static void connect_server() { ne_session *sess; ne_server_capabilities caps; int ret; /* set up the connection */ ne_sock_init(); memset(&session, 0, sizeof session); session.uri.scheme = ne_strdup("http"); = hc_host; session.uri.port = port; session.uri.path = ne_strdup("/webdav/"); /* always '/'-terminate */ session.sess = sess = ne_session_create(session.uri.scheme,, session.uri.port); /* make the connection */ ne_set_useragent(sess, "hctest/"); /* needed? */ /* not needed to connect ne_lockstore_register(session.locks, sess); ne_redirect_register(sess); */ /* convenient status */ ne_set_status(sess, connection_status, NULL); ne_set_progress(sess, transfer_progress, NULL); /* execute connect */ ret = ne_options(sess, session.uri.path, &caps); switch (ret) { case NE_OK: session.connected = true; /* if (set_path(session.uri.path)) { close_connection(); } */ break; case NE_CONNECT: printf("got NE_CONNECT\n"); quit(1); break; case NE_LOOKUP: puts(ne_get_error(sess)); quit(1); break; default: printf("Could not open collection (default connect err):\n%s\n", ne_get_error(sess)); quit(1); break; } }
void s3_begin_session(S3 *s3) { if(s3) { if(s3->session_count == 0) s3->session = ne_session_create("http",AWS_S3_URL,80); s3->session_count++; } }
static ne_session *session_open(int with_lock) { const char *scheme = NULL; ne_session *session; extern ne_lock_store *lock_store; if (!b_uri) return NULL; scheme = uri.scheme ? uri.scheme : "http"; if (!(session = ne_session_create(scheme,, uri.port ? uri.port : ne_uri_defaultport(scheme)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create session\n"); return NULL; } ne_ssl_set_verify(session, ssl_verify_cb, NULL); ne_set_server_auth(session, ne_auth_creds_cb, NULL); ne_redirect_register(session); if (with_lock && lock_store) ne_lockstore_register(lock_store, session); return session; }
ne_session * opensession_common(const addr_info_t *addr_info, int connect_timeout, int read_timeout, GError **err) { ne_session *session=NULL; gchar host[1024]; guint16 port; if (!addr_info) { GSETERROR (err, "Invalid parameter"); return NULL; } port = 0; memset(host, 0x00, sizeof(host)); if (!addr_info_get_addr(addr_info, host, sizeof(host)-1, &port)) { GSETERROR(err, "AddrInfo printing error"); return NULL; } session = ne_session_create ("http", host, port); if (!session) { GSETERROR(err,"cannot create a new WebDAV session"); return NULL; } ne_set_connect_timeout (session, connect_timeout); ne_set_read_timeout (session, read_timeout); return session; }
void get(const StringSlice& url, WriteTarget out) { static int inited = ne_sock_init(); if (inited != 0) { throw Exception("ne_sock_init()"); } CString cstr(url); ne_uri uri = {}; if (ne_uri_parse(, &uri)) { throw Exception("ne_uri_parse()"); } if (uri.port == 0) { uri.port = ne_uri_defaultport(uri.scheme); } unique_ptr<ne_uri, decltype(&ne_uri_free)> uri_free(&uri, ne_uri_free); unique_ptr<ne_session, decltype(&ne_session_destroy)> sess( ne_session_create(uri.scheme,, uri.port), ne_session_destroy); unique_ptr<ne_request, decltype(&ne_request_destroy)> req( ne_request_create(sess.get(), "GET", uri.path), ne_request_destroy); ne_userdata userdata = {out}; ne_add_response_body_reader(req.get(), accept, reader, &userdata); auto err = ne_request_dispatch(req.get()); if (err != NE_OK) { throw Exception("ne_request_dispatch()"); } auto* st = ne_get_status(req.get()); if (st->code != 200) { throw Exception(st->code); } }
int session_server(ne_session **sess, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(1, fn, userdata, &port)); *sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", port); return OK; }
std::string Client::connect(const std::string& httpURL) { auto colpos = httpURL.find_first_of("://"); if (colpos < 4 || colpos > 5) return std::string(); ctx = std::make_shared<ClientCtx>(); ctx->scheme.fill(0x00); ::memcpy(ctx->,, colpos); for(unsigned c = 0; c < 5; ++c) ctx->scheme[c] = std::tolower(ctx->scheme[c]); ctx->host_and_port = ExtractHostPortHttp(httpURL); ctx->port = ctx->isHttps() ? 443 : 80; ne_session* ne = nullptr; auto pos = ctx->host_and_port.find_first_of(':'); if (std::string::npos != pos) {//case format char* end = nullptr; ctx->port = ::strtol(ctx-> + (1 + pos), &end, 10); std::array<char, 80> hostStr; hostStr.fill(0x00); ::memcpy(, ctx->, pos); ne = ne_session_create(ctx->,, ctx->port); } else {//case format (no port) ne = ne_session_create(ctx->, ctx->, ctx->port); std::array<char,8> temp; temp.fill(0); ::snprintf(, temp.size(), ":%u", ctx->port); ctx->host_and_port.append(; } ctx->sess = ne; ne_set_useragent(ctx->sess, "libneon"); if (ctx->isHttps()) { ne_ssl_trust_default_ca(ne); ne_ssl_set_verify(ne, &AcceptAllSSL, nullptr); } return ctx->host_and_port; }
