Пример #1
/** Executes the algorithm
 *@param localworkspace :: the input workspace
 *@param indices :: set of indices to sum up
void SumSpectra::execEvent(EventWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace,
                           std::set<int> &indices) {
  auto outputWorkspace = create<EventWorkspace>(*localworkspace, 1);

  Progress progress(this, 0, 1, indices.size());

  // Get the pointer to the output event list
  EventList &outEL = outputWorkspace->getSpectrum(0);

  const auto &spectrumInfo = localworkspace->spectrumInfo();
  // Loop over spectra
  size_t numSpectra(0);
  size_t numMasked(0);
  size_t numZeros(0);
  for (const auto i : indices) {
    // Don't go outside the range.
    if ((i >= m_numberOfSpectra) || (i < 0)) {
      g_log.error() << "Invalid index " << i
                    << " was specified. Sum was aborted.\n";

    if (spectrumInfo.hasDetectors(i)) {
      // Skip monitors, if the property is set to do so
      if (!m_keepMonitors && spectrumInfo.isMonitor(i))
      // Skip masked detectors
      if (spectrumInfo.isMasked(i)) {

    // Add the event lists with the operator
    const EventList &tOutEL = localworkspace->getSpectrum(i);
    if (tOutEL.empty()) {
    outEL += tOutEL;


  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumAllSpectra", int(numSpectra),
                                            "", true);
  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumMaskSpectra", int(numMasked),
                                            "", true);
  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumZeroSpectra", int(numZeros), "",

  // Assign it to the output workspace property
  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", std::move(outputWorkspace));
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	std::ofstream logFile("dump_log.txt");

	// output test spectra.
	double mioSpectraComparePerSecond;
	double mioSpectraAdaptionPerSecond;
	SpectraBaseHelpers::testSpectraPerformance( mioSpectraComparePerSecond, mioSpectraAdaptionPerSecond );

	Helpers::print( Helpers::numberToString<double>(mioSpectraComparePerSecond) +std::string(" million spectra compares per second.\n"), &logFile );
	Helpers::print( Helpers::numberToString<double>(mioSpectraAdaptionPerSecond) +std::string(" million spectra adaption per second.\n"), &logFile );


	Helpers::print("Welcome to SDSS Dump "+sstrSDSSVersionString+" !\n\n\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("Dump can do the following:\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("(1) Read SDSS spectra as FITS files from a given directory (and subdirectories) and dumps the data to a single binary file. Use -d\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("    DR12 spectra can be downloaded here: http://data.sdss3.org/sas/dr12/sdss/spectro/redux/26/spectra \n\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("(2) Generation of n sine test spectra with increasing frequency. Use -t\n\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("(3) Reads binary dump files and extracts text tables out of it. Use -i\n\n", &logFile);
	Helpers::print("(4) Uploads spectra from binary dump files to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator (AFA). Use -a\n\n", &logFile);

	std::string sstrDataDir = FileHelpers::getCurrentDirectory()+DATADIR;
	std::string sstrDumpFile = DUMPFILE;
	int sineTestSpectra = 0;
	unsigned int spectraFilter = SPT_DEFAULTFILTER;
	std::string sstrInputDumpFile("");
	std::string sstrAfaDumpFile("");
	std::string sstrSelectionListFilename("");

	try {  

		std::string sstrExamples("examples:\n");
		sstrExamples += std::string("Write FITS files to binary dump file: \n    dump.exe -d F:/SDSS_ANALYZE/fits/spectro/data/* -o allSpectra.bin -f 25 -s selectionlist.txt\n");
		sstrExamples += std::string("Write 1000 sine test spectra: \n    dump.exe -t 1000 -o allSpectra.bin\n");
		sstrExamples += std::string("Outputs a linear list of the network: \n    dump.exe -i sofmnet.bin\n");
		sstrExamples += std::string("Uploads spectra dump to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator (AFA) \n    dump.exe -a allSpectra.bin\n");

		TCLAP::CmdLine cmd(sstrExamples, ' ', sstrSDSSVersionString);

		std::string sstrFilterDesc = std::string("where <filter> is any added combination of:\n");
		sstrFilterDesc +=  std::string( "  SPEC_UNKNOWN =   2\n");
		sstrFilterDesc +=  std::string( "  SPEC_STAR    =   4\n");
		sstrFilterDesc +=  std::string( "  SPEC_GALAXY  =   8\n");
		sstrFilterDesc +=  std::string( "  SPEC_QSO     =   16\n");

		TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> dataDirArg("d", "datadir", "example: F:/SDSS_ANALYZE/fits/spectro/data/*", false, sstrDataDir, "datadir/*");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<unsigned int> sineTestArg("t", "sinetest", "generate n sine test spectra", false, 0, "Number of sine test spectra.");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> outputFilenameArg("o", "outputdumpfile", "example: allSpectra.bin", false, sstrDumpFile, "outputfilename.bin");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<unsigned int> filterArg("f", "filter", sstrFilterDesc, false, spectraFilter, "Dump only FITS files with the given filter type.");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> inputFilenameArg("i", "inputdumpfile", "example: sofmnet.bin. If input dump file is specified, then all other arguments are ignored. Outputs a linear list of the network.", false, sstrInputDumpFile, "Dumpfile for reverse reads.");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> selectionListFilenameArg("s", "selection", "Optional selection list of FITS files to dump a small subset of input spectra. File should contain plate-mjd-fiber pairs, e.g. 3586 55181 0001. First line in the file is the header and is ignored.", false, sstrSelectionListFilename, "selectionlist.txt");
		TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> afaFilenameArg("a", "afaupload", "example: allSpectra.bin. If afa upload is specified, then upload spectra dump to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator (AFA). All other arguments are ignored.", false, sstrAfaDumpFile, "Dumpfile for AFA upload.");

		cmd.add( dataDirArg );
		cmd.add( outputFilenameArg );
		cmd.add( sineTestArg );
		cmd.add( filterArg );
		cmd.add( inputFilenameArg );
		cmd.add( selectionListFilenameArg );
		cmd.add( afaFilenameArg );

		cmd.parse( argc, argv );

		sstrDataDir					= dataDirArg.getValue();
		sstrDumpFile				= outputFilenameArg.getValue();
		sineTestSpectra				= sineTestArg.getValue();
		spectraFilter				= filterArg.getValue();
		sstrInputDumpFile			= inputFilenameArg.getValue();
		sstrAfaDumpFile				= afaFilenameArg.getValue();
		sstrSelectionListFilename	= selectionListFilenameArg.getValue();
	catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e)  
		Helpers::print( "error: "+e.error()+" for argument "+e.argId()+"\n", &logFile );

	const bool bExtractFilenames = !sstrInputDumpFile.empty();
	const bool bAfaUpload = !sstrAfaDumpFile.empty();

	if ( sineTestSpectra > 0 )
		// generate sine test spectra.
		Helpers::print( "Generating : "+Helpers::numberToString<int>(sineTestSpectra)+" sine test spectra.\n", &logFile );
		Helpers::print( "dumpfile: "+sstrInputDumpFile+"\n", &logFile );
		SpectraVFS::write( sineTestSpectra, 0.0f, sstrDumpFile );
		Helpers::print( "fin.\n", &logFile );
		return 0;
	else if ( bExtractFilenames )
		// extract FITS filenames from a given binary dump.
		Helpers::print( "Filename extraction from dumpfile with following parameters:\n", &logFile);
		Helpers::print( "dumpfile: "+sstrInputDumpFile+"\n", &logFile );

		SpectraVFS vfs(sstrInputDumpFile, true);

		size_t numSpectra( vfs.getNumSpectra() );

		if ( numSpectra == 0)
			return 1;

		std::string sstrOutFileName(FileHelpers::getFileNameMinusExtension(sstrDumpFile));
		sstrOutFileName += ".txt";

		std::ofstream fon(sstrOutFileName.c_str());

		for (size_t i=0;i<numSpectra;i++)
			Spectra *a = vfs.beginRead(i);
			fon << a->getFileName() + std::string("\n");			
		Helpers::print( "fin.\n", &logFile );
		return 0;
	else if ( bAfaUpload )
		// upload spectra dump file to AFA 

		Helpers::print( "Uploading spectra to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator (AFA) with following parameters:\n", &logFile);
		Helpers::print( "dumpfile: "+sstrAfaDumpFile+"\n", &logFile );

		SpectraVFS vfs(sstrAfaDumpFile, true);
		size_t numSpectra( vfs.getNumSpectra() );

		if ( numSpectra == 0)
			return 1;

		AfaConnector afaConnector;

		if ( !afaConnector.isAFADeviceAvailable() )
			Helpers::print( "Could not find ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator:\n", &logFile );
			Helpers::print( afaConnector.getErrorMsg()+"\n", &logFile );
			return 1;

		if ( !afaConnector.writeSpectra(vfs) )
			Helpers::print( "Error transferring data to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator:\n", &logFile );
			Helpers::print( afaConnector.getErrorMsg(), &logFile );
			return 1;
		Helpers::print( "Finished transfer of "+ Helpers::numberToString<int>(numSpectra) +" spectra to ASPECT-FPGA-Accelerator.\n", &logFile );
		return 0;
		// load spectra and pack all necessary information into a single binary file.

