Пример #1
	int argc, n;
	char *arg, *p, **argv;
	Rune *warg;

	if(0 && win_hasunicode()){
		warg = GetCommandLineW();
		n = (wstrlen(warg)+1)*UTFmax;
		arg = malloc(n);
		wstrtoutf(arg, warg, n);
		arg = GetCommandLineA();

	/* conservative guess at the number of args */
	for(argc=4,p=arg; *p; p++)
		if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
	argv = malloc(argc*sizeof(char*));
	argc = args(argv, argc, arg);

	mymain(argc, argv);
	return 0;
Пример #2
void mystart()
  uint64_t bp = 0;
  asm volatile("\n\tmov %%rbp, %0\n":"=m"(bp));
  environ = (char**)(bp + 24 + 8 * *(int*)(bp + 8));
  exit(mymain(*((int*)(bp+8)), (char**)(bp+16)));
Пример #3
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	return bandit::run(argc, nullptr);
	return mymain();
Пример #4
int main(void)
    char *argv[3];
    argv[1]="10"; /* n */
    argv[2]="8"; /* base */
    mymain(3, argv);
    return 0;
Пример #5
int main()
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<10; i++)
    return 0;
Пример #6
int main()


 return 0;
Пример #7
Файл: main.c Проект: d-b/CSC372
int main(void)
  InitKernel();//Initialize all kernel data structures
  USERMODE;    //Switch to user mode

  mymain();    //Now call what you would normally call main() 
  return 0;
Пример #8
void ResetISR(void)
  unsigned long *pulSrc, *pulDest;

  pulSrc = &_etext;
  for (pulDest = &_data; pulDest < &_edata;)
    *pulDest++ = *pulSrc++;
  for (pulDest = &_bss; pulDest < &_ebss;)
    *pulDest++ = 0;

  void mymain(void);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
	int AVERAGE, i, j;
	double data[255][2];
	int dataptr = 0;
	FILE* fp = fopen("C://Users//LENOVO//Desktop//result.txt", "w");
	if (fp == NULL)
		printf("Cannot open file!\n");
	for (i = 0; i <= 254; i++)
		for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
			data[i][j] = 0;
	for (i = 1; i <= OVERALL; i++)
		dataptr = 0;
		for (AVERAGE = 3; AVERAGE <= 8; AVERAGE++)
			max1 = 0;
			max2 = 0;
			data[dataptr][0] += max1;
			data[dataptr][1] += max2;
			printf("Now %d/%d, overall %d/%d...\n", dataptr, 6, i, OVERALL);
	for (i = 0; i < dataptr; i++)
		fprintf(fp, "%d\t", i + 3);
		for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
			data[i][j] /= OVERALL;
			fprintf(fp, "%g\t", data[i][j]);
		fprintf(fp, "\n");
	return 0;
Пример #10
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    string infile;
        mymain(argc, argv);
    catch (std::runtime_error e)
        output << "Error: " << e.what();

    output << endl << "End." ;

    return 0;
Пример #11
int  main(int argc, char **argv)
		return mymain(argc, argv);
	catch (CExpc e)
		fprintf(stderr, "exception occurred: %s!\n", e.m_strCause.c_str());
		return 1;
	catch (...)
		fprintf(stderr, "some exception occurred!\n");
		return 1;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
	FILE* fp = fopen("C://Users//LENOVO//Desktop//result_average_degree_6.txt", "w");
	int i;
	double data[LOOP_NUM][2], sum1=0, sum2=0, average1, average2;
	struct net net;

	if (fp==NULL)
		printf("Cannot open file!\n");

	for (i=0; i<LOOP_NUM; i++)
		max1 = 0;
		max2 = 0;
	    data[i][0] = max1;
	    data[i][1] = max2;
	    printf("Simulation %u\n", i+1);
	    printf("Maximum percentage of I for disease 1 is: %g\n", max1);
	    printf("Maximum percentage of I for disease 2 is: %g\n", max2);

	for (i=0; i<LOOP_NUM; i++)
	    fprintf(fp, "%u\t%g\t%g\n", i+1, data[i][0], data[i][1]);
	    sum1 += data[i][0];
	    sum2 += data[i][1];
	average1 = sum1 / 30;
	average2 = sum2 / 30;
	fprintf(fp, "degree: %u\t%g\t%g\t", AVERAGE, average1, average2);

