Пример #1
 * This private function is called by ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv to write the TLVs in the body of the Selectors value.
 * @param context This is the ndn_Interest struct pointer which was passed to writeTlv.
 * @param encoder the ndn_TlvEncoder which is calling this.
 * @return 0 for success, else an error code.
static ndn_Error
encodeSelectorsValue(const void *context, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  struct ndn_Interest *interest = (struct ndn_Interest *)context;
  ndn_Error error;

  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeOptionalNonNegativeIntegerTlv
      (encoder, ndn_Tlv_MinSuffixComponents, interest->minSuffixComponents)))
    return error;
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeOptionalNonNegativeIntegerTlv
      (encoder, ndn_Tlv_MaxSuffixComponents, interest->maxSuffixComponents)))
    return error;

  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
       (encoder, ndn_Tlv_PublisherPublicKeyLocator, ndn_encodeTlvKeyLocatorValue,
        &interest->keyLocator, 1)))
    return error;

  if (interest->exclude.nEntries > 0) {
    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_Exclude, encodeExcludeValue, &interest->exclude, 0)))
      return error;

  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeOptionalNonNegativeIntegerTlv
      (encoder, ndn_Tlv_ChildSelector, interest->childSelector)))
    return error;

  if (interest->mustBeFresh) {
    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeTypeAndLength(encoder, ndn_Tlv_MustBeFresh, 0)))
      return error;
  // else MustBeFresh == false, so nothing to encode.

  return NDN_ERROR_success;
Пример #2
 * This private function is called by ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv to write the TLVs in the body of the Data value.
 * @param context This is the DataValueContext struct pointer which was passed to writeTlv.
 * @param encoder the ndn_TlvEncoder which is calling this.
 * @return 0 for success, else an error code.
static ndn_Error
encodeDataValue(const void *context, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  const struct DataValueContext *dataValueContext = (const struct DataValueContext *)context;
  const struct ndn_Data *data = dataValueContext->data;
  ndn_Error error;
  size_t dummyBeginOffset, dummyEndOffset;

  *dataValueContext->signedPortionBeginOffset = encoder->offset;

  if ((error = ndn_encodeTlvName
       (&data->name, &dummyBeginOffset, &dummyEndOffset, encoder)))
    return error;
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_MetaInfo, encodeMetaInfoValue, &data->metaInfo, 0)))
    return error;
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeBlobTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_Content, &data->content)))
    return error;
  if ((error = ndn_encodeTlvSignatureInfo(&data->signature, encoder)))
    return error;

  *dataValueContext->signedPortionEndOffset = encoder->offset;

  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeBlobTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureValue, &data->signature.signature)))
    return error;

  return NDN_ERROR_success;
Пример #3
  (const struct ndn_DelegationSet_Delegation *delegation,
   struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
    (encoder, ndn_Tlv_Link_Delegation, encodeDelegationValue, delegation, 0);
Пример #4
  (const struct ndn_ControlResponse *controlResponse,
   struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
    (encoder, ndn_Tlv_NfdCommand_ControlResponse,
     encodeControlResponseValue, controlResponse, 0);
Пример #5
 (unsigned int type,
  ndn_Error (*writeValue)(void *context, struct ndn_TlvEncoder* encoder),
  void *context, bool omitZeroLength = false)
   ndn_Error error;
   if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
        (this, type, writeValue, context, omitZeroLength ? 1 : 0)))
     throw std::runtime_error(ndn_getErrorString(error));
Пример #6
(const struct ndn_Signature *signatureInfo, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
    if (signatureInfo->type == ndn_SignatureType_Generic) {
        // Handle a Generic signature separately since it has the entire encoding.
        const struct ndn_Blob *encoding = &signatureInfo->signatureInfoEncoding;
        ndn_Error error;
        size_t endOffset;
        uint64_t signatureType;

        // Do a test decoding to sanity check that it is valid TLV.
        struct ndn_TlvDecoder decoder;
        ndn_TlvDecoder_initialize(&decoder, encoding->value, encoding->length);
        error = ndn_TlvDecoder_readNestedTlvsStart
                (&decoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureInfo, &endOffset);
        if (!error)
            error = ndn_TlvDecoder_readNonNegativeIntegerTlv
                    (&decoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureType, &signatureType);
        if (!error)
            error = ndn_TlvDecoder_finishNestedTlvs(&decoder, endOffset);
        if (error)
            return NDN_ERROR_The_Generic_signature_encoding_is_not_a_valid_NDN_TLV_SignatureInfo;

        return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeArray(encoder, encoding->value, encoding->length);

    if (signatureInfo->type == ndn_SignatureType_Sha256WithRsaSignature ||
            signatureInfo->type == ndn_SignatureType_Sha256WithEcdsaSignature ||
            signatureInfo->type == ndn_SignatureType_HmacWithSha256Signature)
        return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
               (encoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureInfo,
                encodeSignatureWithKeyLocatorAndValidityPeriodValue, signatureInfo, 0);
    else if (signatureInfo->type == ndn_SignatureType_DigestSha256Signature)
        return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
               (encoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureInfo, encodeDigestSha256Value,
                signatureInfo, 0);
        return NDN_ERROR_encodeSignatureInfo_unrecognized_SignatureType;
Пример #7
  (const struct ndn_Data *data, size_t *signedPortionBeginOffset,
   size_t *signedPortionEndOffset, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  // Create the context to pass to encodeDataValue.
  struct DataValueContext dataValueContext;
  dataValueContext.data = data;
  dataValueContext.signedPortionBeginOffset = signedPortionBeginOffset;
  dataValueContext.signedPortionEndOffset = signedPortionEndOffset;