		Helpers::print( "Creating binary dump with following parameters:\n", &logFile);
		Helpers::print( "datadir: "+sstrDataDir+"\n", &logFile );
		Helpers::print( "dumpfile: "+sstrDumpFile+"\n", &logFile );
		Helpers::print( "filter: "+Spectra::spectraFilterToString(spectraFilter)+"\n", &logFile );
		Helpers::print( "selectionlist: "+sstrSelectionListFilename+"\n", &logFile );
		Helpers::print( "each spectrum contains " + Helpers::numberToString<size_t>(sizeof(Spectra)) + " bytes.\n\n", &logFile );

		std::set<std::string> FITSFilenameSet;
		if ( !sstrSelectionListFilename.empty() )
			bool bSuccess = SpectraHelpers::readSelectionList(sstrSelectionListFilename, FITSFilenameSet);

			if ( !bSuccess || FITSFilenameSet.empty() )
				Helpers::print( "Selection list not found or empty.\n", &logFile );

		Helpers::print( "starting dump...\n", &logFile );
		size_t writtenSpectra = SpectraVFS::write( sstrDataDir, sstrDumpFile, spectraFilter, &logFile, &FITSFilenameSet );
		Helpers::print( "...finished writing "+ Helpers::numberToString<size_t>(writtenSpectra) +" spectra.\n", &logFile );

	return 0;
Пример #3
/** Executes the algorithm
 *@param localworkspace :: the input workspace
 *@param indices :: set of indices to sum up
void SumSpectra::execEvent(EventWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace,
                           std::set<int> &indices) {
  // Make a brand new EventWorkspace
  EventWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace =
          API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("EventWorkspace", 1, 2, 1));
  // Copy geometry over.
                                                         outputWorkspace, true);

  Progress progress(this, 0, 1, indices.size());

  // Get the pointer to the output event list
  EventList &outEL = outputWorkspace->getEventList(0);

  // Loop over spectra
  std::set<int>::iterator it;
  size_t numSpectra(0);
  size_t numMasked(0);
  size_t numZeros(0);
  // for (int i = m_minSpec; i <= m_maxSpec; ++i)
  for (it = indices.begin(); it != indices.end(); ++it) {
    int i = *it;
    // Don't go outside the range.
    if ((i >= m_numberOfSpectra) || (i < 0)) {
      g_log.error() << "Invalid index " << i
                    << " was specified. Sum was aborted.\n";

    try {
      // Get the detector object for this spectrum
      Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = localworkspace->getDetector(i);
      // Skip monitors, if the property is set to do so
      if (!m_keepMonitors && det->isMonitor())
      // Skip masked detectors
      if (det->isMasked()) {
    } catch (...) {
      // if the detector not found just carry on

    // Add the event lists with the operator
    const EventList &tOutEL = localworkspace->getEventList(i);
    if (tOutEL.empty()) {
    outEL += tOutEL;


  // Set all X bins on the output
  cow_ptr<MantidVec> XValues;
  XValues.access() = localworkspace->readX(0);

  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumAllSpectra", int(numSpectra),
                                            "", true);
  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumMaskSpectra", int(numMasked),
                                            "", true);
  outputWorkspace->mutableRun().addProperty("NumZeroSpectra", int(numZeros), "",

  // Assign it to the output workspace property
Пример #4
/** Executes the algorithm
void SumSpectra::exec()
  // Try and retrieve the optional properties
  m_MinSpec = getProperty("StartWorkspaceIndex");
  m_MaxSpec = getProperty("EndWorkspaceIndex");
  const std::vector<int> indices_list = getProperty("ListOfWorkspaceIndices");

  keepMonitors = getProperty("IncludeMonitors");

  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  numberOfSpectra = static_cast<int>(localworkspace->getNumberHistograms());
  this->yLength = static_cast<int>(localworkspace->blocksize());

  // Check 'StartSpectrum' is in range 0-numberOfSpectra
  if ( m_MinSpec > numberOfSpectra )
    g_log.warning("StartWorkspaceIndex out of range! Set to 0.");
    m_MinSpec = 0;

  if (indices_list.empty())
    //If no list was given and no max, just do all.
    if ( isEmpty(m_MaxSpec) ) m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra-1;

  //Something for m_MaxSpec was given but it is out of range?
  if (!isEmpty(m_MaxSpec) && ( m_MaxSpec > numberOfSpectra-1 || m_MaxSpec < m_MinSpec ))
    g_log.warning("EndWorkspaceIndex out of range! Set to max Workspace Index");
    m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra;

  //Make the set of indices to sum up from the list
  this->indices.insert(indices_list.begin(), indices_list.end());

  //And add the range too, if any
  if (!isEmpty(m_MaxSpec))
    for (int i = m_MinSpec; i <= m_MaxSpec; i++)