	return 0;
Пример #13
Файл: same.cpp Проект: mazonka/w
int main(int ac, char * av[])
            cout << "Usage: same [SizeKb]\n";
            ull sz = SZMAX;
            if ( ac > 1 ) sz = std::atoi(av[1]) * 1000ull;
        catch (...)
            cout << "Current dir: [" << os::FileSys::cwd().str() << "]\n";
    catch (int e) { throw "[" + tos(e) + "]"; }
    catch (const char * e) { throw string(e); }
catch (string e)
    cout << "Error: " << e << "\n";
    return 1;
catch (std::exception & e)
    cout << "Error (C++ exception) : " << e.what() << '\n';
    return 2;
catch (...)
    cout << "Error: unknown exception\n";
    return 1;
Пример #14
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *progname = "mv";
    struct arg_str  *backupc  = arg_str0(NULL, "backup", "[CONTROL]",    "make a backup of each existing destination file");
    struct arg_lit  *backup   = arg_lit0("b", NULL,                      "like --backup but does not accept an argument");
    struct arg_lit  *force    = arg_lit0("f", "force",                   "do not prompt before overwriting");
    struct arg_rem  *force1   = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  equivalent to --reply=yes");
    struct arg_lit  *interact = arg_lit0("i", "interactive",             "Prompt before overwriting");
    struct arg_rem  *interact1= arg_rem (NULL,                           "  equivalent to --reply=yes");
    struct arg_str  *reply    = arg_str0(NULL,"reply", "{yes,no,query}", "specify how to handle the prompt about an");
    struct arg_rem  *reply1   = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  existing destination file");
    struct arg_lit  *strpslsh = arg_lit0(NULL,"strip-trailing-slashes",  "remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument");
    struct arg_str  *suffix   = arg_str0("S", "suffix", "SUFFIX",        "override the usual backup suffix");
    struct arg_str  *targetd  = arg_str0(NULL,"target-directory", "DIRECTORY",  "move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY");
    struct arg_lit  *update   = arg_lit0("u", "update",                  "copy only when the SOURCE file is newer");
    struct arg_rem  *update1  = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  than the destination file or when the");
    struct arg_rem  *update2  = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  destination file is missing");
    struct arg_lit  *verbose  = arg_lit0("v", "verbose",                 "explain what is being done");
    struct arg_lit  *help     = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                    "display this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version  = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",                 "display version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *files    = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "SOURCE", 1, argc+2, NULL);
    struct arg_rem  *dest     = arg_rem ("DEST|DIRECTORY", NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end      = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {backupc,backup,force,force1,interact,interact1,reply,reply1,strpslsh,suffix,targetd,update,update1,update2,verbose,help,version,files,dest,end};
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Set default argument values prior to parsing */
    backupc->sval[0] = "existing";  /* --backup={none,off,numbered,t,existing,nil,simple,never} */
    suffix->sval[0]  = "~";         /* --suffix=~ */
    reply->sval[0]   = "query";     /* --reply={yes,no,query} */
    targetd->sval[0] = NULL;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-30s %s\n");
        printf("\nThe backup suffix is \"~\", unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.\n"
               "The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through\n"
               "the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable.  Here are the values:\n\n"
               "  none, off       never make backups (even if --backup is given)\n"
               "  numbered, t     make numbered backups\n"
               "  existing, nil   numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise\n"
               "  simple, never   always make simple backups\n\n"
               "Report bugs to <foo@bar>.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Command line parsing is complete, do the main processing */
    exitcode = mymain(backupc->sval[0],

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #15
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct arg_lit  *list    = arg_lit0("lL",NULL,                      "list files");
    struct arg_lit  *recurse = arg_lit0("R",NULL,                       "recurse through subdirectories");
    struct arg_int  *repeat  = arg_int0("k","scalar",NULL,              "define scalar value k (default is 3)");
    struct arg_str  *defines = arg_strn("D","define","MACRO",0,argc+2,  "macro definitions");
    struct arg_file *outfile = arg_file0("o",NULL,"<output>",           "output file (default is \"-\")");
    struct arg_lit  *verbose = arg_lit0("v","verbose,debug",            "verbose messages");
    struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                    "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",                 "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *infiles = arg_filen(NULL,NULL,NULL,1,argc+2,       "input file(s)");
    struct arg_end  *end     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {list,recurse,repeat,defines,outfile,verbose,help,version,infiles,end};
    const char* progname = "myprog";
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* set any command line default values prior to parsing */