int proxied_session_server(ne_session **sess, const char *scheme, const char *host, unsigned int fakeport, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { unsigned int port; CALL(new_spawn_server(1, fn, userdata, &port)); *sess = ne_session_create(scheme, host, fakeport); ne_session_proxy(*sess, "localhost", port); return OK; }
rawx_session_t* rawx_client_create_session( addr_info_t *ai, GError **err ) { struct sockaddr_storage ss; gsize ss_size = sizeof(ss); gchar host[256], port[16]; rawx_session_t *session; session = g_try_malloc0( sizeof(rawx_session_t) ); if (!session) { GSETERROR(err,"Memory allocation failure"); goto error_session; } memcpy( &(session->addr), ai, sizeof(addr_info_t) ); if (!addrinfo_to_sockaddr( ai, (struct sockaddr*)&ss, &ss_size )) { GSETERROR(err,"addr_info_t conversion error"); goto error_addr; } memset( host, 0x00, sizeof(host) ); memset( port, 0x00, sizeof(port) ); if (getnameinfo ( (struct sockaddr* )&ss, ss_size, host, sizeof(host), port, sizeof(port), NI_NUMERICHOST|NI_NUMERICSERV)) { GSETERROR(err,"addr_info_t resolution error : %s", strerror(errno)); goto error_addr; } session->neon_session = ne_session_create ("http", host, atoi(port)); if (!session->neon_session) { GSETERROR(err,"neon session creation error"); goto error_neon; } session->timeout.cnx = 60000; session->timeout.req = 60000; ne_set_connect_timeout (session->neon_session, session->timeout.cnx/1000); ne_set_read_timeout (session->neon_session, session->timeout.req/1000); return session; error_neon: error_addr: g_free(session); error_session: return NULL; }
static gboolean _ne_request(const char *host, int port, const char *target, const char *method, GSList *headers, GError **err) { GRID_TRACE("%s", __FUNCTION__); gboolean result = FALSE; ne_session* session = ne_session_create("http", host, port); ne_set_connect_timeout(session, 10); ne_set_read_timeout(session, 30); GRID_DEBUG("%s http://%s:%d%s", method, host, port, target); ne_request* req = ne_request_create(session, method, target); if (NULL != req) { for (GSList *l = headers; l; l = l->next) { gchar **toks = g_strsplit(l->data, ":", 2); ne_add_request_header(req, toks[0], toks[1]); g_strfreev(toks); } switch (ne_request_dispatch(req)) { case NE_OK: if (ne_get_status(req)->klass != 2) { *err = NEWERROR(0, "cannot %s '%s' (%s)", method, target, ne_get_error(session)); } else { result = TRUE; } break; case NE_AUTH: case NE_CONNECT: case NE_TIMEOUT: case NE_ERROR: default: *err = NEWERROR(0, "unexpected error from the WebDAV server (%s)", ne_get_error(session)); break; } ne_request_destroy(req); } else { // This should be an assertion *err = NEWERROR(0, "Failed to create request"); } ne_session_destroy (session); return result; }
int fakeproxied_session_server(ne_session **sess, const char *scheme, const char *host, unsigned int fakeport, server_fn fn, void *userdata) { unsigned int port; ne_inet_addr *addr; const ne_inet_addr *alist[1]; CALL(new_spawn_server2(1, fn, userdata, &addr, &port)); alist[0] = addr; *sess = ne_session_create(scheme, host, fakeport); ne_set_addrlist2(*sess, port, alist, 1); ne_hook_destroy_session(*sess, fakesess_destroy, addr); return OK; }
int begin(void) { const char *scheme = use_secure?"https":"http"; char *space; static const char blanks[] = " "; static const char stars[] = "**********************************"; i_session = ne_session_create(scheme, i_hostname, i_port); CALL(init_session(i_session)); ne_hook_pre_send(i_session, i_pre_send, "X-Prestan"); space = ne_concat(i_path, "davtest/", NULL); ne_delete(i_session, space); if (ne_mkcol(i_session, space)) { t_context("Could not create new collection `%s' for tests: %s\n" "Server must allow `MKCOL %s' for tests to proceed", space, ne_get_error(i_session), space); return FAILHARD; } free(i_path); i_path = space; warmup(); printf("\nStart Testing %s:\n\n",pget_option.URL) ; printf("\n%s%s\n", blanks, stars); printf("\n%s* Number of Requests\t\t%d\n", blanks, pget_option.requests); printf("\n%s* Number of Dead Properties\t%d\n", blanks, pget_option.numprops); printf("\n%s* Depth of Collection\t\t%d\n", blanks, pget_option.depth); printf("\n%s* Width of Collection\t\t%d\n", blanks, pget_option.width); printf("\n%s* Type of Methods\t\t%s\n", blanks, pget_option.methods); printf("\n%s%s\n", blanks, stars); printf("\n\n"); return OK; }
