Пример #1
MStatus polyModifierCmd::getFloat3PlugValue( MPlug plug, MFloatVector & value )
	// Retrieve the value as an MObject
	MObject object;
	plug.getValue( object );

	// Convert the MObject to a float3
	MFnNumericData numDataFn( object );
	numDataFn.getData( value[0], value[1], value[2] );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #2
int tm_polygon::removeTweaks_Func( MSelectionList &selectionList)
   MStatus status;
   MObject object;
   status = selectionList.getDependNode( 0, object);
      MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find object.");
      return 0;
   MFnMesh mesh( object, &status);
      MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find mesh.");
      return 0;

   int pntsCount = 0;
   MPlug pntsPlug = mesh.findPlug( "pnts" );
   if( !pntsPlug.isNull() )
      MPlug tweakPlug;
      MObject nullVector_object;
      MFnNumericData numDataFn( nullVector_object );
//      numDataFn.setData3Double( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      numDataFn.setData( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      pntsCount = pntsPlug.numElements();
      for( int i = 0; i < pntsCount; i++ )
         tweakPlug = pntsPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (unsigned int)i, &status );
         if( status == MS::kSuccess && !tweakPlug.isNull() )
            tweakPlug.setValue( nullVector_object );
   return pntsCount;
Пример #3
void visualizeMeshNode::draw( M3dView & view, const MDagPath & path, 
							 M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
							 M3dView::DisplayStatus status )
	// cout << "cvColor::draw\n";

	MStatus		stat;
	MObject		thisNode = thisMObject();

	MPlug		plug(thisNode, drawingEnabled) ;
	//soll überhaupt etwas gezeichnet werden?
	bool doDraw;

	if (!doDraw)

	//Okay, also die restlichen Daten extrahieren	

	//Lokale Variablen
	float	fPointSize;

	//PointSize holen

	bool	allowBeautyMode = true;

	// Jetzt das Plug auslesen um herauszufinden, ob man schön zeichnen darf oder nicht
	// TODO

	// Test
	HDC dc;
	dc = view.deviceContext();
	int  iPixelFormat;
	// get the current pixel format index 
	iPixelFormat = GetPixelFormat(dc); 
	// obtain a detailed description of that pixel format 
	int returnVal = DescribePixelFormat(dc, iPixelFormat, 
        sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd); 

	cout<<pfd.iPixelType<<" = ReturnVal"<<endl;
	cout<<returnVal<<" = ReturnVal"<<endl;
	cout<<iPixelFormat<<" = PixelFormat"<<endl;

	//Farbe holen	-> Diese Schreibweise hat den (hier unbedeutenden) Vorteil, dass Objekte automatisch zerstört werden - sie existieren nur innerhalb der Klammern
		MColor tmpColor;

		MObject colorObj;
		MFnNumericData	numDataFn(colorObj);
		numDataFn.getData(tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b);

		//wenn sich die Farben verändert haben, dann die liste updaten - und alles neuzeichnen
		if(tmpColor != vtxColor)
			vtxColor = tmpColor;

			listNeedsUpdate = true;


		numDataFn.getData(tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b);

		if(tmpColor != vtxColor2)
			vtxColor2 = tmpColor;
			listNeedsUpdate = true;


	//jetzt noch die Node ermuntern, die comuteMethode aufzurufen
	bool dummy;

	//vtxWeights müssen gesetzt sein
	if(vtxWeightArray.length() == 0)

	//MeshData holen
	MObject meshData;

	visualizeMeshNode::meshStatus mStat = getMeshStatus();

	// Wenn sich der Anezigstatus des Meshes ändert, dann muss die DisplayList neu erstellt werden
	// Nur um den PolygonOffset zu aktualisieren
	if(mStat != lastStat)
		lastStat = mStat;


	//if( mStat == kNone)	// Nichts zeichnen, wenn nix selected
	//	return;

//	view.beginOverlayDrawing(); 
	//Im PointMode werden PointsGezeigt, und wenn das Objekt selected ist (dann funzt shaded nicht mehr)
	if( style == M3dView::kPoints || (mStat == kSelected ) || wasInCompute || !allowBeautyMode)

		//VertiIter initialisieren
		MItMeshVertex vertIter(meshData);
		drawPoints(vertIter, fPointSize);
		// Das updaten der DisplayLists ist zu langsam, weshalb automatisch vtxMode genommen wird
		wasInCompute = false;

	{//in diesem Modus werden Faces gezeichnet, mit entsprechenden alphawerten als zeichen ihrer Farbe
		MItMeshPolygon polyIter(meshData);
		MItMeshVertex	vertIter(meshData);

		//Die displayList prüfen
		if( (listNeedsUpdate & !wasInCompute) || lastDMode != style )
		{//neue Liste erzeugen - wird eigentlich nur einmal pro drawAktion gemacht
			lastDMode = style;

			if( list != 450000 ) 
				//alte liste löschen
				glDeleteLists(list, 1);
			list = glGenLists(1);

				listNeedsUpdate = wasInCompute = false;

				glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);