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("This program demonstrates the use of the argtable2 library\n");
        printf("for parsing command line arguments.\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: uname with no command line options induces brief help */
    if (argc==1)
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* normal case: take the command line options at face value */
    exitcode = mymain(list->count, recurse->count, repeat->ival[0],
                      defines->sval, defines->count,
                      outfile->filename[0], verbose->count,
                      infiles->filename, infiles->count);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #16
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char* progname = "uname";
    struct arg_lit *all   = arg_lit0("a", "all",              "print all information, in the following order:");
    struct arg_lit *kname = arg_lit0("s", "kernel-name",      "print the kernel name");
    struct arg_lit *nname = arg_lit0("n", "nodename",         "print the node name");
    struct arg_lit *krel  = arg_lit0("r", "kernel-release",   "print the kernel release");
    struct arg_lit *kver  = arg_lit0("v", "kernel-version",   "print the kernel version");
    struct arg_lit *mach  = arg_lit0("m", "machine",          "print the machine hardware name");
    struct arg_lit *proc  = arg_lit0("p", "processor",        "print the processor type");
    struct arg_lit *hard  = arg_lit0("i", "hardware-platform","print the hardware platform");
    struct arg_lit *opsys = arg_lit0("o", "operating-system", "print the operating system");
    struct arg_lit *help  = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",             "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit *vers  = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",          "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_end *end   = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {all,kname,nname,krel,kver,mach,proc,hard,opsys,help,vers,end};
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("Print certain system information.  With no options, same as -s.\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        printf("\nReport bugs to <foo@bar>.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (vers->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: uname with no command line options is equivalent to "uname -s" */
    if (argc==1)
        exitcode = mymain(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: "uname -a" is equivalent to "uname -snrvmpi" */
    if (all->count>0)
        exitcode = mymain(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
        goto exit;