static char * _check_chunk(const char *cid) { ne_session *session=NULL; ne_request *request=NULL; GString *str = g_string_new(""); char **split = g_strsplit(cid, "/", 0); char **addr_tok = g_strsplit(split[2], ":", 2); if(NULL != (session = ne_session_create("http", addr_tok[0], atoi(addr_tok[1])))) { ne_set_connect_timeout(session, 10); ne_set_read_timeout(session, 30); /* FIXME: I'm a little harder with strrchr success presumption */ if(NULL != (request = ne_request_create (session, "HEAD", strrchr(cid, '/')))) { switch (ne_request_dispatch (request)) { case NE_OK: if (ne_get_status(request)->klass != 2) { g_string_append_printf(str, "(Chunk unavailable : %s)", ne_get_error(session)); } break; default: g_string_append_printf(str, "(Chunk unavailable : %s)", ne_get_error(session)); } ne_request_destroy (request); } ne_session_destroy (session); } g_strfreev(addr_tok); g_strfreev(split); return g_string_free(str, FALSE); }
/* ensure that ne_redirect_location returns NULL when no redirect has * been encountered, or redirect hooks aren't registered. */ static int no_redirect(void) { ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", "localhost", 7777); const ne_uri *loc; ONN("redirect non-NULL before register", ne_redirect_location(sess)); ne_redirect_register(sess); ONN("initial redirect non-NULL", ne_redirect_location(sess)); CALL(spawn_server(7777, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n\r\n")); ONREQ(any_request(sess, "/noredir")); CALL(await_server()); ONN("redirect non-NULL after non-redir req", ne_redirect_location(sess)); CALL(spawn_server(7777, single_serve_string, "HTTP/1.0 302 Get Ye Away\r\n" "Location: /blah\r\n" "\r\n")); CALL(process_redir(sess, "/foo", &loc)); CALL(await_server()); ne_session_destroy(sess); return OK; }
/* * Connect to a DAV server * This function sets the flag _connected if the connection is established * and returns if the flag is set, so calling it frequently is save. */ static int dav_connect(const char *base_url) { int useSSL = 0; int rc; char protocol[6] = {'\0'}; char uaBuf[256]; char *path = NULL; char *scheme = NULL; char *host = NULL; unsigned int port = 0; int proxystate = -1; if (_connected) { return 0; } rc = c_parse_uri( base_url, &scheme, &dav_session.user, &dav_session.pwd, &host, &port, &path ); if( rc < 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Failed to parse uri %s", base_url ); goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* scheme %s", scheme ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* host %s", host ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* port %u", port ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* path %s", path ); if( strcmp( scheme, "owncloud" ) == 0 ) { strcpy( protocol, "http"); } else if( strcmp( scheme, "ownclouds" ) == 0 ) { strcpy( protocol, "https"); useSSL = 1; } else { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Invalid scheme %s, go outa here!", scheme ); rc = -1; goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* user %s", dav_session.user ? dav_session.user : ""); if (port == 0) { port = ne_uri_defaultport(protocol); } #if 0 rc = ne_sock_init(); DEBUG_WEBDAV("ne_sock_init: %d", rc ); if (rc < 0) { rc = -1; goto out; } #endif dav_session.ctx = ne_session_create( protocol, host, port); if (dav_session.ctx == NULL) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Session create with protocol %s failed", protocol ); rc = -1; goto out; } if (dav_session.read_timeout == 0) dav_session.read_timeout = 300; // set 300 seconds as default. ne_set_read_timeout(dav_session.ctx, dav_session.read_timeout); snprintf( uaBuf, sizeof(uaBuf), "Mozilla/5.0 (%s) csyncoC/%s", get_platform(), CSYNC_STRINGIFY( LIBCSYNC_VERSION )); ne_set_useragent( dav_session.ctx, uaBuf); ne_set_server_auth(dav_session.ctx, ne_auth, 0 ); if( useSSL ) { if (!ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error: SSL is not enabled."); rc = -1; goto out; } ne_ssl_trust_default_ca( dav_session.ctx ); ne_ssl_set_verify( dav_session.ctx, verify_sslcert, 0 ); } /* Hook called when a request is created. It sets the proxy connection header. */ ne_hook_create_request( dav_session.ctx, request_created_hook, NULL ); /* Hook called after response headers are read. It gets the Session ID. */ ne_hook_post_headers( dav_session.ctx, post_request_hook, NULL ); /* Hook called before a request is sent. It sets the cookies. */ ne_hook_pre_send( dav_session.ctx, pre_send_hook, NULL ); /* Hook called after request is dispatched. Used for handling possible redirections. */ ne_hook_post_send( dav_session.ctx, post_send_hook, NULL ); /* Proxy support */ proxystate = configureProxy( dav_session.ctx ); if( proxystate < 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error: Proxy-Configuration failed."); } else if( proxystate > 0 ) { ne_set_proxy_auth( dav_session.ctx, ne_proxy_auth, 0 ); } _connected = 1; rc = 0; out: SAFE_FREE(path); SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(scheme); return rc; }
int dav_startsessx(char *server, char *comment, int enable_ssl) { FILE *p12 = NULL; const char *p12cert = "/tmp/usercert.p12"; const char *userkey, *usercert, *userproxy; char buffer[128]; /* Function to be executed once per thread, used to create the connection structure and set the server name */ if(mutex == 0) { /* If no host specified, use the DPNS default one */ if (!server) server = getenv("DPNS_HOST"); /* Finish the function if the host is still NULL*/ if (!server) { dav_error = SENOSHOST; return -1; } /* Trigger an error if the comment is too long */ if(comment && (strlen(comment) > CA_MAXCOMMENTLEN)) { dav_error = EINVAL; return -1; } pthread_once(&init_once, thread_init_once); connection = (struct dav_connection *)calloc(sizeof(struct dav_connection), 1); strcpy(connection->server, server); mutex = 1; } /* exit function if a session already exists */ if(connection->session) return 0; /* Retrieve userkey and usercert from environement variable */ userkey = getenv("X509_USER_KEY"); usercert = getenv("X509_USER_CERT"); userproxy = getenv("X509_USER_PROXY"); /* Use a proxy */ if (enable_ssl) { if (userproxy) { userkey = usercert = userproxy; } /* Try default proxy location */ else if (!userkey && !usercert) { struct stat stat_buf; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tmp/x509up_u%d", getuid()); /* No luck, try with host cert and key */ if (stat(buffer, &stat_buf) != 0) { usercert = "/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem"; userkey = "/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem"; } } debug_msg("User certificate: %s", usercert); debug_msg("User key: %s", userkey); /* Try to open the certificate, create one if file does not exist yet */ if ((p12 = fopen(p12cert, "r")) == NULL){ if(convert_x509_to_p12(userkey, usercert, p12cert) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "An error occur in the certificate conversion\n"); return -1; } }else { fclose(p12); } /* Try to open a session, return -1 and set the correct errno if it failed */ if ((connection->session = ne_session_create("https", server, 443)) == NULL) { dav_error = ENSNACT; return -1; } } else { if ((connection->session = ne_session_create("http", server, 80)) == NULL) { dav_error = ENSNACT; return -1; } } /* manual checking for ssl credentials */ ne_ssl_set_verify(connection->session, no_ssl_verification, NULL); /* Read the pkcs12 certificate */ if (enable_ssl) { ne_ssl_client_cert *cert = ne_ssl_clicert_read(p12cert); if (cert == NULL) { ne_session_destroy(connection->session); dav_error = SECOMERR; return -1; } ne_ssl_set_clicert(connection->session, cert); ne_ssl_clicert_free(cert); } return 0; }
int main_http_config(const gchar *hn, int fd) { int rc; GError *error = NULL; GByteArray *gba_services = NULL; GByteArray *gba_files = NULL; ne_session *http_session; set_sighandlers(); fd_out = fd; DEBUG("Starting a new configuration process"); rc = -1; bzero(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if (!hn) gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname)); else g_strlcpy(hostname, hn, sizeof(hostname)-1); http_session = ne_session_create("http", gridconf_host, gridconf_port); ne_set_connect_timeout(http_session, 1); ne_set_read_timeout(http_session, 4); /*downlaod each file*/ if (!is_running) goto label_error; gba_files = download_file_list(http_session, &error); if (!gba_files) { ERROR("Failed to get the files list file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; gba_services = download_file_services(http_session, &error); if (!gba_services) { ERROR("Failed to get the services definition file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; if (!download_each_configuration_file(http_session, gba_files, &error)) { ERROR("Failed to download a configuration file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; if (!dump_gba(gba_services, fd_out, &error)) { ERROR("Failed to dump the configuration to fd=%d : %s", fd_out, gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } rc = 0; label_error: ne_session_destroy(http_session); metautils_pclose(&fd_out); if (gba_services) g_byte_array_free(gba_services, TRUE); if (gba_files) g_byte_array_free(gba_files, TRUE); DEBUG("http_config child pid=%d exiting with rc=%d", getpid(), rc); return rc; }
static int open_handle (struct neon_handle * handle, uint64_t startbyte) { int ret; char * proxy_host = NULL; int proxy_port = 0; bool_t use_proxy = aud_get_bool (NULL, "use_proxy"); bool_t use_proxy_auth = aud_get_bool (NULL, "use_proxy_auth"); if (use_proxy) { proxy_host = aud_get_str (NULL, "proxy_host"); proxy_port = aud_get_int (NULL, "proxy_port"); } handle->redircount = 0; _DEBUG ("<%p> Parsing URL", handle); if (ne_uri_parse (handle->url, handle->purl) != 0) { _ERROR ("<%p> Could not parse URL '%s'", (void *) handle, handle->url); return -1; } while (handle->redircount < 10) { if (! handle->purl->port) handle->purl->port = ne_uri_defaultport (handle->purl->scheme); _DEBUG ("<%p> Creating session to %s://%s:%d", handle, handle->purl->scheme, handle->purl->host, handle->purl->port); handle->session = ne_session_create (handle->purl->scheme, handle->purl->host, handle->purl->port); ne_redirect_register (handle->session); ne_add_server_auth (handle->session, NE_AUTH_BASIC, server_auth_callback, (void *) handle); ne_set_session_flag (handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO, 1); ne_set_session_flag (handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_PERSIST, 0); #ifdef HAVE_NE_SET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ne_set_connect_timeout (handle->session, 10); #endif ne_set_read_timeout (handle->session, 10); ne_set_useragent (handle->session, "Audacious/" PACKAGE_VERSION); if (use_proxy) { _DEBUG ("<%p> Using proxy: %s:%d", handle, proxy_host, proxy_port); ne_session_proxy (handle->session, proxy_host, proxy_port); if (use_proxy_auth) { _DEBUG ("<%p> Using proxy authentication", handle); ne_add_proxy_auth (handle->session, NE_AUTH_BASIC, neon_proxy_auth_cb, (void *) handle); } } if (! strcmp ("https", handle->purl->scheme)) { ne_ssl_trust_default_ca (handle->session); ne_ssl_set_verify (handle->session, neon_vfs_verify_environment_ssl_certs, handle->session); } _DEBUG ("<%p> Creating request", handle); ret = open_request (handle, startbyte); if (! ret) { str_unref (proxy_host); return 0; } if (ret == -1) { ne_session_destroy (handle->session); handle->session = NULL; str_unref (proxy_host); return -1; } _DEBUG ("<%p> Following redirect...", handle); ne_session_destroy (handle->session); handle->session = NULL; } /* If we get here, our redirect count exceeded */ _ERROR ("<%p> Redirect count exceeded for URL %s", (void *) handle, handle->url); str_unref (proxy_host); return 1; }
