action_ref new_transmit_action(sensor_ref s) { action_ref tx = new_action(); action_set_func(tx, &encode_data_for_transmit); node_ref arg1 = new_node(s, 0); action_set_args(tx, arg1); return tx; }
extern void make_fake_action(void) { int i; char action_sub[MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH+4]; get_next_token(); if (token_type != SYMBOL_TT) { ebf_error("new fake action name", token_text); panic_mode_error_recovery(); return; } sprintf(action_sub, "%s__A", token_text); i = symbol_index(action_sub, -1); if (!(sflags[i] & UNKNOWN_SFLAG)) { ebf_error("new fake action name", token_text); panic_mode_error_recovery(); return; } assign_symbol(i, ((grammar_version_number==1)?256:4096)+no_fake_actions++, FAKE_ACTION_T); new_action(token_text, i); if (debugfile_switch) { write_debug_byte(FAKE_ACTION_DBR); write_debug_byte(svals[i]/256); write_debug_byte(svals[i]%256); write_debug_string(token_text); } return; }
action_ref action_copy (action_ref action_proto) { if(!action_proto) return FAILURE; action_ref result = new_action(); if(result) { result->action_func = action_proto->action_func; result->arguments = node_copy_list(action_proto->arguments); return result; } return FAILURE; }
/** * Add the actions to the manager actions table * @param manager Management struct to build into */ void action_add_to_manager( Management manager ) { // add exit action to actions table Action quit = new_action( action_quit ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"quit", quit); /* -------------------- * movement actions */ // north Action north = new_action_linked( action_north, 2 ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"north", north); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"n", north); // south Action south = new_action_linked( action_south, 2 ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"south", south); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"s", south); // east Action east = new_action_linked( action_east, 2 ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"east", east); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"e", east); // west Action west = new_action_linked( action_west, 2 ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"west", west); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"w", west); /* -------------------- * common actions */ // add look action to actions table Action look = new_action( action_look ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"look", look); // add look action to actions table Action shout = new_action( action_shout ); hash_table_add( manager->actions, (void *)"shout", shout); }
static void add_binding (const gchar *key, const gchar *act) { char **parts = g_strsplit(act, " ", 2); Action *action; if (!parts) return; //Debug: printf ("Binding %-10s : %s\n", key, act); action = new_action(parts[0], parts[1]); g_hash_table_insert(bindings, g_strdup(key), action); g_strfreev(parts); }
extern assembly_operand action_of_name(char *name) { /* Returns the action number of the given name, creating it as a new action name if it isn't already known as such. */ char action_sub[MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH+4]; int j; assembly_operand AO; sprintf(action_sub, "%s__A", name); j = symbol_index(action_sub, -1); if (stypes[j] == FAKE_ACTION_T) { AO.value = svals[j]; AO.marker = 0; if (!glulx_mode) AO.type = LONG_CONSTANT_OT; else set_constant_ot(&AO); sflags[j] |= USED_SFLAG; return AO; } if (sflags[j] & UNKNOWN_SFLAG) { if (no_actions>=MAX_ACTIONS) memoryerror("MAX_ACTIONS",MAX_ACTIONS); new_action(name, no_actions); action_symbol[no_actions] = j; assign_symbol(j, no_actions++, CONSTANT_T); sflags[j] |= ACTION_SFLAG; } sflags[j] |= USED_SFLAG; AO.value = svals[j]; AO.marker = ACTION_MV; if (!glulx_mode) { AO.type = (module_switch)?LONG_CONSTANT_OT:SHORT_CONSTANT_OT; if (svals[j] >= 256) AO.type = LONG_CONSTANT_OT; } else { AO.type = CONSTANT_OT; } return AO; }
