Пример #1
	 * Updates the historic of a garbage with the new detection of it
	 * */
	void GarbageHistoric::updateHistoricWithGarbage(Garbage * movedGarbage){
		std::vector<int> newCentroid (movedGarbage->getCentroid());
		std::vector<int> previousCentroid (this->currentPos);
		//update stats (found)
		//update position
		int deltax=newCentroid[0]-previousCentroid[0];
		int deltay=newCentroid[1]-previousCentroid[1];
		//update garbage
		delete this->garbage;
Пример #2
	Garbage * GarbageHistoric::guessPosition(){
		//assumes linear movement using last known delta/position
		std::vector<int> newCentroid (2,0);
		std::vector<int> centroid (this->garbage->getCentroid());
		std::vector<int> delta (this->deltaPos);
		int factor=(this->age - this->lastAppeareance);
			return this->garbage;

		int deltax=(factor-1)*delta[0];
		int deltay=(factor-1)*delta[1];
		newCentroid[0]=centroid[0] +deltax;
		newCentroid[1]=centroid[1] +deltay;
		MinimalBoundingRectangle * oldMbr=this->garbage->boundingBox();
		int x=oldMbr->x;
		int y=oldMbr->y;
		int h=oldMbr->getHeight();
		int w=oldMbr->getWidth();
		MinimalBoundingRectangle * mbr= new MinimalBoundingRectangle(x+deltax,y+deltay,w,h);
		Garbage * newGarbage=new  Garbage(mbr,newCentroid);
		//benchmark purposes
		return newGarbage;
Пример #3
	bool GarbageHistoric::isSameObject(Garbage * foundGarbage){
		//tells if a newGarbage is similar to that found in previous frames
		std::vector<int> newCentroid (foundGarbage->getCentroid());
		std::vector<int> previousCentroid (this->currentPos);
		int factor=DELTA_MOVEMENT_FACTOR*(this->age - this->lastAppeareance);
		//garbage has to be in previous centroid +- deltaPos
		int deltax=newCentroid[0]-previousCentroid[0];
		int deltay=newCentroid[1]-previousCentroid[1];
		int toleranceX=factor*fabs(deltaPos[0]) < PREDICTION_DELTA ? PREDICTION_DELTA : factor*fabs(deltaPos[0]);
		int toleranceY=factor*fabs(deltaPos[1]) < PREDICTION_DELTA ? PREDICTION_DELTA : factor*fabs(deltaPos[1]);
		if(fabs(deltax)<toleranceX && fabs(deltay)<toleranceY){
				return true;
		return false;
Пример #4
void QgsGrassEdit::keyPress( QKeyEvent *e )
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );
  // This does not work:

  // TODO: this is not optimal
  switch ( e->key() )
    case Qt::Key_F1: newPoint(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F2: newLine(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F3: newBoundary(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F4: newCentroid(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F5: moveVertex(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F6: addVertex(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F7: deleteVertex(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F9: moveLine(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F10: splitLine(); break;
    case Qt::Key_F11: deleteLine(); break;
    default: break;
Пример #5
void QgsGrassEdit::init()
  if ( !( mProvider->isGrassEditable() ) )
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ),
                          tr( "You are not owner of the mapset, cannot open the vector for editing." ) );

  if ( !( mProvider->startEdit() ) )
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open vector for update." ) );

  mRubberBandLine = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas );
  mRubberBandIcon = new QgsVertexMarker( mCanvas );
  mRubberBandLine->setZValue( 20 );
  mRubberBandIcon->setZValue( 20 );

  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( keyPressed( QKeyEvent * ) ), this, SLOT( keyPress( QKeyEvent * ) ) );

  mToolBar = addToolBar( tr( "Edit tools" ) );

  mNewPointAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_new_point.png" ), tr( "New point" ), this );
  mNewPointAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F1 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mNewPointAction );
  connect( mNewPointAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newPoint() ) );

  mNewLineAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_new_line.png" ), tr( "New line" ), this );
  mNewLineAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F2 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mNewLineAction );
  connect( mNewLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newLine() ) );

  mNewBoundaryAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_new_boundary.png" ), tr( "New boundary" ), this );
  mNewBoundaryAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F3 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mNewBoundaryAction );
  connect( mNewBoundaryAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newBoundary() ) );

  mNewCentroidAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_new_centroid.png" ), tr( "New centroid" ), this );
  mNewCentroidAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F4 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mNewCentroidAction );
  connect( mNewCentroidAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newCentroid() ) );

  mMoveVertexAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_move_vertex.png" ), tr( "Move vertex" ), this );
  mMoveVertexAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F5 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mMoveVertexAction );
  connect( mMoveVertexAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveVertex() ) );

  mAddVertexAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_add_vertex.png" ), tr( "Add vertex" ), this );
  mAddVertexAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F6 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mAddVertexAction );
  connect( mAddVertexAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( addVertex() ) );

  mDeleteVertexAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_delete_vertex.png" ), tr( "Delete vertex" ), this );
  mDeleteVertexAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F7 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mDeleteVertexAction );
  connect( mDeleteVertexAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( deleteVertex() ) );

  mMoveLineAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_move_line.png" ), tr( "Move element" ), this );
  mMoveLineAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F9 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mMoveLineAction );
  connect( mMoveLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveLine() ) );

  mSplitLineAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_split_line.png" ), tr( "Split line" ), this );
  mSplitLineAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F10 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mSplitLineAction );
  connect( mSplitLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( splitLine() ) );

  mDeleteLineAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_delete_line.png" ), tr( "Delete element" ), this );
  mDeleteLineAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F11 ) );
  mToolBar->addAction( mDeleteLineAction );
  connect( mDeleteLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( deleteLine() ) );

  mEditAttributesAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_edit_attributes.png" ), tr( "Edit attributes" ), this );
  mToolBar->addAction( mEditAttributesAction );
  connect( mEditAttributesAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editAttributes() ) );

  mCloseEditAction = new QAction(
    QgsGrassPlugin::getThemeIcon( "grass_close_edit.png" ), tr( "Close" ), this );
  mToolBar->addAction( mCloseEditAction );
  connect( mCloseEditAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( closeEdit() ) );

  mNewPointAction->setCheckable( true );
  mNewLineAction->setCheckable( true );
  mNewBoundaryAction->setCheckable( true );
  mNewCentroidAction->setCheckable( true );
  mMoveVertexAction->setCheckable( true );
  mAddVertexAction->setCheckable( true );
  mDeleteVertexAction->setCheckable( true );
  mMoveLineAction->setCheckable( true );
  mSplitLineAction->setCheckable( true );
  mDeleteLineAction->setCheckable( true );
  mEditAttributesAction->setCheckable( true );

  QActionGroup *ag = new QActionGroup( this );
  ag->addAction( mNewPointAction );
  ag->addAction( mNewLineAction );
  ag->addAction( mNewBoundaryAction );
  ag->addAction( mNewCentroidAction );
  ag->addAction( mMoveVertexAction );
  ag->addAction( mAddVertexAction );
  ag->addAction( mDeleteVertexAction );
  ag->addAction( mMoveLineAction );
  ag->addAction( mSplitLineAction );
  ag->addAction( mDeleteLineAction );
  ag->addAction( mEditAttributesAction );

  mEditPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
  mPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
  mCats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

  // Set lines symbology from map
  int nlines = mProvider->numLines();
  mLineSymb.resize( nlines + 1000 );
  for ( int line = 1; line <= nlines; line++ )
    mLineSymb[line] = lineSymbFromMap( line );

  // Set nodes symbology from map
  int nnodes = mProvider->numNodes();
  mNodeSymb.resize( nnodes + 1000 );
  for ( int node = 1; node <= nnodes; node++ )
    mNodeSymb[node] = nodeSymbFromMap( node );

  // Set default colors
  mSymb.resize( SYMB_COUNT );
  mSymb[SYMB_BACKGROUND].setColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );       // white
  mSymb[SYMB_HIGHLIGHT].setColor( QColor( 255, 255,   0 ) );        // yellow
  mSymb[SYMB_DYNAMIC].setColor( QColor( 125, 125, 125 ) );          // grey
  mSymb[SYMB_POINT].setColor( QColor( 0,   0,   0 ) );              // black
  mSymb[SYMB_LINE].setColor( QColor( 0,   0,   0 ) );               // black
  mSymb[SYMB_BOUNDARY_0].setColor( QColor( 255,   0,   0 ) );       // red
  mSymb[SYMB_BOUNDARY_1].setColor( QColor( 255, 125,   0 ) );       // orange
  mSymb[SYMB_BOUNDARY_2].setColor( QColor( 0, 255,   0 ) );         // green
  mSymb[SYMB_CENTROID_IN].setColor( QColor( 0, 255,   0 ) );        // green
  mSymb[SYMB_CENTROID_OUT].setColor( QColor( 255,   0,   0 ) );     // red
  mSymb[SYMB_CENTROID_DUPL].setColor( QColor( 255,   0, 255 ) );    // magenta
  mSymb[SYMB_NODE_1].setColor( QColor( 255,   0,   0 ) );           // red
  mSymb[SYMB_NODE_2].setColor( QColor( 0, 255,   0 ) );             // green

  // Set mSymbDisplay
  mSymbDisplay.resize( SYMB_COUNT );
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_BACKGROUND] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_HIGHLIGHT] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_DYNAMIC] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_POINT] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_LINE] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_BOUNDARY_0] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_BOUNDARY_1] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_BOUNDARY_2] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_CENTROID_IN] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_CENTROID_OUT] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_CENTROID_DUPL] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_NODE_1] = true;
  mSymbDisplay[SYMB_NODE_2] = true;

