Пример #1
  void QpToNlp::
  eval(void* mem, const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w) const {
    // Inputs
    const double *h_, *g_, *a_, *lba_, *uba_, *lbx_, *ubx_, *x0_;
    // Outputs
    double *x_, *f_, *lam_a_, *lam_x_;

    // Get input pointers
    h_ = arg[QPSOL_H];
    g_ = arg[QPSOL_G];
    a_ = arg[QPSOL_A];
    lba_ = arg[QPSOL_LBA];
    uba_ = arg[QPSOL_UBA];
    lbx_ = arg[QPSOL_LBX];
    ubx_ = arg[QPSOL_UBX];
    x0_ = arg[QPSOL_X0];

    // Get output pointers
    x_ = res[QPSOL_X];
    f_ = res[QPSOL_COST];
    lam_a_ = res[QPSOL_LAM_A];
    lam_x_ = res[QPSOL_LAM_X];

    // Buffers for calling the NLP solver
    const double** arg1 = arg + n_in();
    double** res1 = res + n_out();
    fill_n(arg1, static_cast<int>(NLPSOL_NUM_IN), nullptr);
    fill_n(res1, static_cast<int>(NLPSOL_NUM_OUT), nullptr);

    // NLP inputs
    arg1[NLPSOL_X0] = x0_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_LBG] = lba_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_UBG] = uba_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_LBX] = lbx_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_UBX] = ubx_;

    // NLP parameters
    arg1[NLPSOL_P] = w;

    // Quadratic term
    int nh = nnz_in(QPSOL_H);
    if (h_) {
      copy_n(h_, nh, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, nh, 0);
    w += nh;

    // Linear objective term
    int ng = nnz_in(QPSOL_G);
    if (g_) {
      copy_n(g_, ng, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, ng, 0);
    w += ng;

    // Linear constraints
    int na = nnz_in(QPSOL_A);
    if (a_) {
      copy_n(a_, na, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, na, 0);
    w += na;

    // Solution
    res1[NLPSOL_X] = x_;
    res1[NLPSOL_F] = f_;
    res1[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = lam_x_;
    res1[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = lam_a_;

    // Solve the NLP
    solver_(arg1, res1, iw, w, 0);
Пример #2
  void Newton::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<NewtonMemory*>(mem);

    // Get the initial guess
    casadi_copy(m->iarg[iin_], n_, m->x);

    // Perform the Newton iterations
    bool success = true;
    while (true) {
      // Break if maximum number of iterations already reached
      if (m->iter >= max_iter_) {
        log("eval", "Max. iterations reached.");
        m->return_status = "max_iteration_reached";
        success = false;

      // Start a new iteration

      // Use x to evaluate J
      copy_n(m->iarg, n_in(), m->arg);
      m->arg[iin_] = m->x;
      m->res[0] = m->jac;
      copy_n(m->ires, n_out(), m->res+1);
      m->res[1+iout_] = m->f;
      calc_function(m, "jac_f_z");

      // Check convergence
      double abstol = 0;
      if (abstol_ != numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
        for (int i=0; i<n_; ++i) {
          abstol = max(abstol, fabs(m->f[i]));
        if (abstol <= abstol_) {
          casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstol: " << abstol_);

      // Factorize the linear solver with J
      linsol_.solve(m->f, 1, false);

      // Check convergence again
      double abstolStep=0;
      if (numeric_limits<double>::infinity() != abstolStep_) {
        for (int i=0; i<n_; ++i) {
          abstolStep = max(abstolStep, fabs(m->f[i]));
        if (abstolStep <= abstolStep_) {
          casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstolStep: " << abstolStep_);

      if (print_iteration_) {
        // Only print iteration header once in a while
        if (m->iter % 10==0) {

        // Print iteration information
        printIteration(userOut(), m->iter, abstol, abstolStep);

      // Update Xk+1 = Xk - J^(-1) F
      casadi_axpy(n_, -1., m->f, m->x);

    // Get the solution
    casadi_copy(m->x, n_, m->ires[iout_]);

    // Store the iteration count
    if (success) m->return_status = "success";

    casadi_msg("Newton::solveNonLinear():end after " << m->iter << " steps");