task main()
	// This task dictates what the robot will do during the autonomous period

	waitForStart();									// Wait for the start of the autonomous period
	StartTask(counter);							// Begin timing the program, for use later
	PlaySoundFile("Leroy.rso");			// Shout "LEEROY JENKINS!", just for fun
	nMotorEncoder(motorLift1) = 0;	// Reset the motor encoders for the arm
	servoTarget(clawL) = 55; 				// Close the claw to hold the ring
	servoTarget(clawR) = 170;
	wait1Msec(100);									// Wait a tenth of a second

	strafeToIR();				// Strafe parallel to the scoring rack until it is lined up with the IR beacon
	wait1Msec(1000);		// Wait for one second after this has been completed

	strafeToIR();				// Strafe parallel to the scoring rack until it is lined up with the IR beacon
	wait1Msec(1000);		// Wait for one second after this has been completed
											// Note: this is done twice to ensure accuracy

	motor[motorFL] = 0;	// Wait one tenth of a second in the stopped position
	motor[motorFR] = 0;
	motor[motorBR] = 0;
	motor[motorBL] = 0;

	// The following code is used to raise the arm to the correct height:

	nMotorEncoderTarget[motorLift1] = -scoringPegHeight; // Set the motor encoder target for the arm to the height of the scoring peg
	motor[motorLift1] = -armSpeed;                       // Raise the arm at the designated speed

	while(nMotorRunState[motorLift1] != runStateIdle)  	 // While the arm is still moving (hasn't reached the target yet)
																											 // Do not continue
	motor[motorLift1] = 0;                    				   // Once the arm has reached its target, stop moving

	motor[motorFL] = 100;			// Drive forward towards the scoring rack
	motor[motorFR] = 100;
	motor[motorBR] = 100;
	motor[motorBL] = 100;

	motor[motorFL] = 0;				// Wait one second in the stopped position
	motor[motorFR] = 0;
	motor[motorBR] = 0;
	motor[motorBL] = 0;

	servoTarget(clawL) = 115;	// Open the claw to place the ring on the scoring rack
	servoTarget(clawR) = 100;

	motor[motorFL] = -100;		// Reverse away from the scoring rack, leaving the ring on the rack
	motor[motorFR] = -100;
	motor[motorBR] = -100;
	motor[motorBL] = -100;

	motor[motorFL] = 0;				// Wait one second in the stopped position
	motor[motorFR] = 0;
	motor[motorBR] = 0;
	motor[motorBL] = 0;

	servoTarget(clawL) = 55; 	// Close the claw
	servoTarget(clawR) = 170;

	// The following code is used to lower the arm back down:

	nMotorEncoderTarget[motorLift1] = 100;     			  // Set the motor encoder target for the arm to the height of the scoring peg
	motor[motorLift1] = armSpeed;                     // Raise the arm at the designated speed

	while(nMotorRunState[motorLift1] != runStateIdle) // While the arm is still moving (hasn't reached the target yet)
																										// Do not continue
	motor[motorLift1] = 0;                        		// Once the arm has reached its target, stop moving
Пример #2
void clearEncoders () {
	nMotorEncoder(leftWheel13) = 0;
	nMotorEncoder(rightWheel13) = 0;