				//drawShaded(polyIter, vertIter, style, mStat);
				drawShadedTriangles(polyIter, vertIter, style, mStat);



				//fehler, also alles ohne displayList zeichnen
				//drawShaded(polyIter, vertIter, style, mStat);
				drawShadedTriangles(polyIter, vertIter, style, mStat);

			wasInCompute = false;


//	view.endOverlayDrawing();
Пример #4
MStatus	CmpMeshModifierCmd::transferTweaks( const MDagPath &shapePath,
										    MObject &tweakNode, 
											MDagModifier &dagMod )
	// Get the tweaks from the mesh shape and apply them to the 
	// to the tweak node
	MFnDagNode shapeNodeFn( shapePath );
	MPlug srcTweaksPlug = shapeNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	MFnDependencyNode tweakNodeFn( tweakNode );
	MPlug dstTweaksPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "tweak" );
	//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( "storing tweaks from " ) + shapePath.fullPathName() + "\n" );
	MPlugArray plugs;
	MPlug srcTweakPlug;
	MPlug dstTweakPlug;
	MObject dataObj;
	MFloatVector tweak;
	unsigned int nTweaks = srcTweaksPlug.numElements();
	unsigned int i, j, ci, logicalIndex;
	for( i=0; i < nTweaks; i++ )
		srcTweakPlug = srcTweaksPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i );
		if( !srcTweakPlug.isNull() )
			logicalIndex = srcTweakPlug.logicalIndex();
			// Set tweak node tweak element
			srcTweakPlug.getValue( dataObj );			
			MFnNumericData numDataFn( dataObj );
			numDataFn.getData( tweak[0], tweak[1], tweak[2] );
			dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "setAttr " ) + tweakNodeFn.name() + ".tweak[" + logicalIndex + "] " + 
									 tweak[0] + " " + tweak[1] + " " + tweak[2] );

			// Handle transfer of incoming and outgoing connections to "pnts" elements
			dstTweakPlug = dstTweaksPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(logicalIndex);

			if( srcTweakPlug.isConnected() )
				// As source, transfer source to tweak node tweak
				srcTweakPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
				for( j=0; j < plugs.length(); j++ )
					dagMod.disconnect( srcTweakPlug, plugs[j] );
					dagMod.connect( dstTweakPlug, plugs[j] );
				// As destination, transfer destination to tweak node tweak
				srcTweakPlug.connectedTo( plugs, true, false );
				if( plugs.length() == 1 ) // There can only be one input connection
					dagMod.disconnect( plugs[0], srcTweakPlug );
					dagMod.connect( plugs[0], dstTweakPlug );
			else // Check children
				MPlug srcTweakChildPlug;
				MPlug dstTweakChildPlug;
				for( ci=0; ci < srcTweakPlug.numChildren(); ci++ )
					srcTweakChildPlug = srcTweakPlug.child(ci);
					dstTweakChildPlug = dstTweakPlug.child(ci);
					if( srcTweakChildPlug.isConnected() )
						// As souce, transfer source to tweak node tweak
						srcTweakChildPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
						for( j=0; j < plugs.length(); j++ )
							dagMod.disconnect( srcTweakChildPlug, plugs[j] );
							dagMod.connect( dstTweakChildPlug, plugs[j] );
						// As destination, transfer destination to tweak node tweak
						srcTweakChildPlug.connectedTo( plugs, true, false );
						if( plugs.length() == 1 ) // There can only be one input connection
							dagMod.disconnect( plugs[0], srcTweakChildPlug );
							dagMod.connect( plugs[0], dstTweakChildPlug );
			// With the tweak values and any connections now transferred to
			// the tweak node's tweak element, this source element can be reset
			dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "setAttr " ) + shapePath.fullPathName() + ".pnts[" + logicalIndex + "] 0 0 0" );									
			//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString(" tweak: ") + tweakIndices[i] + ": " + tweaks[i].x + ", " + tweaks[i].y + ", " + tweaks[i].z + "\n" );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #5
MStatus CmpMeshModifierCmd::doIt( const MDagPath &dagPath, const MTypeId &meshModType )
	MStatus stat;
	meshShapePath = dagPath;
	if( !meshShapePath.isValid() )
		displayError( "Invalid mesh shape path: " + meshShapePath.fullPathName() );
		return MS::kFailure;
	meshModifierNodeType = meshModType;
	// Get the current state of the history
	MFnDagNode origShapeNodeFn( meshShapePath );
	// Determine if the mesh has history
	MPlug inMeshOrigPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	hasHistory = inMeshOrigPlug.isConnected();
	// Determine if the mesh has tweaks
	hasInternalTweaks = false;
	MPlug tweaksPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	if( !tweaksPlug.isNull() )
		MObject obj;
		MPlug tweakPlug;
		MFloatVector tweak;
		unsigned int i;
		unsigned int nTweaks = tweaksPlug.numElements();
		for( i=0; i < nTweaks; i++ )
			tweakPlug = tweaksPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i, &stat );
			if( stat && !tweakPlug.isNull() )
				tweakPlug.getValue( obj );
				MFnNumericData numDataFn( obj );
				numDataFn.getData( tweak[0], tweak[1], tweak[2] );
				if( tweak[0] != 0.0f || tweak[1] != 0.0f || tweak[2] != 0.0f )
					hasInternalTweaks = true;
	int res;
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -query -toggle", res );
	genHistory = res != 0;
	//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("resulting: ") + hasHistory + " " + hasInternalTweaks + " " + genHistory + "\n" );
	// When there is no existing history
	// cache the mesh data for later undoing
	if( !hasHistory )
		MPlug meshPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( hasInternalTweaks ? "cachedInMesh" : "outMesh" );
		meshPlug.getValue( origMeshData );
	// Create the modifier node
	MObject modNode = dagMods[0].MDGModifier::createNode( meshModifierNodeType, &stat );
	// Create tweak node
	MObject tweakNode = dagMods[0].MDGModifier::createNode( "polyTweak", &stat );
	// Execute DAG modifier to ensure that the nodes actually exist
	// Check that the inMesh and outMesh attributes exist in the modifier node
	MFnDependencyNode nodeFn( modNode );
	if( nodeFn.attribute( "inMesh" ).isNull() || nodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" ).isNull() )
		displayError( "Invalid modifier node. It doesn't have inMesh and/or outMesh attributes" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Let the derived command class initialize the modifier node
	initModifierNode( modNode, dagMods[1] );
	MFnDependencyNode modNodeFn( modNode );
	// Get plug that is the start of the new stream
	MPlug newStreamInMeshPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	// Get the plug connecting into original shape's inMesh
	MPlugArray inPlugs;
	inMeshOrigPlug.connectedTo( inPlugs, true, false );
	MPlug oldStreamOutMeshPlug;
	// N.B. For meshes without construction history
	// there won't be incoming connection
	if( inPlugs.length() )
		oldStreamOutMeshPlug = inPlugs[0];		
		// Disconnect the connection into the mesh shape's inMesh attribute.
		// The outMesh of the modifier node will later connect into this.
		dagMods[1].disconnect( oldStreamOutMeshPlug, inMeshOrigPlug );
	if( hasInternalTweaks )
		// Transfer tweaks from the mesh shape to the tweak node
		transferTweaks( meshShapePath, tweakNode, dagMods[1] );
		MFnDependencyNode tweakNodeFn( tweakNode );
		newStreamInMeshPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "inputPolymesh" );
		// Connect output of tweak node into modifier node		
		MPlug inMeshModPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
		MPlug outMeshTweakPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "output" );
		dagMods[1].connect( outMeshTweakPlug, inMeshModPlug );