extern void make_fake_action(void) { int i; char action_sub[MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH+4]; debug_location_beginning beginning_debug_location = get_token_location_beginning(); get_next_token(); if (token_type != SYMBOL_TT) { discard_token_location(beginning_debug_location); ebf_error("new fake action name", token_text); panic_mode_error_recovery(); return; } sprintf(action_sub, "%s__A", token_text); i = symbol_index(action_sub, -1); if (!(sflags[i] & UNKNOWN_SFLAG)) { discard_token_location(beginning_debug_location); ebf_error("new fake action name", token_text); panic_mode_error_recovery(); return; } assign_symbol(i, ((grammar_version_number==1)?256:4096)+no_fake_actions++, FAKE_ACTION_T); new_action(token_text, i); if (debugfile_switch) { debug_file_printf("<fake-action>"); debug_file_printf("<identifier>##%s</identifier>", token_text); debug_file_printf("<value>%d</value>", svals[i]); get_next_token(); write_debug_locations (get_token_location_end(beginning_debug_location)); put_token_back(); debug_file_printf("</fake-action>"); } return; }
void theme::add_object(const config& cfg) { if(const config& c = cfg.child("main_map")) { main_map_ = object(c); } if(const config& c = cfg.child("mini_map")) { mini_map_ = object(c); } if(const config& c = cfg.child("palette")) { palette_ = object(c); } if(const config& status_cfg = cfg.child("status")) { for(const config::any_child& i : status_cfg.all_children_range()) { status_.emplace(i.key, status_item(i.cfg)); } if(const config& unit_image_cfg = status_cfg.child("unit_image")) { unit_image_ = object(unit_image_cfg); } else { unit_image_ = object(); } } for(const config& p : cfg.child_range("panel")) { panel new_panel(p); set_object_location(new_panel, p["rect"], p["ref"]); panels_.push_back(new_panel); } for(const config& lb : cfg.child_range("label")) { label new_label(lb); set_object_location(new_label, lb["rect"], lb["ref"]); labels_.push_back(new_label); } for(const config& m : cfg.child_range("menu")) { menu new_menu(m); DBG_DP << "adding menu: " << (new_menu.is_context() ? "is context" : "not context") << "\n"; if(new_menu.is_context()) context_ = new_menu; else { set_object_location(new_menu, m["rect"], m["ref"]); menus_.push_back(new_menu); } DBG_DP << "done adding menu...\n"; } for(const config& a : cfg.child_range("action")) { action new_action(a); DBG_DP << "adding action: " << (new_action.is_context() ? "is context" : "not context") << "\n"; if(new_action.is_context()) action_context_ = new_action; else { set_object_location(new_action, a["rect"], a["ref"]); actions_.push_back(new_action); } DBG_DP << "done adding action...\n"; } for(const config& s : cfg.child_range("slider")) { slider new_slider(s); DBG_DP << "adding slider\n"; set_object_location(new_slider, s["rect"], s["ref"]); sliders_.push_back(new_slider); DBG_DP << "done adding slider...\n"; } if(const config& c = cfg.child("main_map_border")) { border_ = border_t(c); } }
BOOL OpWindowList::OnInputAction(OpInputAction* action) { switch (action->GetAction()) { case OpInputAction::ACTION_GET_ACTION_STATE: { OpInputAction* child_action = action->GetChildAction(); OpTreeModelItem* item = GetSelectedItem(); DesktopWindow* dw = item ? static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(item) ->GetDesktopWindow() : 0; switch(child_action->GetAction()) { case OpInputAction::ACTION_MAXIMIZE_PAGE: case OpInputAction::ACTION_MINIMIZE_PAGE: case OpInputAction::ACTION_RESTORE_PAGE: case OpInputAction::ACTION_ACTIVATE_WINDOW: case OpInputAction::ACTION_DETACH_PAGE: { child_action->SetEnabled( dw && dw->GetType() != WINDOW_TYPE_BROWSER && dw->GetWorkspace() ); } return TRUE; case OpInputAction::ACTION_RELOAD: { child_action->SetEnabled( dw && dw->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_DOCUMENT && dw->GetWorkspace() ); } return TRUE; case OpInputAction::ACTION_LOCK_PAGE: case OpInputAction::ACTION_UNLOCK_PAGE: { UINT32 items = GetSelectedItemCount(); if(items > 1) { child_action->SetSelected(FALSE); } else { child_action->SetEnabled( dw && dw->GetType() != WINDOW_TYPE_BROWSER && dw->GetWorkspace() ); if(child_action->GetAction() == OpInputAction::ACTION_LOCK_PAGE) { child_action->SetSelected( dw && dw->IsLockedByUser()); } else { child_action->SetSelected( dw && !dw->IsLockedByUser()); } } } return TRUE; case OpInputAction::ACTION_CLOSE_PAGE: { UINT32 items = GetSelectedItemCount(); if(items > 1) { child_action->SetEnabled(TRUE); } else { child_action->SetEnabled( dw && dw->IsClosableByUser()); } } return TRUE; case OpInputAction::ACTION_DISSOLVE_TAB_GROUP: case OpInputAction::ACTION_CLOSE_TAB_GROUP: child_action->SetEnabled(item && item->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_GROUP); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } case OpInputAction::ACTION_LOCK_PAGE: case OpInputAction::ACTION_UNLOCK_PAGE: { OpINT32Vector items; INT32 idx; INT32 count = GetSelectedItems(items, FALSE); for(idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { INT32 id = items.Get((UINT32)idx); OpTreeModelItem* item = GetItemByPosition(id); if (item) { DesktopWindow *window = static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(item) ->GetDesktopWindow(); if(window != NULL) { OpPagebar* pagebar = NULL; window->SetLockedByUser(window->IsLockedByUser() ? FALSE : TRUE); pagebar = (OpPagebar *)window->GetWidgetByType(OpTypedObject::WIDGET_TYPE_PAGEBAR); if(pagebar) { INT32 pos = pagebar->FindWidgetByUserData(window); if (pos >= 0) { OpWidget *button = pagebar->GetWidget(pos); if(button && button->IsOfType(WIDGET_TYPE_PAGEBAR_BUTTON)) { pagebar->OnLockedByUser(static_cast<PagebarButton *>(button), window->IsLockedByUser()); } else { if (button) button->Relayout(TRUE, TRUE); } } } } } } g_input_manager->UpdateAllInputStates(); } return TRUE; // Only the first. case OpInputAction::ACTION_ACTIVATE_WINDOW: { OpTreeModelItem* item = GetSelectedItem(); if (item) { DesktopWindow* window = static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(item) ->GetDesktopWindow(); if (!window) break; window->Activate(); #if defined(_UNIX_DESKTOP_) // We cannot do Raise() in Activate() in unix because focus-follows-mouse // focus mode shall activate but not auto raise a window [espen 2006-09-28] if( window->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_BROWSER ) { window->GetOpWindow()->Raise(); } else if( window->GetParentDesktopWindow() ) { window->GetParentDesktopWindow()->GetOpWindow()->Raise(); window->GetOpWindow()->Raise(); } #endif } return TRUE; } case OpInputAction::ACTION_DELETE: { OpInputAction new_action(OpInputAction::ACTION_CLOSE_PAGE); new_action.SetActionData(2); return OnInputAction(&new_action); } case OpInputAction::ACTION_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU: { OnContextMenu(GetBounds().Center(), NULL, action->IsKeyboardInvoked()); return TRUE; } case OpInputAction::ACTION_CLOSE_PAGE: { OpINT32Vector items; INT32 idx; INT32 count = GetSelectedItems(items, FALSE); for(idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { INT32 id = items.Get((UINT32)idx); OpTreeModelItem* item = GetItemByPosition(id); if (item) { if (item->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_BROWSER) { BrowserDesktopWindow *window = static_cast<BrowserDesktopWindow*>( static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>( item)->GetDesktopWindow()); window->Close(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); return TRUE; } else { DesktopWindow *window = static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(item) ->GetDesktopWindow(); if(window != NULL && window->IsClosableByUser()) { window->Close(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } } } } } return TRUE; case OpInputAction::ACTION_FOCUS_NEXT_WIDGET: case OpInputAction::ACTION_FOCUS_PREVIOUS_WIDGET: return OpTreeView::OnInputAction(action); case OpInputAction::ACTION_DISSOLVE_TAB_GROUP: { DesktopWindowCollectionItem* item = static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(GetSelectedItem()); if (item && item->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_GROUP) item->GetModel()->UnGroup(item); return TRUE; } case OpInputAction::ACTION_CLOSE_TAB_GROUP: { DesktopWindowCollectionItem* item = static_cast<DesktopWindowCollectionItem*>(GetSelectedItem()); if (item && item->GetType() == WINDOW_TYPE_GROUP) item->GetModel()->DestroyGroup(item); return TRUE; } default: { // Prevent sending lowlevel events to desktop windows (bug #227626) [espen 2007-02-22] if( action->GetAction() < OpInputAction::LAST_ACTION ) { OpINT32Vector items; int item_count = GetSelectedItems(items); BOOL handled = FALSE; for (INT32 i = 0; i < item_count; i++) { DesktopWindow* window = GetDesktopWindowByPosition(GetItemByID(items.Get(i))); if( window && window->OnInputAction(action) ) { handled = TRUE; } } if (handled) return TRUE; } } } return OpTreeView::OnInputAction(action); }
// staticなメンバー関数を使った実装例。 TEST(FunctionTest2, StaticMemFunc) { ActionBase *a = new_action(std::bind(StaticMemFunc::add_static, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); EXPECT_EQ(5, a->invoke(2, 3)); }
// 関数オブジェクトを使った実装例。 TEST(FunctionTest2, FuncObj) { FuncObj ta; ActionBase *a = new_action(ta); EXPECT_EQ(5, a->invoke(2, 3)); }
// ローカル関数を使った実装例。 TEST(FunctionTest2, LocalFunc) { ActionBase *a = new_action(&add); EXPECT_EQ(5, a->invoke(2, 3)); }
// staticではないメンバー関数を使った実装例。 TEST(FunctionTest2, MemFunc) { MemFunc ta; ActionBase *a = new_action(std::bind(&MemFunc::add, &ta, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); EXPECT_EQ(5, a->invoke(2, 3)); }
