Пример #1
int main()
    SWFMovie m = newSWFMovie();
    SWFText text = newSWFText();
    SWFTextField textfield = newSWFTextField();
    SWFDisplayItem it;

    SWFFont font = newSWFFont_fromFile(MEDIADIR "/font01.fdb");
    if(font == NULL)
        perror(MEDIADIR "/font01.fdb");

    SWFText_setFont(text, font);
    SWFText_setColor(text, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff);
    SWFText_setHeight(text, 20);
    SWFText_moveTo(text, 100, 100);
    SWFText_addString(text, "1234567890", NULL);

    SWFTextField_setFont(textfield, font);
    SWFTextField_addString(textfield, "1234567890");
    SWFTextField_setColor(textfield, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff);
    SWFTextField_setHeight(textfield, 20);

    SWFMovie_add(m, text);
    it = SWFMovie_add(m, textfield);
    SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 100, 120);
    SWFMovie_save(m, "test04.swf");

    return 0;
Пример #2
static void ming_textpara(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textpara_t * para)
    SWFMovie movie = (SWFMovie)(job->context);
    SWFTextField textfield;
    SWFDisplayItem item;
    obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
    gvcolor_t pencolor = obj->pencolor;
    pointf offset;
    char *font_file_name;
    char *libdir;
    static SWFFont font;

/* FIXME - hardcoded to a Times-like font */
    if (font == NULL) {
	font_file_name = malloc(strlen(libdir)+strlen(FONT)+2);
	strcpy(font_file_name, libdir);
	strcat(font_file_name, "/");
	strcat(font_file_name, FONT);
	font = newSWFFont_fromFile(font_file_name);

    textfield = newSWFTextField();
    SWFTextField_setFont(textfield, (SWFBlock)font);
    SWFTextField_addChars(textfield, para->str);
    SWFTextField_addUTF8String(textfield, para->str);
    SWFTextField_setHeight(textfield, para->fontsize);

    switch (para->just) {
    case 'r':
	offset.x = 0.;
    case 'l':
	offset.x = -para->width;
    case 'n':
	offset.x = -para->width/2.;
    /* offset to baseline */
    offset.y = -para->height + para->fontsize*.4;  /* empirically determined */

    item = SWFMovie_add(movie, (SWFBlock)textfield);
    SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(item, p.x + offset.x, p.y + offset.y);
Пример #3
/*Called on startup to loaddefault font, can also be called from R to 
 * load a user provided font. 
static void SWF_LoadFont(const char *fontFile){
	//Get the device info by pointer since this can be called from R
	pDevDesc deviceInfo = GEcurrentDevice()->dev;
	// Shortcut pointers to variables of interest. 
	swfDevDesc *swfInfo = (swfDevDesc *) deviceInfo->deviceSpecific;
	//Load a fdb or ttf font
	//XXX - can this work with ttc fonts?
	swfInfo->ss = newSWFFont_fromFile(fontFile);
Пример #4
int main()
	SWFMovie m = newSWFMovie();
	SWFTextField text = newSWFTextField();
	SWFFont font = newSWFFont_fromFile(MEDIADIR "/test.ttf");
	if(font == NULL)
		perror(MEDIADIR "/test.tff");
	SWFTextField_setFont(text, font);
	SWFTextField_setColor(text, 0, 0, 0, 0xff);
	SWFTextField_setHeight(text, 20);
	SWFMovie_add(m, text);
	SWFMovie_save(m, "test02.swf");

	return 0;
Пример #5
int main()
	SWFMovie m = newSWFMovie();
	SWFTextField text = newSWFTextField();
	SWFFont font = newSWFFont_fromFile(MEDIADIR "/test.ttf");
	if(font == NULL)
		perror(MEDIADIR "/test.tff");
	SWFTextField_setFont(text, font);
	SWFTextField_setColor(text, 0, 0, 0, 0xff);
	SWFTextField_setHeight(text, 20);
	SWFTextField_setFlags(text, SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT);
	SWFTextField_addString(text, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1234567890");
	SWFMovie_add(m, text);
	SWFMovie_save(m, "test01.swf");

	return 0;
Пример #6
static Rboolean SWF_Setup( pDevDesc deviceInfo, const char *fileName,
	double width, double height, const char *bg, const char *fg, 
	double frameRate, SEXP fontFileList, const char *logFileName ){

	 * Create swfInfo, this variable contains information which is
	 * unique to the implementation of the SWF Device. The deviceInfo
	 * variable contains a slot into which swfInfo can be placed so that
	 * this information persists and is retrievable during the lifespan
	 * of this device.
	 * More information on the components of the deviceInfo structure,
	 * which is a pointer to a DevDesc variable, can be found under
	 * struct _DevDesc in the R header file GraphicsDevice.h
	 * swfInfo is a structure which is defined in the file swfDevice.h
	swfDevDesc *swfInfo;
	pGEcontext plotParams;

	 * pGEcontext is actually a *pointer* to a structure of type
	 * R_GE_gcontext. If we don't allocate it, it will be passed
	 * into the initialization routine without actually pointing
	 * to anything. This causes nasty crashes- for some reason
	 * only on Windows and Linux...
	if( !( plotParams = (pGEcontext) malloc(sizeof(pGEcontext)) ) )
		return FALSE;
	 * Initialize swfInfo, return false if this fails. A false return
	 * value will cause the whole device initialization routine to fail.
	if( !( swfInfo = (swfDevDesc *) malloc(sizeof(swfDevDesc)) ) )
		return FALSE;

	/* Copy SWF-specific information to the swfInfo variable. */
	strcpy( swfInfo->outFileName, fileName);
	strcpy( swfInfo->logFileName, logFileName);
	swfInfo->debug = DEBUG;
	swfInfo->nFrames = 0;
	swfInfo->frameRate = frameRate;
	swfInfo->haveControls = FALSE;
	/*Initilize the SWF movie version 8 so more line styles can be used*/
	swfInfo->m = newSWFMovieWithVersion(8);
	//const char *ss = CHAR(asChar(getListElement(fontFileList,"ss")));
	swfInfo->ss = 
	swfInfo->ss_b = 
	swfInfo->ss_i = 
	swfInfo->ss_b_i = 
	swfInfo->mo = 
	swfInfo->mo_b = 
	swfInfo->mo_i = 
	swfInfo->mo_b_i = 
	swfInfo->se = 
	swfInfo->se_b = 
	swfInfo->se_i = 
	swfInfo->se_b_i = 
	swfInfo->displayListHead = NULL; 
	swfInfo->displayListTail = NULL;

	/* Incorporate swfInfo into deviceInfo. */
	deviceInfo->deviceSpecific = (void *) swfInfo;

	 * These next statements define the capabilities of the device.
	 * These capabilities include:
	 *	-Device/user interaction
	 *	-Gamma correction
	 *	-Clipping abilities
	 *	-UTF8 support
	 *  -Text justification/alignment abilities

	 * Define the gamma factor- used to adjust the luminosity of an image. 
	 * Set to 1 since there is no gamma correction in the SWF device. Also,
	 * canChangeGamma is set to FALSE to disallow user adjustment of this
	 * default
	deviceInfo->startgamma = 1;
	deviceInfo->canChangeGamma = FALSE;

	 * canHAdj is an integer specifying the level of horizontal adjustment
	 * or justification provided by this device. Currently set to 0 as this
	 * is not implemented. 
	deviceInfo->canHAdj = 0;

	 * useRotatedTextInContour specifies if the text function along with
	 * rotation parameters should be used over Hershey fonts when printing
	 * contour plot labels.
	deviceInfo->useRotatedTextInContour = TRUE; 

	 * canClip specifies whether the device implements routines for filtering
	 * plotting input such that it falls within a rectangular clipping area.
	 * Implementing this leads to an interesting design choice- to implement
	 * clipping here in the C code or hand it off to the SWF clipping 
	 * routines.  Clipping at the C level may reduce  and simplify the final 
	 * output file by not printing objects that fall outside the plot 
	 * boundaries. 
	deviceInfo->canClip = FALSE;

	 * These next parameters speficy if the device reacts to keyboard and 
	 * mouse events. Since this device outputs to a file, not a screen window, 
	 * these actions are disabled.
	deviceInfo->canGenMouseDown = FALSE;
	deviceInfo->canGenMouseMove = FALSE;
	deviceInfo->canGenMouseUp = FALSE;
	deviceInfo->canGenKeybd = FALSE;

	 * This parameter specifies whether the device is set up to handle UTF8
	 * characters. This makes a difference in the complexity of the text
	 * handling functions that must be built into the device. If set to true
	 * both hook functions textUTF8 and strWidthUTF8 must be implemented.
	 * Compared to ASCII, which only has 128 character values, UTF8 has
	 * thousends. This will require a fairly sophisticated function for
	 * calculating string widths.
	 * UTF8 support would be a great feature to include as it would make
	 * this device useful for an international audience. For now only
	 * the ASCII character set will be used as it is easy to implement.
	 * wantSymbolUTF8 indicates if mathematical symbols should be treated
	 * as UTF8 characters.
	deviceInfo->hasTextUTF8 = FALSE;
	deviceInfo->wantSymbolUTF8 = FALSE;

	 * Initialize device parameters. These concern properties such as the 
	 * plotting canvas size, the initial foreground and background colors and 
	 * the initial clipping area. Other parameters related to fonts and text 
	 * output are also included.

	 * Set canvas size. The bottom left corner is considered the origin and 
	 * assigned the value of 0pt, 0pt. The upper right corner is assigned by 
	 * converting the specified height and width of the device to points.
	deviceInfo->bottom = 0;
	deviceInfo->left = 0;
	deviceInfo->top = dim2dev( height );
	deviceInfo->right = dim2dev( width );

	/* Set default character size in pixels. */
	deviceInfo->cra[0] = 9;
	deviceInfo->cra[1] = 12;

	/* Set initial font. */
	deviceInfo->startfont = 1;

	/* Set initial font size. */
	deviceInfo->startps = 10;

	 * Apparently these are supposed to center text strings over the points at
	 * which they are plotted. SWF does this automagically.
	 * I hope.
	deviceInfo->xCharOffset = 0;	
	deviceInfo->yCharOffset = 0;	
	deviceInfo->yLineBias = 0;	

	/* Specify the number of inches per pixel in the x and y directions. */
	deviceInfo->ipr[0] = 1/dim2dev(1);
	deviceInfo->ipr[1] = 1/dim2dev(1);

	/* Set initial foreground and background colors. */
	deviceInfo->startfill = R_GE_str2col( bg );
	deviceInfo->startcol = R_GE_str2col( fg );

	/* Set initial line type. */
	deviceInfo->startlty = 0;

	 * Connect R graphic function hooks to SWF Routines implemented in this
	 * file. Each routine performs a specific function such as adding text, 
	 * drawing a line or reporting/adjusting the status of the device.

	/* Utility routines. */
	deviceInfo->close = SWF_Close;
	deviceInfo->newPage = SWF_NewPage;
	deviceInfo->clip = SWF_Clip;
	deviceInfo->size = SWF_Size;

	/* Text routines. */
	deviceInfo->metricInfo = SWF_MetricInfo;
	deviceInfo->strWidth = SWF_StrWidth;
	deviceInfo->text = SWF_Text;

	/* Drawing routines. */
	deviceInfo->line = SWF_Line;
	deviceInfo->circle = SWF_Circle;
	deviceInfo->rect = SWF_Rectangle;
	deviceInfo->polyline = SWF_Polyline;
	deviceInfo->polygon = SWF_Polygon;

	/* Dummy routines. These are mainly used by GUI graphics devices. */
	deviceInfo->activate = SWF_Activate;
	deviceInfo->deactivate = SWF_Deactivate;
	deviceInfo->locator = SWF_Locator;
	deviceInfo->mode = SWF_Mode;

	/* Call SWF_Open to create and initialize the output file. */
	if( !SWF_Open( deviceInfo ) )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

Пример #7
int main(void)
        // Create local variables
        int i;
        SWFDisplayItem image_display_item;
        SWFFont font_object;
        SWFMovie test_movie;
        SWFText text_object;

        // Initialise the movie structure in memory
        test_movie = newSWFMovieWithVersion(7);

        // Set the desired compression level 
		// for the output (9 = maximum compression)

        // Set the background color for the movie
        SWFMovie_setBackground(test_movie, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

        // Adjust the dimensions of the movie
        SWFMovie_setDimension(test_movie, 800, 600);

        // Set the frame rate for the movie to 24 frames per second
        SWFMovie_setRate(test_movie, 24.0);

        // Load a font from disk
        font_object = newSWFFont_fromFile("../../fonts/vera/Vera.ttf");
        if (NULL == font_object)
                // Something went wrong, so exit
                printf("Unable to load font from file.\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

        // Create a new, empty text object
        text_object = newSWFText();

        // Tell the text object to use the font previously loaded
        SWFText_setFont(text_object, font_object);

        // Set the height of the text
        SWFText_setHeight(text_object, 18.0);

        // Set the color of the text
        SWFText_setColor(text_object, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);

        // Add a string to the text object
        SWFText_addString(text_object, "This is some example text", NULL);

        // Add the text object to the movie (at 0,0)
        image_display_item = SWFMovie_add(test_movie, (SWFBlock) text_object);

        // Move to 100, 100
        SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(image_display_item, 100.00, 100.0);

        // Progressively move the text down and to the right
        for (i = 0; i <= 250; i++)
                SWFDisplayItem_move(image_display_item, 2, 2);

        // Save the swf movie file to disk
        SWFMovie_save(test_movie, "ming-test-text.swf");

        // Free the swf movie in memory

        // Free the swf text object

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
static VALUE font_open(VALUE klass, VALUE filename)
  SWFFont font = newSWFFont_fromFile(StringValuePtr(filename));
  if(font == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not read file");
  return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, deallocate, font);