int main(void) { int i,check; float *x,*f; x=vector(1,N); f=vector(1,N); x[1]=2.0; x[2]=0.5; newt(x,N,&check,funcv); funcv(N,x,f); if (check) printf("Convergence problems.\n"); printf("%7s %3s %12s\n","Index","x","f"); for (i=1;i<=N;i++) printf("%5d %12.6f %12.6f\n",i,x[i],f[i]); free_vector(f,1,N); free_vector(x,1,N); return 0; }
int main(void) /* Program sphfpt */ { void newt(float x[], int n, int *check, void (*vecfunc)(int, float [], float [])); void shootf(int n, float v[], float f[]); int check,i; float q1,*v1,*v2,*v; v=vector(1,NTOT); v1=v; v2 = &v[N2]; nvar=NTOT; nn2=N2; dx=DXX; for (;;) { printf("input m,n,c-squared\n"); if (scanf("%d %d %f",&m,&n,&c2) == EOF) break; if (n < m || m < 0) continue; gmma=1.0; q1=n; for (i=1;i<=m;i++) gmma *= -0.5*(n+i)*(q1--/i); v1[1]=n*(n+1)-m*(m+1)+c2/2.0; v2[2]=v1[1]; v2[1]=gmma*(1.0-(v2[2]-c2)*dx/(2*(m+1))); x1 = -1.0+dx; x2=1.0-dx; xf=0.0; newt(v,NTOT,&check,shootf); if (check) { printf("shootf failed; bad initial guess\n"); } else { printf("\tmu(m,n)\n"); printf("%12.6f\n",v[1]); } } free_vector(v,1,NTOT); return 0; }
void Classtable::on_pushButton_4_clicked() { cleartable(); QSqlQuery query; QString subname,teacher,tname,classroom,type; int week,time,id; ui->label_2->setText(ui->comboBox->currentText()); query.exec("select name,teacher,week,ttime,id,classroom,type from subject where tname='"+ui->comboBox->currentText()+"'"); while( { qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << query.value(1).toString()<<query.value(2).toInt()<<query.value(3).toInt(); subname=query.value(0).toString(); teacher=query.value(1).toString(); week=query.value(2).toInt(); time=query.value(3).toInt(); tname=ui->comboBox->currentText(); id=query.value(4).toInt(); classroom=query.value(5).toString(); type=query.value(6).toString(); Table newt(id,subname,teacher,week,time,tname); table->append(newt); pos[time][week]=table->count()-1; ui->tableWidget->setItem(time,week,new QTableWidgetItem(subname+"("+classroom+") "+teacher)); // ui->label_2->setText(tname); } }
void PressureTable::ComputeDatabaseInputs_FromT( const double rho, const double Z, const double Zv, const double Yc, const double T, double &P, double &Sz , double &C, double P0, double C0) { // Compute normalized variance double eps = 1.0e-3; Sz = ComputeNormalizedVariance(Z, Zv); // Compute normalized progress variable Z_newton = Z; Zv_newton = Sz; Yc_newton = Yc; rho_newton = rho; T_newton = T; // I need to solve ( Yc(C,P) - Yc_target , rho(C,P) - rho_target) = (0 , 0) C_newton = C0; P_newton = P0/P_scale;// Pressure is rescaled verbose_newton = false; Bool check; VecDoub_IO sol2(1, 0.0); VecDoub_IO sol(2, 0.0); int Newton_mode; try { // Get Approximation of Yceq from highest pressure int nPress = GetDimension1(); double P_max = GetCoordinate1(nPress-1); int nC = GetDimension4(); double C_max = GetCoordinate4(nC-2); // Maximum C value before one double Yc_eq = Lookup(P_max,Z_newton,Zv_newton,1.0,"PROG"); double Yc_max = Lookup(P_max,Z_newton,Zv_newton,C_max,"PROG"); // If Yc_eq is small, C is set to 1 and we look for pressure only if ((Yc_eq < eps)||(Yc > Yc_max)) { Newton_mode = 1; sol2[0] = P_newton; C_newton = 1.0; newt(sol2, check, usrfunc_wrapper4); } else { // usual Newton_mode = 2; sol[0] = C_newton; sol[1] = P_newton; try {newt(sol, check, usrfunc_wrapper3);} catch (int e) { cout << "relaunched with Newton_mode = 1" << endl; Newton_mode = 1; C_newton = sol[0]; sol2[0] = P0/P_scale; newt(sol2, check, usrfunc_wrapper4); } } } catch (int e) { int tol_failure = 0; if (Newton_mode == 1) { VecDoub out(1, 0.0); out = DensityFromP(sol2); if (abs(out[0]) > 1.0e-5) tol_failure = 1; } else if (Newton_mode == 2) { VecDoub out(2, 0.0); out = YcAndDensityFromCP(sol); if ((abs(out[0])>1.0e-4)||(abs(out[1]))>1.0e-5) tol_failure = 1; } cout << "Newton error. Test tol = " << tol_failure << endl; if (tol_failure == 1) { cout << "Newton inputs : " << Z_newton << " " << Zv_newton << " " << Yc_newton << " " << rho_newton << " " << C_newton << " " << P_newton*P_scale << endl; cout << "C0 : " << C0 << " P0 : " << P0 << endl; cout << " Check : " << check << endl; if (Newton_mode == 2) { cout << " sol : C = " << sol[0] << " , P = " << sol[1]*P_scale << endl; } else if (Newton_mode == 1) { cout << " sol : P = " << sol2[0]*P_scale << endl; } } } if (Newton_mode == 2) { C_newton = sol[0]; P_newton = sol[1]; } else if (Newton_mode == 1) { P_newton = sol2[0]; } C = C_newton; P = P_newton*P_scale; }
