Пример #1
void AutoCompile()
    bool save = compilercfg.OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts;
    compilercfg.OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts = compilercfg.UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile;
	if (compilercfg.ThreadedCompilation)
		vector<string> files;
		recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( compilercfg.PolScriptRoot ),&files );
		for( size_t i = 0; i < packages.size(); ++i )
			const Package* pkg = packages[i];
			recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( pkg->dir() ), &files );
		recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( compilercfg.PolScriptRoot ),NULL );
		for( size_t i = 0; i < packages.size(); ++i )
			const Package* pkg = packages[i];
			recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( pkg->dir() ), NULL );
    compilercfg.OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts = save;
Пример #2
int xmain( int argc, char* argv[] )
    StoreCmdArgs( argc, argv );
    if (FindArg2( "uodata=" ) != NULL)
        config.uo_datafile_root = FindArg2( "uodata=" );
        config.uo_datafile_root = normalized_dir_form( config.uo_datafile_root );
        cout << "Reading pol.cfg." << endl;
        ConfigFile cf( "pol.cfg" );
        ConfigElem elem;

        cf.readraw( elem );
        config.uo_datafile_root = elem.remove_string( "UoDataFileRoot" );
        config.uo_datafile_root = normalized_dir_form( config.uo_datafile_root );
        unsigned short max_tile = elem.remove_ushort( "MaxTileID", 0x3FFF );

		if (max_tile != 0x3FFF && max_tile != 0x7FFF)
			config.max_tile_id = 0x3FFF;
			config.max_tile_id = max_tile;

    string main_cfg = "uoconvert.cfg";
	if (FileExists( main_cfg.c_str() ) )
        string temp;
        ConfigElem elem;
        cout << "Reading uoconvert.cfg." << endl;
		ConfigFile cf_main( main_cfg.c_str() );
	    while( cf_main.read( elem ) )
		    if (elem.type_is( "MultiTypes" ))
			    temp = elem.remove_string( "Boats" );
			    ISTRINGSTREAM is_boats( temp );
			    string graphicnum;
			    while (is_boats >> graphicnum)

			    temp = elem.remove_string( "Houses" );
			    ISTRINGSTREAM is_houses( temp );
			    while (is_houses >> graphicnum)

			    temp = elem.remove_string( "Stairs" );
			    ISTRINGSTREAM is_stairs( temp );
			    while (is_stairs >> graphicnum)
            else if (elem.type_is( "LOSOptions" ))
Пример #3
void CompilerConfig::SetDefaults()
    const char* tmp;
    tmp = getenv( "ECOMPILE_PATH_EM" );
    ModuleDirectory = tmp ? normalized_dir_form(tmp) : xmain_exedir;
    tmp = getenv( "ECOMPILE_PATH_INC" );
    IncludeDirectory = tmp ? normalized_dir_form(tmp) : xmain_exedir;

    PolScriptRoot = IncludeDirectory;

    DisplayUpToDateScripts = true;
Пример #4
BObjectImp* FileAccessExecutorModule::mf_ListDirectory()
	const String* dirname;
	const String* extension;
	short listdirs;
	if ((!getStringParam( 0, dirname )) ||
		(!getStringParam( 1, extension )) ||
		(!getParam( 2, listdirs )) )
		return new BError( "Invalid parameter type" );

	const Package* outpkg;
	string path;
	if (!pkgdef_split( dirname->value(), exec.prog()->pkg, &outpkg, &path ))
		return new BError( "Error in dirname descriptor" );
	if (path.find( ".." ) != string::npos)
		return new BError( "No parent path traversal please." );

	if (outpkg != NULL)
		path = outpkg->dir() + path;
	path = normalized_dir_form(path);
	if ( !IsDirectory( path.c_str() ) )
		return new BError( "Directory not found." );
	bool asterisk = false;
	bool nofiles = false;
	if ( extension->getStringRep().find('*',0) != string::npos)
		asterisk = true;
	else if ( extension->length() == 0 )
		nofiles = true;

	ObjArray* arr = new ObjArray;

	for( DirList dl( path.c_str() ); !dl.at_end(); dl.next() )
		string name = dl.name();
		if (name[0] == '.')

