cache_t *lru_cache_create(void *arg, data_attr_t *da, int timeout) { cache_t *cache; cache_lru_t *c; type_malloc_clear(cache, cache_t, 1); type_malloc_clear(c, cache_lru_t, 1); cache->fn.priv = c; cache_base_create(cache, da, timeout); cache->shutdown_request = 0; c->stack = new_stack(); c->waiting_stack = new_stack(); c->pending_free_tasks = new_stack(); c->max_bytes = 100*1024*1024; c->bytes_used = 0; c->dirty_fraction = 0.1; cache->n_ppages = 0; cache->max_fetch_fraction = 0.1; cache->max_fetch_size = cache->max_fetch_fraction * c->max_bytes; cache->write_temp_overflow_used = 0; cache->write_temp_overflow_fraction = 0.01; cache->write_temp_overflow_size = cache->write_temp_overflow_fraction * c->max_bytes; c->dirty_bytes_trigger = c->dirty_fraction * c->max_bytes; c->dirty_max_wait = apr_time_make(1, 0); c->flush_in_progress = 0; c->limbo_pages = 0; c->free_pending_tables = new_pigeon_coop("free_pending_tables", 50, sizeof(list_t *), cache->mpool, free_pending_table_new, free_pending_table_free); c->free_page_tables = new_pigeon_coop("free_page_tables", 50, sizeof(page_table_t), cache->mpool, free_page_tables_new, free_page_tables_free); cache->fn.create_empty_page = lru_create_empty_page; cache->fn.adjust_dirty = lru_adjust_dirty; cache->fn.destroy_pages = lru_pages_destroy; cache->fn.cache_update = lru_update; cache->fn.cache_miss_tag = lru_miss_tag; cache->fn.s_page_access = lru_page_access; cache->fn.s_pages_release = lru_pages_release; cache->fn.destroy = lru_cache_destroy; cache->fn.adding_segment = lru_adding_segment; cache->fn.removing_segment = lru_removing_segment; cache->fn.get_handle = cache_base_handle; apr_thread_cond_create(&(c->dirty_trigger), cache->mpool); thread_create_assert(&(c->dirty_thread), NULL, lru_dirty_thread, (void *)cache, cache->mpool); return(cache); }
main() { Queue q; Stack s; Jval v; IS is; int i; q = new_queue(); s = new_stack(); i = 0; is = new_inputstruct(NULL); while (get_line(is) >= 0) { if (i % 2 == 0) { queue_enqueue(q, new_jval_s(strdup(is->fields[0]))); } else { stack_push(s, new_jval_s(strdup(is->fields[0]))); } i++; } while (!queue_empty(q)) { v = queue_dequeue(q); printf("%s\n", v.s); } while (!stack_empty(s)) { v = stack_pop(s); printf("%s\n", v.s); } }
char *str_to_btree_it(t_def *def, int first, int last) { t_stack *node; t_number *nbr; char *number; int i; if ((node = new_stack(NULL, 0, first, 0)) == NULL) return (NULL); node->last = last; if ((nbr = new_number(NULL, NULL)) == NULL) return (NULL); while (node != NULL) { find_first_last(&first, &last, def, node); if ((i = find_the_operator(def, first, last)) == -1) nbr = calc_in_bt(&node, &nbr, def); else number = stack_me_that(def, &node, &nbr, i); if (nbr == NULL || number == NULL) return (NULL); } number = nbr->nbr; free(nbr->prev); free(nbr); return (number); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { stack *s; item_type item; item = 10; if (new_stack(&s) < 0 ) { printf("Error in initializing the stack\n"); return 0; } push(s, &item); printf("Item:%d, Empty?%s, size:%d\n", size(s), empty(s)? "Yes": "No", item); if (pop(s, &item) < 0) { printf("Invalid pop access\n"); return 0; } printf("Item:%d, Empty?%s, size:%d\n", size(s), empty(s)? "Yes": "No", item); if (pop(s, &item) ) { printf("Invalid pop access\n"); return 0; } printf("Item:%d, Empty?%s, size:%d\n", size(s), empty(s)? "Yes": "No", item); return 0; }
main() { IS is; Queue q; Stack s; Dllist l; int i; Jval j; is = new_inputstruct(NULL); while (get_line(is) > 0) { q = new_queue(); s = new_stack(); l = new_dllist(); for (i = 0; i < strlen(is->fields[0]); i++) { queue_enqueue(q, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); stack_push(s, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); dll_append(l, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); dll_prepend(l, new_jval_c(is->fields[0][i])); } while (!queue_empty(q)) { j = queue_dequeue(q); printf("%c", j.c); j = stack_pop(s); printf("%c", j.c); printf("%c", l->flink->val.c); dll_delete_node(l->flink); printf("%c", l->flink->val.c); dll_delete_node(l->flink); printf(" "); } printf("\n"); free_queue(q); free_stack(s); free_dllist(l); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { program_name = basename (argv[0]); scan_options (argc, argv); stack *stack = new_stack (); token *scanner = new_token (stdin); for (;;) { int token = scan_token (scanner); if (token == EOF) break; switch (token) { case NUMBER: do_push (stack, peek_token (scanner)); break; case '+': do_binop (stack, add_bigint); break; case '-': do_binop (stack, sub_bigint); break; case '*': do_binop (stack, mul_bigint); break; case 'c': do_clear (stack); break; case 'f': do_print_all (stack); break; case 'p': do_print (stack); break; default: unimplemented (token); break; } } do_clear(stack); free_stack(stack); free_token(scanner); DEBUGF ('m', "EXIT %d\n", exit_status); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int x; int p; Stack stack = new_stack(argc); for(i=0; i <= argc; i++){ if(argv[i] == NULL){ printf("you have no args %d", i); break; } else if(isdigit(argv[i][0])){ p = atoi(argv[i]); printf("arg %d\n", p); push_stack(stack, p); } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"+")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"x")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"/")==0){ printf("arg %s\n", argv[i]); char* arg = argv[i]; calc(arg, stack); } else{ printf("args %s", argv[i]); } } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { program_name = basename (argv[0]); scan_options (argc, argv); stack *stack = new_stack (); bool quit = false; yy_flex_debug = false; while (! quit) { int token = yylex(); if (token == YYEOF) break; switch (token) { case NUMBER: do_push (stack, yytext); break; case '+': do_binop (stack, add_bigint); break; case '-': do_binop (stack, sub_bigint); break; case '*': do_binop (stack, mul_bigint); break; case 'c': do_clear (stack); break; case 'f': do_print_all (stack); break; case 'p': do_print (stack); break; case 'q': quit = true; break; default: unimplemented (token); break; } } yycleanup(); DEBUGF ('m', "EXIT %d\n", exit_status); do_clear(stack); free_stack(stack); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Stack *Read_LSM_Stack(char *file_name) { Stack *stack; TIFF *tif; int depth, width, height, kind; tif = Open_Tiff(file_name,"r"); if (!tif) return 0; //070805, bu Hanchuan Peng depth = 1; while (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) depth += 1; TIFFClose(tif); depth = depth / 2; /* half the dirs are thumbnails */ tif = Open_Tiff(file_name,"r"); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); kind = determine_kind(tif); stack = new_stack(depth*height*width*kind,"Read_Stack"); stack->width = width; stack->height = height; stack->depth = depth; stack->kind = kind; printf("test1 done\n"); int d; d = 0; /* read every other directory (real data, the in between are thumbnails */ while (1) { read_directory(tif,Select_Plane(stack,d),"Read_Stack"); d += 1; if (!TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) break; /* skip the one we just read, it's a thumbnail */ if (!TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) break; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); if (width != stack->width || height != stack->height) error("Images of stack are not of the same dimensions!",NULL); kind = determine_kind(tif); if (kind != stack->kind) error("Images of stack are not of the same type (GREY, GREY16, or COLOR)!",NULL); } TIFFClose(tif); return (stack); }
void push(stack_t* stack, void* d) { stack_t *s; s = new_stack(); s->data = d; s->next = stack->next; stack->next = s; }
double farmer(int numprocs) { MPI_Status status; stack* bag_of_tasks = new_stack(); int i,id; int tag = -1; double area = 0.0; /* slackers is a variable to keep track of the free ("slacking") processes.*/ int slackers = numprocs-1; int* is_worker_busy = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(numprocs-1)); /* An integer array for workers. If 1 then the worker is busy if 0 then it is not doing any tasks. We fill the array with zeroes initially since none of the workers are working. */ for (i=0;i<slackers;i++){ is_worker_busy[i] = 0; } double point[2]; point[0] = A; point[1] = B; /* We push the initial task on the bag of tasks stack*/ push(point, bag_of_tasks); while ((!is_empty(bag_of_tasks)||slackers!