Пример #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  int M = ( argc == 7 ) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 9;
  int N = ( argc == 7 ) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 10;
  int K = ( argc == 7 ) ? atoi(argv[3]) : 9;
  unsigned int N_CRUNS = ( argc == 7 ) ? atoi(argv[4]) : 8;
  unsigned int REPS =    ( argc == 7 ) ? atoi(argv[5]) : 1;
  char* l_csr_file =     ( argc == 7 ) ?      argv[6]  : "file.csr";

  const libxsmm_gemm_prefetch_type prefetch = LIBXSMM_GEMM_PREFETCH_NONE;
  const int flags = LIBXSMM_GEMM_FLAGS('N', 'N');
  const REALTYPE alpha = 1, beta = 1;

  REALTYPE* l_a_de = (REALTYPE*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(K * K * sizeof(REALTYPE), 64);
  REALTYPE* l_a_sp = NULL;
  REALTYPE* l_b = (REALTYPE*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(K * N * N_CRUNS* sizeof(REALTYPE), 64);
  unsigned int* l_rowptr = NULL;
  unsigned int* l_colidx = NULL;
  unsigned int l_rowcount, l_colcount, l_elements;
  REALTYPE* l_c = (REALTYPE*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(K * N * N_CRUNS * sizeof(REALTYPE), 64);
  REALTYPE* l_c_gold = (REALTYPE*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(K * N * N_CRUNS * sizeof(REALTYPE), 64);
  REALTYPE* l_c_asm = (REALTYPE*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(K * N * N_CRUNS * sizeof(REALTYPE), 64);
  REALTYPE l_max_error = 0.0;
  unsigned int l_k, l_n;
  int l_i, l_j, l_jj;

  LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(3, REALTYPE, l_p_c_asm, l_c_asm, N, N_CRUNS);
  LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(3, REALTYPE, l_p_c_gold, l_c_gold, N, N_CRUNS);

  libxsmm_descriptor_blob l_xgemm_blob;
  const libxsmm_gemm_descriptor* l_xgemm_desc = 0;

  unsigned long long l_start, l_end;
  double l_total;

  if (argc != 7) {
    fprintf( stderr, "arguments: M #iters CSR-file!\n" );
    return -1;

  /* touch B */
  for ( l_i = 0; l_i < K; l_i++) {
    for ( l_j = 0; l_j < N; l_j++) {
      for ( l_k = 0; l_k < N_CRUNS; l_k++ ) {
        LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_b, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS) = (REALTYPE)libxsmm_rand_f64();

  /* touch C */
  for ( l_i = 0; l_i < K; l_i++) {
    for ( l_j = 0; l_j < N; l_j++) {
      for ( l_k = 0; l_k < N_CRUNS; l_k++ ) {
        LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_gold, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS) = (REALTYPE)0.0;
        LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_asm,  l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS) = (REALTYPE)0.0;

  /* read A, CSR */
  libxsmm_sparse_csr_reader(  l_csr_file,
                             &l_rowcount, &l_colcount, &l_elements );

  /* copy b to dense */
  printf("CSR matrix data structure we just read:\n");
  printf("rows: %u, columns: %u, elements: %u\n", l_rowcount, l_colcount, l_elements);

  for ( l_n = 0; l_n < (((unsigned int)K) * K); l_n++) {
    l_a_de[l_n] = 0.0;

  for ( l_n = 0; l_n < (unsigned int)K; l_n++) {
    const unsigned int l_rowelems = l_rowptr[l_n+1] - l_rowptr[l_n];
    assert(l_rowptr[l_n+1] >= l_rowptr[l_n]);

    for ( l_k = 0; l_k < l_rowelems; l_k++) {
      l_a_de[(l_n * K) + l_colidx[l_rowptr[l_n] + l_k]] = l_a_sp[l_rowptr[l_n] + l_k];

