Пример #1
void mirror_celldata(std::string keyword, Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
    if ( ! deck->hasKeyword(keyword)) {
        std::cout << "Ignoring keyword " << keyword << " as it was not found." << std::endl;
    // Get data from eclipse deck
    Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
    std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
    dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
    std::vector<T> values = getKeywordValues(keyword, deck, T(0.0));
    std::vector<T> values_mirrored(2*dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2], 0.0);
    // Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
    if (direction == "x") {
        typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_orig = values.begin();
        typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_new = values_mirrored.begin();
        // Loop through each line and copy old cell data and add new (which are the old reversed)
        for ( ; it_orig != values.end(); it_orig += dimensions[0]) {
            // Copy old cell data
            copy(it_orig, it_orig + dimensions[0], it_new);
            it_new += dimensions[0];
            // Add new cell data
            std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + dimensions[0]);
            std::vector<double> next_reversed = next_vec;
            reverse(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end());
            copy(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end(), it_new);
            it_new += dimensions[0];
    else if (direction =="y") {
        typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_orig = values.begin();
        typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_new = values_mirrored.begin();
        // Entries per layer
        const int entries_per_layer = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1];
        // Loop through each layer and copy old cell data and add new (which are the old reordered) 
        for ( ; it_orig != values.end(); it_orig += entries_per_layer) {
            // Copy old cell data
            copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer, it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_layer;
            // Add new cell data
            std::vector<T> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer);
            std::vector<T> next_reordered(entries_per_layer, 0.0);
            typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_next = next_vec.end();
            typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_reordered = next_reordered.begin();
            // Reorder next entries
            for ( ; it_reordered != next_reordered.end(); it_reordered += dimensions[0]) {
                copy(it_next - dimensions[0], it_next, it_reordered);
                it_next -= dimensions[0];
            copy(next_reordered.begin(), next_reordered.end(), it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_layer;
    else {
        std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
    // Write new keyword values to output file
    printKeywordValues(out, keyword, values_mirrored, 8);
Пример #2
/// Mirror keyword ZCORN in deck
void mirror_zcorn(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
    Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
    std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
    dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
    std::vector<double> zcorn = deck->getKeyword("ZCORN")->getRawDoubleData();
    std::vector<double> zcorn_mirrored;
    // Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
    if (direction == "x") {
        // Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Eight corners per cell.
        const int entries = dimensions[0]*2*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2]*8;
        zcorn_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
        // Entries per line in x-direction. Two for each cell.
        const int entries_per_line = dimensions[0]*2;
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = zcorn_mirrored.begin();
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig = zcorn.begin();
        // Loop through each line and copy old corner-points and add new (which are the old reversed)
        for ( ; it_orig != zcorn.end(); it_orig += entries_per_line) {
            std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line);
            std::vector<double> next_reversed = next_vec;
            reverse(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end());
            // Copy old corner-points
            copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line, it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_line;
            // Add new corner-points
            copy(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end(), it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_line;
    else if (direction == "y") {
        // Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Eight corners per cell.
        const int entries = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*2*dimensions[2]*8;
        zcorn_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
        // Entries per line in x-direction. Two for each cell.
        const int entries_per_line_x = dimensions[0]*2;
        // Entries per layer of corner-points. Four for each cell
        const int entries_per_layer = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*4;
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = zcorn_mirrored.begin();
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig = zcorn.begin();
        // Loop through each layer and copy old corner-points and add new (which are the old reordered) 
        for ( ; it_orig != zcorn.end(); it_orig += entries_per_layer) {
            // Copy old corner-points
            copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer, it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_layer;
            // Add new corner-points
            std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer);
            std::vector<double> next_reordered(entries_per_layer, 0.0);
            std::vector<double>::iterator it_next = next_vec.end();
            std::vector<double>::iterator it_reordered = next_reordered.begin();
            // Reorder next entries
            for ( ; it_reordered != next_reordered.end(); it_reordered += entries_per_line_x) {
                copy(it_next - entries_per_line_x, it_next, it_reordered);
                it_next -= entries_per_line_x;
            copy(next_reordered.begin(), next_reordered.end(), it_new);
            it_new += entries_per_layer;
    else {
        std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
    // Write new ZCORN values to output file
    printKeywordValues(out, "ZCORN", zcorn_mirrored, 8);
Пример #3
void eos::TextEditor::OnPaint()
    ax::GC gc;
    ax::Rect rect(GetDrawingRect());
    gc.DrawRectangle(ax::Rect(0, 0, rect.size.x, rect.size.y));
    // Draw line number background.
    gc.DrawRectangle(ax::Rect(0, 0, 25, rect.size.y));
    ax::Point num_pos(4, 2);
    // Draw line number.
    for(int i = 0; i < _n_line_shown; i++)
        int num = i + _file_start_index;
        std::string num_str = std::to_string(num);
        if(num < 10)
            num_str = "  " + num_str;
        else if(num < 100)
            num_str = " " + num_str;

        gc.DrawString(_line_num_font, num_str, num_pos);
        num_pos += ax::Point(0, 15);
    // Text initial position.
    //ax::Point line_pos(4, 0);
    ax::Point line_pos(25 + 4, 0);
    const ax::StringVector& data = _logic.GetFileData();
    // Set text color.