=0)&&(tag!=READY_TAG)){ MPI_Recv(point, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); id = status.MPI_SOURCE; tag = status.MPI_TAG; is_worker_busy[id-1] = 1; slackers--; if ( tag == AREA_TAG) { area += point[0]; } else if (tag == SPLIT_TAG) { push(point,bag_of_tasks); MPI_Recv(point, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, id, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); push(point,bag_of_tasks); } slackers=send_tasks(bag_of_tasks,is_worker_busy,slackers,tasks_per_process); } // Signal all the workers that we are ready. for (i=1;i<numprocs;i++) { MPI_Send(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, i, READY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } return area; }
Stack *Read_Stack_Planes(char *prefix, int num_width, int first_num) { Stack *stack; char sname[1000]; int width, height, depth, kind; TIFF *tif; depth = 0; while (1) { FILE *fd; sprintf(sname,"%s%0*d.tif",prefix,num_width,first_num+depth); if ((fd = fopen(sname,"r")) == NULL) break; fclose(fd); depth += 1; } sprintf(sname,"%s%0*d.tif",prefix,num_width,first_num); tif = Open_Tiff(sname,"r"); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); kind = determine_kind(tif); stack = new_stack(depth*height*width*kind,"Read_Stack_Planes"); stack->width = width; stack->height = height; stack->depth = depth; stack->kind = kind; { int d; d = 0; while (1) { read_directory(tif,Select_Plane(stack,d),"Read_Stack_Planes"); TIFFClose(tif); d += 1; if (d >= depth) break; sprintf(sname,"%s%0*d.tif",prefix,num_width,first_num+d); tif = Open_Tiff(sname,"r"); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); if (width != stack->width || height != stack->height) error("Images of stack are not of the same dimensions!",NULL); kind = determine_kind(tif); if (kind != stack->kind) error("Images of stack are not of the same type (GREY, GREY16, or COLOR)!",NULL); } } return (stack); }
int main() { node* stack = new_stack(); int i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { stack_push(stack, i); } assert(stack_peek(stack) == 9); assert(stack_pop(stack) == 9); assert(stack_peek(stack) == 8); }
Stack *Copy_Stack(Stack *stack) { Stack *copy = new_stack(stack_vsize(stack),"Copy_Stack"); copy->kind = stack->kind; copy->width = stack->width; copy->height = stack->height; copy->depth = stack->depth; memcpy(copy->array,stack->array,stack_vsize(stack)); return (copy); }
/** * Pushes a value onto the stack. * @param value The value to be pushed onto the stack. * @return 0 upon success or 1 if an memory error occurs. */ int push(int value) { if (!stack && new_stack(INITIAL_CAPACITY)) { return 1; } if (stack->size == stack->capacity && extend_capacity(stack->capacity * 2)) { return 1; } stack->values[stack->size++] = value; return 0; }
void parse_input(FILE* input, list__t* w_list) { char c; char* str; int strlen = 0; link__t* w_link; int str_exist; stack__t* stack = new_stack(); for(;;){ c = fgetc(input); if(isalnum(c) && !isspace(c)){ stack_push(stack , c); }else if(c != EOF){ if(stack->next != NULL){//stack empty do nothing strlen = stack_size(stack); str = xmalloc( strlen + 1 ); str[strlen] = stack->c;// the head has the value '\0' while(stack->next != NULL) str[--strlen] = tolower(stack_pop(stack)); w_list->word_count ++; /** * Loop through the list and check if the word already exist */ link__t* w_link = w_list->first; while( w_link != NULL ){ if( !strcmp ( str , w_link->word->text) ){ w_link->word->count+=1; break; } w_link = w_link->next; } if(w_link == NULL) insert__last(w_list, str); free(str); } }else break; } free_stack(&stack); }
void gop_dummy_init() { //** Make the variables assert_result(apr_pool_create(&gd_pool, NULL), APR_SUCCESS); assert_result(apr_thread_mutex_create(&gd_lock, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, gd_pool), APR_SUCCESS); assert_result(apr_thread_cond_create(&gd_cond, gd_pool), APR_SUCCESS); gd_stack = new_stack(); //** and launch the thread thread_create_assert(&gd_thread, NULL, gd_thread_func, NULL, gd_pool); }