  /* dense routine */
  l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
#if 1
  for ( l_n = 0; l_n < REPS; l_n++) {
    for ( l_i = 0; l_i < K; l_i++) {
      for ( l_j = 0; l_j < N; l_j++) {
        for ( l_jj = 0; l_jj < K; l_jj++) {
          for (l_k = 0; l_k < N_CRUNS; l_k++) {
            LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_gold, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS)
              +=   l_a_de[(l_i*K)+l_jj]
                 * LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_b, l_jj, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS);
  l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
  l_total = libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start, l_end);
  printf("%fs for dense\n", l_total);
  printf("%f GFLOPS for dense\n", ((double)((double)REPS * (double)K * (double)K * (double)N * (double)N_CRUNS) * 2.0) / (l_total * 1.0e9));

  l_xgemm_desc = libxsmm_gemm_descriptor_dinit(&l_xgemm_blob, LIBXSMM_GEMM_PRECISION(REALTYPE),
    K, N, K, 0, N, N, alpha, beta, flags, prefetch);

  /* sparse routine */
#if defined(__EDGE_EXECUTE_F32__)
  mykernel = libxsmm_create_xcsr_soa( l_xgemm_desc, l_rowptr, l_colidx, (const void*)l_a_sp ).smm;
  mykernel = libxsmm_create_xcsr_soa( l_xgemm_desc, l_rowptr, l_colidx, (const void*)l_a_sp ).dmm;

  l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
  for ( l_n = 0; l_n < REPS; l_n++) {
    mykernel( l_a_sp, l_b, l_c_asm );
  l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
  l_total = libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start, l_end);
  printf("%fs for sparse (asm)\n", l_total);
  printf("%f GFLOPS for sparse (asm)\n", ((double)((double)REPS * (double)K * (double)l_elements * (double)N_CRUNS) * 2.0) / (l_total * 1.0e9));

  /* check for errors */
  l_max_error = (REALTYPE)0.0;
  for ( l_i = 0; l_i < K; l_i++) {
    for ( l_j = 0; l_j < N; l_j++) {
      for ( l_k = 0; l_k < N_CRUNS; l_k++ ) {
        if (fabs( LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_gold, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS)
                    - LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_asm, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS) ) > l_max_error ) {
          l_max_error = (REALTYPE)fabs( LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_gold, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS)
                                       -LIBXSMM_VLA_ACCESS(3, l_p_c_asm, l_i, l_j, l_k, N, N_CRUNS) );
  printf("max error: %f\n", l_max_error);

  printf("PERFDUMP,%s,%u,%i,%i,%i,%u,%u,%f,%f,%f\n", l_csr_file, REPS, M, N, K, l_elements, K * l_elements * N_CRUNS * 2, l_max_error, l_total, ((double)((double)REPS * (double)K * (double)l_elements * (double)N_CRUNS) * 2.0) / (l_total * 1.0e9) );

  /* free */
  libxsmm_free( l_a_de );
  libxsmm_free( l_b );
  libxsmm_free( l_c );
  libxsmm_free( l_c_gold );
  libxsmm_free( l_c_asm );

  free( l_a_sp );
  free( l_rowptr );
  free( l_colidx );

  return 0;
Пример #2
int main (int argv, char** argc) 
	tds = 1;
//	reps = REPS;
	if (argv > 1) {
		tds = atoi(argc[1]);
/*	if (argv > 2) {
		reps = atoi(argc[2]);

	int i = 0;

	sum = (int *)malloc(tds*sizeof(int));


	double vector_time = elapsed_time();



	double vector_time_01 = elapsed_time();

	double gops = (double)((double)ARRAY_SIZE*(double)REPS*(double)tds*(double)2)/vector_time/((double)1e9);
	double bw = (double)((double)ARRAY_SIZE*(double)REPS)*(double)2*(double)4*(double)tds/vector_time/((double)1e9);
	double gops01 = (double)((double)ARRAY_SIZE*(double)REPS*(double)tds*(double)2)/vector_time_01/((double)1e9);
	double bw1 = (double)((double)ARRAY_SIZE*(double)REPS)*(double)2*(double)4*(double)tds/vector_time_01/((double)1e9);
	fprintf(stdout, "Threads: %d ArraySize: %d time: %.2f s GOPS: %.2f time01: %.2f s GOPS01: %.2f REPS: %d BW: %.2f BW1: %.2f\n", tds, ARRAY_SIZE, vector_time, gops, vector_time_01, gops01, REPS, bw, bw1);