  // Set symbology names
  mSymbName.resize( SYMB_COUNT );
  mSymbName[SYMB_BACKGROUND]    = tr( "Background" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_HIGHLIGHT]     = tr( "Highlight" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_DYNAMIC]       = tr( "Dynamic" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_POINT]         = tr( "Point" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_LINE]          = tr( "Line" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_BOUNDARY_0]    = tr( "Boundary (no area)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_BOUNDARY_1]    = tr( "Boundary (1 area)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_BOUNDARY_2]    = tr( "Boundary (2 areas)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_CENTROID_IN]   = tr( "Centroid (in area)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_CENTROID_OUT]  = tr( "Centroid (outside area)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_CENTROID_DUPL] = tr( "Centroid (duplicate in area)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_NODE_1]        = tr( "Node (1 line)" );
  mSymbName[SYMB_NODE_2]        = tr( "Node (2 lines)" );

  // Restore symbology
  QString spath = "/GRASS/edit/symb/";
  QSettings settings;

  mLineWidth = settings.value(
                 spath + "lineWidth", 1 ).toInt();
  mSize = settings.value(
            spath + "markerSize", 9 ).toInt();
  mLineWidthSpinBox->setValue( mLineWidth );
  mMarkerSizeSpinBox->setValue( mSize );

  for ( int i = 0; i < SYMB_COUNT; i++ )
    bool ok = settings.contains(
                spath + "display/" + QString::number( i ) );
    bool displ = settings.value(
                   spath + "display/" + QString::number( i ),
                   true ).toBool();
    if ( ok )
      mSymbDisplay[i] = displ;

    ok = settings.contains(
           spath + "color/" + QString::number( i ) );
    QString colorName = settings.value(
                          spath + "color/" + QString::number( i ),
                          "" ).toString();
    if ( ok )
      QColor color( colorName );
      mSymb[i].setColor( color );
      // Use the 'dynamic' color for mRubberBand
      if ( i == SYMB_DYNAMIC )
        mRubberBandLine->setColor( QColor( colorName ) );
    mSymb[i].setWidth( mLineWidth );

  // Set Symbology in dialog
  symbologyList->setColumnWidth( 0, 40 );
  symbologyList->setColumnWidth( 1, 50 );
  symbologyList->setColumnWidth( 2, 200 );

  for ( int i = 0; i < SYMB_COUNT; i++ )
    if ( i == SYMB_NODE_0 )

    QPixmap pm( 40, 15 );
    pm.fill( mSymb[i].color() );
    QString index;
    index.sprintf( "%d", i );

    QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem( symbologyList );
    if ( !( i == SYMB_BACKGROUND || i == SYMB_HIGHLIGHT || i == SYMB_DYNAMIC ) )
      item->setCheckState( 0, mSymbDisplay[i] ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
    item->setIcon( 1, pm );
    item->setText( 2, mSymbName[i] );
    item->setText( 3, index );

  connect( symbologyList, SIGNAL( itemPressed( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
           this, SLOT( changeSymbology( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );

  // Init table tab
  mAttributeTable->setItemDelegate( new QgsGrassEditAttributeTableItemDelegate( this ) );

  int ndblinks = mProvider->numDbLinks();

  if ( ndblinks > 0 )
    for ( int i = 0; i < ndblinks; i++ )
      int f = mProvider->dbLinkField( i );

      QString str;
      str.sprintf( "%d", f );
      mTableField->addItem( str );
      mFieldBox->addItem( str );
      if ( i == 0 )
        setAttributeTable( f );
    mTableField->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
    mFieldBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
    mTableField->addItem( "1" );
    setAttributeTable( 1 );

    mFieldBox->addItem( "1" );

  connect( mAttributeTable, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( columnTypeChanged( int, int ) ) );

  // Set variables
  mSelectedLine = 0;
  mAttributes = 0;

  // Read max cats
  for ( int i = 0; i < mProvider->cidxGetNumFields(); i++ )
    int field = mProvider->cidxGetFieldNumber( i );
    if ( field > 0 )
      int cat = mProvider->cidxGetMaxCat( i );
      MaxCat mc;
      mc.field = field;
      mc.maxCat = cat;
      mMaxCats.push_back( mc );

  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( renderComplete( QPainter * ) ), this, SLOT( postRender( QPainter * ) ) );

  mCanvasEdit = new QgsGrassEditLayer( mCanvas );

  mPixmap = &mCanvasEdit->pixmap();

  // Init GUI values
  mCatModeBox->addItem( tr( "Next not used" ), CAT_MODE_NEXT );
  mCatModeBox->addItem( tr( "Manual entry" ), CAT_MODE_MANUAL );
  mCatModeBox->addItem( tr( "No category" ), CAT_MODE_NOCAT );
  catModeChanged( );

  // TODO: how to get keyboard events from canvas (shortcuts)


  mValid = true;
  mInited = true;