Пример #1
int nandroid_restore(const char* backup_path, int restore_boot, int restore_system, int restore_data, int restore_cache, int restore_sdext, int restore_wimax)
    yaffs_files_total = 0;

    if (ensure_path_mounted("/sdcard") != 0)
        return print_and_error("Can't mount /sdcard\n");
    char tmp[PATH_MAX];

    sprintf(tmp, "cd %s && md5sum -c nandroid.md5", backup_path);
    if (0 != __system(tmp))
        return print_and_error("MD5不匹配!\n");
    int ret;

    if (restore_boot && NULL != volume_for_path("/boot") && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/boot")))
        return ret;
    struct stat s;
    Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/wimax");
    if (restore_wimax && vol != NULL && 0 == stat(vol->device, &s))
        char serialno[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
        serialno[0] = 0;
        property_get("ro.serialno", serialno, "");
        sprintf(tmp, "%s/wimax.%s.img", backup_path, serialno);

        struct stat st;
        if (0 != stat(tmp, &st))
            ui_print("WARNING: WiMAX partition exists, but nandroid\n");
            ui_print("         backup does not contain WiMAX image.\n");
            ui_print("         You should create a new backup to\n");
            ui_print("         protect your WiMAX keys.\n");
            ui_print("Erasing WiMAX before restore...\n");
            if (0 != (ret = format_volume("/wimax")))
                return print_and_error("Error while formatting wimax!\n");
            ui_print("Restoring WiMAX image...\n");
            if (0 != (ret = restore_raw_partition(vol->device, tmp)))
                return ret;

    if (restore_system && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/system")))
        return ret;

    if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/data")))
        return ret;
    if (has_datadata()) {
        if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/datadata")))
            return ret;

    if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/sdcard/.android_secure", 0)))
        return ret;

    if (restore_cache && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/cache", 0)))
        return ret;

    if (restore_sdext && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/sd-ext")))
        return ret;

    return 0;
Пример #2
int nandroid_restore(const char* backup_path, int restore_boot, int restore_system, int restore_data, int restore_cache, int restore_sdext, int restore_wimax)
    nandroid_files_total = 0;

    if (ensure_path_mounted(backup_path) != 0)
        return print_and_error("Can't mount backup path\n");
    char tmp[PATH_MAX];

    if (!quick_toggle_chk(DISABLE_NANDROID_MD5_FILE, 0))
        ui_print("Checking MD5 sums...\n");
        sprintf(tmp, "cd %s && md5sum -c nandroid.md5", backup_path);
        if (0 != __system(tmp))
            return print_and_error("MD5 mismatch!\n");

    int ret;

    if (restore_boot && NULL != volume_for_path("/boot") && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/boot")))
        return ret;

    if (backup_recovery && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/recovery")))
        return ret;

    struct stat s;
    Volume *vol = volume_for_path("/wimax");
    if (restore_wimax && vol != NULL && 0 == stat(vol->device, &s))
        char serialno[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
        serialno[0] = 0;
        property_get("ro.serialno", serialno, "");
        sprintf(tmp, "%s/wimax.%s.img", backup_path, serialno);

        struct stat st;
        if (0 != stat(tmp, &st))
            ui_print("WARNING: WiMAX partition exists, but nandroid\n");
            ui_print("         backup does not contain WiMAX image.\n");
            ui_print("         You should create a new backup to\n");
            ui_print("         protect your WiMAX keys.\n");
            ui_print("Erasing WiMAX before restore...\n");
            if (0 != (ret = format_volume("/wimax")))
                return print_and_error("Error while formatting wimax!\n");
            ui_print("Restoring WiMAX image...\n");
            if (0 != (ret = restore_raw_partition(vol->fs_type, vol->device, tmp)))
                return ret;

    // restore of raw efs image files (efs_time-stamp.img) is done elsewhere
    // as it needs to pass in a filename (instead of a folder) as backup_path
    // this could be done here since efs is processed alone, but must be done before md5 checksum!
    if (backup_efs == RESTORE_EFS_TAR && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/efs")))
        return ret;
    if (backup_modem == RAW_IMG_FILE && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/modem")))
        return ret;
    else if (backup_modem == RAW_BIN_FILE) {
        sprintf(tmp, "%s/modem.bin", backup_path);
        custom_restore_raw_handler(tmp, "/modem");

    if (restore_system && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/system")))
        return ret;

    if (backup_preload) {
        if (0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/preload"))) {
            ui_print("Failed to restore /preload!\n");
            return ret;
    } else
           if (quick_toggle_chk(ENABLE_PRELOAD_FILE, 0))
        if (restore_system && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/preload"))) {
            ui_print("Failed to restore preload! Try to disable it.\n");
            ui_print("Skipping /preload...\n");
            //return ret;

    if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/data")))
        return ret;
    if (has_datadata()) {
        if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/datadata")))
            return ret;

    if (restore_data && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/sdcard/.android_secure", 0)))
        return ret;

    if (restore_cache && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition_extended(backup_path, "/cache", 0)))
        return ret;

    if (restore_sdext && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/sd-ext")))
        return ret;

    ui_print("\nRestore complete!\n");
    return 0;