/*#pragma omp parallel num_threads(tds)
		int tid = 0;
#ifdef OMP
		tid = omp_get_thread_num();
		int rr = oneThread(tid);
		sum[tid] = rr;
	int out = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < tds; i++){
		out += sum[i];

	printf("sum: %d\n", out);

	return 0;
Пример #3
Файл: gemm.c Проект: hfp/libxsmm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  unsigned int m=8, n=8, k=8, lda=8, ldb=8, ldc=8, nerrs, num, nmat;
  unsigned int layout, asize, bsize, ntest, ncorr;
#ifdef AVX512_TESTING
  unsigned int VLEND=8, VLENS=16;
  int arch=LIBXSMM_X86_AVX512_CORE;
  unsigned int VLEND=4, VLENS=8;
  int arch=LIBXSMM_X86_AVX2;
  unsigned int nmats, nmatd;
  unsigned int i, j, l, iunroll, junroll, loopi, loopj;
  char side='L', uplo='U', transa='N', transb='N', diag='N';
  unsigned int typesize8 = 8;
  unsigned int typesize4 = 4;
  float  *sa, *sb, *sc, *sd, *sc1;
  double *da, *db, *dc, *dd, *dc1;
  double dalpha = 1.0;
  float  salpha = (float)dalpha;
  double dbeta = 1.0;
  float  sbeta = (float)dbeta;
  double dtmp;
  const unsigned char *cptr = NULL;
  unsigned long op_count;
  const libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor* desc8 = NULL;
  const libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor* desc4 = NULL;
  libxsmm_descriptor_blob blob;
  libxsmm_pgemm_xfunction mykernel = NULL;
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  void (*opcode_routine)();
  unsigned char *routine_output;
  libxsmm_generated_code io_generated_code;
  int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
  if (pagesize == -1) fprintf(stderr,"sysconf pagesize\n");
  routine_output = (unsigned char *) mmap(NULL,
                      BUFSIZE2, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
                      MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0,0);
  if (mprotect(routine_output, BUFSIZE2,
                PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ) == -1)
  printf("Routine ready\n");
  io_generated_code.generated_code = &routine_output[0];
  io_generated_code.buffer_size = BUFSIZE2;
  io_generated_code.code_size = 0;
  io_generated_code.code_type = 2;
  io_generated_code.last_error = 0;