	copyTransform = MObject::kNullObj;
	// Generate history for shape that doesn't have one
	if( !hasHistory ) //&& genHistory )
		// Duplicate the mesh shape node
		copyTransform = origShapeNodeFn.duplicate();
		MFnDagNode copyTransformFn( copyTransform );
		MObject copyShapeNode = copyTransformFn.child(0);
		MFnDagNode copyShapeNodeFn( copyShapeNode );
		//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("copy: transform: ") + copyTransformFn.fullPathName() + " shape name: " + copyShapeNodeFn.fullPathName() + "\n" );
		// Set it to be an intermediate object
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( "setAttr " + copyShapeNodeFn.fullPathName() + ".intermediateObject true" );
		// Set output plug of old stream to be the outMesh of the duplicated shape
		oldStreamOutMeshPlug = copyShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh" );
		// Rename the duplicate
		dagMods[2].renameNode( copyShapeNode, copyShapeNodeFn.name() + "Orig" );
		// Reparent the shape
		MObject origTransform = meshShapePath.transform();
		dagMods[2].reparentNode( copyShapeNode, origTransform );
		// Remove the now orphaned transform
		// N.B. calling deleteNode( transformCopy ) causes the shape node to
		// also be deleted, even though it has been reparented to the original mesh.
		// As such, the MEL command "delete" was used instead.
		// The deleteNode() method does some
		// preparation work before it enqueues itself in the MDagModifier list
		// of operations, namely, it looks at it's parents and children and
		// deletes them as well if they are the only parent/child of the node
		// scheduled to be deleted.
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( "delete " + copyTransformFn.fullPathName() );
	if( !oldStreamOutMeshPlug.isNull() )
		// Connect output mesh of the previous stream the input of the new stream
		dagMods[2].connect( oldStreamOutMeshPlug, newStreamInMeshPlug );
	// Connect output of the mesh modifier node to the input of the original mesh shape
	MPlug outMeshModPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh" );
	dagMods[2].connect( outMeshModPlug, inMeshOrigPlug );
	if( !hasHistory && !genHistory )
		// Collapse the history
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( MString("delete -constructionHistory ") + meshShapePath.fullPathName() );
	return MS::kSuccess;