Пример #1
String* String::resize_capacity(STATE, Fixnum* count) {
    native_int sz = count->to_native();

    if(sz < 0) {
        Exception::argument_error(state, "negative byte array size");
    } else if(sz >= INT32_MAX) {
        // >= is used deliberately because we use a size of + 1
        // for the byte array
        Exception::argument_error(state, "too large byte array size");

    CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, sz + 1);
    native_int copy_size = sz;
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();

    // Check that we don't copy any data outside the existing byte array
    if(unlikely(copy_size > data_size)) {
        copy_size = data_size;
    memcpy(ba->raw_bytes(), byte_address(), copy_size);

    // We've unshared
    shared(state, Qfalse);
    data(state, ba);
    hash_value(state, nil<Fixnum>());

    // If we shrunk it and num_bytes said there was more than there
    // is, clamp it.
    if(num_bytes()->to_native() > sz) {
        num_bytes(state, count);

    return this;
// Allocates a bit buffer from pooled memory
// Updates size
PkPooledRawBitSetArray::buffer_type PkPooledRawBitSetArray::allocate_bit_buffer()
	// Allocate a new buffer from our pool allocator
	byte_type* const p_buffer = (byte_type*) get_pool_alloc().malloc();
	PkAssert( NULL != p_buffer );

	// Determine if it's contiguous with our current chunk
	if ( is_contiguous_byte_buffer( p_buffer ) )
		// Assert that this is a pooled chunk
		PkAssert( get_pool_alloc().is_from( get_chunks().back().first ) );
		// Assert that parallel arrays are same size
		PkAssert( m_owned_chunks_mask.size() == num_chunks() );
		// Assert that we don't own this chunk
		PkAssert( !is_owned_chunk( num_chunks()-1 ) );
		// Update current contiguous chunk
		get_chunks().back().second += num_bytes();
		// Start a new contiguous chunk
		get_chunks().push_back( PkPooledRawBitSetChunkInfo( p_buffer, num_bytes() ) );
		// This chunk is owned by the pool; therefore, we don't have to free it explicitly
		m_owned_chunks_mask.push_back( false );
		// Assert that parallel arrays are the same size
		PkAssert(  m_owned_chunks_mask.size() == num_chunks() );

	// Keep track of how many bit buffers are in this collection

	// Return allocated buffer
	return (buffer_type) p_buffer;
Пример #3
static void* cpy_value(void* value, size_t type)
	// allocate
	void* cpy = malloc(num_bytes(type));

		fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in `cpy_value`\n");

	memcpy(cpy, value, num_bytes(type));
	return cpy;
Пример #4
  String* String::append(STATE, const char* other, std::size_t length) {
    size_t new_size = size() + length;
    size_t capacity = data_->size();

    if(capacity < (new_size + 1)) {
      // capacity needs one extra byte of room for the trailing null
      do {
        // @todo growth should be more intelligent than doubling
        capacity *= 2;
      } while(capacity < (new_size + 1));

      // No need to call unshare and duplicate a ByteArray
      // just to throw it away.
      if(shared_ == Qtrue) shared(state, Qfalse);

      ByteArray *ba = ByteArray::create(state, capacity);
      std::memcpy(ba->bytes, data_->bytes, size());
      data(state, ba);
    } else {
      if(shared_ == Qtrue) unshare(state);

    // Append on top of the null byte at the end of s1, not after it
    std::memcpy(data_->bytes + size(), other, length);

    // The 0-based index of the last character is new_size - 1
    data_->bytes[new_size] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Integer::from(state, new_size));
    hash_value(state, (Integer*)Qnil);

    return this;
Пример #5
String* String::string_dup(STATE) {
    Module* mod = klass_;
    Class*  cls = try_as_instance<Class>(mod);

    if(unlikely(!cls)) {
        while(!cls) {
            mod = mod->superclass();

            if(mod->nil_p()) rubinius::bug("Object::class_object() failed to find a class");

            cls = try_as_instance<Class>(mod);