  printf("\nUSAGE: %s m n k lda ldb ldc nmat layout ntest transa transb iunroll junroll loopj loopi\n",argv[0]);
  if ( argc <= 3 )
     printf("Compact SGEMM a C_mxn<-C_mxn+A_mxk*B_kxn matrix of leading dims lda/b/c\n");
     printf("This will test the jit of 1 VLEN=%d ",VLENS);
     if ( VLENS==8 ) printf("(AVX2)");
     else            printf("(AVX512)");
     printf("Compact DGEMM a C_mxn<-C_mxn+A_mxk*B_kxn matrix of leading dims lda/b/c\n");
     printf("This will test the jit of 1 VLEN=%d ",VLEND);
     if ( VLEND==4 ) printf("(AVX2)");
     else            printf("(AVX512)");
     printf(" work of nmat at a time\n");
     printf("Configurable: M-loop controlled by iunroll & loopi. N-loop by junroll & loopj\n");
     printf("Defaults: m=n=k=lda=ldb=ldc=nmat=8, layout=102 (col major), transa=/b='N', ntest=1\n");
  if ( argc > 1 ) m = atoi(argv[1]); else m = 8;
  if ( argc > 2 ) n = atoi(argv[2]); else n = 8;
  if ( argc > 3 ) k = atoi(argv[3]); else k = 8;
  if ( argc > 4 ) lda= atoi(argv[4]); else lda = 8;
  if ( argc > 5 ) ldb= atoi(argv[5]); else ldb = 8;
  if ( argc > 6 ) ldc= atoi(argv[6]); else ldc = 8;
  if ( argc > 7 ) nmat = atoi(argv[7]); else nmat = 8;
  if ( argc > 8 ) layout = atoi(argv[8]); else layout=102;
  if ( argc > 9 ) ntest = atoi(argv[9]); else ntest = 1;
  if ( argc > 10 ) transa = argv[10][0]; else transa = 'N';
  if ( argc > 11 ) transb = argv[11][0]; else transb = 'N';
  if ( argc > 12 ) iunroll=atoi(argv[12]); else iunroll=0;
  if ( argc > 13 ) junroll=atoi(argv[13]); else junroll=0;
  if ( argc > 14 ) loopj=atoi(argv[14]); else loopj=0;
  if ( argc > 15 ) loopi=atoi(argv[15]); else loopi=0;

  salpha = (float)dalpha;
  m = LIBXSMM_MAX(m,1);
  n = LIBXSMM_MAX(n,1);
  k = LIBXSMM_MAX(k,1);
  ntest = LIBXSMM_MAX(ntest,1);
  nmat = LIBXSMM_MAX(nmat,VLEND);
  layout = LIBXSMM_MAX(LIBXSMM_MIN(layout,102),101);

  if ( transa!='N' && transa!='n' && transa!='T' && transa!='t' ) transa='N';
  if ( transb!='N' && transb!='n' && transb!='T' && transb!='t' ) transb='N';

  lda = LIBXSMM_MAX(lda,m);
  ldb = LIBXSMM_MAX(ldb,k);
  ldc = LIBXSMM_MAX(ldc,m);

  nmats = LIBXSMM_MAX(VLENS,nmat - (nmat%VLENS));
  nmatd = LIBXSMM_MAX(VLEND,nmat - (nmat%VLEND));
  nmat = nmats;
  nmat = nmatd;

  op_count = (unsigned long)(nmat * 2.0 * (double)m * (double)n * (double)k);

printf("This is a real*%d tester for JIT compact SGEMM %c%c kernels! (m=%u n=%u k=%u lda=%u ldb=%u ldc=%u layout=%d nmat=%d alpha=%g beta=%g iun=%d jun=%d loopi=%d loopj=%d VLEN=%d)\n",typesize4,transa,transb,m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,layout,nmat,dalpha,dbeta,iunroll,junroll,loopi,loopj,VLENS);
printf("This is a real*%d tester for JIT compact DGEMM %c%c kernels! (m=%u n=%u k=%u lda=%u ldb=%u ldc=%u layout=%d nmat=%d alpha=%g beta=%g iun=%d jun=%d loopi=%d loopj=%d VLEN=%d)\n",typesize8,transa,transb,m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,layout,nmat,dalpha,dbeta,iunroll,junroll,loopi,loopj,VLEND);

  printf("This code tests the LIBXSMM generated kernels\n");
  printf("This code tests some predefined assembly kernel\n");
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  printf("This code tests kernel generation directly\n");
#ifdef TIME_MKL
  printf("This code tests MKL compact batch directly\n");
#ifdef AVX512_TESTING
  printf("This tests AVX512 binaries\n");
  printf("This tests AVX2 binaries\n");

  desc8 = libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor_init(&blob, typesize8, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc, &dalpha, transa, transb, layout );
  desc4 = libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor_init(&blob, typesize4, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc, &dalpha, transa, transb, layout );

  printf("Descriptor set\n");

  printf("calling libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm: typesize8=%u\n",typesize8);
  mykernel = libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm(desc8);
  printf("done calling libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm: typesize8=%u\n",typesize8);
  if ( mykernel == NULL ) printf("R8 Kernel after the create call is null\n");
  mykernel = libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm(desc4);
  if ( mykernel == NULL ) printf("R4 kernel after the create call is null\n");