		if ( IsDirectory( (path+name).c_str() ) )
			if ( listdirs == 0 )
		else if ( nofiles )
		else if (!asterisk)
			string::size_type extensionPointPos = name.rfind('.');
			if (extensionPointPos == string::npos)
			if (name.substr(extensionPointPos + 1) != extension->value())
		arr->addElement( new String(name) );

	return arr;
Пример #5
std::string curdir()
#ifdef MAX_PATH
  char cdir[_MAX_PATH];
  char cdir[256];
  if ( getcwd( cdir, sizeof cdir ) == NULL )
    return normalized_dir_form( cdir );
  return "";
Пример #6
BObjectImp* FileAccessExecutorModule::mf_CreateDirectory()
	const String* dirname;
	if (!getStringParam( 0, dirname ))
		return new BError( "Invalid parameter type" );

	const Package* outpkg;
	string path;
	if (!pkgdef_split( dirname->value(), exec.prog()->pkg, &outpkg, &path ))
		return new BError( "Error in dirname descriptor" );
	if (path.find( ".." ) != string::npos)
		return new BError( "No parent path traversal please." );

	if (outpkg != NULL)
		path = outpkg->dir() + path;
	path = normalized_dir_form(path);
	if ( IsDirectory( path.c_str() ) )
		return new BError( "Directory already exists." );
	int res = make_dir(path.c_str());
	if (res != 0)
		return new BError( "Could not create directory." );
	return new BLong(1);
Пример #7
void CompilerConfig::Read( const string& path )
    ConfigFile cf( path.c_str() );
    ConfigElem elem;
    cf.readraw( elem );


    string tmp;
    while (elem.remove_prop( "PackageRoot", &tmp ))
        PackageRoot.push_back( normalized_dir_form(tmp) );
    if (elem.remove_prop( "IncludeDirectory", &tmp ))
        IncludeDirectory = normalized_dir_form(tmp);
    ModuleDirectory = normalized_dir_form(elem.remove_string( "ModuleDirectory" ));
    PolScriptRoot = normalized_dir_form(elem.remove_string( "PolScriptRoot" ));
	GenerateListing = elem.remove_bool( "GenerateListing", false );
	GenerateDebugInfo = elem.remove_bool( "GenerateDebugInfo", false );
	GenerateDebugTextInfo = elem.remove_bool( "GenerateDebugTextInfo", false );
    DisplayWarnings = elem.remove_bool( "DisplayWarnings", false );
    CompileAspPages = elem.remove_bool( "CompileAspPages", false );
    AutoCompileByDefault = elem.remove_bool( "AutoCompileByDefault", false );
    UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile = elem.remove_bool( "UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile", false );
    OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts = elem.remove_bool( "OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts", false );
    DisplaySummary = elem.remove_bool( "DisplaySummary", false );
    OptimizeObjectMembers = elem.remove_bool( "OptimizeObjectMembers", true);
    GenerateDependencyInfo = elem.remove_bool( "GenerateDependencyInfo", OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts );

	ThreadedCompilation = elem.remove_bool( "ThreadedCompilation", false );
    DisplayUpToDateScripts = elem.remove_bool( "DisplayUpToDateScripts", true );    

	// This is where we TRY to validate full paths from what was provided in the
	// ecompile.cfg. Maybe Turley or Shini can find the best way to do this in *nix.
#ifdef WIN32
	string MyPath = path.c_str();
	// If it's just "ecompile.cfg", let's change it to the exe's path which it SHOULD be
	// with. 
	if (stricmp(MyPath.c_str(), "ecompile.cfg") == 0)
		// Let's find the NEXT-TO-LAST / in the path, and remove from there on. Oh yay!
		// To bad we can't just force everyone to use ABSOLUTE PATHS NANDO. :o
		MyPath = xmain_exedir.substr(0, xmain_exedir.length()-1);
		MyPath = MyPath.substr(0, MyPath.find_last_of( '/')+1);
	if (IncludeDirectory.find(':') == string::npos)
		if (IncludeDirectory.substr(0, 1) != ".") // Let's make sure they didn't try using this method
			IncludeDirectory = MyPath + IncludeDirectory;
	if (ModuleDirectory.find(':') == string::npos)
		if (ModuleDirectory.substr(0, 1) != ".") // Let's make sure they didn't try using this method
			ModuleDirectory = MyPath + ModuleDirectory;
	if (PolScriptRoot.find(':') == string::npos)
		if (PolScriptRoot.substr(0, 1) != ".") // Let's make sure they didn't try using this method
			PolScriptRoot = MyPath + PolScriptRoot;
	for( unsigned pr = 0; pr < PackageRoot.size(); ++pr )
		if (PackageRoot[pr].find(':') == string::npos)
			if (PackageRoot[pr].substr(0, 1) != ".") // Let's make sure they didn't try using this method
				PackageRoot[pr] = MyPath + PackageRoot[pr];