    String* so = state->new_object<String>(cls);


    so->num_bytes(state, num_bytes());
    so->data(state, data());
    so->hash_value(state, hash_value());

    so->shared(state, Qtrue);
    shared(state, Qtrue);

    return so;
Пример #6
      void num_bytes(T state, Fixnum* obj) {

        if(type_specific() == eRString) {
// Removes last element from pooled array
void PkPooledRawBitSetArray::pop_back()
	// Assert we have elements to pop
	PkAssert( !empty() );
	// Assert that our byte offset indicates we have elements as well
	PkAssert( get_chunks().back().second >= num_bytes() );
	// Assert that byte offset is proper multiple of number of blocks to represent a bit set
	PkAssert( byte_offset_is_proper_multiple( get_chunks().back().second ) );
	// If last element is from pooled chunk, then release it back to pool
	if ( !is_owned_chunk( num_chunks()-1 ) )
		get_pool_alloc().free( get_back_bit_buffer() );
	// If chunk now has zero elements, remove the chunk
	if ( 0 == ( get_chunks().back().second -= num_bytes() ) ) 
	// Update our size
	// Assert that we are empty or new back chunk has elements
	PkAssert( empty() || (get_chunks().back().second >= num_bytes()) );
Пример #8
Fixnum* String::tr_replace(STATE, struct tr_data* tr_data) {
    if(tr_data->last + 1 > (native_int)size() || shared_->true_p()) {
        CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, tr_data->last + 1);

        data(state, ba);
        shared(state, Qfalse);

    memcpy(byte_address(), tr_data->tr, tr_data->last);
    byte_address()[tr_data->last] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Fixnum::from(tr_data->last));

    return Fixnum::from(tr_data->steps);
Пример #9
  Fixnum* String::tr_replace(STATE, struct tr_data* tr_data) {
    if(tr_data->last > (native_int)size() || shared_->true_p()) {
      ByteArray* ba = ByteArray::create(state, tr_data->last + 1);

      data(state, ba);
      shared(state, Qfalse);

    std::memcpy(data_->bytes, tr_data->tr, tr_data->last);
    data_->bytes[tr_data->last] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Fixnum::from(tr_data->last));
    characters(state, num_bytes_);

    return Fixnum::from(tr_data->steps);
Пример #10
String* String::append(STATE, const char* other, native_int length) {
    native_int current_size = size();
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();

    // Clamp the string size the maximum underlying byte array size
    if(unlikely(current_size > data_size)) {
        current_size = data_size;

    native_int new_size = current_size + length;
    native_int capacity = data_size;

    if(capacity < new_size + 1) {
        // capacity needs one extra byte of room for the trailing null
        do {
            // @todo growth should be more intelligent than doubling
            capacity *= 2;
        } while(capacity < new_size + 1);

        // No need to call unshare and duplicate a CharArray
        // just to throw it away.
        if(shared_ == Qtrue) shared(state, Qfalse);

        CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, capacity);
        memcpy(ba->raw_bytes(), byte_address(), current_size);
        data(state, ba);
    } else {
        if(shared_ == Qtrue) unshare(state);

    // Append on top of the null byte at the end of s1, not after it
    memcpy(byte_address() + current_size, other, length);

    // The 0-based index of the last character is new_size - 1
    byte_address()[new_size] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Fixnum::from(new_size));
    hash_value(state, nil<Fixnum>());

    return this;
Пример #11
Object* String::secure_compare(STATE, String* other) {
    native_int s1 = num_bytes()->to_native();
    native_int s2 = other->num_bytes()->to_native();
    native_int d1 = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();
    native_int d2 = as<CharArray>(other->data_)->size();

    if(unlikely(s1 > d1)) {
        s1 = d1;

    if(unlikely(s2 > d2)) {
        s2 = d2;

    native_int max = (s2 > s1) ? s2 : s1;

    uint8_t* p1 = byte_address();
    uint8_t* p2 = other->byte_address();

    uint8_t* p1max = p1 + s1;
    uint8_t* p2max = p2 + s2;

    uint8_t sum = 0;

    for(native_int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        uint8_t* c1 = p1 + i;
        uint8_t* c2 = p2 + i;

        uint8_t b1 = (c1 >= p1max) ? 0 : *c1;
        uint8_t b2 = (c2 >= p2max) ? 0 : *c2;

        sum |= (b1 ^ b2);

    return (sum == 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
Пример #12
 void num_bytes(T state, Fixnum* obj) {
Пример #13
 // Returns the number of bytes this String contains
 native_int byte_size() const {
   return num_bytes()->to_native();
Пример #14
fixed_bit_vector_manager::fill1(fixed_bit_vector& bv) const {
    memset(bv.m_data, 0xFF, num_bytes());
    return bv;
Пример #15
void fixed_bit_vector_manager::copy(fixed_bit_vector& dst, fixed_bit_vector const& src) const {
    memcpy(dst.m_data, src.m_data, num_bytes());