#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  libxsmm_generator_pgemm_kernel( &io_generated_code, desc8, arch, iunroll, junroll, loopi, loopj );

  printf("mallocing matrices\n");
  sa  = (float  *) malloc ( lda*k*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  da  = (double *) malloc ( lda*k*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sb  = (float  *) malloc ( ldb*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  db  = (double *) malloc ( ldb*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sc1 = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dc1 = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sc  = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dc  = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sd  = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dd  = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );

  printf("filling matrices\n");
  sfill_matrix ( sa, lda, m, k*nmat );
  sfill_matrix ( sb, ldb, k, n*nmat );
  sfill_matrix ( sc, ldc, m, n*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( da, lda, m, k*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( db, ldb, k, n*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( dc, ldc, m, n*nmat );

  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) sd[i]=sc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dd[i]=dc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) sc1[i]=sc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dc1[i]=dc[i];
  printf("Pointing at the kernel now\n");

  cptr = (const unsigned char*) mykernel;
  cptr = (const unsigned char*) gemm_;
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  cptr = (const unsigned char*) &routine_output[0];
  opcode_routine = (void *) &cptr[0];

#ifndef TIME_MKL

  printf("Dumping assembly file\n");
  FILE *fp = fopen("foo.s","w");
  char buffer[80];
  fputs("\t.align 256\n",fp);
  fputs("\t.globl gemm_\n",fp);
  for (i = 0 ; i < 7000; i+=4 )
     sprintf(buffer,".byte 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x\n",cptr[i],cptr[i+1],cptr[i+2],cptr[i+3]);
  fputs("\t.type gemm_,@function\n",fp);
  fputs("\t.size gemm_,.-gemm_\n",fp);

#if defined(USE_MKL_FOR_REFERENCE) || defined(TIME_MKL)
# include <mkl.h>
  MKL_SIDE SIDE = (side == 'R' || side == 'r') ? MKL_RIGHT : MKL_LEFT;
  MKL_UPLO UPLO = (uplo == 'U' || uplo == 'u') ? MKL_UPPER : MKL_LOWER;
  MKL_TRANSPOSE TRANSA = (transa == 'N' || transa == 'n') ? MKL_NOTRANS : MKL_TRANS;
  MKL_TRANSPOSE TRANSB = (transb == 'N' || transb == 'n') ? MKL_NOTRANS : MKL_TRANS;
  MKL_DIAG DIAG = (diag == 'N' || diag == 'n') ? MKL_NONUNIT : MKL_UNIT;
  MKL_COMPACT_PACK CMP_FORMAT = mkl_get_format_compact();
#if 0

  printf("Before routine, initial A(1,1)=%g A[256]=%g\n",da[0],da[256]);
  double one = 1.0;
  double timer, firsttime = 0;
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  double tmptimer;
  tmptimer = dsecnd_();
  unsigned long long l_start, l_end;

  timer = 0.0;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < (int)ntest ; j++ )
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dc[i]=dc1[i];
  for ( i = 0 , num = 0; i < (int)nmat ; i+= (int)VLEND, num++ )
     double *Ap = &da[num*lda*k*VLEND];
     double *Bp = &db[num*ldb*n*VLEND];
     double *Cp = &dc[num*ldc*n*VLEND];
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
     tmptimer = dsecnd_();
     l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();