// List directories in depth first order void recursive_list (char *path) { stack = new_stack (); push_stack (stack, path); for (;;) { char *dir = pop_stack (stack); printf ("%s:\n", dir); list (dir); if (is_empty_stack (stack)) break; printf ("\n"); } free_stack (stack); }
void Thread::shrink_execution_stack(int new_stack_size) { GCDisabler dont_gc_for_rest_of_this_method; ExecutionStack::Raw old_stack = execution_stack(); GUARANTEE(new_stack_size < old_stack().length(), "sanity check"); ExecutionStack::Raw new_stack = old_stack().shrink_in_place(new_stack_size); // We shrink the stack in place, so we do not need to discard the // old stack in any way. Universe::shrink_object takes care of that. set_execution_stack(&new_stack); new_stack().set_thread(this); set_stack_limit(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct option options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"silent", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"persist", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; char opt; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+hdvsp", options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': puts("Usage: vu [OPTIONS] [module [SCRIPT ARGUMENTS]]\n" " -h, --help Show this help message and exit\n" " -v, --version Show the VM version and exit\n" " -d, --debug Enable debugging\n" " -s, --silent Do not print the stack after running\n" " -p, --persist Use standard input and output to persist the stack\n" " This option is intended for internal use; implies --silent"); return 0; case 'v': printf("vu virtual machine 0.2\nbyte code protocol %d.%d\n", VERSION >> 4, VERSION & 15); return 0; case 's': vm_silent = true; break; case 'd': vm_debug = true; break; case 'p': vm_persist = true; vm_silent = true; break; } } signal(SIGINT, handle_interrupt); init_module_path(); init_errors(); V global = new_global_scope(); V v_eva = open_std_lib(toHashMap(toScope(global)->env)); Stack *S = new_stack(); init_argv(argc - optind, argv + optind, v_eva); run(global, S); clear_stack(S); return 0; }
Task_que_t *create_task_que() { Task_que_t *tq; // if ((tq = g_slice_new(Task_que_t)) == NULL) { if ((tq = (Task_que_t *)malloc(sizeof(Task_que_t))) == NULL) { log_printf(0, "create_task_que: Unable to allocate new struct!\n"); flush_log(); return(NULL); } tq->cid = NULL; tq->refcount = 0; tq->op = -1; tq->owner = -1; tq->lock_inuse = 0; tq->io_que[TASK_READ_QUE] = new_stack(); tq->io_que[TASK_WRITE_QUE] = new_stack(); pthread_mutex_init(&(tq->qlock), NULL); return(tq); }
int main() { struct Stack* s = new_stack(2); int i; for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { push(s, i); } printf("stack len:%d\n", s->len); for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { printf("pop:%d\n", pop(s)); } }
Stack *Read_Stack(char *file_name) { Stack *stack; TIFF *tif; int depth, width, height, kind; tif = Open_Tiff(file_name,"r"); depth = 1; while (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) depth += 1; TIFFClose(tif); tif = Open_Tiff(file_name,"r"); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); kind = determine_kind(tif); stack = new_stack(depth*height*width*kind,"Read_Stack"); stack->width = width; stack->height = height; stack->depth = depth; stack->kind = kind; { int d; d = 0; while (1) { read_directory(tif,Select_Plane(stack,d),"Read_Stack"); d += 1; if (!TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) break; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); if (width != stack->width || height != stack->height) error("Images of stack are not of the same dimensions!",NULL); kind = determine_kind(tif); if (kind != stack->kind) error("Images of stack are not of the same type (GREY, GREY16, or COLOR)!",NULL); } } TIFFClose(tif); return (stack); }
/** * Extends the capacity of the stack (for big values, allows not to reallocate several successive times the stack). * Values added on the stack are left uninitialized. * @param size The number of blocs to add. * @return 0 upon success or 1 if an memory error occurs. */ int extend_stack(int size) { int required_cap = stack->size + size, new_size; if (!stack && new_stack(size > INITIAL_CAPACITY ? size : INITIAL_CAPACITY)) { return 1; } if (required_cap > stack->capacity) { new_size = stack->capacity * 2; if (extend_capacity(new_size > required_cap ? new_size : required_cap)) { return 1; } } stack->size += size; return 0; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { screen s; struct matrix *edges; struct stack *transform; edges = new_matrix(4, 4); transform = new_stack(); if ( argc == 2 ) parse_file( argv[1], transform, edges, s ); else parse_file( "stdin", transform, edges, s ); free_stack( transform ); free_matrix( edges ); }