/* FIXME: Leaky as a bucket */ void open_connection(const char *url) { char *proxy_host = get_option(opt_proxy), *pnt; ne_server_capabilities caps; int ret, use_ssl = 0; ne_session *sess; if (session.connected) { close_connection(); } else { ne_uri_free(&session.uri); if (session.lastwp) { ne_free(session.lastwp); session.lastwp = NULL; } } /* Single argument: see whether we have a path or scheme */ if (strchr(url, '/') == NULL) { /* No path, no scheme -> just a hostname */ pnt = strchr(url, ':'); if (pnt != NULL) { *pnt++ = '\0'; session.uri.port = atoi(pnt); } else { session.uri.port = 80; } = ne_strdup(url); session.uri.scheme = ne_strdup("http"); } else { /* Parse the URL */ if (ne_uri_parse(url, &session.uri) || == NULL) { printf(_("Could not parse URL `%s'\n"), url); return; } if (session.uri.scheme == NULL) session.uri.scheme = ne_strdup("http"); if (!session.uri.port) session.uri.port = ne_uri_defaultport(session.uri.scheme); if (strcasecmp(session.uri.scheme, "https") == 0) { if (!ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)) { printf(_("SSL is not enabled.\n")); return; } use_ssl = 1; } } session.sess = ne_session_create(session.uri.scheme,, session.uri.port); sess = session.sess; if (use_ssl && setup_ssl()) { return; } ne_lockstore_register(session.locks, sess); ne_redirect_register(sess); ne_set_notifier(sess, notifier, NULL); if (session.uri.path == NULL) { session.uri.path = ne_strdup("/"); } else { if (!ne_path_has_trailing_slash(session.uri.path)) { pnt = ne_concat(session.uri.path, "/", NULL); free(session.uri.path); session.uri.path = pnt; } } /* Get the proxy details */ if (proxy_host != NULL) { if (get_option(opt_proxy_port) != NULL) { proxy_port = atoi(get_option(opt_proxy_port)); } else { proxy_port = 8080; } proxy_hostname = proxy_host; } #ifdef ENABLE_NETRC { netrc_entry *found; found = search_netrc(netrc_list,; if (found != NULL) { if (found->account && found->password) { server_username = found->account; server_password = found->password; } } } #endif /* ENABLE_NETRC */ #ifdef NE_SESSFLAG_EXPECT100 ne_set_session_flag(session.sess, NE_SESSFLAG_EXPECT100, get_bool_option(opt_expect100)); #endif /* NE_SESSFLAG_EXPECT100 */ session.connected = 0; ne_set_useragent(session.sess, "cadaver/" PACKAGE_VERSION); ne_set_server_auth(session.sess, supply_creds_server, NULL); ne_set_proxy_auth(session.sess, supply_creds_proxy, NULL); if (proxy_host) { ne_session_proxy(session.sess, proxy_hostname, proxy_port); } ret = ne_options(session.sess, session.uri.path, &caps); switch (ret) { case NE_OK: session.connected = true; if (set_path(session.uri.path)) { close_connection(); } break; case NE_CONNECT: if (proxy_host) { printf(_("Could not connect to `%s' on port %d:\n%s\n"), proxy_hostname, proxy_port, ne_get_error(session.sess)); } else { printf(_("Could not connect to `%s' on port %d:\n%s\n"),, session.uri.port, ne_get_error(session.sess)); } break; case NE_LOOKUP: puts(ne_get_error(session.sess)); break; default: printf(_("Could not open collection:\n%s\n"), ne_get_error(session.sess)); break; } }
static gboolean _rawx_update_chunk_attrs(chunk_id_t *cid, GSList *attrs, GError **err) { ne_session *s = NULL; ne_request *r = NULL; int ne_rc; gboolean result = FALSE; gchar dst[128]; guint16 port = 0; GString *req_str = NULL; char idstr[65]; if (!addr_info_get_addr(&(cid->addr), dst, sizeof(dst), &port)) return result; s = ne_session_create("http", dst, port); if (!s) { GSETERROR(err, "Failed to create session to rawx %s:%d", dst, port); return result; } ne_set_connect_timeout(s, 10); ne_set_read_timeout(s, 30); req_str =g_string_new("/rawx/chunk/set/"); bzero(idstr, sizeof(idstr)); buffer2str(&(cid->id), sizeof(cid->id), idstr, sizeof(idstr)); req_str = g_string_append(req_str, idstr); GRID_TRACE("Calling %s", req_str->str); r = ne_request_create (s, "GET", req_str->str); if (!r) { goto end_attr; } for (; attrs != NULL; attrs = attrs->next) { struct chunk_attr_s *attr = attrs->data; ne_add_request_header(r, attr->key, attr->val); } switch (ne_rc = ne_request_dispatch(r)) { case NE_OK: result = TRUE; break; case NE_ERROR: GSETCODE(err, 500, "Request NE_ERROR"); break; case NE_TIMEOUT: GSETCODE(err, 500, "Request Timeout"); break; case NE_CONNECT: GSETCODE(err, 500, "Request Connection timeout"); break; default: GSETCODE(err, 500, "Request failed"); break; } end_attr: if (NULL != req_str) g_string_free(req_str, TRUE); if (NULL != r) ne_request_destroy (r); if (NULL != s) ne_session_destroy (s); return result; }