    // Draw text.
    for(int i = 0, k = _file_start_index;
        k < data.size() && i < _n_line_shown; i++, k++)
        const std::string& text = data[k];
        std::vector<int> next_vec(text.size() + 1);
        // Draw string.
            int x = line_pos.x;
            next_vec[0] = x;
//            ax::StringVector words = ax::Utils::String::Split(text, " ");
//            int index = 0;
//            for(auto& w : words)
//            {
//                std::string clean_word = RemoveSpecialChar(w);
//                ax::Color word_color = _info.text_color;
//                if(_key_words_cpp.find(clean_word) != _key_words_cpp.end())
//                {
//                    word_color = ax::Color(0.6627451, 0.05098039, 0.5686275);
//                }
//                for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++)
//                {
//                    gc.SetColor(word_color);
//                    if(text[index] == ' ')
//                    {
//                        i--;
//                        _font.SetChar(' ');
//                    }
//                    else
//                    {
//                        _font.SetChar(w[i]);
//                        if(is_special(w[i]))
//                        {
//                            gc.SetColor(_info.text_color);
//                        }
//                        else if(std::isdigit(w[i]))
//                        {
//                            gc.SetColor(ax::Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
//                        }
//                    }
//                    ax::Point d = _font.GetDelta();
//                    ax::Point txtPos(x + d.x,
//                                     line_pos.y - d.y + _font.GetFontSize());
//                    ax::Rect txtRect(txtPos, _font.GetSize());
//                    gc.DrawTexture(_font.GetTexture(), txtRect);
//                    x += _font.GetNextPosition();
//                    next_vec[index + 1] = x;
//                    index++;
//                }
//            }
//            _font.SetChar(' ');
//            ax::Point d = _font.GetDelta();
//            while(index < text.size())
//            {
//                ax::Point txtPos(x + d.x,
//                                 line_pos.y - d.y + _font.GetFontSize());
//                ax::Rect txtRect(txtPos, _font.GetSize());
//                gc.DrawTexture(_font.GetTexture(), txtRect);
//                x += _font.GetNextPosition();
//                next_vec[index + 1] = x;
//                index++;
//            }
            for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++)
                ax::Point d = _font.GetDelta();
                ax::Point txtPos(x + d.x,
                                 line_pos.y - d.y + _font.GetFontSize());
                ax::Rect txtRect(txtPos, _font.GetSize());
                gc.DrawTexture(_font.GetTexture(), txtRect);
                x += _font.GetNextPosition();
                next_vec[i + 1] = x;
        line_pos += ax::Point(0, 15);
    // Line cursor.
    ax::Point cursor_index = FileCursorPosToNextPosIndex();
    if(cursor_index.x != -1 && cursor_index.y != -1)
        ax::Print("Draw cursor");
        int x = _next_pos_data[cursor_index.y][cursor_index.x];
        int y = cursor_index.y * _line_height;
//        gc.SetColor(_info.cursor_color);
        gc.SetColor(ax::Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        gc.DrawLine(ax::Point(x, y), ax::Point(x, y + _line_height));
Пример #4
/// Mirror keyword COORD in deck
void mirror_coord(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
    // We assume uniform spacing in x and y directions and parallel top and bottom faces
    Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
    std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
    dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
    dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
    std::vector<double> coord = deck->getKeyword("COORD")->getRawDoubleData();
    const int entries_per_pillar = 6;
    std::vector<double> coord_mirrored;
    // Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
    if (direction == "x") {
        // Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Number of pillars times 6
        const int entries = (2*dimensions[0] + 1) * (dimensions[1] + 1) * entries_per_pillar;
        // Entries per line in x-direction. Number of pillars in x-direction times 6
        const int entries_per_line = entries_per_pillar*(dimensions[0] + 1);
        coord_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
        // Distance between pillars in x-directiion
        const double spacing = coord[entries_per_pillar]-coord[0];
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = coord_mirrored.begin();
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig;
        // Loop through each pillar line in the x-direction
        for (it_orig = coord.begin(); it_orig != coord.end(); it_orig += entries_per_line) {
            // Copy old pillars
            copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line, it_new);
            // Add new pillars in between
            it_new += entries_per_line;
            std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig + entries_per_line - entries_per_pillar, it_orig + entries_per_line);
            for (int r=0; r < dimensions[0]; ++r) {
                next_vec[0] += spacing;
                next_vec[3] += spacing;
                copy(next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end(), it_new);
                it_new += entries_per_pillar;
    else if (direction == "y") {
        // Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Number of pillars times 6
        const int entries = (dimensions[0] + 1) * (2*dimensions[1] + 1) * entries_per_pillar;
        // Entries per line in y-direction. Number of pillars in y-direction times 6
        const int entries_per_line = entries_per_pillar*(dimensions[0] + 1);
        coord_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
        // Distance between pillars in y-directiion
        const double spacing = coord[entries_per_line + 1]-coord[1];
        std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = coord_mirrored.begin();
        // Copy old pillars
        copy(coord.begin(), coord.end(), it_new);
        // Add new pillars at the end
        it_new += coord.size();
        std::vector<double> next_vec(coord.end() - entries_per_line, coord.end());
        for ( ; it_new != coord_mirrored.end(); it_new += entries_per_line) {
            for (int i = 1; i < entries_per_line; i += 3) {
                next_vec[i] += spacing;
            copy(next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end(), it_new);
    else {
        std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
    // Write new COORD values to output file
    printKeywordValues(out, "COORD", coord_mirrored, 6);
Пример #5
fit_tuple_t find_next( const fit_tuple_t &current, const fit_tuple_t &grad,
                       const fit_tuple_t &lapl ) {
    return boost::make_tuple(
            next_vec( current.get<0>(), grad.get<0>(), lapl.get<0>() ),
            next_vec( current.get<1>(), grad.get<1>(), lapl.get<1>() ) ); }