Action new_action_linked( void *(*action_func)( const char *, User, Management ), char links ) { Action action = new_action( action_func ); action->links = links; return action; }
event_ref new_timer_event(uint8_t timer, uint16_t period, uint8_t repeat, uint16_t repeat_count) { event_ref e = 0; action_ref check_action = 0; node_ref period_arg = 0; node_ref trigger_arg = 0; time_ref time_trigger = 0; time_ref time_period = 0; for(;;) { // Create a new time period time_period = new_time(); if(!time_period) break; // Set up the period if(timer == CLOCK_TIME) { time_period->clock_time = period; } else if (timer == MILLISECONDS) { time_period->milliseconds = period; } else if (timer == SECONDS) { time_period->seconds = period; } else if (timer == MINUTES) { time_period->minutes = period; } else if (timer == HOURS) { time_period->hours = period; } else if (timer == DAYS) { time_period->days = period; } // Create a new time trigger time_trigger = new_time(); if(!time_trigger) break; // Set up the trigger = global + period add_time_to_time(time_trigger, global_time()); add_time_to_time(time_trigger, time_period); // Create a new event e = new_event(); if(!e) break; // Create a new action check_action = new_action(); if(!check_action) break; // Set its function action_set_func(check_action, &check_time_args); // Create a trigger arg trigger_arg = new_node(time_trigger, &time_delete); if(!trigger_arg) break; // Create the period arg period_arg = new_node(time_period, &time_delete); if(!period_arg) break; node_append(period_arg, trigger_arg); action_set_args(check_action, period_arg); event_set_check(e, check_action); event_set_repeat(e, repeat, repeat_count); return e; } event_delete(&e); node_delete(&period_arg); node_delete(&trigger_arg); action_delete(&check_action); time_delete(&time_period); time_delete(&time_trigger); return FAILURE; }
sensor_ref create_temperature_sensor(uint8_t loc, time_ref period, uint16_t size) { sensor_ref * temperature_sensor; uint8_t (*delete_func)(); uint8_t (*enable_func)(); uint8_t (*disable_func)(); uint8_t channel; if(loc == 'I') { temperature_sensor = &internal_temperature_sensor; delete_func = &delete_internal_temperature_sensor; enable_func = &enable_internal_temperature_sensor; disable_func = &disable_internal_temperature_sensor; channel = TEMPERATURE_ADC; } else if (loc == 'A') { temperature_sensor = &external_temperature_sensor_A; delete_func = &delete_external_temperature_sensor_A; enable_func = &enable_external_temperature_sensor_A; disable_func = &disable_external_temperature_sensor_A; channel = PORT_A_ADC; } else if (loc == 'B') { temperature_sensor = &external_temperature_sensor_B; delete_func = &delete_external_temperature_sensor_B; enable_func = &enable_external_temperature_sensor_B; disable_func = &disable_external_temperature_sensor_B; channel = PORT_B_ADC; } else { return FAILURE; } if(*temperature_sensor) { // We already have one there if((time_cmp(period, sensor_get_period(*temperature_sensor)) == 0) && size == sensor_get_size(*temperature_sensor)) { // If they are the nothing return *temperature_sensor; } else { // They are different, so delete the old one delete_func(); } } action_ref transmit_action = 0; action_ref lookup_temp_action = 0; node_ref temperature_node = 0; for(;;) { *temperature_sensor = new_sensor('T', channel, period, size); if(!*temperature_sensor) break; // Create the lookup_temp_action lookup_temp_action = new_action(); if(!lookup_temp_action) break; action_set_func(lookup_temp_action, &fix_temperature); temperature_node = new_node(*temperature_sensor, 0); if(!temperature_node) break; action_set_args(lookup_temp_action, temperature_node); sensor_add_action_on_data_full(*temperature_sensor, lookup_temp_action); // Create the transmit action transmit_action = new_transmit_action(*temperature_sensor); if(!transmit_action) break; sensor_add_action_on_data_full(*temperature_sensor, transmit_action); sensor_set_delete_func(*temperature_sensor, delete_func); sensor_set_enable_func(*temperature_sensor, enable_func); sensor_set_disable_func(*temperature_sensor, disable_func); return *temperature_sensor; } delete_func(); node_delete(&temperature_node); action_delete(&lookup_temp_action); action_delete(&transmit_action); return FAILURE; }
// lambdaでの実装例。 TEST(FunctionTest2, BoostLambda) { auto a = new_action([](int x, int y){ return x + y; }); EXPECT_EQ(5, a->invoke(2, 3)); }