void upsdrv_initups(void) { int ret; char *val; FILE *fp; #if HAVE_NE_SET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT && HAVE_NE_SOCK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT /* we don't need to use alarm() */ #else struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = netxml_alarm_handler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); #endif /* allow override of default network timeout value */ val = getval("timeout"); if (val) { timeout = atoi(val); if (timeout < 1) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "timeout must be greater than 0"); } } val = getval("shutdown_duration"); if (val) { shutdown_duration = atoi(val); if (shutdown_duration < 0) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "shutdown duration must be greater than or equal to 0"); } } val = getval("shutdown_timer"); if (val) { shutdown_timer = atoi(val); if (shutdown_timer < 0) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "shutdown timer must be greater than or equal to 0"); } } if (nut_debug_level > 5) { ne_debug_init(stderr, NE_DBG_HTTP | NE_DBG_HTTPBODY); } if (ne_sock_init()) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: failed to initialize socket libraries", progname); } if (ne_uri_parse(device_path, &uri) || == NULL) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: invalid hostname '%s'", progname, device_path); } /* if (uri.scheme == NULL) { uri.scheme = strdup("http"); } if ( == NULL) { = strdup(device_path); } */ if (uri.port == 0) { uri.port = ne_uri_defaultport(uri.scheme); } upsdebugx(1, "using %s://%s port %d", uri.scheme,, uri.port); session = ne_session_create(uri.scheme,, uri.port); /* timeout if we can't (re)connect to the UPS */ #ifdef HAVE_NE_SET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ne_set_connect_timeout(session, timeout); #endif /* just wait for a couple of seconds */ ne_set_read_timeout(session, timeout); ne_set_useragent(session, subdriver->version); if (strcasecmp(uri.scheme, "https") == 0) { ne_ssl_trust_default_ca(session); } ne_set_server_auth(session, netxml_authenticate, NULL); /* if debug level is set, direct output to stderr */ if (!nut_debug_level) { fp = fopen("/dev/null", "w"); } else { fp = stderr; } if (!fp) { fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "Connectivity test failed"); } /* see if we have a connection */ ret = ne_get(session, subdriver->initups, fileno(fp)); if (!nut_debug_level) { fclose(fp); } else { fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (ret != NE_OK) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Connectivity test: %s", ne_get_error(session)); } upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Connectivity test: %s", ne_get_error(session)); }
/* * Connect to a DAV server * This function sets the flag _connected if the connection is established * and returns if the flag is set, so calling it frequently is save. */ static int dav_connect(const char *base_url) { int timeout = 30; int useSSL = 0; int rc; char protocol[6]; char uaBuf[256]; char *path = NULL; char *scheme = NULL; char *host = NULL; unsigned int port = 0; if (_connected) { return 0; } rc = c_parse_uri( base_url, &scheme, &dav_session.user, &dav_session.pwd, &host, &port, &path ); if( rc < 0 ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Failed to parse uri %s", base_url ); goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* scheme %s", scheme ? scheme : "empty"); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* host %s", host ? host : "empty"); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* port %u", port ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("* path %s", path ? path : "empty"); if( strcmp( scheme, "owncloud" ) == 0 ) { strncpy( protocol, "http", 6); } else if( strcmp( scheme, "ownclouds" ) == 0 ) { strncpy( protocol, "https", 6 ); useSSL = 1; } else { strncpy( protocol, "", 6 ); DEBUG_WEBDAV("Invalid scheme %s, go outa here!", scheme ); rc = -1; goto out; } DEBUG_WEBDAV("* user %s", dav_session.user ? dav_session.user : ""); if (port == 0) { port = ne_uri_defaultport(protocol); } rc = ne_sock_init(); DEBUG_WEBDAV("ne_sock_init: %d", rc ); if (rc < 0) { rc = -1; goto out; } dav_session.ctx = ne_session_create( protocol, host, port); if (dav_session.ctx == NULL) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Session create with protocol %s failed", protocol ); rc = -1; goto out; } ne_set_read_timeout(dav_session.ctx, timeout); snprintf( uaBuf, sizeof(uaBuf), "csyncoC/%s",CSYNC_STRINGIFY( LIBCSYNC_VERSION )); ne_set_useragent( dav_session.ctx, c_strdup( uaBuf )); ne_set_server_auth(dav_session.ctx, ne_auth, 0 ); if( useSSL ) { if (!ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("Error: SSL is not enabled."); rc = -1; goto out; } ne_ssl_trust_default_ca( dav_session.ctx ); ne_ssl_set_verify( dav_session.ctx, verify_sslcert, 0 ); } _connected = 1; rc = 0; out: SAFE_FREE(path); SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(scheme); return rc; }