Пример #8
bool run(int argc, char **argv)
    for( unsigned pi = 0; pi < compilercfg.PackageRoot.size(); ++pi )
        load_packages( compilercfg.PackageRoot[pi], true /* quiet */ );

	wallclock_t start = wallclock();
    bool any = false;

	for(int i=1;i<argc;i++)
#ifdef __linux__	
		if (argv[i][0] == '-')
		if (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '-')
			// -r[i] [<dir>]
            if (argv[i][1] == 'A')
                compilercfg.UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile = (argv[i][2] == 'u');
				any = true;

			else if (argv[i][1] == 'r')
                any = true;
				string dir(".");
				bool compile_inc = (argv[i][2] == 'i'); // compile .inc files

				if (i<argc && argv[i] && argv[i][0] != '-')

				if (compilercfg.ThreadedCompilation)
					vector<string> files;
					if (compile_inc)
						recurse_compile_inc( normalized_dir_form( dir ), &files );
						recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( dir ),&files );
					if (compile_inc)
						recurse_compile_inc( normalized_dir_form( dir ), NULL );
						recurse_compile( normalized_dir_form( dir ),NULL );
            else if (argv[i][1] == 'C')
                ++i; // skip the config file pathname
            // and skip any other option.
            any = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
            forspec(argv[i], compile_file_wrapper);
            compile_file_wrapper( argv[i] );

    if (!any && compilercfg.AutoCompileByDefault)
        any = true;

    wallclock_t finish = wallclock();


    if (any && compilercfg.DisplaySummary && !quiet)
        cout << "Compilation Summary:" << endl;
		if (summary.CompiledScripts)
            cout << "    Compiled " << summary.CompiledScripts << " script" << (summary.CompiledScripts==1?"":"s")
			     << " in " << wallclock_diff_ms( start, finish ) << " ms." << endl;
        if (summary.ScriptsWithCompileErrors)
            cout << "    " << summary.ScriptsWithCompileErrors << " of those script" << (summary.ScriptsWithCompileErrors==1?"":"s")
                 << " had errors." << endl;

        if (summary.UpToDateScripts)
            cout << "    " << summary.UpToDateScripts << " script" << (summary.UpToDateScripts==1?" was":"s were")
                 << " already up-to-date." << endl;


    return any;
Пример #9
int xmain( int argc, char* argv[] )
    StoreCmdArgs( argc, argv );
    ConfigFile cf( "pol.cfg" );
    ConfigElem elem;

    cf.readraw( elem );

    config.uo_datafile_root = elem.remove_string( "UoDataFileRoot" );
    config.uo_datafile_root = normalized_dir_form( config.uo_datafile_root );

	unsigned short max_tile = elem.remove_ushort( "MaxTileID", 0x3FFF );

	if (max_tile != 0x3FFF && max_tile != 0x7FFF)
		config.max_tile_id = 0x3FFF;
		config.max_tile_id = max_tile;

	if (argc <= 1)
		return Usage(1);

    if (argv[1][0] == '/' || argv[1][1] == ':')
        config.uo_datafile_root = argv[1];

	if (stricmp( argv[1], "tiledump" ) == 0)
		return tiledump( argc, argv );
	else if (stricmp( argv[1], "vertile" ) == 0)
		return vertile( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "verlandtile" ) == 0)
        return verlandtile( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "landtilehist" ) == 0)
        return landtilehist( argc, argv );
	else if (stricmp( argv[1], "flagsearch" ) == 0)
		return flagsearch( argc, argv );
	else if (stricmp( argv[1], "landtileflagsearch" ) == 0)
		return landtileflagsearch( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "loschange" ) == 0)
        return loschange( argc, argv );
	else if (stricmp( argv[1], "rawdump" ) == 0)
		return rawdump( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "ctable" ) == 0)
        return print_ctable();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "sndlist" ) == 0)
        return print_sndlist(argc, argv);
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "statics" ) == 0)
        return print_statics();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "verdata" ) == 0)
        return print_verdata_info();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "multis" ) == 0)
        return print_multis();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "water" ) == 0)
        return print_water_data();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "newstatics" ) == 0)
        return write_pol_static_files( "main" );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "staticsmax" ) == 0)
        void staticsmax();
        return 0;
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "watersearch" ) == 0)
        return water_search(argc,argv);
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "zhist" ) == 0)
        return z_histogram();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "staticshist" ) == 0)
        return statics_histogram();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "writedungmap" ) == 0)
        return write_polmap();
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "writekeys" ) == 0)
        printf( "Keys written to current.key" );
        return 0;
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "mapdump" ) == 0)
        return mapdump( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "contour" ) == 0)
        return contour( argc, argv );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "findlandtile" ) == 0)
        return findlandtile( argc-1, argv+1 );
	else if (stricmp( argv[1], "findlandtileflags" ) == 0)
		return findlandtileflags( argc-1, argv+1 );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "findgraphic" ) == 0)
        return findgraphic( argc-1, argv+1 );
    else if (stricmp( argv[1], "defragstatics" ) == 0)
        return defragstatics( argc-1, argv+1 );
	return 0;