Stack *Make_Stack(int kind, int width, int height, int depth) { Stack *stack; if (Warnings) { Warnings = 0; TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL); } stack = new_stack(depth*height*width*kind,"Make_Stack"); stack->width = width; stack->height = height; stack->depth = depth; stack->kind = kind; return (stack); }
Stack * dijkstra(List_adj * la,int source,int target,enum dijkstra_mode mode){ Stack * stack = new_stack(); int i,current; Cell * tmp_list; int link_value[3][3]= {{1,1},{1,100},{1,3}}; int tmp; dijkstra_t * dij = new_dijkstra_s(la->size); if(mode>3 || mode<0)mode=0; if(source>la->size || source<0)return NULL; if(target>la->size || target<0)return NULL; if(la==NULL)return NULL; for (i=0;i<dij->size;i++){ dij->visited[i] = white; dij->parent[i] = -2; dij->distance[i] = 1000000; } dij->distance[source] = 0; dij->parent[source] = -1; /*printf("dij->size %d\n",dij->size);*/ current = min_distance(dij); while(current!=-1) { dij->visited[current] = black; tmp_list = la->list[current]; while (tmp_list != NULL){ /*printf("a visiter current=%d,target=%d\n",current,tmp_list->target);*/ if ( dij->visited[tmp_list->target] == white){ if (dij->distance[tmp_list->target] > dij->distance[current] + link_value[mode][tmp_list->linkvalue]){ dij->distance[tmp_list->target] = dij->distance[current] + link_value[mode][tmp_list->linkvalue]; dij->parent[tmp_list->target] = current; } } tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } current = min_distance(dij); } tmp=target; while(dij->parent[tmp] != -1){ push(stack,tmp); tmp=dij->parent[tmp]; } push(stack,source); return stack; }
int main() { STACK *init = new_stack(); STACK **stack = &init; push(stack, 3); push(stack, 2); push(stack, 1); int one = pop(stack); printf("one: %d\n", one); int two = pop(stack); printf("two: %d\n", two); int three = pop(stack); printf("three: %d\n", three); //int hmm = pop(stack); push(stack, 5); printf("peek: %d", peek(stack)); free(init); return 0; }
// Tasks rust_task::rust_task(rust_sched_loop *sched_loop, rust_task_state state, rust_task *spawner, const char *name, size_t init_stack_sz) : ref_count(1), id(0), notify_enabled(false), stk(NULL), runtime_sp(0), sched(sched_loop->sched), sched_loop(sched_loop), kernel(sched_loop->kernel), name(name), list_index(-1), rendezvous_ptr(0), local_region(&sched_loop->local_region), boxed(sched_loop->kernel->env, &local_region), unwinding(false), propagate_failure(true), cc_counter(0), total_stack_sz(0), task_local_data(NULL), task_local_data_cleanup(NULL), state(state), cond(NULL), cond_name("none"), event_reject(false), event(NULL), killed(false), reentered_rust_stack(false), disallow_kill(0), c_stack(NULL), next_c_sp(0), next_rust_sp(0), supervisor(spawner) { LOGPTR(sched_loop, "new task", (uintptr_t)this); DLOG(sched_loop, task, "sizeof(task) = %d (0x%x)", sizeof *this, sizeof *this); new_stack(init_stack_sz); if (supervisor) { supervisor->ref(); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Stack my_stack; my_stack.push(5); my_stack.push(10); my_stack.push(20); // my_stack.view_stack(); Stack new_stack(my_stack); new_stack.view_stack(); std::cout << "Here is the top of the stack " << << std::endl; std::cout << new_stack.get_size() << std::endl; std::cout << "popping top of stack..." << std::endl << std::endl; new_stack.pop(); new_stack.pop(); new_stack.pop(); new_stack.view_stack(); std::cout << "Size of the stack is " << new_stack.get_size() << std::endl; /*Doubly_Linked_List my_list; my_list.insert_at_head(5); my_list.insert_at_head(10); my_list.insert_at_head(20); my_list.print_list_head(); my_list.remove_at_head(); std::cout << std::endl; my_list.print_list_head();*/ return 0; }