Пример #1
MStatus customAttrCtx::doPress( MEvent & event )
// Description
//     This method is called when a mouse button is pressed while this context is
//    the current context.
	// Let the parent class handle the event first in case there is no object
	// selected yet.  The parent class will perform any necessary selection.
	MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doPress( event );

	// If an object has been selected, then process the event.  Otherwise,
	// ignore it as there is nothing to do.
	if ( !isSelecting() ) {
		if (event.mouseButton() == MEvent::kMiddleMouse)
			view = M3dView::active3dView();

			// Create an instance of the customAttrCmd tool command and initialize
			// its delta value to 0.  As the mouse drags, the delta value will change.
			// when the mouse is lifted, a final command will be constructed with the
			// most recently set delta value and axis specifications.
			cmd = (customAttrCmd *)newToolCommand();

			event.getPosition( startPos_x, startPos_y );

			// Determine the channel box attribute which will be operated on by the
			// dragging motion and set the state of the command accordingly.
			unsigned int i;
			MStringArray result;
					"channelBox -q -selectedMainAttributes $gChannelBoxName", result);
			for (i=0; i<result.length(); i++)
				if (result[i] == customAttributeString)

	return stat;
Пример #2
MStatus moveContext::doPress( MEvent & event )
	MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doPress( event );
	MSpace::Space spc = MSpace::kWorld;

	// If we are not in selecting mode (i.e. an object has been selected)
	// then set up for the translation.
	if ( !isSelecting() ) {
		event.getPosition( startPos_x, startPos_y );
		view = M3dView::active3dView();

		MDagPath camera;
		stat = view.getCamera( camera );
		if ( stat != MS::kSuccess ) {
			cerr << "Error: M3dView::getCamera" << endl;
			return stat;
		MFnCamera fnCamera( camera );
		MVector upDir = fnCamera.upDirection( spc );
		MVector rightDir = fnCamera.rightDirection( spc );

		// Determine the camera used in the current view
		if ( fnCamera.isOrtho() ) {
			if ( upDir.isEquivalent(MVector::zNegAxis,kVectorEpsilon) ) {
				currWin = TOP;
			} else if ( rightDir.isEquivalent(MVector::xAxis,kVectorEpsilon) ) {
				currWin = FRONT;
			} else  {
				currWin = SIDE;
		else {
			currWin = PERSP;

		// Create an instance of the move tool command.
		cmd = (moveCmd*)newToolCommand();

		cmd->setVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	return stat;
MStatus SelectRingContext2::doRelease( MEvent &event )
	// Get the mouse release position
	event.getPosition( releaseX, releaseY );

	// Didn't select a single point
	if( abs(pressX - releaseX) > 1 || abs(pressY - releaseY) > 1 )
		MGlobal::displayWarning( "Click on a single edge" );
		return MS::kFailure;
	// Set the selection surface area
	int halfClickBoxSize = clickBoxSize / 2;
	pressX -= halfClickBoxSize;
	pressY -= halfClickBoxSize;
	releaseX = pressX + clickBoxSize;
	releaseY = pressY + clickBoxSize;
	// Get the current selection
	MSelectionList curSel;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( curSel );

	//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("Dim: ") + start_x + " " + start_y + " " + last_x + " " + last_y );
	// Change to object selection mode
	MGlobal::setSelectionMode( MGlobal::kSelectObjectMode );
	MGlobal::setComponentSelectionMask( MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask::kSelectObjectsMask ) );

	// Select the object under the selection area
	MGlobal::selectFromScreen( pressX, pressY, releaseX, releaseY, MGlobal::kReplaceList);
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "hilite" );
	// Change selection mode to mesh edges
	MGlobal::setSelectionMode( MGlobal::kSelectComponentMode );
	MGlobal::setComponentSelectionMask( MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask::kSelectMeshEdges ) );
	// Select the edges
	MGlobal::selectFromScreen( pressX, pressY, releaseX, releaseY, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
	// Get the list of selected edges
	MSelectionList origEdgesSel;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( origEdgesSel );	
	// Only use the first edge in the selection
	MItSelectionList selIter( origEdgesSel, MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent );
	if( !selIter.isDone() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;	
		selIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );
		SelectRingToolCmd2 &cmd = *(SelectRingToolCmd2 *) newToolCommand();
		cmd.setCurrentSelection( curSel );
		cmd.setSelectedEdgeObject( dagPath );
		cmd.setSelectedEdgeComponent( component );
		cmd.setListAdjust( listAdjust );
		cmd.setSelEdges( selEdges );
		cmd.setSelFaces( selFaces );
		cmd.setSelVertices( selVertices );
		cmd.setSelType( SelectRingToolCmd2::SelType(selType) );
	return MS::kSuccess;		
Пример #4
MStatus	grabUVContext::doDrag ( MEvent & event, MHWRender::MUIDrawManager& drawMgr, const MHWRender::MFrameContext& context)
	if (event.mouseButton() != MEvent::kLeftMouse || 
		!event.isModifierNone() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPxTexContext::doDrag(event, drawMgr, context);

	short x, y;
	event.getPosition( x, y );
	fLastScreenPoint = fCurrentScreenPoint;
	fCurrentScreenPoint = MPoint( x, y );

	double xView, yView;
	portToView(x, y, xView, yView);	// pos at viewrect coordinate

	fLastPoint = fCurrentPoint;
	fCurrentPoint = MPoint( xView, yView, 0.0 );

	if( fDragMode == kBrushSize )
		double dis = fCurrentScreenPoint.distanceTo( fLastScreenPoint );
		if ( fCurrentScreenPoint[0] > fLastScreenPoint[0] )
			setSize( size() + float(dis) );
			setSize( std::max( size() - float(dis), 0.01f ) );
		fBrushCenterScreenPoint = MPoint( x, y );

		MFloatArray uUVsExported;
		MFloatArray vUVsExported;

		const MVector vec = fCurrentPoint - fLastPoint;

		if (!fCommand)
			fCommand = (UVUpdateCommand *)(newToolCommand());
		if (fCommand)
			MFnMesh mesh(fDagPath);
			MString currentUVSetName;

			int nbUVs = mesh.numUVs(currentUVSetName);
			MDoubleArray pinData;
			MUintArray uvPinIds;
			MDoubleArray fullPinData;
			mesh.getPinUVs(uvPinIds, pinData, &currentUVSetName);
			int len = pinData.length();

			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbUVs; i++) {
				fullPinData[i] = 0.0;
			while( len-- > 0 ) {
				fullPinData[uvPinIds[len]] = pinData[len];

			MFloatArray uValues;
			MFloatArray vValues;
			float pinWeight = 0;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fCollectedUVs.length(); ++i)
				float u, v;
				MStatus bGetUV = mesh.getUV(fCollectedUVs[i], u, v, &currentUVSetName);
				if (bGetUV == MS::kSuccess)
					pinWeight = fullPinData[fCollectedUVs[i]];
					u += (float)vec[0]*(1-pinWeight);
					v += (float)vec[1]*(1-pinWeight);
					uValues.append( u );
					vValues.append( v ); 
			fCommand->setUVs( mesh.object(), fCollectedUVs, uValues, vValues, &currentUVSetName );
	return MS::kSuccess;