  return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_Data, encodeDataValue, &dataValueContext, 0);
Пример #8
  (const struct ndn_Interest *interest, size_t *signedPortionBeginOffset,
   size_t *signedPortionEndOffset, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  // Create the context to pass to encodeInterestValue.
  struct InterestValueContext interestValueContext;
  interestValueContext.interest = interest;
  interestValueContext.signedPortionBeginOffset = signedPortionBeginOffset;
  interestValueContext.signedPortionEndOffset = signedPortionEndOffset;

  return ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
    (encoder, ndn_Tlv_Interest, encodeInterestValue, &interestValueContext, 0);
Пример #9
 * This private function is called by ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv to write the
 * TLVs in the body of a signature value which has a KeyLocator and
 * ValidityPeriod, e.g. SignatureSha256WithRsa.
 * @param context This is the ndn_Signature struct pointer which was passed to
 * writeTlv. Use signature->type as the TLV type, assuming that the
 * ndn_SignatureType enum has the same values as the TLV signature types.
 * @param encoder the ndn_TlvEncoder which is calling this.
 * @return 0 for success, else an error code.
static ndn_Error
(const void *context, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
    struct ndn_Signature *signature = (struct ndn_Signature *)context;
    ndn_Error error;

    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNonNegativeIntegerTlv
                 (encoder, ndn_Tlv_SignatureType, signature->type)))
        return error;
    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
                 (encoder, ndn_Tlv_KeyLocator, ndn_encodeTlvKeyLocatorValue,
                  &signature->keyLocator, 0)))
        return error;
    if (ndn_ValidityPeriod_hasPeriod(&signature->validityPeriod)) {
        if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv
                     (encoder, ndn_Tlv_ValidityPeriod_ValidityPeriod,
                      encodeValidityPeriodValue, &signature->validityPeriod, 0)))
            return error;

    return NDN_ERROR_success;
Пример #10
 * This private function is called by ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv to write the TLVs in the body of the Interest value.
 * @param context This is the InterestValueContext struct pointer which was passed to writeTlv.
 * @param encoder the ndn_TlvEncoder which is calling this.
 * @return 0 for success, else an error code.
static ndn_Error
encodeInterestValue(const void *context, struct ndn_TlvEncoder *encoder)
  const struct InterestValueContext *interestValueContext =
    (const struct InterestValueContext *)context;
  const struct ndn_Interest *interest = interestValueContext->interest;
  ndn_Error error;
  uint8_t nonceBuffer[4];
  struct ndn_Blob nonceBlob;

  if ((error = ndn_encodeTlvName
       (&interest->name, interestValueContext->signedPortionBeginOffset,
        interestValueContext->signedPortionEndOffset, encoder)))
    return error;
  // For Selectors, set omitZeroLength true.
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeNestedTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_Selectors, encodeSelectorsValue, interest, 1)))
    return error;

  // Encode the Nonce as 4 bytes.
  nonceBlob.length = sizeof(nonceBuffer);
  if (interest->nonce.length == 0) {
    // Generate a random nonce.
    if ((error = ndn_generateRandomBytes(nonceBuffer, sizeof(nonceBuffer))))
      return error;
    nonceBlob.value = nonceBuffer;
  else if (interest->nonce.length < 4) {
    // TLV encoding requires 4 bytes, so pad out to 4 using random bytes.
    ndn_memcpy(nonceBuffer, interest->nonce.value, interest->nonce.length);
    if ((error = ndn_generateRandomBytes
         (nonceBuffer + interest->nonce.length,
          sizeof(nonceBuffer) - interest->nonce.length)))
      return error;
    nonceBlob.value = nonceBuffer;
    // TLV encoding requires 4 bytes, so truncate to 4.
    nonceBlob.value = interest->nonce.value;
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeBlobTlv(encoder, ndn_Tlv_Nonce, &nonceBlob)))
    return error;

  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeOptionalNonNegativeIntegerTlvFromDouble
      (encoder, ndn_Tlv_InterestLifetime, interest->interestLifetimeMilliseconds)))
    return error;

  if (interest->forwardingHintWireEncoding.value &&
      interest->forwardingHintWireEncoding.length > 0) {
    if (interest->selectedDelegationIndex >= 0)
      return NDN_ERROR_An_Interest_may_not_have_a_selected_delegation_when_encoding_a_forwarding_hint;
    if (interest->linkWireEncoding.value)
      return NDN_ERROR_An_Interest_may_not_have_a_link_object_when_encoding_a_forwarding_hint;

    // Add the encoded sequence of delegations as is.
    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeBlobTlv
         (encoder, ndn_Tlv_ForwardingHint, &interest->forwardingHintWireEncoding)))
      return error;

  if (interest->linkWireEncoding.value) {
    // Encode the entire link as is.
    if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeArray
        (encoder, interest->linkWireEncoding.value, interest->linkWireEncoding.length)))
      return error;
  if ((error = ndn_TlvEncoder_writeOptionalNonNegativeIntegerTlv
      (encoder, ndn_Tlv_SelectedDelegation, interest->selectedDelegationIndex)))
    return error;

  return NDN_ERROR_success;