/* Try to send the HTTP request to the Icecast server, and if possible deals with * all the probable redirections (HTTP status code == 3xx) */ static gint gst_neonhttp_src_send_request_and_redirect (GstNeonhttpSrc * src, ne_session ** ses, ne_request ** req, gint64 offset, gboolean do_redir) { ne_session *session = NULL; ne_request *request = NULL; gchar **c; gint res; gint http_status = 0; guint request_count = 0; do { if (src-> && src->proxy.port) { session = ne_session_create (src->uri.scheme, src->, src->uri.port); ne_session_proxy (session, src->, src->proxy.port); } else if (src-> || src->proxy.port) { /* both proxy host and port must be specified or none */ return HTTP_REQUEST_WRONG_PROXY; } else { session = ne_session_create (src->uri.scheme, src->, src->uri.port); } if (src->connect_timeout > 0) { ne_set_connect_timeout (session, src->connect_timeout); } if (src->read_timeout > 0) { ne_set_read_timeout (session, src->read_timeout); } ne_set_session_flag (session, NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO, 1); ne_ssl_set_verify (session, ssl_verify_callback, src); request = ne_request_create (session, "GET", src->query_string); if (src->user_agent) { ne_add_request_header (request, "User-Agent", src->user_agent); } for (c = src->cookies; c != NULL && *c != NULL; ++c) { GST_INFO ("Adding header Cookie : %s", *c); ne_add_request_header (request, "Cookies", *c); } if (src->iradio_mode) ne_add_request_header (request, "icy-metadata", "1"); if (offset > 0) { ne_print_request_header (request, "Range", "bytes=%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "-", offset); } res = ne_begin_request (request); if (res == NE_OK) { /* When the HTTP status code is 3xx, it is not the SHOUTcast streaming content yet; * Reload the HTTP request with a new URI value */ http_status = ne_get_status (request)->code; if (STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (http_status) && do_redir) { const gchar *redir; /* the new URI value to go when redirecting can be found on the 'Location' HTTP header */ redir = ne_get_response_header (request, "Location"); if (redir != NULL) { ne_uri_free (&src->uri); gst_neonhttp_src_set_location (src, redir, NULL); GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Got HTTP Status Code %d", http_status); GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Using 'Location' header [%s]", src->; } } } if ((res != NE_OK) || (offset == 0 && http_status != 200) || (offset > 0 && http_status != 206 && !STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (http_status))) { ne_request_destroy (request); request = NULL; ne_close_connection (session); ne_session_destroy (session); session = NULL; if (offset > 0 && http_status != 206 && !STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (http_status)) { src->seekable = FALSE; } } /* if - NE_OK */ if (STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (http_status) && do_redir) { ++request_count; GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "redirect request_count is now %d", request_count); if (request_count < MAX_HTTP_REDIRECTS_NUMBER && do_redir) { GST_INFO_OBJECT (src, "Redirecting to %s", src->; } else { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (src, "Will not redirect, try again with a " "different URI or redirect location %s", src->; } /* FIXME: when not redirecting automatically, shouldn't we post a * redirect element message on the bus? */ } /* do the redirect, go back to send another HTTP request now using the 'Location' */ } while (do_redir && (request_count < MAX_HTTP_REDIRECTS_NUMBER) && STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (http_status)); if (session) { *ses = session; *req = request; } return res; }