     gen_compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &m, &n, &k, &dalpha, Ap, &lda, Bp, &ldb, &dbeta, Cp, &ldc, &VLEND );
     mykernel ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
     gemm_ ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
     (*opcode_routine)( Ap, Bp, Cp );
#ifdef TIME_MKL
     mkl_dgemm_compact ( CLAYOUT, TRANSA, TRANSB, m, n, k, dalpha, da, lda, db, ldb, dbeta, dc, ldc, CMP_FORMAT, nmat );
     i+=nmatd; /* Because MKL will do everything */
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
     dtmp = dsecnd_() - tmptimer;
     l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
     dtmp = libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start,l_end);
     if ( j == 0 ) firsttime=dtmp;
     timer += dtmp;
  if ( ntest >= 100 ) {
      /* Skip the first timing: super necessary if using MKL */
      timer = (timer-firsttime)/((double)(ntest-1));
  } else {
      timer /= ((double)ntest);

  printf("Average time to get through %u matrices: %g\n",nmat,timer);
  printf("Gflops: %g\n",(double)op_count/(timer*1.0e9));
  printf("after routine, new      C(1,1)=%g C[256]=%g\n",dc[0],dc[256]);

  printf("Before r4 routine, initial C(1,1)=%g C[256]=%g\n",sc[0],sc[256]);

  for ( i = 0 , num = 0; i < nmats ; i+= VLENS, num++ )
     float *Ap = &sa[num*lda*k*VLENS];
     float *Bp = &sb[num*ldb*n*VLENS];
     float *Cp = &sc[num*ldc*n*VLENS];
     mykernel ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
  printf("after r4 routine, new      C(1,1)=%g C]256]=%g\n",dc[0],dc[256]);

  /* Call some reference code now on a copy of the B matrix (C) */
  double timer2 = 0.0;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < (int)ntest ; j++ )
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dd[i]=dc1[i];
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  tmptimer = dsecnd_();
  l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();

  compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k, &dalpha, da, &lda, db, &ldb, &dbeta, dd, &ldc, &nmat, &VLEND );
  mkl_dgemm_compact ( CLAYOUT, TRANSA, TRANSB, m, n, k, dalpha, da, lda, db, ldb, dbeta, dd, ldc, CMP_FORMAT, nmat );

#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  timer2 += dsecnd_() - tmptimer;
  l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
  timer2 += libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start,l_end);

  timer2 /= ((double)ntest);
  printf("Reference time=%g Reference Gflops=%g\n",timer2,op_count/(timer2*1.0e9));

  /* Compute the residual between B and C */
  dtmp = residual_d ( dc, ldc, m, n*nmat, dd, ldc, &nerrs, &ncorr );
  printf("R8 mnk=%u %u %u ldabc=%u %u %u error: %g number of errors: %u corrects: %u",m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,dtmp,nerrs,ncorr);
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" ->FAILED at %ux%u real*8 %u case",m,n,layout);

  /* Call some reference code now on a copy of the B matrix (C) */
  compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k, &salpha, sa, &lda, sb, &ldb, &sbeta, sd, &ldc, &nmat, &VLENS );
  /* Compute the residual between C and D */
  dtmp = residual_s ( sc, ldc, m, n*nmat, sd, ldc, &nerrs, &ncorr );
  printf("R4 mnk=%u %u %u ldabc=%u %u %u error: %g number of errors: %u corrects: %u",m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,dtmp,nerrs,ncorr);
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" ->FAILED at %ux%u real*4 case",m,n);

  for ( j = 0, nerrs = 0 ; j < lda*n*nmat; j++ )
     if ( isnan(dc[j]) || isinf(dc[j]) )
        if ( ++nerrs < 10 )
           printf("WARNING: dc[%d]=%g\n",j,dc[j]);
  printf("%g,real*8 m/n/k=%u %u %u lda-c=%u %u %u Denormals=%u Time=%g Gflops=%g",op_count/(timer*1.0e9),m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,nerrs,timer,op_count/(timer*1.0e9));
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" -> FAILED at %ux%u real*8 case",m,n);


  return 0;