void PressureTable::ComputeDatabaseInputs( const double rho, const double Z, const double Zv, const double Yc, double &P, double &Sz , double &C, double P0, double C0) { // Compute normalized variance double eps = 1.0e-3; if ((Z <= 1-eps)||(Z >= eps)) { Sz = Zv/(Z*(1.0-Z)); } else { Sz = 0.0; } Sz = max(0.0, min(1.0, Sz)); // Compute normalized progress variable Z_newton = Z; Zv_newton = Sz; Yc_newton = Yc; rho_newton = rho; // I need to solve ( Yc(C,P) - Yc_target , rho(C,P) - rho_target) = (0 , 0) C_newton = C0; P_newton = P0/P_scale;// Pressure is rescaled verbose_newton = false; Bool check; VecDoub_IO sol2(1, 0.0); VecDoub_IO sol(2, 0.0); int Newton_mode; try { //Newton : newt(sol, check, usrfunc_wrapper); //Broyden : broydn(sol, check, usrfunc_wrapper); // Get Approximation of Yceq from highest pressure int nPress = GetDimension1(); double P_max = GetCoordinate1(nPress-1); int nC = GetDimension4(); double C_max = GetCoordinate4(nC-2); // Maximum C value before one double Yc_eq = Lookup(P_max,Z_newton,Zv_newton,1.0,"PROG"); double Yc_max = Lookup(P_max,Z_newton,Zv_newton,C_max,"PROG"); // If Yc_eq is small, C is set to 1 and we look for pressure only if ((Yc_eq < eps)||(Yc > Yc_max)) { Newton_mode = 1; sol2[0] = P_newton; C_newton = 1.0; newt(sol2, check, usrfunc_wrapper2); } else { // usual Newton_mode = 2; sol[0] = C_newton; sol[1] = P_newton; try {newt(sol, check, usrfunc_wrapper);} catch (int e) { cout << "relaunched with Newton_mode = 1" << endl; Newton_mode = 1; C_newton = sol[0]; sol2[0] = P0/P_scale; newt(sol2, check, usrfunc_wrapper2); } } } catch (int e) { int tol_failure = 0; if (Newton_mode == 1) { VecDoub out(1, 0.0); out = DensityFromP(sol2); if (abs(out[0]) > 1.0e-5) tol_failure = 1; } else if (Newton_mode == 2) { VecDoub out(2, 0.0); out = YcAndDensityFromCP(sol); if ((abs(out[0])>1.0e-4)||(abs(out[1]))>1.0e-5) tol_failure = 1; } cout << "Newton error. Test tol = " << tol_failure << endl; if (tol_failure == 1) { cout << "Newton inputs : " << Z_newton << " " << Zv_newton << " " << Yc_newton << " " << rho_newton << " " << C_newton << " " << P_newton*P_scale << endl; cout << "C0 : " << C0 << " P0 : " << P0 << endl; cout << " Check : " << check << endl; if (Newton_mode == 2) { cout << " sol : C = " << sol[0] << " , P = " << sol[1]*P_scale << endl; } else if (Newton_mode == 1) { cout << " sol : P = " << sol2[0]*P_scale << endl; } // Relaunch with verbose verbose_newton = true; try { Int MaxIter = 200; if (Newton_mode == 1) { sol2[0] = P_newton; C_newton = 1.0; cout << "Reinit with " << sol2[0] << " " << MaxIter << endl; newt(sol2, check, usrfunc_wrapper2, MaxIter); } else if (Newton_mode == 2) { // usual sol[0] = C_newton; sol[1] = P_newton; cout << "Reinit with " << sol[0] << " " << sol[1] << " " << MaxIter << endl; newt(sol, check, usrfunc_wrapper, MaxIter); } else {cerr << "Impossible value of Newton_mode: " << Newton_mode << endl;} } catch (int e2) { cout << "Bis Newton inputs : " << Z_newton << " " << Zv_newton << " " << Yc_newton << " " << rho_newton << " " << C_newton << " " << P_newton*P_scale << endl; cout << "Bis Check : " << check << endl; if (Newton_mode == 2) { cout << "Bis sol : C = " << sol[0] << " , P = " << sol[1]*P_scale << endl; } else if (Newton_mode == 1) { cout << "Bis sol : P = " << sol2[0]*P_scale << endl; } throw(-1); } throw(-1); } } if (Newton_mode == 2) { C_newton = sol[0]; P_newton = sol[1]; } else if (Newton_mode == 1) { P_newton = sol2[0]; } C = C_newton; P = P_newton*P_scale; }