    /* normal case: take the command line options at face value */
    exitcode = mymain(kname->count, nname->count, krel->count, kver->count, mach->count, proc->count, hard->count, opsys->count);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #17
TEST_F(test_colfill, run)
  int argc = 2;
  char* argv[] = { (char*)"colfill", (char*)"-nohess" };
  mymain(argc, argv);
Пример #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char* progname = "rm";
    struct arg_lit  *dir   = arg_lit0("d", "directory",   "unlink file(s), even if it is a non-empty directory");
    struct arg_rem  *dir2  = arg_rem( NULL,               "(super-user only)");
    struct arg_lit  *force = arg_lit0("f", "force",       "ignore nonexistant files, never prompt");
    struct arg_lit  *inter = arg_lit0("i", "interactive", "prompt before any removal");
    struct arg_lit  *recur = arg_lit0("rR","recursive",   "remove the contents of directories recursively");
    struct arg_lit  *verb  = arg_lit0("v", "verbose",     "explain what is being done");
    struct arg_lit  *help  = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",        "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *vers  = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",     "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *files = arg_filen(NULL,NULL,NULL,1,argc+2,NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end   = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {dir,dir2,force,inter,recur,verb,help,vers,files,end};
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("Remove (unlink) the specified file(s).\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-20s %s\n");
        printf("\nReport bugs to <no-one> as this is just an example program.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (vers->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* command line options are all ok, now perform the "rm" functionality */
    mymain(dir->count, force->count, inter->count, recur->count, verb->count, files->filename, files->count);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #19
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   return mymain(argc, argv);
Пример #20
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* The argtable[] entries define the command line options */
    void *argtable[] = {
                a = arg_lit0("a", "all",                 "do not hide entries starting with ."),
                A = arg_lit0("A", "almost-all",          "do not list implied . and .."),
           author = arg_lit0(NULL,"author",              "print the author of each file"),
                b = arg_lit0("b", "escape",              "print octal escapes for nongraphic characters"),
        blocksize = arg_int0(NULL,"block-size","SIZE",   "use SIZE-byte blocks"),
                B = arg_lit0("B", "ignore-backups",      "do not list implied entries ending with ~"),
                c = arg_lit0("c", NULL,                  "with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  modification of file status information)"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  with -l: show ctime and sort by name"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  otherwise: sort by ctime"),
                C = arg_lit0("C", NULL,                  "list entries by columns"),
            color = arg_str0(NULL,"color","WHEN",        "control whether color is used to distinguish file"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'"),
                d = arg_lit0("d", "directory",           "list directory entries instead of contents,"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  and do not dereference symbolic links"),
                D = arg_lit0("D", "dired",               "generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode"),
                f = arg_lit0("f", NULL,                  "do not sort, enable -aU, disable -lst"),
                F = arg_lit0("F", "classify",            "append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries"),
           format = arg_str0(NULL,"format","WORD",       "across -x, commas -m, horizontal -x, long -l,"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  single-column -1, verbose -l, vertical -C"),
         fulltime = arg_lit0(NULL,"full-time",           "like -l --time-style=full-iso"),
                g = arg_lit0("g", NULL,                  "like -l, but do not list owner"),
                G = arg_lit0("G", "no-group",            "inhibit display of group information"),
                h = arg_lit0("h", "human-readable",      "print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)"),
               si = arg_lit0(NULL,"si",                  "likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024"),
                H = arg_lit0("H", "dereference-command-line","follow symbolic links listed on the command line"),
            deref = arg_lit0(NULL,"dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir","follow each command line symbolic link"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                       "  that points to a directory"),
            indic = arg_str0(NULL,"indicator-style","WORD","append indicator with style WORD to entry names:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  none (default), classify (-F), file-type (-p)"),
                i = arg_lit0("i", "inode",               "print index number of each file"),
                I = arg_str0("I", "ignore","PATTERN",    "do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN"),
                k = arg_lit0("k", NULL,                  "like --block-size=1K"),
                l = arg_lit0("l", NULL,                  "use a long listing format"),
                L = arg_lit0("L", "dereference",         "when showing file information for a symbolic"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  link, show information for the file the link"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  references rather than for the link itself"),
                m = arg_lit0("m", NULL,                  "fill width with a comma separated list of entries"),
                n = arg_lit0("n", "numeric-uid-gid",     "like -l, but list numeric UIDs and GIDs"),
                N = arg_lit0("N", "literal",             "print raw entry names (don't treat e.g. control"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  characters specially)"),
                o = arg_lit0("o", NULL,                  "like -l, but do not list group information"),
                p = arg_lit0("p", "file-type",           "append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries"),
                q = arg_lit0("q", "hide-control-chars",  "print ? instead of non graphic characters"),
           shcont = arg_lit0(NULL,"show-control-chars",  "show non graphic characters as-is (default"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "unless program is `ls' and output is a terminal)"),
                Q = arg_lit0("Q", "quote-name",          "enclose entry names in double quotes"),
           Qstyle = arg_str0(NULL,"quoting-style","WORD","use quoting style WORD for entry names:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  literal, locale, shell, shell-always, c, escape"),
                r = arg_lit0("r", "reverse",             "reverse order while sorting"),
                R = arg_lit0("R", "recursive",           "list subdirectories recursively"),
                s = arg_lit0("s", "size",                "print size of each file, in blocks"),
                S = arg_lit0("S", NULL,                  "sort by file size"),
             sort = arg_str0(NULL,"sort","WORD",         "extension -X, none -U, size -S, time -t, version -v,"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "status -c, time -t, atime -u, access -u, use -u"),
             Time = arg_str0(NULL,"time","WORD",         "show time as WORD instead of modification time:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  atime, access, use, ctime or status; use"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  specified time as sort key if --sort=time"),
          timesty = arg_str0(NULL, "time-style","STYLE", "show times using style STYLE:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  full-iso, long-iso, iso, locale, +FORMAT"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "FORMAT is interpreted like `date'; if FORMAT is"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "FORMAT1<newline>FORMAT2, FORMAT1 applies to"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "non-recent files and FORMAT2 to recent files;"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "if STYLE is prefixed with `posix-', STYLE"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "takes effect only outside the POSIX locale"),
                t = arg_lit0("t", NULL,                  "sort by modification time"),
                T = arg_int0("T", "tabsize", "COLS",     "assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8"),
                u = arg_lit0("u", NULL,                  "with -lt: sort by, and show, access time"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  with -l: show access time and sort by name"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  otherwise: sort by access time"),
                U = arg_lit0("U", NULL,                  "do not sort; list entries in directory order"),
                v = arg_lit0("v", NULL,                  "sort by version"),
                w = arg_int0("w", "width", "COLS",       "assume screen width instead of current value"),
                x = arg_lit0("x", NULL,                  "list entries by lines instead of by columns"),
                X = arg_lit0("X", NULL,                  "sort alphabetically by entry extension"),
              one = arg_lit0("1", NULL,                  "list one file per line"),
             help = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                "display this help and exit"),
          version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",             "display version information and exit"),
            files = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "FILE", 0, argc+2, NULL),
              end = arg_end(20),
    const char *progname = "ls";
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* allow optional argument values for --color */
    /* and set the default value to "always" */
    color->hdr.flag |= ARG_HASOPTVALUE;
    color->sval[0] = "always";

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("List information about the FILE(s) (the current directory by default).\n");
        printf("Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuSUX nor --sort.\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        printf("\nSIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:\n"
               "kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1,000,000, M 1,048,576, and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y.\n\n"
               "By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files.  That is\n"
               "equivalent to using --color=none.  Using the --color option without the\n"
               "optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using --color=always.  With\n"
               "--color=auto, color codes are output only if standard output is connected\n"
               "to a terminal (tty).\n\n"
               "Report bugs to <foo@bar>.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Command line parsing is complete, do the main processing */
    exitcode = mymain();

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #21
  return mymain ();
Пример #22
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct arg_int *serverport = arg_int0("pP","port","","serverport, default: 1337");
	struct arg_str *serialport = arg_str0("sS", "serial", "", "serial port, default /dev/ttyS0");

	struct arg_int *baud = arg_int0("bB", "baud","","baudrate, default: 9600");
	struct arg_str *client = arg_str0("cC","client","","only accept messages from this client");

    struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("hH","help","print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version","print version information and exit");

	struct arg_lit  *debug = arg_lit0(NULL,"debug","print debug messages");
    struct arg_lit  *silent = arg_lit0(NULL,"silent","print no messages");

    struct arg_end  *end     = arg_end(20);

    void* argtable[] = {serverport,serialport,baud,client,help,version,debug,silent,end};

    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) {
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",PROGNAME);
        goto exit;

    /* set any command line default values prior to parsing */
	/* nothing */

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0) {
		printf("usage: %s", PROGNAME);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0) {
        printf("'%s' version ",PROGNAME);
		printf("\nGIT-REVISION: ");
        printf("\n%s receives udp-packets and controls\n",PROGNAME);
		printf("the EIWOMISA controller over RS-232\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0) {
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",PROGNAME);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: with no command line options induce brief help and use defaults */
    if (argc==1) {
		printf("No command-line options present, using defaults.\n",PROGNAME);
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",PROGNAME);

    /* normal case: take the command line options at face value */

	/* check if server port is set */
	int i_serverport = -1;
		i_serverport = (int)serverport->ival[0];

	/* check if serial port is set */
	char* i_serialport = NULL;
		i_serialport = (char*)serialport->sval[0];

	/* check if baudrate is set */
	int i_baudrate = -1;
		i_baudrate = (int)baud->ival[0];
	/* check if client ip is set */
	char* i_client = NULL;
	if(client->count>0) {
		i_client = (char *)client->sval[0];
	/* --debug enables debug messages */
    if (debug->count > 0) {
		printf("debug messages enabled\n");
		msglevel = 3;

	/* --silent disables all (!) messages */
    if (silent->count > 0) {
		msglevel = 0;

	exitcode = mymain(i_serverport, i_serialport, i_baudrate, i_client);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Пример #23
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  printf("%d\n", mymain());
  return 0;