void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( int aFirstLayer,
                                      int aLastLayer,
                                      bool aExcludeThroughHoles,
                                      bool aGenerateNPTH_list,
                                      bool aMerge_PTH_NPTH )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;
    int       hole_value;


    if( (aFirstLayer >= 0) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
        if( aFirstLayer > aLastLayer )
            std::swap( aFirstLayer, aLastLayer );

    if ( aGenerateNPTH_list && aMerge_PTH_NPTH )

    // build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( VIA* via = GetFirstVia( m_pcb->m_Track ); via; via = GetFirstVia( via->Next() ) )
            hole_value = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_value == 0 )   // Should not occur.

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_value;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->GetStart();

            via->LayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // LayerPair return params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > m_Hole_Top_Layer
            // Remember: top layer = 0 and bottom layer = 31 for through hole vias
            // the via should be at least from aFirstLayer to aLastLayer
            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer > aFirstLayer) && (aFirstLayer >= 0) )
                continue;   // via above the first layer

            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer < aLastLayer) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
                continue;   // via below the last layer

            if( aExcludeThroughHoles && (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer == B_Cu)
               && (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer == F_Cu) )

            m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // build hole list for pads (assumed always through holes)
    if( !aExcludeThroughHoles || aGenerateNPTH_list )
        for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Read and analyse pads
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list &&
                    pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED &&
                    ! aMerge_PTH_NPTH )

                if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape     = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size         = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos          = pad->GetPosition();               // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = B_Cu;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = F_Cu;// pad holes are through holes
                m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );

    // build the tool list
    int        LastHole = -1; /* Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
                               * for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != LastHole )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = ( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
            m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            LastHole = new_tool.m_Diameter;

        jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                        // Should not occurs

        m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR aLayerPair,
                                      bool aGenerateNPTH_list )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;


    wxASSERT(  aLayerPair.first < aLayerPair.second );  // fix the caller

    // build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( VIA* via = GetFirstVia( m_pcb->m_Track ); via; via = GetFirstVia( via->Next() ) )
            int hole_sz = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_sz == 0 )   // Should not occur.

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_sz;
            new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = false;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->GetStart();

            via->LayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // LayerPair() returns params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > m_Hole_Top_Layer
            // Remember: top layer = 0 and bottom layer = 31 for through hole vias
            // Any captured via should be from aLayerPair.first to aLayerPair.second exactly.
            if( new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    != aLayerPair.first ||
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer != aLayerPair.second )

            m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    if( aLayerPair == LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ) )
        // add holes for thru hole pads
        for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
                    if( !aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                    if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape     = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size         = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos          = pad->GetPosition();  // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = B_Cu;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = F_Cu;    // pad holes are through holes
                m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleSettings );

    // build the tool list
    int last_hole = -1;     // Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
                            // for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter)
    bool last_notplated_opt = false;

    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0, false );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != last_hole ||
            m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated != last_notplated_opt )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter;
            new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated;
            m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            last_hole = new_tool.m_Diameter;
            last_notplated_opt = new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated;

        jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                        // Should not occurs

        m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
 * Function BuildHolesList
 * Create the list of holes and tools for a given board
 * The list is sorted by increasing drill values
 * Only holes from aFirstLayer to aLastLayer copper layers  are listed (for vias, because pad holes are always through holes)
 * param aPcb : the given board
 * param aHoleListBuffer : the std::vector<HOLE_INFO> to fill with pcb holes info
 * param aToolListBuffer : the std::vector<DRILL_TOOL> to fill with tools to use
 * param aFirstLayer = first layer to consider. if < 0 aFirstLayer is ignored   (used to creates report file)
 * param aLastLayer = last layer to consider. if < 0 aLastLayer is ignored
 * param aExcludeThroughHoles : if true, exclude through holes ( pads and vias through )
 * param aGenerateNPTH_list :
 *       true to create NPTH only list (with no plated holes)
 *       false to created plated holes list (with no NPTH )
void Build_Holes_List( BOARD* aPcb,
                       std::vector<HOLE_INFO>& aHoleListBuffer,
                       std::vector<DRILL_TOOL>& aToolListBuffer,
                       int aFirstLayer, int aLastLayer, bool aExcludeThroughHoles,
                       bool aGenerateNPTH_list )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;
    int       hole_value;


    if( (aFirstLayer >= 0) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
        if( aFirstLayer > aLastLayer )
            EXCHG( aFirstLayer, aLastLayer );

    /* build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
            if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )

            SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) track;
            hole_value = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_value == 0 )

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_value;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->m_Start;
            via->ReturnLayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // ReturnLayerPair return params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer < m_Hole_Top_Layer
            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > aFirstLayer) && (aFirstLayer >= 0) )

            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer < aLastLayer) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )

            if( aExcludeThroughHoles  && (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer == LAYER_N_BACK)
               && (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer == LAYER_N_FRONT) )

            aHoleListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // build hole list for pads (assumed always through holes)
    if( !aExcludeThroughHoles || aGenerateNPTH_list )
        for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Read and analyse pads
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads;  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape    = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = pad->GetPosition();               // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = LAYER_N_BACK;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = LAYER_N_FRONT;// pad holes are through holes
                aHoleListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( aHoleListBuffer.begin(), aHoleListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );

    // build the tool list
    int        LastHole = -1; /* Set to not initialised (this is a value not used
                               * for aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aHoleListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != LastHole )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = ( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
            aToolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            LastHole = new_tool.m_Diameter;

        jj = aToolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                       // Should not occurs

        aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )