char **argv); } // if (init_my_add (&my_add, argv) = 1)) else { my_putstr("Error !\n"); return (1); } }
t_element *sa(t_element *list, char *letter) { t_element *temp; t_element *out; if (len_elem(list) < 2) return (list); my_putstr(letter); out = list->next; temp = out; out->next = list; out->prev = list->prev; list->next = temp->next; list->prev = out; return (out); }
void my_error(char *str) { if (str != NULL) { my_putstr("If '"); my_putstr(str); my_putstr("' is not a typo you can use "); my_putstr("command-not-found to lookup the package "); my_putstr("that contains in, like this:\n"); my_putstr(" cnf "); my_putstr(str); my_putchar('\n'); } }
int swap_sb(t_list **l_b) { t_list *tmp; if (*l_b == NULL) return (0); else { tmp = *l_b; *l_b = (*l_b)->nxt; tmp->nxt = (*l_b)->nxt; (*l_b)->nxt = tmp; } my_putstr("sb "); return (0); }
int exec_complexins(t_dtf *map, char **tab) { if (get_crtreturn(NULL)) return (0); if (map == NULL || tab == NULL) return (0); if (count_els((void **)tab) == 4 && !my_strcmp(tab[1], MOVECD) && !my_strcmp(tab[2], TOWARD)) return (map->move(map, my_atoi(tab[0]), tab[3])); else { my_putstr(ERRCMD); return (dbgerr("Error: exec_simpleins: Unknow command")); } return (1); }
int check_arg(int ac, char **av) { int i; i = 1; while (i != ac) { if (av[i][0] == '-' && av[i][1] == 'v') { my_putstr("OK"); return (1); } i++; } return (0); }
int my_cd_go_back(t_shell *shell) { if (shell->old_dir == NULL) { my_putstr_err(": No such file or directory.\n"); return (1); } my_putstr(shell->old_dir); my_putchar('\n'); chdir(shell->old_dir); free(shell->old_dir); find_oldpwd(shell); set_oldpwd_and_pwd(shell); free(shell->cd_move); return (0); }
void restart_check_user(FILE *fd, char *users, char *tofind, struct s_static_socket *socket) { xfree(users); xfree(tofind); errno = 0; rewind(fd); if (errno != 0) { my_putstr("Error of rewind\n"); xwrite(socket->cs, "451 Internal Server Error\n", 26); xfclose(fd); shut_client_socket(0); } xwrite(socket->cs, "530 Incorrect login or password\n", 32); }
static int init_values_champions(t_champions *champions) { while (champions) { if ((champions->reg = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (REG_NUMBER + 1))) == NULL) return (my_putstr(ALLOC_FAILED, 2)); init_reg(champions->reg, champions->prog_number); champions->pc = champions->load_address; champions->carry = 0; champions->last_live = 0; champions->cycle_to_wait = 0; champions = champions->next; } return (0); }
void print_hexa(char *str, int size) { int i; i = 0; while (i < 16) { if ((i % 2) == 0) my_putchar(' '); if (i < size) my_put_nbr_base_pad(str[i], "0123456789abcdef", 2); else my_putstr( " "); i++; } }
char *my_revstr(char *str) { int count; int len; int tmp; count = 0; len = my_strlen(str); while ( count < len / 2) { my_swap(str + count, str + len - count - 1); count = count + 1; } my_putstr(str); }
int check_gravity_b(t_struct *st, int how) { if (how > 4) { st-> = 0; my_putstr("Boss dead by Gravity.\n"); } how = down_b(st, 1, how); how = down_b(st, 2, how); how = down_b(st, 4, how); while (how > 0) how = down_b(st, 16, how); if (st->tmap[st->boss.y + 1][st->boss.x] == 'i') st-> = 0; return (0); }
int swap_pb(t_list **l_a, t_list **l_b) { t_list *tmp; if (*l_a == NULL) return (0); else { tmp = *l_a; *l_a = (*l_a)->nxt; tmp->nxt = *l_b; *l_b = tmp; } my_putstr("pb "); return (0); }
int disp_encrypted_message(int *k_matrix, int *m_matrix, int len, int nb) { int c_m; int c_m_init; int c_k; int c_k_init; int nb_matrix; int i; int count_nb; int space; c_m = 0; c_m_init = 0; c_k = 0; c_k_init = 0; i = 0; count_nb = 0; space = 0; my_putstr("Encrypted message :\n"); while (i != len) { nb_matrix = 0; c_k = c_k_init; while (count_nb < nb) { nb_matrix = nb_matrix + m_matrix[c_m] * k_matrix[c_k]; c_m += 1; c_k += nb; count_nb = count_nb + 1; } if (space != 0) my_putchar(' '); space = 1; my_put_nbr(nb_matrix); count_nb = 0; c_k_init = c_k_init + 1; c_m = c_m - nb; if (c_k_init == nb) { c_k_init = 0; c_m += nb; } i = i + 1; } my_putchar('\n'); return (0); }
void print_start(t_all *all) { if (is_same_str(all->name, "root", 4) == 0) { my_putstr(RED); my_putstr("\e[4;7m"); my_putstr(all->name); my_putstr("\e[24;27m"); my_putstr(YELLOW); my_putstr(" || "); my_putstr(all->floca); if (all->result != 0) my_putstr(RED); else my_putstr(GREEN); my_putstr(" => "); my_putstr("\e[0;39m"); }
void cent(char *str, int j) { if(str[j] == '1') my_putstr("cent"); if(str[j] == '2') my_putstr("deux cent"); if(str[j] == '3') my_putstr("trois cent"); if(str[j] == '4') my_putstr("quatre cent"); if(str[j] == '5') my_putstr("cinq cent"); if(str[j] == '6') my_putstr("six cent"); if(str[j] == '7') my_putstr("sept cent"); if(str[j] == '8') my_putstr("huit cent"); if(str[j] == '9') my_putstr("neuf cent"); dix(str[j]); }
int main() { char *term; char bp[1024]; char t[4096]; char *area; int li; int co; struct winsize w; signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch); if ((term = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) { my_putstr("can't determine terminal\n"); exit(1); } if (tgetent(bp, term) != 1) { my_putstr("problem with tgetent\n"); exit(1); } if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) < 0) my_putstr("ioctl"); area = t; li = tgetnum("li"); co = tgetnum("co"); my_putstr("ws_row="); my_put_nbr(w.ws_row); my_putstr("ws_col="); my_put_nbr(w.ws_col); my_putstr("\n"); my_putstr("li="); my_put_nbr(li); my_putstr("co="); my_put_nbr(co); my_putstr("\n"); while (1) pause(); }
void entering_passive(struct s_static_socket *br) { int pasvsock; size_t port; my_putstr("PASV Request\n"); if (br->pasv == -1 && br->ctrl == -1) { port = 1025; if ((pasvsock = init_pasv_socket(&port)) > -1) get_host_and_connect(br, pasvsock, port); else xwrite(br->cs, "425 Opening data connection failed\n", 35); } else xwrite(br->cs, "125 Data connection already open\n", 33); }
int gere_key(int keycode, t_img *img) { if (keycode == 65307) { my_putstr("Echap !\n"); exit(0); } else if (keycode == 65362) { gere_expose(img); } else if (keycode == 65364) { gere_expose(img); } return (0); }