  //determine the output spectrum id
  m_outSpecId = this->getOutputSpecId(localworkspace);
  g_log.information() << "Spectra remapping gives single spectra with spectra number: "
                      << m_outSpecId << "\n";

  m_CalculateWeightedSum = getProperty("WeightedSum");

  EventWorkspace_const_sptr eventW = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(localworkspace);
  if (eventW)
    m_CalculateWeightedSum = false;
    this->execEvent(eventW, this->indices);
    //-------Workspace 2D mode -----

    // Create the 2D workspace for the output
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(localworkspace,
    size_t numSpectra(0); // total number of processed spectra
    size_t numMasked(0);  // total number of the masked and skipped spectra
    size_t numZeros(0);   // number of spectra which have 0 value in the first column (used in special cases of evaluating how good Puasonian statistics is)
    Progress progress(this, 0, 1, this->indices.size());

    // This is the (only) output spectrum
    ISpectrum * outSpec = outputWorkspace->getSpectrum(0);

    // Copy over the bin boundaries
    outSpec->dataX() = localworkspace->readX(0);

    //Build a new spectra map

    if (localworkspace->id() == "RebinnedOutput")
      this->doRebinnedOutput(outputWorkspace, progress,numSpectra,numMasked,numZeros);
      this->doWorkspace2D(localworkspace, outSpec, progress,numSpectra,numMasked,numZeros);

    // Pointer to sqrt function
    MantidVec& YError = outSpec->dataE();
    typedef double (*uf)(double);
    uf rs=std::sqrt;
    //take the square root of all the accumulated squared errors - Assumes Gaussian errors
    std::transform(YError.begin(), YError.end(), YError.begin(), rs);

    // set up the summing statistics

    // Assign it to the output workspace property
    setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWorkspace);

Пример #5
    * Reads the data from the file. It is assumed that the provided file stream has its position
    * set such that the first call to getline will be give the first line of data
    * @param file :: A reference to a file stream
    * @returns A pointer to a new workspace
    API::Workspace_sptr LoadAscii::readData(std::ifstream & file) const
      // Get the first line and find the number of spectra from the number of columns
      std::string line;

      std::list<std::string> columns;
      const int numCols = splitIntoColumns(columns, line);
      if( numCols < 2 ) 
        g_log.error() << "Invalid data format found in file \"" << getPropertyValue("Filename") << "\"\n";
        throw std::runtime_error("Invalid data format. Fewer than 2 columns found.");
      size_t numSpectra(0);
      bool haveErrors(false);
      bool haveXErrors(false);
      // Assume single data set with no errors
      if( numCols == 2 )
        numSpectra = numCols/2;
      // Data with errors
      else if( (numCols-1) % 2 == 0 )
        numSpectra = (numCols - 1)/2;
        haveErrors = true;
      // Data with errors on both X and Y (4-column file)
      else if( numCols == 4 )
        numSpectra = 1;
        haveErrors = true;
        haveXErrors = true;
        g_log.error() << "Invalid data format found in file \"" << getPropertyValue("Filename") << "\"\n";
        g_log.error() << "LoadAscii requires the number of columns to be an even multiple of either 2 or 3.";
        throw std::runtime_error("Invalid data format.");

      // A quick check at the number of lines won't be accurate enough as potentially there
      // could be blank lines and comment lines
      int numBins(0), lineNo(0);
      std::vector<DataObjects::Histogram1D> spectra(numSpectra);
      std::vector<double> values(numCols, 0.);
        if( this->skipLine(line) ) continue;
        int lineCols = this->splitIntoColumns(columns, line); 
        if( lineCols != numCols )
          std::ostringstream ostr;
          ostr << "Number of columns changed at line " << lineNo;
          throw std::runtime_error(ostr.str());

          fillInputValues(values, columns); //ignores nans and replaces them with 0
          g_log.error() << "Invalid value on line " << lineNo << " of \""
            << getPropertyValue("Filename") << "\"\n";
          throw std::runtime_error("Invalid value encountered.");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < numSpectra; ++i)
          if( haveErrors )
          if( haveXErrors )
            // Note: we only have X errors with 4-column files.
            // We are only here when i=0.

      MatrixWorkspace_sptr localWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>
        localWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create(getProperty("Unit"));
      catch (Exception::NotFoundError&) 
        // Asked for dimensionless workspace (obviously not in unit factory)

      for (size_t i = 0; i < numSpectra; ++i)
        localWorkspace->dataX(i) = spectra[i].dataX();
        localWorkspace->dataY(i) = spectra[i].dataY();
        localWorkspace->dataE(i) = spectra[i].dataE();
        // Just have spectrum number start at 1 and count up
        localWorkspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(i) = static_cast<specid_t>(i+1);
      return localWorkspace;